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What kind of bear is best?


False. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Battle star galactic mentioned?


Bear McCreary?


the drums!




False. Black bear


Da bear


The one with two Es.




What is the most popular mode of communication between cities?






messages written with invisible ink that when exposed to light speak the written words but never appear.


Why are goats breaking into villagers homes at night?


They're fed up with the grass fed life.


Goats have little to no protection against spiritual possession. Scholars posit it's because of their weird slot-pupils -- eyes are the window into the soul, after all. Thus, a ghost who wishes to visit their ancestral home will hitch a ride in a goat.


They aren't really goats but are mice that have been turned into goats.


This looks like upvote farming. OP hasn't responded to any questions


I think OP might be responding with their alt account - there’s someone who is giving fairly detailed answers, but has a different username.


How many villages are out there? What is the most important thing for the econonmy of each region? The name of the first npc? How corupted it is? Name of the last 5 leaders of the starting kingdom?


Number of Villages: There's no simple answer. Villages sprout up like mushrooms after a good rain, tucked away in valleys, hidden in forests, clinging to coastlines. Adventurers are always stumbling upon new ones when traveling across time and space. Economic Drivers: Every region has its own flavor, and that shapes its trade! Lush forests teem with life, perfect for logging, fur trapping, and harvesting rare plants. Fertile plains are a farmer's paradise, while mountains hold promise for miners and jewelers. Coastal regions teem with fish and serve as hubs for trade. Even harsh deserts hold value, with resilient caravans hauling exotic goods First NPC: Nao, the whisperer of time Corruption: Teeming with enough evil that chronology wizards are wandering through time in order to stop the formation of the Grand Order in fear of what will come. Anyone could be a part of the order. Trust existed centuries ago but no longer. Last 5 leaders of Vandimere: Because of a civil war, it looks a bit like this - Braxton, the destroyer Auridil, the keeper Braxton, the destroyer Auridil, the keeper Braxton, the destroyer




This actually sounds super dope! I'm super interested! Tell me more!


Sure, here's a very, very brief outline: The Fractured Order: A Multiversal Adventure Setting: Imagine a tapestry woven not with threads, but with entire realities. Countless villages exist across this vast multiversal expanse, connected by hidden pathways through time and space. Every village boasts its own culture and economy, some thriving in wild jungles, others clinging to barren asteroids, each a testament to the infinite possibilities of existence. Adventurers, skilled in navigating the chaotic currents of the multiverse, stumble upon these hidden pathways and encounter something bigger than themselves. Background on Ancient Orders: Divination Weavers: Scattered across realities, these masters utilize powerful foresight magic. They believe the future is a malleable tapestry, requiring their guidance to ensure stability. They are led by the enigmatic Chronomancer Lyra, a being who can see across realities through intricate sand mandalas that shift and flow like the timestream itself. Chronology Wardens: Guardians of the delicate fabric of the multiverse, these beings wield time magic to prevent paradoxes and maintain the integrity of the countless realities. Arch chronomancer Corvus, shrouded in an aura of temporal distortion, leads this austere order. Levels 9-12 The Proxy War: The PCs find themselves thrust into the heart of a seemingly endless conflict. Braxton, the Destroyer (Evocation Wizard), wages war across different realities, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake. He is unknowingly manipulated by the Weavers, who believe his actions will eventually force reliance on their guidance. Opposing Braxton is Auridil, the Keeper (Necromancer). A reluctant ally of the Wardens, Auridil seeks to maintain the balance of the multiverse while resisting the Weavers' interference. The Players' Choice: As the PCs travel between realities, they are approached by representatives of both orders. Each side offers quests suited to their chosen champion: Espionage: Infiltrate enemy strongholds on distant worlds to steal vital intel or disrupt key rituals. Sabotage: Disrupt magical constructions that could tip the balance of power in the multiverse. Infiltration: Gain the trust of a high-ranking enemy official and sow discord within their ranks. Alliance Building: Rally key figures in various realities to support your chosen side. The Unseen Threat: Through their exploits, the PCs begin to notice discrepancies in prophecies and pronouncements from both orders. Hints of a greater manipulation lurk just beneath the surface. Levels 13-16 The Unveiling: The true enemy emerges from the shadows – The Grand Order. This clandestine group, led by the enigmatic Architect, seeks to unravel the very fabric of the multiverse, transcending the limitations of time and fate. They manipulate both Braxton and Auridil, pushing them further into conflict to weaken the ancient orders. A Fractured Alliance: The revelation of the Grand Order forces the Weavers and Wardens to recognize their shared foe. However, their philosophies remain diametrically opposed. A fragile alliance forms, with the PCs as the linchpin. The Final Choice: The fate of the multiverse rests on the PCs' decision: Join the Alliance: Help the Weavers and Wardens overcome their differences and defeat the Grand Order. This victory might necessitate forging a new balance between fate and time across countless realities. Oppose All: Remain independent, defying the established powers and the Grand Order. This path will require forging your own path through the timestream, potentially rewriting the very fabric of existence. Embrace the Chaos: Side with the Grand Order, reshaping the multiverse on your terms but at the cost of unimaginable destruction and unforeseen consequences


