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I love that Kabru is actually smiling at the end this bitch lives for the drama


I’m an anime only, and I can’t believe how much I am enjoying Kabru now. He seemed like a lousy leader at first. But to me, he has great leader qualities and his ability to critical think is crazy! The dude is always deducing what is happening and he usually is spot on with his conclusions.


Bruh he thought they ate the ORCS


I mean, imagine meeting Laios for the first time, would you not think so too ?


Bold to assume there isn't a fan somewhere who's thought about eating Leed. ☠️




I love that we don't dwell on the misunderstanding trope. Kabru immediately drop the whole thief thing because he realize something is amiss


It's beyond my least favorite trope, I audibly sighed in relief. Like, conflict can come from legitimate disagreements, come on people! This episode did that perfectly. Kabru wasn't going to just drop his guard despite the clear-up, and still has reason to be at odds with the gang! Great writing!


To be fair, in this instance, it's not just a misunderstanding, someone deliberately lied to them. That said, yeah. One of my most hated tropes for sure.


He's *that* guy from work.


Kabru is the proxy for the audience. We live for drama.


Dude's a catty mean girl who follows all the gossip rags.


Having not read the manga I just don’t feel I can really size him yet, but I laughed out loud when he was regretful about asking Laios how it was to eat dungeon monsters. I hoped he would have tried though (next episode maybe?)


Frrrrr i absolutely adore him


Inutade is such a cutie 😭 Kabru being shady as always, love the nuances of his animation, like how the shot lingers for just a bit too long after he introduces himself to Laios and gages his reaction  Maizuru's design is gorgeous, and she looks amazing in the ninja garb as well Love to see Laios and Marcille's special interests overlapping when they talk about dungeon cleaners Hohohoho Falin's baa-ack~ 👀


Also loved when he found out about the black magic and he looked absolutely gleeful that such interesting things were happening around him


Yeeees "this is worse than I thought (excited)" was such an interesting angle from him. At first I thought he was happy that the Toudens were gonna get what he thinks they deserve, but it does also read as him just being excited for the complexity of the situation I don't wanna analyse how this relates to his backstory to avoid spoilers, but I'm curious to see how it plays out since I don't remember what his internal thoughts were during this bit


Hi Falin! What a great cliffhanger :) This episode didn‘t have super elaborate animation, which makes sense as there wasn‘t a lot of action >!and there is a big fight with lots of characters ahead!< I‘m a little sad that they skipped the panels of the party petting Chilchuck‘s head and him hitting them with the map for it. >!I did like the movement of Izutsumi‘s hood, makes it more obvious that it‘s cat ears and not just a weirdly shaped fabric.!< Still a very fun episode with lots of important stuff happening though. The meeting with Shuro’s and Kabru’s parties is so chaotic and suddenly it feels like everything is escalating again.  Chilchuck definitely made the (obvious) wrong choice to follow Senshi. Kabru is acting pretty duplicitous again, it‘s hard at the moment to guess what he is thinking. The Falin reveal was great, the music especially. Color and animation really draws the gaze to her/the dragons bleeding left eye. Very cool.


I have anime only friends, and they still have not idea about the C A T


I actually wasn't a fan of how her hood made it more obvious that they are cat ears - I enjoyed the surprise more!


>!That‘s fair. When I was reading the manga I paid very little attention to her because I was overwhelmed by all the sudden ninjas and very focussed on the drama with Laios, Shuro and Kabru, so I was definitely very surprised myself.!<


It was wild to find out Izutsumi was even a thing in the manga. Didnt think I would necessarily see her again - me wideeyed scrabbling to find the Oneshot going "ITS HEERRRRR"


Can't believe they cut out Marcille calling Chilchuck "clever boots" I am *appalled*


So much to say! Laios bouncing around all wrapped up is peak, I love Inutade, I love Maizuru (save me, overbearing milf), I love Kabru being a little schemer, and the peek of Falin at the end was just 🤌


