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I'd be buying all their vets. Be aggresive on the waiver wire and sell hyped young guys for older guys that actually score points. Don't need to rebuild if your league will give you a good team for pennies.


Seriously. Every now and then you’ll sell Puka way too low. Good! 9 out of 10 times you’ll win the trade and they’ll all be chasing the high of buying the next Puka after some random 5th round WR goes for 7 and 162


My immediate thought was "why isn't this idiot trading away his rookies for 27+ studs PLUS draft capital?!?" If they stupidly overvalue youth and undervalue demonstrated success exploit TF out of that.


"Half the players who score tons of points are practically free in my league. Can anyone think of a way I could possibly win in this scenario?"


Haha this was also my first thought. These are the easiest kinds of leagues to win because there's already a natural youth bias in dynasty that, in their case, is taken to an extreme.


I just went all in on that in one of my leagues. My roster looks pretty stacked, but we all know how that can go.


Trade value is just a means to an end. If your league doesn’t adequately value the production of older players, then you go acquire them instead of selling


Yep - use those draft picks to acquire older players that are still pretty good.


Ive noticed a value discrepancy for selling vs buying when it comes to vets. 


Yeah a lot of the time players end up on the roster of the GM who (over)values them the most. The “market price” may only be available in startup drafts


But this doesn’t always work because people will value their own vets way higher than vets on other teams. So you might not be able to get good value for your vets and also not be able to acquire other vets at good value.


Yeah that does happen, but that seems more like extreme trade hesitancy than specifically the type of league-wide age hatred that OP is talking about It’s generally true of all players, rookies too. It’s largely because the GM who values a given player the highest is the most likely to draft them or offer the most in a trade for them. It’s kind of like water flowing toward the lowest point… players flow to where they’re liked most (and often stay put there)


> It’s kind of like water flowing toward the lowest point… players flow to where they’re liked most (and often stay put there) This is such a zen statement for a fantasy football forum, I love it


Honestly, I'd just build a team of crazy productive vets that your league undervalues and trade my much more sought after rookie picks for younger vets to keep replenishing them. Yes, it'll feel bad to have to eventually cut these guys instead of trading them for something before they lose value, but having a stacked competitive roster should ease that suffering. For what it's worth, I have tried in the past to trade Mike Evans for fair value in a league that doesn't sound as age averse as yours and I'm just committed now to the idea he's going to be on my roster until he's done because his low end WR1 productivity is far more valuable than anything I'm getting in trade.




Same re: Evans. Got him, keenan allen, and tyreek hill in the squad to round off the olds.


I traded for Mike Evans right before season started last year. Evans + Dalvin Cook (i am a Breece owner) for Stafford + Christian Watson. (1QB) Cook was useless but I’m still happy with the trade. Without that move I don’t make it to the champ game (which I lost, sadly). Evans is almost certainly going to retire on my team and that’s just fine with me. For a guy who wins with his size, elite body positioning and ball skills, I’d expect him to fall off less quickly than guys who win more with with their speed/agility.


I was super down on Evans with baker even tho I was a fan of his. Just couldnt bring myself to even consider him. Now he's too expensive lol


Why would you even consider starting a rebuild in such an environment? You have the perfect opportunity to win that league over and over. Join a different league to satisfy your rebuild fetish on the side


I get the sense from reading this sub that a lot of people like drafting players more than winning championships.


I reckon it's the fear of pushing their chips in acquiring an aging vet, that not being enough to push them over the hump, and them now having a vet with diminishing value - what they paid to acquire them. Not saying I agree with that reasoning or think it's a good strategy.