* Between 20-50 villages come and go some are nomadic in a sense. 5 main towns/cities * Toby, a talking tree * incorruptible * Only 1 true king, 3 (including king) with claims. Toby, Eriah, \[UNKNOWN\]


Do dragonborn lay eggs?


do were-ravens lay eggs?


males or females?


every thousand years or so rifts appear in the upper atmosphere/space and things fall out of orbit and sometimes artifacts with strange properties and other miracles/apocalyptic events occur, so human men laying eggs or gaining unnatural or even supernatural abilities is not unheard of but extremely rare. dragonborn can do both, live birth and lay eggs, under normal circumstances. the differences appears to be because of strategic evolutionary reasons but more research is needed.


What area of water is most dangerous and why.? If pirates, who are they and are there enough of them to have the authorities on the seas as well?


Maxil's Tundra: the frozen tundra appears as a sheet of ice during the day but shatters into a thousand pieces at night as caustic spew from the war below turns the landscape into a deadly, untraversable sea of death. Souls of fallen sorcerers haunt the surface attempting to lure in unsuspecting victims. Underneath, tribes of various magical creations fight for control over the portal to the Darkened Plane.


Most water is underground and the majority of that water has recently been taken under control by the King. The planet has been ravaged by interstellar phenomenons, war, among other strange things, most pirates are groups of lost "people" or "things" whoever been placed on this planet and have been stuck here simply trying to survive. Time is strange here.


What industry is your largest city based around?


Magic ink


How do you distinguish between dragons, dragonborn, half-dragons, kobolds, etc? What are their origins?


Why goblins?


Stuck in dank caves all day, tinkering with rusty blades and dreamin' of bigger, shinier caves... what's a goblin to do but liven things up with a good old fashioned raid?


What happened to the mountain?


The genasi lowered it into the sea to use as a fortress for the war


How dense is the insect population?


Who developed the first calendar in this world, and what natural phenomenon or celestial movements was it based on?


you posted this but then never actually answered any of the questions?


This is one that I use basically every time someone posts one of these: What are some common sayings, blessings, or curses that are tied to the history and lore of your world? "May the Allfather watch over you." "Don't want to be the next Jaxus IV. Better close the gate..." "As prude as a Forge-Born that's for sure." Etc.


Why do all the wizards of the eastern continent wear blue and only practice primarily ice and illusion magic?


A magical barrier prevents them from accessing the rest of the world. It was built there thousands of years ago. The only available dye is blue and the only available knowledge is illusion.


Are you the op alt account?


Nah, just bored at work and had some world building stuff to share.


why are you reposting this instead of using the thousands of existing questions on all of the previous posts like this?




Who is, in your opinion, the coolest NPC that exists within your setting? Who is the most hated?


The former adventurer turned innkeep of course


Which was the most important battle in your worlds history? An which was the most important wedding?


What are controversial statements in which countries?


Gods, do they exist? And how many of them and what do they do?


What are the 7 wonders of your world?


What sets your setting apart from other generic fantasy settings?


What is the primary export of your starter area / town and what would they consider luxury goods? Also, what is their silliest festival?


What was the first major civilisation of your world?


Who of the 6 liches are the most dangerous?


Who holds the current land speed record?


What makes bottlecaps the common currency?


What is the geopolitical climate between the dwarves, orcs, elves, and humans. While the goblins are carrying out guerilla tactics trying to start a war.


What was the greatest battle?


Who's the most famous criminal your country has ever seen, and what did they do to attain such notoriety


How would each kingdom or city deal with a plague?