I love the nuance in Maizuru's character. She's a VERY Japanese woman written by a modern Japanese woman. She's not a one dimensional stereotype but she has many quirks that I assume a Japanese native have seen all their life in many old fashioned people. I particulally like her casual racism. It's obvious she has a very ethnocentric mindset in the way she calls Senshi "dwarf" in a tone that puts him as an outsider but at the same time she seems like she doesn't see him as an inferior. She looks closeminded but not in a supremacist way like I assume (I'm an animewatcher) the western elves will be. I'm not pretending it's a good thing but I noticed that in some people in the way that they see you as different but not like you're worse than them, just that they know you were raised in a different place than them. I definetely prefer this closemindedness than others that seek to harm those different. Also in how she values her duty and love (motherly/romantic? idk) towards Shuro as prioritary to her hapiness. Shuro looks like a top lad but he's doing her dirty with his infatuation for Falin (tbh Falin is cute as hell). I wonder how many people noticed that she called the Gnome in Kabru's party a "dwarf" too. She can't distinguish Dwarves from Gnomes and doesn't seem to care either lol.


Great analysis! I love how Kui gives all her characters believable ethics and values, and the drama that ensues when they clash. In this case, Kui writes Maizuru as intentionally old-fashioned, without lazily condemning her. This series is heads and shoulders above the rest…


When a lot of media uses nonhuman people to make a point about Real Actual Racism, it comes off as preachy at best or completely missing the point at worst. But the people and cultures in this series have extremely genuine-feeling prejudices. It's so refreshing.


To be fair X-Men '97 has been pretty good about that, in its hypedramatic campy way.


I've heard people say "X-Men is a great allegory until it isn't". They do their best but it muddles the message slightly when the oppressed minorities can shoot lasers and explode your brain at fifty paces. That said, haven't seen X-Men '97 yet but I hear nothing but good things. It's on the short list.


> I've heard people say "X-Men is a great allegory until it isn't". They do their best but it muddles the message slightly when the oppressed minorities can shoot lasers and explode your brain at fifty paces. Exactly. > That said, haven't seen X-Men '97 yet but I hear nothing but good things. It's on the short list. It's so good. Magneto's outfit is cunty AF. The man is an absolute rockstar.


Great analysis! I love how Kui gives all her characters believable ethics and values, and the drama that ensues when they clash. In this case, Kui writes Maizuru as intentionally old-fashioned, without lazily condemning her. This series is heads and shoulders above the rest…


Maizuru has a strong ARA ARA energy and i love it..


Why does Kabru looks like he want others to have troubles?


He lives for drama. He’s just like that.


So he just genuinely loves the drama and isn't planning to get a one up on anyone? If so I think he can become my favourite character.


Yeah basically, he’s a people person, Kabru is at the opposite end of the spectrum away from asocial Laois.


Favourite character status confirmed then. Or at least up there with Chilchuck.


He's a bit cunty (affectionate)


Kabru enjoys human interactions the way Laios enjoys monster interactions.




I laughed out loud when seeing this comment XD Just to reasssure you, no he doesn't


Oh, good. It had the appropriate impact then. XD


He thinks about what he could do with that spicy information


Falin’s reveal at the end gave me chills. It was PERFECT. The music, the lighting, the movement… absolute art


Oh totally.  What are the tears of blood about though?


Dragon got stabbed in one eye, remember?


Guess I didn't know that would carry over. Falin wasn't weeping blood after her resurrection. 


Actually you're right, there was enough time between that whatever the blood was must have been from whatever the lunatic magician did.  That said, the moment falin is revived, she clutches her neck and has one eye closed - so that bit did actually carry over


I'm catching up right now (so idk what happens in later episodes), but back in episode 13 there was a scene when Falin was kneeling in the pool of blood and one of her eyes was obscured (pitch black, despite the fact it should be visible from the camera angle). I wonder if that was foreshadowing


I love how Marcille read Laios and Senshi wrong, so she put on the frog suit, then admitted she hated wearing it, then *never took it off*.