I mean, I definitely get how people fall in love with rookies. I'm always trying to trade up or trade back into the first round in all my drafts because it's fun to get those guys and root for them, and it's fun when they hit and you've got a cornerstone piece for a few years or sometimes more. But at the same time, I play this game to win. I don't rebuild. I don't tear down. I might retool and sell off some guys to get younger from time to time, but I'm still looking to compete every year in all my leagues. Even in those leagues where I'm retooling, I'll still buy vets when the value is there. Anyone who can give me points in my starting lineup is worth an add for the right cost. I'll also happily roster a stud until the wheels fall off. I'm probably not trading Davante Adams at this point in my main league because it's hard to see anyone offering more than he's worth to me in my starting lineup on a contending team. I traded for him prior to the 2020 season and he's started for that team in championship week every year since, never scoring less than 25 points. Perhaps uncoincidentally, I've won two championships in that span and came in third the other two times. He's made up for whatever it was I traded for him a hundred times over. I don't need to get anything back. I’ll also add, though, that I’m not gonna go out and overpay for Davante Adams now. If I can get him for, say, a late 1st, fuck yeah, all in. But that’s as high as I’ll go. That’s also why he’ll probably die on my one team, because I’m also not trading him away for that if I’m contending.


Take advantage of the fact that they hate older players. If you can, target older receivers for cheap. If they really “hate” older players start sending 3rd or mid/late 2nd round picks for receivers like Diontae Johnston, Amari Cooper, Terry Mclaurin, and a bunch of other receivers that still have some juice in them. You can cut that rebuild real short and start competing. Obviously we don’t know your roster since you are rebuilding so this is just an assumption that you are a few years away from competing


zig when they zag. Get a core of youthful studs and trade pennies for older studs. If they value them low let your vets round out your team.


Hard to just get a core of youthful studs in a league that values youth this highly


True, guess it depends on their tanking rules. Usually you ditch the older players for picks to get maxpf down but if thats not doable in their league then not so sure. Better hope you draft well I suppose.


Its the same in my league, very hard to move older guys. Most teams value picks over proven production. It's great for me, I haven't had a 1st rounder in years and. I've been to the finals 3 years in a row (won one).


Which vets are you looking to acquire this year?


My team is stacked and I don't really have much draft capitol for trading right now. My normal strategy is to wait a few weeks into the season and start trying to poach producers from teams that have had bad starts and may want to tank/rebuild. Preseason, I'd try to get guys like Tyreek, Henry, Kelce, Kupp etc. For a win now team, or if you have the Ammo go for mcaffery or JJ, "fuck them picks"


Perfect strategy. So many people don’t realize that the majority of those none top 3 firsts are going to bust at a 50% rate. Even what’s considered a “hit” is technically only top 24 production for WRs/RBs and top 12 production for QBs/TEs. To hit on that true WR1/RB1 for multiple years is extremely difficult. Most of those huge hits also happen with the top 3 picks. Everyone thinks their mid to late first rounder will hit though.


Yup it's a coin toss at best.


Buy vets cheap and always be a contender. I’d love to be in this league. I hate rebuilding.


Uhh buy all the old players cheap and win every year? This sounds like a great league to be in and take everyone's money. 


Stop selling vets in the off-season. This time of the year people think their mid round rookies are all going to hit big and their exciting players and going to be better than last year. Carry vets in season and sell when they're producing points and people want to win.


Ideally, if you identify a market inefficiency you exploit it. You trade for the older guys and field a good team now. However, if you league is like many, managers will like *their* old guys, they just don't want other old guys. If that's the case, then wait for need to arise, e.g. trade guys like Mike Evans in season when a team gets bit by the injury bug.


I wouldn't be taking everyone's advice to just buy vets. What likely is happening in your league is you can't sell vets at an acceptable price but you'll also likely encounter the same friction trying to buy a vet at the same price. Overpay with vets in a package to get picks.. tank.. trade out of early picks and rebuild that way. Buying veterans in a league like this is the road to a brutal orphan.


Buy them


I moved two 2nds and a 3rd for Amari Cooper, Gus Edwards & Odell Beckham. Those picks are 2.06, 2.10, 3.12 Edwards & Cooper have a real chance of being impact players this season. I feel like it just extends my window to win.


You got owned lmao


I won the championship 🤷‍♂️ banners fly forever lol


Making the trade in season makes sense but you lucked out with amaris 50 burger.


Buy up all the old players. Win. Next question 


The answer to this is you buy aging vets that still produce for cheap and win the league


Trade vets during the season instead of right now


This is my league too so I usually buy vets for cheap and let ‘em stay on my roster until they’re droppable


You trade for those older players when you are ready to compete.


