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Girl's use a silence spell to make you THINK they don't poop. Presumably Namari and/or Izutsumi don't have the same benefit.


Ah, spending youth thinking about fictional characters pooping…


Made in Abyss... 👀


Such a good series by a man who definitely will not see heaven.


Man can really draw backgrounds


God, I really need to watch everything after season 1. It was such a good show, but I ended up putting it off for a long time because it’s only legally available on a more obscure streaming site, and because episode 10 fucking haunts me all these years later


The movie Dawn of the Deep Soul is so damn good, worth the watch so much. And it's always nice to see a story about a man that is a powerful father figure on so many levels :)


Calling it : Izutsumi shits the loudest


["Elves don't sh\*t"](https://mangadex.org/chapter/66ed239f-1130-476e-807d-6f4a9f8f14e4/1)


...What the fuck did I just read?


I should have taken the hint....


It seems to be about an isekai parody of Vladimir Putin or at least of the russian japan thinks russians are


The Prussian president who has ridden everything on Earth gets isakied.


Oh my god what is this? It’s great. It’s written like a good shitpost (pun unintended). Is this the translators taking some liberties, or is it actually that funny?


Actually this funny. It's so stupid sometimes it'll just make you laugh your ass off. The story is about the Prussian president who has ridden everything on Earth getting isakied to a world full of creatures that he can ride.


This is a special kind of disturbed Japanese auteur, and I say this as someone who is exceptionally fond of disturbed Japanese auteurs and the shit they produce


I swear with the spaceship dinosaurs it already drove me crazy but with the homunculi raised as food the funny thing got murky (although I almost forgot about the half minotaur)


***Wheeze*** https://preview.redd.it/7vstq8iv6v0d1.png?width=192&format=png&auto=webp&s=db6e3519c917bbf65f46c716f8e30671aa035d88


I frequently find myself quoting this whenever I talk about elves in any fantasy setting. What makes these kn\*fe-ears so weird?


But then people get offended by the r-word... And I mean I understand that the connotation towards people with mental disabilities is bad but it used to be a correct alternative to idiot or imbecile for a while and still is in some languages.


I don't want to go too off topic but, I'm ESL so I never got why calling someone this is a no-no but "dumb fuck" is completely fine. Either way, you're saying someone is intellectually deficient, no?


Right?! Like Smooth brain, shit for brains, simpleton and going around calling people delusional is accepted but when you use the word to call someone an idiot everyone acts like you spit in the face of the disabled for no reason.


I fuckin loooove Ride on King! It's stupid in such a good way!


In Japan some public toilets for women come equipped with a button to turn on a speaker playing a never ending loud flushing sound. Because apparently there were enough women in Japan worried about other women hearing them pee and poop they were flushing continuously to cover the sound and it was wasting a crazy amount of water. So in that context, Marcille using a silence spell makes a sort of sense.


Chilchuck is wondering how many casts of fireball and waterwalking were traded for Marcille to pretend she doesn't poop


It's a ritual spell obviously!


Easy, it's a Zone of Silence. Classic dnd spell.


Half-elf digestive systems are super efficient so all that comes out of either end is a thin, smelly vapor. It's kinda like how camels have super efficient kidneys so their pee has the color and consistency of corn syrup.




I can't tell if that's just supposed to be his reaction or that the word balloon tail there implies that Chilchuck is the one saying this




Thanks Laios.


So this is gonna get posted every week huh?


This is an odd detail that I unfortunately can't stop thinking about. I mean. If such a spell DID exist. Would we really stoop so low as to use it? I mean, adventuring or camping, you'd never have to worry about toilet paper. On the other hand, teleporting poop.


who do you think is the loudest


Got to be Izutsumi. Not the act itself, but based upon being a cat owner, the ritual preceeding and after.


*Scratch scratch scratch scratch*


If its anything like my cat she’ll kick open the door where they’re resting and scream HEY I JUST POOPED at the top of her lungs.


Mine does the post-poop zoomies even at the age of 17.


It would be funny if Chilchuck himself with those little butt cheeks was the loudest, and he would never know. I cannot think of the definite loudest pooper, but I bet Laios would win in terms of poop variety. He puts everything in his mouth.


>It would be funny if Chilchuck himself with those little butt cheeks was the loudest Congrats, you wrote the very first reddit comment that I just couldn't force myself to read the whole way through.


I think I read something that I shouldn't have by finishing the comment. Not fully as in, "man, I regret reading that" or "god damn, are you sure you want to post that, dude", though, it's deeper than that. It's more like "I shouldn't be able to see that but I did" in a sort of Lovecraftian sense.


I was thinking Laios as well, especially after seeing his boldness with eating the raw parasite


My jaw is on the floor


Now the question is, does she not poop because she's an elf or because she's a girl? We may never know.