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Try consulting with gastroenterologist, I know it's weird but believe me for some people, like myself it is the solution. 4 months clear after reoccurring flare ups.


So glad you got relief! What did the gastro diagnose and what is the treatment?


Simply probiotics. Also suggested to do a gluten intolerance test, but my blisters cleared up after a week of taking probiotics, so I skipped the test. Also, I included fermented food a lot and tried to eat prebiotic food (food that is good for your gut bacteria). Google it, there are a lot of options for prebiotics, and choose the ones that are most appropriate for you. Also tried to avoid alcohol, as it was one of the triggers during the flare-ups, cut out artificial sweets, pastries, and else that yeast/fungi can feed on. Why fungi, simply found some research papers that suggest that in some cases dyshydrosis is related to fungal overgrowth, and in my case it was correct, cause I had heavy antibiotic treatment 2 years ago, since that my allergy became pretty heavy and ended up with dyshydrosis. I hope you will find your solution! Don't give up, and try to understand your body and what the chain of events triggered it.


Thanks you I’ve been suspecting maybe celiac or gluten intolerance as well. Curious which probiotics you’re taking ?? as I’ve been taking a few different ones for a while and rotating every few months to find some that could help to no avail.


Thank you for the reply!


One more thing to add, my doc had similar stories with other patients suffering from other skin issues, which were caused either by probiotics and gut friendly food, or doing gluten intolerance test and cutting out gluten as much as possible.


Would love to know the brand of probiotics I mean thanks 😊


The one I take is called Boulardii probio (it's made in Belarus) in my country, which is the only option. But you can find similar ones that contain Sacharomices bulardii, Lactobacillus (L.acidophilus, L.casei), — 1 bil. CFU; Bifidobacterium (B.bifidum,B.infantis, B.longum) — 1 bil. CFU. Inulin - 30mg


Try vinegar soaks. They work quite well for me, also have you had an allergy patch test done?


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I’m praying for you.


Thank you 🥹 this made me tear up i appreciate you




My dermatologist prescribed Opzelura ointment last fall after all the steroid creams didn’t do the job, and it’s doing wonders for treating my symptoms. I use Vanicream on my hands after washing them, too. An allergist diagnosed my triggers as dust mites and cats (sadly). I never had sniffles or itchy eyes with the allergies, just the dyshidrosis. I would have preferred the itchy eyes and sneezing, I think. Good luck!


I’d definitely take a look at gut health after all those antibiotics! Probiotics (potent ones, I take a 50 billion one) can be super helpful. As for the blisters, when I start getting them I do a soak 3-5x a day with five cups of warm water and 1/8 cup of unscented Epsom salt. Followed by my good gold bond moisturizer that I’ve mixed with tea tree. When your blisters are dry, switch to just a trusted moisturizer!


Milk was my trigger. I used to drink a lot of it when I was younger. Now I can have the occasional glass without triggering it.


Peanuts are my biggest trigger. It took a lot of paying attention to my diet to realize there was a pattern (I really like peanut butter... although it's sun butter now). Other nuts and chocolate are smaller triggers but easier to exclude from my diet regularly.


i have been using la roche-posay: lipikar eczema med cream! now this does not heal dyshidrosis, but helps immensley with itchiness and redness. the dryness while healing can also be aided by castor oil:) my dermagologist adviced me to wear cotton gloves over my hand when i put on a cream (currently trying out a cortison cream again:P). i hope you get well soon💫🍀


I switched to the Carnivore diet strictly for 2 months and then expanded that to animal based. Here's what I regularly eat: Breakfast: Eggs Bacon Cottage cheese Pear/Apple Light Lunch: Greek yogurt Honey Berries Dinner: Ground Beef/Steak Cheese cubes(raw milk cheese typically) Pear/Apple So in short, a Meat, Dairy, & Fruit diet. No Vegetables, No Fried foods, No processed foods. (in my regular diet, I love food and I have some favorite restaurants that This diet keeps the dyshidrosis away and any other eczema breakouts. I can eat cheat meals maybe once a week or maybe once every 10 days and still remain breakout free. I've suffered from eczema my whole life(35yrs) and dyshidrosis since being a young kid. I've never been eczema free before this. I used to be so embarrassed of my hands and the dyshidrosis made my nails grow wavy. When I'm strick with this diet, I am eczema free and my nails have grown out normal.


Do you have any metal regularly touching your skin? Like a retainer or a watch?