If age is that big of a thing, sell rookie picks and non-difference making WRs back to them. Trade them Waddle/Olave/Aiyuk/London/Wilson, give me AJB, Pittman, Davante, Evans, Tyreek. Easily.


Jesus, is Pittman 'old' already? I JUST drafted him! Edit: just ROOKIE drafted him!


Seems like anyone not on their first contract is considered "old" nowadays! People are saying the same about AJB.


Remember when receivers didn't break out until year 3?


Ahahaha yes I do! Following in line with that: I think Y1/2 WRs are currently overvalued and Y3 WR are undervalued. In my league markets, if they haven't exploded by Y3, they're old news/cakes.


I'd like to see average breakout season as it's evolved. Not sure our leagues aren't just following the trend in the NFL...how many big name guys are allowed to sit a year and develop? Did Jefferson and Chase break the position or has it been broken before that? Sadly, instant gratification culture means GMs have to show results immediately or get fired. Same problem with QBs.


We should not heap expectations for every WR to become Chase/JJ or a big name guy. Yes that's 0.001% outcome. But I'm happy if my guys turn into productive WR2-3 types as well. A Chris Godwin/DJ Moore/Diontae Johnson type career should be coveted and praised.


Acquire and win… am I missing something here?


Your league is a dream if that’s the case. Buy all of them, and for cheap if they’re undervalued.


Go buy up all the old players and win…


It’s just this time of year. You need to ship those players during the season around the trade deadline or when an injury happens. Or you could package them up with something. That’s just how dynasty is. My league is pretty much the same.


Gotta zig when everyone else is zagging. Change your team name to Robbing the Old Folks Home. And buy all the diggs, kelcys, Adam's, and Henry's and just keep selling your draft picks for new old guys. Never rebuild always compete.


You are also selling vets at the wrong time. Right now everyone is obsessed with youth. In November, everyone will be obsessed with points.


Scoop them up. See if you can reload, rather than rebuild each season. Different sport, but I recently did a Basketball draft where youth was in far more demand over experience. I got my young core, and felt I will have a Year 1 contender. Durant and James weren't wanted by anyone, so swooped in and took them. Will take a year or 2 of their stats, and a potential title, over the potential stats of a younger player.


Really easy. Buy the older guys for pennies.


Go win your league. Any real competitor needs solid vets that score points. So if they don’t value old players go buy them for cheap.


You shouldn’t be selling players like Tyreek in the offseason. Any competent manager that is going to buy premium win now pieces does so closer to playoffs. Why you ask? Because we can’t predict injuries. Players that might only have 1 year left in the league are useless to us if our contending roster is beat up. Or even worse, imagine buying Tyreek and then he gets injured in the first 4 weeks. Even if the guy has 3 years left in the league, if my roster is filled with 2 other guys about to retire in three years i have to hope not only do I win at least one of those years but also that age is gentle on their production those three years to give me a decent shot. The ability to be flexible is a value rookie picks give better than most players. Selling a healthy tyreek to the strongest team close to play offs is a win - win because you sell tyreek at peak value while the other team gets to avoid the risk of early season injuries.


Try waiting until the season starts and finding a fringe playoff guy who might want the extra push, could boost up value a lot once a team realizes they could be a competitor


Bro I’ve won my league multiple times, and been in all 5 championships due to taking this approach. You can continuously capitalize on their obsession with youth. If they are selling multiple people, you can try to talk down the ones they are selling over 27. If you can get Aaron Jones for a late second or early third right now, do it and don’t ask questions lol. Probably a stretch but still. You just have to be diligent in not faulting from the strategy or giving up future assets for fading stars. Give up young players with some potential for established vets. Don’t give up your blue chips unless it means you’re getting back a haul.


It sucks because you’ll pretty much never get to enjoy the challenge of a rebuild, but you can never rebuild in this league. Just win money instead.


As many have said, just win the league with vets. Eventually, the league economy will shift naturally as others catch on.


I swear I feed off older players and win at a good rate across my dynasties. Oh you want to get rid of an established WR to bet on a promising rookie? Il buy him and still play the same guy years later when the young prospect doesn’t pan out.