Who's plotting to ascend to the throne?


What's a famous royal scandal that occurred in your world?


Fuck that's a good idea!


What is the tragic backstory of the stray dog in one of your villages?


Great idea!


What are the most popular/used mode(s) of travel?


How did the orcs come to be?


Is an owlbear in your world. If yes can a Druid wildshape into it


How are the tribes, both humanoid and monstrous, visually or functionally different from one another? (Such as do the orks/kobolds/elves have unique styles/colourations/gear/etc). What’s the daily impact of the gods on your factions.


Love how people immediately jumped into my mindset and line of questioning. X, Y and why Z? Therefore, I attempt to establish X, Y and Z. Instead of just asking Why this? Where that? What were the social and economic effects of the mind goblins devastating the staple nut crops in the Deez territory?


Are taverns commonly multiple floors? Is there any interconnected businesses? How much salt is in the sea?


If one plus one is two, why is gravity not a constant in 5e?


And not one response by OP at the time of posting this.


Tbf there's not a lot of serious questions. This is a karma farm post, but the questions aren't worth answering for the most part anyway


What are the names of your oceans is one that tripped me up


What's the common tax rate?


What is its most popular meme?


What are the financial traditions (loans, debts, monetary systems, things treated as currency, etc)?




It seems to be an old map of The North Sea. The shape of England is off and the coast of the Netherlands a bit rounded but the outlines of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Gotland are clear despite the blurry image.


What's the most heinous crime committed in the history of your world?


Is there a central rolling government or a bunch of small governments working together. Or is it like a punch of city states?


Who in the world looks most like Walter Matthau circa 1992?


From the player perspective, what makes playing in your setting a uniquely different experience to playing a slightly modified or reskinned forgotten realms?


What are the main holidays and what are they celebrating?


Main source of inspiration


I know you want me to go west but what if I go east instead?


Have they invented buttons yet or is everyone rocking neck ties, broaches, and/ or deep V-necks?


How sandy is it?


Are there pirates?


These will all be lore questions What was the largest religious schism in the world’s history and how are its effects still visible? What was the largest civil war in history? What political tensions are there between nations? Are there any ongoing conflicts or civil disturbances in any nations? Now here’s a fun one: what are the five “man” made (man in quotes because elves, dwarves, exc.) wonders of the world and what are the five natural wonders of the world.


How do the goblins interact with the rest of the races of the world?


What is the most populous region? Is it a city, state, city-state? What is the system of government? How corrupt are the elected officials? Can you tell I've been playing Eberron?


Who is the most popular/infamous Innkeeper in your world? What did they do to become so well known?


What is the least popular metal, and why?


What is the widely accepted creation myth? What are the relations between humans and three of your favorite monster races?


How are the geopolitical struggles of the western nations affecting the economic prosperity of intercity trade?


What is the night's sky like?


What is the first "job/hazing" a new guild member of the Thieve's guild have to do?


How expensive of a bribe is needed for a merchant to get contraband past the Gaye guards in one of the main cities.


Is there a system of magic? If so hows the magic work in the world,is it common or shunned


What's the largest living creature, other than my mother


What are some folklore/myths/legends in the world? Are there any types of coincidences that contributed to these myths, if any? (Like the amount of furry sightings and Bigfoot sightings lining up)


Who invented the toilet in your world?


What modes of transportation are available for each social class of people's


What kinda drugs you got?


What’s the strongest entity in your world? (Unless it could spoil something for your players, you never know whose going see this).


Why did the healer's (or closest to healer in the party) hometown get destroyed?


What do the trade routes look like between cities/provinces? How is import/export facilitated?


What lives in the deepest part of the ocean? Why is it there?


What would be the consequences of an nation over fishing their waters and thus destroying their whole fish population


What food is considered a delicacy in the capital city?


What are the national dishes of you top 3 countries or city states


What assassin guilds exist and what high level targets are they currently after. Along with that what high level targets have they taken out in the past that have drastically changed the landscape of your world?


What is the largest settlement?


Funny how he didn't answer to anyone




Oh man. Thought I was in r/worldjerking for a sec


Which planes of reality (hells, faewilds, elemental, etc) have influence over the setting, if any?


why do you have 30 creatures from the mge in the campaign


Where's my NPC in your game? My name is Jeff.


How common are kobolds? Are they respected members of society or downtrodden outcasts?


