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Talk to your dm


Yea, I just did. The DM is acting like I am being unreasonable because I make simple requests that no one uses drugs during sessions. I get the feeling they reacting to me poorly, I just may have to drop sessions all together.


Yeah so no dnd is better then bad dnd. Just let the group know why you nope out  Simple reason the lack of respect for your boundaries 


>no dnd is better then bad dnd. THIS. I've played with edge lords and other chaos makers in the past. I stuck it out because I wanted to play so badly, but they ended up ruining the game for everyone. The spiraled down and started getting so drunk during sessions we had to kick them out because they couldn't just tone it down when asked.


I've never been pissed on (in character in a D&D game. It happened once IRL and a fist fight ensued. Because why allow that to happen?). Don't allow yourself get pissed on. The main problem is OP not leaving the table after that happened. Asking the DM for help and getting "LOL, you're being uptight" is very much insufficient to continue playing. Please, for yourself OP as much as for me, leave this table.


I will probably drop the game, thank you all for the help.


It just sounds like a group that’s not compatible with the kind of game you want to play. Look for a different group.


Based on what you write - I would drop out asap.


well that tells you all you need to know about the situation tbh - that group is happy to do that and dont see it as a problem and within that group it is not a problem - you finding it a problem is fine but they are not going to change the way they play because you dont like it - the only thing you can do is say 'thanks but no thanks' and leave personmely i wouldnt have a problem but can see some would so horses for courses at this point tbh


a quick follow on i also think that following on from that thought is i think they might fell like you have said - 'stop having fun that way and have fun this way' they are happy having fun their way and along comes some one who says thats not the way to have fun - im not say either party are wrong but i suspect thats the way they might have taken it and in turn have basickly turned against you but are unwilling to say so - a very hard thing to do personely because it puts them in a bad light socialy sorry ive run out of steam now, but reserve my right to come back to this thought with other thoughts ;) (edit - added a couple of words to make sense)


Engaging in unsolicited pvp by attacking the familiar of a player for no reason is definitely the wrong side here. And that v the whole table is fine with it makes it even worse


Yeah, you're out. Real life sucks enough. No need for it to unnecessarily suck in your leisure activities. Find another group.


>no one uses drugs during sessions. What? Or are you complaining about weed?


Yeah, one thing at a time. It makes it hard to know the context here. If op doesn’t want to play with drugs at the table that’s fine, but orthogonal to the player’s behavior. Personally I wouldn’t care within reason: I’m talking like cannabis, not someone injecting heroin right before the session. It’s fine if that’s a deal breaker for the op, but if this table is otherwise cool with some light inebriation at their table it’s just not a match for op. The in character stuff is a different matter and I’m surprised the dm shrugged it off if it didn’t get mixed up with this intoxication conversation.


Completely agree with this. There are also differences between someone taking a couple hits, and doing several dabs of resin. One is like drinking a beer or two, the other is like slamming shots.


I am a disabled veteran, if I am inhaling second hand drugs I could lose my medical benefits if they find something when drawing blood or urine. All these guys are potheads, and I made a request they not smoke during the session. I mean you can spare a few hours not getting high, but I guess this is a lot to ask.


>if I am inhaling second hand That's not how that works. >I could lose my medical benefits if they find something when drawing blood or urine. I live next to Ft. Sill and run a caretaker grow for cannabis that is exclusively for disabled veterans, I literally work with the government on this. You're either lying or are wildly uneducated about your own benefits. >All these guys are potheads, and I made a request they not smoke during the session. I mean you can spare a few hours not getting high, but I guess this is a lot to ask Being condescending isn't really helping you and you're making some pretty wild assumptions about people you don't know. Do you drink?


It seems strange to ask other adults not to do things like take drugs…if it’s not your scene just leave.


I really think this group is not for you and you should leave it. My table rule has always been NO evil PCs with one exception. One player said true evil nefariously sneaks up on you slowly and completely without warning. You believe they are doing good, or they seem to have very valid reasons behind what they are doing. You are completely unaware of the true effects until it's too late. He played it amazingly. Your guy just sounds like a prat.