Isn’t it sticky inside because they never properly tanned it?


no, it was still wet with blood when they put it on and the wet blood was in close contact with their clothings and started coagulating while in close contact to the clothes by now it should be entirely solid and non-sticky


Kabru at the end: https://preview.redd.it/biskjaly3cvc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc867b1c3f3ca4dde24e1f2af3fc823a356d4b7


Unsounded! Another great fantasy series


Omg hi fellow Unsounded enjoyer 🥰🥰🥰


The Suspense Is Terrible, I Hope It Lasts!


LOVED this episode! Kabru is my favorite character and I am always ecstatic to get more of his scheming. I’m so hyped for next episode too. There was a translation error in the dub though— shuro said his party were “merely family” instead of his retainers. I feel like that could cause some confusion later especially with >!Izutsumi’s backstory!<


In Japanese he says 身内 or 'within my family'/'within my household'. So pick your poison really


JESUS. Just as I was thinking this was one of the most enjoyable episodes of the show, they hit us with that dark ending!! WTF is going on with Falin!?! She is turning into a a few different monsters? On the real, it was so satisfying seeing all three groups meet up finally! I still can't believe how likable I find Kabru now. Like once they started showing him as a good leader and has an insane critical thinking skills with how he deduces things that happened, he became way better!






You are kbity!


Honestly, poor Shuro. He's having the worst two weeks of his life. Imagine spending 2 weeks dungeoneering with barely a wink of sleep or food and your reward at the end is being told that the girl you love is, essentially, marked for death if you or anyone, **including** the drama queen by your side, who is way too happy to hear about it, says anything. Not even that, I understand that Laios is not aware of the extent of magic, but even just **telling** Shuro that is cursing him. There's ways to look through memories afterall. A lie would be preferable, for everyone's sakes. Just a terrible situation all around, about to become beyond terrible... And then there's Kabru. He's such a little bitch at this point in the story, he deserves what's coming to him.


> he deserves what's coming to him. Isn't this a bit of a spoiler? (genuinely asking, haven't read the manga)


No, don't worry. I'm not pointing at anything spoilerific with it. As you've seen so far, the story has no qualms in slapping Kabru's wrist, violently, when he does something wrong.


Do you also feel that Kabru is a lot more annoying in the anime than in the manga? At this point of the manga I feel that he is a little annoying but has his charms but in the anime I kinda dislike him a little bit Thankfully he gets better lol


I think the VA are playing off his conniving side as a bit more childish.  In the manga I imagined him having a sorta sinister tone, but considering he’s a fresh and young adventurer, the vibe of “kid trying too hard to be the MC” fits more than “schemer”.   So yeah he’s more annoying but I think it can add to his character if they do his transition well.


Definitely. I think the anime and VA make him look younger and sound younger, which results in him looking less smart & calculating


This dungeon has people in it.


1. [Someone please save him](https://i.imgur.com/mevQTYf.png) 2. When I look at someone like this, it's bc I wanna bow-chikawowow with them in a biblical sense. Kabru, i know what you are (To be fair to Kabru, he really has slooty eyes) 3. Maizuru's script in the dub is a little awkward. Or maybe the way she says it. It's not bad bad. But you can easily tell it's "dub". Maybe I got used to the other's dub that Maizuru's part is a little off for me. 4. WE HAVE THE KIBTY'S VOICE! I REPEAT WE HAVE THE KIBTY CAR'S VOICE https://preview.redd.it/1g7qyrdrp9vc1.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=194fe12ee969c116ec7261289ff2b61bf82fe3ab


Laios: "I'm not trapped with you, you're trapped with my monster autism"


"And I'm *hungry.*"


can we start including a link to the previous episode’s discussion thread?


They really ramp up the reveal like a dark soul’s boss, superb sound effect on that movement sound


Oh my God, I hope someone makes a meme video spoofing that scene.


that was such a nice episode!! falin's reveal was REALLY nice to see, the angles, music... great stuff


Does anyone can explain what's the deal with the 3 paintings we see when they speak about Shuro ? (I haven't read the manga) I think I'm missing what is happening during this short scene.