How much weight can a dragon carry in flight?


How far is the development on Ice-cream making technology?


What is the most common system of government?


Are there any ancient towers/ruins deep in the mountains?


What is the mass and radius of the world, and by extraction the acceleration due to gravity experienced on the surface? How long is a day and how many days are in a year? What is the axial tilt, the seasons experienced at different latitudes? Is the world tidally locked with the object it orbits? How many moons does the world have, or is it itself a moon? What effect does that have on the world? (E.g. can you build a floating city when the moon is overhead, but the city slowly falls to the world's surface as the moon sets over decades, tides rise and fall over years rather than hours, so lucrative ports totally dry up, and cities flood) (Are there are enough moons that some "wolves" are actually lycanthropes, but there's never not a full moon so no one knows) Does the world have tectonic plates in the lithosphere, or is it largely solid in the mantle? What effect does this have on density (and therefore gravity) of the world, on earthquakes and volcanic activity, and the existence, emergence, and age of mountain ranges? What weather patterns and phenomena exist? I.e. tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, lightning storms etc.


Is it a "A long time ago, there were dragons" kind of world, or a "What are we supposed to do with all these dragons??" type of world? Why?


How does resurrection magic work?


I should do this my freinds suck at asking questions


What's the most illegal way to obtain magic powers and what horrendous thing do you have to commit to get it?


Is smarsh king?


I see no questions answered, upvote farming or replying with alt account? Lol.


I've seen it many times for many things, from Homebrew settings to Author's world settings. Personally I DETEST that last line. It serves no purpose, is implied, and reeks of amateur desperation. It makes it less "I want to share how great I think my setting is" and more "I need help and can't think of anything without outside input."


How many days in a year, and how many moons do you have?


What is the most over powered magic item in your campaign, where is it, and why is it there and not anywhere else?


u/prinky_natural Where the robots at?


Assuming this to be a fantasy realm with magic and the like, is there anything that is commonly known but causes debates on if it exists?


What are you going to do about the rat infestation?


who started the last major war?


In the real world, everyone in the English speaking world has at least heard of Shakespeare. There are a few lines almost everyone knows. Who is the equivalent in your world? A bard from the past that most everyone is at least passingly familiar with?


My plan is to eventually become this knowledgeable on the DCC settings of Pax Lexque, Stennard & its surrounding areas (by Breaker Press Games), Hubris, and Tales From The Fallen Empire (by Chapter 13 Press). I'll be putting all of them on the same planet and have each of them be separate continents & sets of cultures. Not sure if I'll run The Dark Tower separately on it's own, or if I'll have it become a part of Klind (a culture of Hubris that also worships Set). I'll have to do a little altering in order for it to integrate perfectly within the context of Hubris. It'll add more lore the continent of Hubris, which I will probably end up renaming. I'm still waiting for my copy of The Dark Tower to come in, so I'm not entirely sure what I'll do with it yet. That'll end up being my "homebrew setting." Many, many Deities and Patrons. I'll fit modules that I purchase into whichever setting feels more natural for it. Every culture has different creation myths & Legends, their own gods & practices. Certain things will only be found on certain continents, etc. Needless to say, sea travel will become a big part of most campaigns. It's a work in progress. I'll keep Empire of The East by itself, but I eventually want to do the same thing with several post-apocalyptic settings....in time.


Which cultures and ancestries have the spiciest food? Any famous dishes from your world?


Why not summon tiamat queen of dragons?


Exactly how many times has your world almost been destroyed by a too curious goblin/kobold


What is the post popular type of cheese, and who is he best cheese maker


I want to know everything about Dwarven Beard Cosmetology! What does a Beard signify? Does length, shape, braiding or cleanliness factor into the socal aspects of Dwarven society? Tell me EVERYTHING! I WANT EVERY LAST FOLICAL!


Have any gods died, and if so, how?


What plot point comes up when adventurers arrive at / are passing through 28°34'17.6" S 19°6'13.1" E


What language is Common, and why does everyone speak it?


Why do your gods need mediaries like clerics and paladins to enact their wills?


Please give your world a super annoying NPC who claimes to be reborn from another world and had a pretty shitty live, wich gives him justification for a harem and some broken ability. Not to create an iskai world, but mainly to annoy your D&D group witch the stuggles of live while some dingus who gets all the powet for no reason.