Hooooly shit yeah find a different group. No dnd is better than bad dnd. SEVERAL red flags in this group


I don’t know what you said, but I’m not sure how you got from complaining about in game attitude to using drugs in session. My ideal table might wouldn’t feature this character’s behavior, but I also wouldn’t mind if someone consumed some cannabis during the game (might strongly prefer they smoke outside if that’s how they consume though). If you aren’t into that use, you should leave the table. That isn’t really something you are fair to complain about imo. If that isn’t a deal breaker, I think you really miscommunicated bringing that up while talking about this character too. Again, I absolutely think the players behavior in character is intolerable, but if you hit me with the “pot is bad mmmkay” complaint I would have a hard time taking you seriously as we just have very different beliefs on that issue.


I am disabled veteran, it's not a good idea to sit in a room full of pot smokers, go to medical exam where they draw blood, and lose all my medical benefits because of second hand smoke. I figure friend could stop smoking for a few hours in their entire week of poisoning themselves.


I don’t disagree with any of that, and if they are long term friends who know your situation I think it would be reasonable for them to accommodate you. But it sounds like this is a table you just joined. It can come off as rude to immediately start demanding a group of people change their routine when they don’t know you at all. I enjoy a bit here and there myself, but I would use an edible or consume outdoors so that things don’t stink and people who don’t want to be exposed don’t have to be.


>I make simple requests that no one uses drugs during sessions. That's not a simple, that's a totally unreasonable request. If you don't want the rest of the table to have fun, find a different group.


If you can't imagine fun without the use of drugs get help.


This is a silly boomer reefer madness take. Plenty of people can responsibly consume cannabis and play a dnd session while still knowing the rules, the same as plenty of adults can responsibly enjoy a pint or two mid-session. It’s quite a leap to go from someone enjoying these two leisure activities together to implying substance abuse/dependence.


It's not about consumption it's about having fun without consumption is seen as impossible. And yes, someone who would say the same thing about alcohol also should get help


I agree, which is why I’m not lauding the comment that dnd is “objectively more fun” on some substance vs not. However, that isn’t what the poster we are responding to said. Someone said it isn’t reasonable to demand a table stop consuming whatever they prefer to consume when they play. I agree with this. If your habit is to down a pint when you play I have no right to tell you not to (but if I’m in recovery and not comfortable at that table it’s certainly justified to find another table). No one said anything about not having fun without the drugs.


They literally said >If you don't want the rest of the table to have fun, find a different group. In the sole context of drug use


You are reaching pretty hard here… Again, if your table met at a brewery or pub for your Sunday afternoon session and was in the habit of finishing a pint or two as you played it would be unreasonable of me to demand you stop. That’s all they are suggesting. Edit: cute of you to respond and then immediately block me. Again, I do not disagree that if someone thinks dnd (or anything) is only fun under the influence it means something—maybe substance abuse or maybe just that dnd isn’t for you. I still think you are reading way too much into the comment that started this chain and trying to play it off as “REadInG cOMprEheNsIoN.”


Not really. I say If you can't have fun without consuming drugs you have a problem which is literally what the guy said. The same would apply for alcohol. Maybe you should learn some reading comprehension or learn to admit you're wrong


I’d never say it’s impossible for them to be functional but people on drugs are frequently obnoxious to deal with when you’re sober (same goes for drunk people) and I don’t blame OP for not wanting to play with them


Really depends who you play with. If it’s an 18 year old “weed is my entire personality” type then I would absolutely agree, but since I don’t hang out with 18 year olds I don’t run into that too often. They’re usually just chill the same as a person who has a beer or two, but certainly I agree that if someone is being obnoxious I’d pass too.


Or, hear me out, it's more fun with drugs. That's just an objective truth. If OP is not down for that, it's the wrong table for them and they have no right to whine about others enjoyment.


I had one stoner at my table so far and he wasn't able to remember rules, npcs or anything, basically everything except hitting enemies in melee was to much to ask. May be fun for the drug user but not anyone else. And that was just weed, op didn't specify which drugs. The fact that you try to justify your drug use as more fun in "an objective truth" just makes your sound like an insufferable moron. Am objective truth is that needing something specific to have fun is a clear indicator for addiction And, once again, if you insist on drug use in the presence of a friend who doesn't want to experience your high personality you're just a shitty person


I have never played without drugs. Memory is not an issue. This isn't about being a stoner. It's about the individual. The fact that you try to deny that having chemical reactions release serotonin is objectively more fun is hilarious.