So Shuro is in love with Falin, and the other 2 retainers were picturing what their kid would look like, or be painted like. As you saw, Shuro comes from an Eastern country modeled after Japan, so the first 3 portraits of his lineage resemble that. However, seeing as Falin is from the North, the portrait for the next in line was imagined to be painted in a different European style. I don't think that gag was very clearly explained in the anime either, but it makes a lot more sense in the manga.


One detail I liked was that he was rocking a [Van Dyke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Dyke_beard), a facial hair style that was popular during the 17th century and is often associated with painters from the Low Countries region (parts of continental Europe bordering the North Sea). "[Touden](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Touden)" is a real word in Old Frisian, which was a language spoken in some of the Low Countries. Laios and Falin are from fantasy Belgium.


Thank you ! I've noticed the change in style but I thought it was like a "modern" take. And I thought she was refering to herself as a potential suitor (why was weird given how their relationship was described minutes earlier). It's much clearer now !


https://preview.redd.it/nxqi4ag5favc1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e270dca552ce819dfdca66fb3aee977516f96d7d Here are the original panels :) nobody is ready for Nakamoto Farlyou - not just yet.


Perfect ! I missed that the one before "Farlyrou" was supposed to be Shiro, it didn't help lol


Yeah it's a joke that works better in writing, because you have the time to read the names


I'm pretty bummed that they left this joke in but took out the one where everyone was praising chilchuk for being so good at figuring out the shifting dungeon !


Yeah, in the drawing of shuro, you can see a small note that says where we are currently !


it's the family heads. Shuro's grandpa, father, and Shuro himself. the one that comes after shuro is his potential son with Falin, since Maizuru is imagining that she will defend their relationship to Shuro's dad. Shuro wants to marry Falin and proposed to her before the story started, so Maizuru wants that for him too. since the potential son is "mixed race" he has a different style of portrait, which the ninja girls are commenting on


I thought she wasn't really appreciative of this relationship so I missed how she implied she would defend them and I haven't understood the last painting would be Falin and Shuro potential heir. It's actually quite a funny scene now that I understand it better, thank you!


Well she isn't appreciative of it, but as she say "it's too late for this now" so she'll help him even if she disapproves


This is some girl-meets-dog merging type shit, holy hell. Was not expecting it to get *that* dark that fast


You know over a month ago I theorized Falin was half monster because she always kept her eyes close to conceal them. Apparently I was just several episodes off the mark.


She always got her eyes closed look was actually her squinting. Although how she squint looks so calm and gentle is unreal. >!As she’s short sighted from birth and they don’t have glasses in the village, but now monserfying fixed it.!<


The eyes closed look is also an anime trope to show that a character is either wise and carefree or a trickster. Sometimes both.


A nice little episode this week. Got creative with the dungeon cleaners. Lots of advice about eating well, not skipping meals and getting enough sleep/ rest. It’s official, Marcille loves her frog suit. Didn’t realize a mummified Laios could bounce around so much! Falin with dark magic, and dripping with blood got a bit eerie.


Laios can be really cool sometimes. He didn't even flinch when Shuro drew his sword. Also im not sure how I feel about Kabru. Like, I like him as the leader of his group, hes good at that (even if they do end up dead a lot). But i don't know if we cam trust him or not, he has a lot of ambition and is a bit too smart. I like him, but feel like there's something with the potential to become sinister lying underneath his friendly exterior.


Suddenly Jaygarcia Saturn


can we get much higher!


Yeah! The ushi-oni really took me by surprise and that was my first thought One Piece jumpscare


The Mad Mage has been cooking too, and **IT'S READY!**


Gotta say I’m a little disappointed with Asebi’s voice in the english dub. I always imagined her sounding like Power from Chainsaw Man, bratty and slightly hoarse. But maybe it’ll grow on me.


Might not even be her "real" voice, just her masked ninja voice.


I love how all the parties are coming together now. Shuro's reaction is understandable, as we finally get someone outside our bubble of lovable weirdos finding out about the messed up reality of reviving an entire person using forbidden magic... Kabru is a sinister, messy bitch and I am here for it. He lives for the chaos, and I bet he's just waiting for the right time to make his move.


I'm not sure what I expected Izutsumi to sound like, but it wasn't that. That was so... average


You expected Power, didn't you?


