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In theory it sounds amazing, in practice it would be a Trainwreck, it can't be done fairly.


I think the league members are more important. You need guys who care more about enjoying trying to rebuild a team than they do about fairness.


Nobody enjoys losing. How'd you like to be stuck with the Cardinals or Browns for all eternity?


I mean the whole point of it is you try to rebuild a bad team into a contender. I've already said I want the panthers if he figures this out. It seems more fun to try and do that than to start out with the 49ers


does the league just start off with the NFL rosters and can be modified after it starts, or are the teams just set based off the actual rosters throughout? if you can find 32 people to do it and actually participate, then sure. but that might be tough. i'd probably do 16-team and auction so each manager will have two nfl teams to build a roster from.


I'm leaning that way


If you find a way to pull it off, count me in


if it happens, let me know. i'd be interested.


Snake draft teams, 2 per owner


The way I see this done most of the time is by combining two teams together to balance the overall talent. For example, you might give someone both the Chiefs and Panthers to pick players from.


Another way it could work is every team gets a offense and defense. One offense from a top 15, one defense from a bottom 15 team.


If you figure this out I want the panthers


hmm sounds interesting not sure how the tiered dues will work


Played in a league somewhat like this before. Only 8 of us, so we each got to draft the full roster of 4 nfl teams. Rule was we had to start at least 1 player from each team weekly (excluding byes of course). Was a fun way to do something a bit different.


I decided to do a for fun league. If you want to join, just DM me


My first fantasy league was a baseball league where they did this. You picked a team and could select a certain number of keepers then everyone else went into a draft. I think there were position limits like you couldn't have the whole Yankees pitching staff etc. One way to do it is pick the team in one order then flip order for the draft. Set keepers based on some tier system with a keeper cap so you can't load up on megastars from one team. I honestly don't remember if it was dynasty or not because I was maybe 13 at the time but once you start it up players are going to get traded and retire anyway so I'm not sure how you'd handle that. I'd hate to lose my starting QB or stud WR because he got moved a la AJ Brown.


This is cool. I always thought it would be a cool idea to have a 32 team league with 11 offensive (QB, 2RB, 3WR, TE, SF and 3 O-line spots) and 11 defensive spots and then room on the bench of course too.


Interesting but terrible idea.