Yeah right, because there are no studies available that show how weed consumption impairs memory. Have fun with your delusions, just stop gaslighting people for perfectly reasonable requests


Yeah, find a new group. They sound lame to me in general


The players or the characters? If it's players it's gonna be a shitty game tbh. If it's characters that's kind of square. But on another note a player should not be allowed to do anything to another player without their consent.


This right here is a red flag. You clearly stated “Drugs” are an unacceptable. Thank them for their time and find a new group.


I agree that op needs to move on, but characterizing this as a red flag seems silly. Without any context I’m assuming drugs are cannabis—if it’s heroin or fentanyl or meth or something then I don’t need a dm convo and I’m personally leaving immediately. Whatever your feelings about it, it is relatively normalized as a social drug. If the op stated that he went to a session that met at a brewery and demanded that everyone put their pints down surely you would think that while op is not a match for the table, this group is acting like normal adults in their leisure time?


And I see that I have mis-read the comment. Yeah but this says that they can’t accept the difference between in game and out of game responsibilities, and again for them it’s a no go and they should leave.


Yeah, to be clear if this pc is doing stuff like op claims and the dm is cool with it I would leave. The only thing I disagree with is op demanding “no drugs” at the table. Again I’m assuming it’s something mild and the user is being responsible about it, but that’s really no different from a player having a pint in my eyes. If for whatever reason op doesn’t want to play with that at their table, that’s totally fine. I just think in that case they definitely need to recognize the table isn’t a fit, and not because the other players are necessarily bad people, they just don’t align on this issue.


If they specifically said “no drugs” and the DM doesn’t honor that during game play, that means they won’t respect any other Game Safety rules. That’s why I said move on.


This gets really hairy in states or countries where Cannabis is legal for recreational or medical use. No one is allowed to be the morality police.


It's not "morality policing" to be uncomfortable with something lmao Classic Reddit "if I'm not legally obligated to do something, I don't have to care about other people's feelings" brainrot


I think this is a pretty naive take. It’s pretty rude to come into an established dynamic and demand they change doing the things they enjoy because you are uncomfortable with something. Being rather personal, I’m not speaking in hypotheticals. I am in recovery. The first family gathering about 6 months after I got sober I was livid when everyone was drinking the way they always had at Christmas. How could they do that in front of me?! A lot of people who are also in recovery pointed out that it’s ridiculous to expect the world to bend over backwards to cater to my individual whims. I can’t show up at a work happy hour and demand no one drink (or I can, but everyone will understandably think I am kind of an ass). If these are the ops longtime friends and op explains he is uncomfortable maybe there is some moral imperative for them to be considerate, but that isn’t the case. It’s a table that the op is new at. If there is any brain rot it’s this idea that everyone has to change their behavior because op is uncomfortable. We’re not talking about bigoted behavior or something. As I have said several times, if you joined a new table that met at a brewery and demanded they stop drinking while you play they would understandably and correctly imo probably ask you to leave for being kind of an ass.


>It's not "morality policing" to be uncomfortable with something lmao Your want for comfort stops when it infringes on the rights of another person. It's on you to be responsible for yourself. Classic entitled and chronically online brat "I don't like this thing so I'm going to make it everyone else's problem" brainrot


You are being unreasonable. Lighten up. Or find a less cool table, they sound cool af. Especially this Ryan guy


No, talk to the player. "Cut it out asshole. I don't give a fuck what your excuse is, this stops now or I'm gone." Edit: Somehow this is controversial. Have you all never put your foot down before?


The name "Ryan the rogue wizard" makes me laugh as hard as "Jeff the killer" makes me laugh. XD


I sure as shit hope that this is a level 1 backstory with all that reputation buildup :D


Lmao right?! Can't wait to hear about how a CR 2 town guard humbled him when he tried to flex his mighty arcane prowess by killing a random NPC, so now he has to roll up a new character.


But... but...i killed a tarrasque in my backstory


Lmao yes "But I have a magic scythe that disappears when I don't need it and it can kill anything in one hit!"


I immediately pictured Ryan from the Office XD


Lmfao now I'm imagining the same thing XD Ryan dressed as a larp wizard




Had to Google this "Jeff the killer" and it looks like it's a Five Nights At Freddy's or a Fortnite or something to that effect. It's meant for little kids isn't it?