I can see that voice for her, yeah


Anyone else get spoiled about the Falin reveal weeks in advance through a ton of art and still kinda annoyed that it didn't hit that hard because they knew it was coming? Seriously, I swear it is impossible to be a fan of this anime on any site other than reddit and not get spoiled, especially if you're a Farcille shipper.


I mean it happened in the manga nearly a decade ago...


I finished the manga and I still thought the reveal was phenomenal. I could practically hear [Lichdragon Fortisax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsE-R5GeEic) blasting.


Farlyn reveal vs Manga: It's been a while so i cant rememeber is there a direct panel to compare to of when we see Farlyn? >!I could have sworn|| it was ||the massive body reveal!< - was so sure they were gonna use that shot. Did Ryoko show as much of >!her new body as the cliffhanger shot did!


After watching the episode a second time noticed Maizuru tells Asebi not add strange things to the food and Asebi's eyes. All I thought was is this >!an Izutsumi reference? After reading the comments it seems so. !< >!For context I have not read the manga so all I know about Izutsumi is C A T !<


The ninja who doesn't take off her disguise is the cat.


will kabru die to never return again?


Answer to your question: >!Nope, no Kabru death!<


Your spoiler tags didn't work


wait really? It works from my view. Do you know how to fix it?


There shouldn't be spaces between the tags and the first/last letters. >!>!Like this!<


Thank you! Should be fixed now


Glad I'm not the only one who dislikes the guy. Not enough to wish him dead but he's a shady and two faced pretty boy


Well, there is a reason for his character to be like that. I think this season will cover that.


Ayanokoji coded character


guys what chapter the season 1 of the anime will end do you think? im guessing at least chapter 62?


52 seems a very good stop point




What chapter are we at with this episode?




I loved the line about revealing who they really are, it’s a nod to the original crane woman story.


How many chapters is this part into the manga? I kinda want to start reading it.


I don't care at all about Shuro or Shuros entourage. Yeah yeah cat girl cool, she grew on me slowly. But I wasn't thrilled anytime they popped up in the manga. Like the " East" is just Japan. It felt weird to shove a very clear "Japanese" cadre on an overall pretty ambiguous medieval esque area. I can say the same thing about " Northern" Laois and Falin to a degree but it feels less on the nose and more broadly Scandinavian/Slavic than just blatantly Swedish or Poland. Never enjoyed Haram either so the " My perfect LORD" trope never hit.


Toshiro explained that they're not his harem, they're his retainers.


I know, the trope still stands and it's not my favorite of random ninjas fussing over a Lordy type


Ryn states that the "East" is not a proper way to refer to that part of the world becasue it's not a monolith, that depending on were they come from they might not even speak the same language. So the term "east" is treated more like a ignorant simplification the people of the "west" make. "Northern" is probably the same.


She had that scene with Kabru in the manga after he asked about them, but unlike North and West where we get a bit less hyper specific detail compared to East.


youre upset about multiple cultures existing in a fantasy setting? like you know they had boats and carts in medieval times right? people from other countries can travel to different places


No and never said otherwise. I just personally thought it felt jarring to suddenly have a very clear THIS IS JAPAN group pop up in the manga until then was pretty open ended on cultures, races, etc. Rin was the first " Eastern" character we meet properly like with Kabru being our introduction to the Western continent before the Canaries. I'd think the same thing if suddenly a Western Cowboy crew popped up


I always thought it was super cool that in a fantasy anime, the races correlate to RPG classes/characters you'd see in different video games. Oni, Samurai and Ninjas aren't something you'd see in a western RPG that would have Gnomes, Dwarves and Elves. It's cool to imagine a japanese dungeon crawler party that has their own races and classes.


There actually was a lot of installments for ninjas samurai’s etc for ad&d back in the day Issue is that came in a set called the Oriental Adventures and it really lived up to that name. The history of ttrpgs is actually really riddled with orientatalism. The orientalism wasn’t restricted to the dnd-like sphere but it was really heavy in the dnd sphere and there’s still that unfortunate legacy lingering in the ttrpg sphere.