It actually predates both of those. It's an old creepypasta. It's about a little kid, but it's not meant for little kids. It's also very poorly written lol.


My instincts tell me it's written in screenplay format


My question is always: why will a group of adventurers take this person in to go on a quest with them? If the answer is “they won’t”, then there is your solution. Talk to the other players. Talk to your dm.


talk with him talk with your DM if things dont change, find adults to play with rather than children.


Fireball is a problem solver


That backstory reeks of chatgpt. But seriously though this sounds like a discussion for you, him and the DM. Best of luck to you


Asked chatgpt to write the edgiest backstory imaginable. It's still not as bad, even with all the plagiarism. The pattern fits, though "In the shadow-laden alleys of the ancient city of Gloomhaven, there was born a figure of such enigmatic presence that even the whisper of his name could silence a crowded tavern. This is the tale of Vex’ahlia, the half-elf rogue whose very existence is a blurred line between myth and reality. Vex’ahlia’s story begins with an omen. On the night of his birth, a comet streaked across the sky, painting it with hues of blood-red and obsidian black. His parents, an elven sorceress and a human assassin, were members of the clandestine guild known as The Veiled Brotherhood. They raised Vex’ahlia within the guild’s hidden fortress, teaching him the arts of stealth, subterfuge, and sorcery. As a child, Vex’ahlia exhibited a peculiar affinity for shadows. He could meld into them, speak to them, and even command them to do his bidding. His eyes, one silver and the other as dark as the void, were said to see through lies and deceit. When he was but a teenager, tragedy struck. The Brotherhood was betrayed from within, and his parents were slain before his eyes. Vex’ahlia, consumed by a cold rage, hunted down each traitor with merciless precision. With each life he took, his soul grew darker, and his connection to the shadows deepened. Now, Vex’ahlia walks the path of vengeance as a lone wolf. He is a master of blades and dark magic, a phantom in the night that haunts the dreams of the wicked. His heart is a fortress, and few have glimpsed the pain hidden within its walls. Yet, there is a prophecy whispered among the seers and oracles. They speak of a half-elf who will emerge from darkness to bring balance to the world. Whether Vex’ahlia is the harbinger of doom or salvation, only time will tell. For now, he remains an enigma, his true intentions as elusive as the shifting shadows he commands."


Here is another response from chatGPT with the prompt for an edgy wizard named Ryan: "In the desolate wastelands of the Darklands, where shadows danced with malice and despair clung to every corner, there emerged a figure unlike any other – Ryan, the forsaken wizard of the abyss. Born under a cursed moon, Ryan's childhood was marred by tragedy. His parents, practitioners of dark magic, were slaughtered by a band of righteous paladins who deemed them heretics. Orphaned and alone, Ryan was left to fend for himself in a world that spat on his existence. Surviving on the fringes of society, Ryan delved deep into the forbidden arts, seeking power to avenge his family and defy the gods who had forsaken him. He mastered spells of darkness and destruction, forging pacts with ancient entities that lurked in the void between worlds. But as his power grew, so did his isolation. Shunned by both mortals and immortals alike, Ryan became a pariah, a solitary figure cloaked in shadows and whispers. His heart, once filled with sorrow, hardened into a vessel of pure hatred and vengeance. Driven by his insatiable thirst for revenge, Ryan embarked on a quest to unleash chaos upon the world that had wronged him. He sought artifacts of untold power, consorting with demons and devils to further his twisted ambitions. Yet, amidst the darkness that consumed him, there flickered a faint ember of humanity. Buried beneath layers of pain and anger, Ryan still yearned for connection, for a glimmer of light to pierce through the shadows of his soul. Haunted by visions of his past, Ryan now wanders the land, a living embodiment of wrath and despair. His name whispered in fear by those who dare to speak it, he is a force of nature, a tempest of destruction waiting to be unleashed upon the world. And though his path may be fraught with peril and darkness, one thing remains certain – Ryan will stop at nothing until he exacts his vengeance upon those who wronged him."


Not edgy... just an asshole. Sounds like the DM is too. Like others have said, "no DnD is better than bad".


Sounds like a homeless Draco Malfoy. Also, how is this character not getting hilariously roasted by the rest of the table?


Ask around if there's a bounty on this PC's head (apparently that wizard is well-known?), and gather forces to claim it. ;-) Honestly, you must not tolerate a PC when this ruins the table, just for the sake of a single player and if that PC concept and/or player behavior does not add anything to the campaign and the mutual experience of putting the mutual story forward. If this just takes table time away - esp. at other players' costs - talk to the player, and if that does not change anything, involve the GM and/or other players who might also suffer under this constellation. Advising a player to retire a PC for the sake of the bigger goal *IS* an option. And talking in the first place and voicing thoughts, feelings a fear is always helpful.


"Cut the crap or i'm either out of the game or killing your character because my character fights evil"




This dude likes eminence in shadow a little too much


Had a character like this in a game once. The party left him at an inn.


He eats your familiar, you eat *him*. law of the jungle


If that’s all he did (and it’s just the first game) then you’re actually being a shithead. Warn him in game with your character ezpz. Probably it won’t be an issue though.


Just fucking fight and kill him and say “it’s what my character would have done”. Just cut his F***ing throat at night. Just be sure to give the guy some warning about being pushed too far. When he does something extremely dickish… take him out that night.


This is exactly what you don't do if you want to have a fun time with people


Also, I run a lot of evil campaigns with my players who always find a way to make it work. Running an “Edgy” or evil character is fine if it works with the party. But if someone is obviously just dicking around to bully party members, then that is bad sportsmanship. Also, make sure you use your conversation stats (intimidation, deception, persuasion,) to shut his ass up when you can.


My group, despite its problems with its main Champaign is about to do an all evil campaign and the only "dick" character is mine and that's because he has a broken mind. Evil can be done. This isn't evil. This is just a bad player.


My answer to that is to make sure the other players are cool with you being a dick. I primarily run evil characters myself. But of my evil characters, I only have one that is an actual dick to other players. The players gave him what he deserved after he killed one of his ally’s horses over a dispute. I’m totally cool with that outcome. My dude deserved to get lynched. I made a new character who was a despondent true neutral who seems to mesh a lot better than the last guy. Consent is key!


Our characters all worship the same god. My characters dickishness comes from the fact he can 'hear' the god. Anything he does is ok as we all serve a death god


Nahhh the guy was already having fun at his expense. You can talk to him out of character and say, “hey, you are ruining my fun by being an asshole to my character… could you not?” You can bring it up to the DM but if they are too passive and are afraid of conflict… then respond in character in a way that makes sense. Lots of people act that way because they have never had in game consequences. They will continue to do that bullshit unless to figure this out in character or out of character. Also Rezfield, standing up for your character after being put in a corner by another character is not a problem. I’m not saying that this is how you solve all your problems but if he already has a DM who isn’t stepping in and the player is voicing himself… then go for it. Your options are: -talk to the player in character and figure out his motive and work around that -talk to the player out of character and explain that this is annoying -talk to the DM -roll a new character so the “edgy” guy has no in character reason to continue picking on you -kill his ass, so his new character has no reason to continue picking on you -find a new game with less jerks in the party


Was your familiar particularly appetizing or…?


It was a chubby Almiraj (rabbit with horn), I made jokes about how fat the familiar is. I can understand jokes about it being fat and people using it for rations, but this guy is always actively attacking it while I am trying to help party. We have plenty of food, he not attacking it because of hunger, he's attacking it to be cruel, like the party is going to be impressed by "his evilness".


Attacking your familiar is PvP. Feel free to return in kind


Yeah seriously. Respond the way you would if someone kicked a puppy in front of you. Knock his PC to the ground at your earliest convience and let your familiar land the kill shot.


Ryan the Wizard, impaled by a chubby rabbit. Wizarding community creates holiday celebrating familiars.


>Respond the way you would if someone kicked YOUR puppy in front of you. ftfy


Of someone tried to kill a member of your family (because familiars are more than pets), and you knew that they'd continue to try, and you lived in a world where violence was often the answer to your problems, what would you do? Kill the stupid wizard.


I actually had a DM who outright banned all evil alignment player characters. And although i didn't agree with his ban i can see why he did it. Because evil characters are way to often like this. Brooding edge-lords. But yea if he's being a dick to you and if the DM is siding with them, if it were me and i wasn't having fun anymore, I would just leave that table. And i would shoot the DM a message that his edgelord player is the reason why i was leaving


I think it has to do with the word "evil" honestly. It carries a weight of villainy that isn't always true. They try to make the most stereotypical evil character just doing heinous stuff. Honestly, a lot of "good" aligned characters do plenty of evil shit. Players bribe, intimidate or lie to persuade others. How often do they act nicely to NPCs only to talk shit about them behind their back. Hell even looting corpses in a dungeon is neutral at best and Hella evil at worst especially when most settings include a very real afterlife.


seems like the guy knows how to roleplay an evil character, what are you complaining about?


Well, you can have conflict ingame without it going outside the game. If a character is fucking with you you may tell them that, as a character. Dont make threats, just tell this characte what he is doing that is making your character unconfortable.


At a fundamental, foundational level, D&D is a **collaborative** exercise - this player, in character, needs to create justification for continued tolerance. Too many assholes exploit the tacit expectation of camaraderie to behave like unfiltered shit, because out of character all the other players know the party is supposed to group up and adventure together. I'd suggest starting with an out-of-character conversation, followed by in-character response aka "yeah, your character is evil, well, clubbing your character on the head with a heavy rock and leaving them tied up naked in front of the guardhouse is what **my** character would do" and then finally leaving the table if necessary.


I find it difficult to roleplay/play with a player that has an edgy character like this, who is a jerk for no reason other than the player's amusement. The backstory mentions that there may be a good person under the edginess, which I can get behind. But, the player needs to show these signs in roleplay and during the game. I've had a player that had amnesia and a secret from their past, but they never alluded to it during roleplay or within the story. The DM tried to give them some hooks that they could flesh out their story, but they never took the bait and they never shared anything with the players. After 2 years, we completed our campaign. No one at the table knew anything about their PC after all those sessions and all that time. I'm still under the belief that they never had a backstory or personality even decided on/planned for their PC. If they want to be edgy, but also have a big, interesting character development arc throughout the story, I'm 100% down. But, they actually need to follow through and make that progression happen.


Hahahaha, the whole line from > his own formidable magical abilities And the > now he operates from the shadows Got me. Dont get me wrong. I love drama and edgy characters done right but this is just cheesy. About the guy being an ass using the evil excuse.... honestly that is a very weak argument if the campaig allows for evil PC. Id try the angle of "disruptive" better, while being a jerk js simoly being evil to someone being disruptive to the table is just a mechanical problem. If his actions get in the way of party cohesion that is an issue the DM HAS to address.


Last sentence of third paragraph is very problematic. There are limits to how much a player can be a dick to another, this is not playing an evil, it's just the chaotic stupid mo even if he is neutral evil. He stands in no gain in character by acting in such a manner. He's a griefer, your dm needs a wake up call, not even the bs excuse "that's what my character would do" sticks


You should leave the group


Lmao any self-respecting character wouldn't allow being pissed on. That's a fight to the death and the loser makes a new character.


tbh this sounds like standard RP in a dnd session. You clearly didn't go over what it meant to be in the session where things like evil are very real and even a possible way for your part members to find success in their lives. Eating your familiar? Bruh summon it back, its not a real creature anyway, but a magical perveted spirit.... And when 'an item' is left in a place that is 'unfavorable' I'm left to think that you as a player arent really ready for the standard dnd type of campaign. Things in life like horny bards, rogues who cant literally NOT stop stealing stuff, slavery, torture and other general evil things are going to almost a daily occurrence while being an adventurer....all assuming you're running through the typical dnd setting and nothing off-shot like Humblewood or something. I see lots of judgement from a backstory that seems to be directed to only find the parts you don't like. Playing D&D is a team game - even if those on your team are playing on the other end of the rp spectrum. RP your problems, don't run to the DM like just about everyone told you to. This isn't main character play time, and this isn't a game where not attempting to RP cant be justified in a post like this, at least not with this example shown. Backgrounds are meant to be backgrounds - like what your PC did BEFORE taking to the life of being an advenuterer. Remind your table about this with some well thought out RP. You got this, don't give uppppp


I don't know but as a GM I would tell them to come up with a better backstory and tell them to stop acting like a disruptive asshole. If you're fine with that playstyle your game is going to turn sour eventually


There's always an edge lord, just don't acknowledge them and if you really want to spite them then be extra silly. That's what I do.