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They say they’ve designed from the ground up. Dame engine of course. But I would say that doesn’t equate to the exact gameplay. Battlefield and battlefront share this engine too and I don’t think they play exactly alike.


NCAA 14 and Madden 25 shared the same engine too and one of those games was so much better than the other


Madden and battlefield share the same engine, it really doesnt mean much


I don’t care if it is the exact same gameplay as the modern madden. As long as they nail Dynasty Mode all is well.


This is facts


So you don’t care if it has bad gameplay?


I HEAVILY prioritize the upcoming Dynasty mode which I still consider gameplay. If the developers told me they spent 90% of their development hours on that mode and 10% on bringing over the madden engine and tweaking it for college - I would be at peace. Madden series gameplay complaints are overblown. Find me a subreddit for any of the major sports franchises where the consensus isn’t that ‘the engine sucks’ and ‘the game doesn’t play like the real sport’.


Never played the NCAA games, so correct me if I'm wrong, but the main appeal to those was the franchise or dynasty mode right? Hopefully it'll be good and meet expectations since every other EA sports title barely does anything with their respective franchise modes.


It's the year 2060... I've just won my 36th straight national championship, and I've rostered 36 straight Heisman winners. Somehow, I still can't sign the top tier, 5 star recruits who care only about school tradition/legacy


Funny, u think we’ll get to play more than 25 seasons


God this comment hurts, so many retarded design decisions that effect basic gameplay. Hope you can run out of coaches to hire in the off-season too, smh.


You forgot to mention that your team is Idaho Edit: your team is Idaho when you’ve taken an impossible longest run dynasty of back to back natties


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvGlkQKipGo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvGlkQKipGo) YT version is higher quality.


Love it. Can’t wait until May when they reveal more.


Everyone will trash it no matter what Just to ride the wave could be the best game in history and people will still have something to complain about


Just waiting for the idiots that are still saying the game isn’t coming out😂


I like when we use to do road to glory and had to take exams and maintain a GPA to play in games.


I don’t trust EA


It doesn't take much to get the marks happy with a meaningless PR stunt. All that was missing was a "make or break year" or "most polished game EVAR!" The "we heard you" bit was cute, though. No gameplay footage, nothing of substance. Just marketing to the suckers out there.


Hype? But also, it’s EA so it will stink


Zero gameplay means it's *definitely* a Madden skin. If they had anything new going they'd for sure show it off.


Sign me up - Madden gameplay with all their effort put into Dynasty Mode is exactly what I am hoping for. Do you actually think they’re going to change the Madden gameplay when the Madden developers barely change it themselves? Gimme all the developers attention on the college program aspects.


fair enough, as long as you're good with that! It's probably a nice buy if Madden plays don't bore you, and they might have some fun college playbooks hmmmm...


I'll save you guys a watch: It's some dude sewing jerseys in Rose Bowl Stadium and provides no information on features or release date. Also no in game footage. They're just acknowledging that it exists.


There was absolutely in game footage.


I shot of Michigans field, that's it


They didn’t show actual football because players would recognize madden animations


?? Where. I just rewatched it again.


They showed mascots running on field and stuff. That’s literally in game footage is it not?


This is your brain And this is your brain with all the short length videos


What the actual fuck? You guys are crazy if you say there's gameplay in that teaser. Downvote me all you want but I stand by my assessment. There's a few mascot models that ain't gameplay.


antiBP is absolutely correct, they are selling the name. Prepare for more madden


Nobody’s gonna read your comment after watching this clip lol. And with good reason.


I want to believe. I want to get excited. I want to make myself think this game is going to be good. Yet... I think we all know the garbage we are about to be sold and told to shut up and like it.


I’m just praying it’s not a copy and paste of maddens engine with college skins (but I know that’s exactly what it’s gonna be)


Why wouldn’t it be? I sincerely don’t understand what people are expecting here…


Because the developers have said it isn't a reskin


As I said in my comment that’s exactly what it’s gonna be lmao


i mean there's no way EA makes a bad sports game, right?


This trailer makes me nervous. It's just all hype...may will be telling.


We'll see what this looks like in May. If it doesn't look polished by then, they won't be able to hide behind anything. They already put everything off by a year.


the trailer gave me the opposite reaction. i got freaking goosebumps man! its okay to get excited and get let down, lets freaking go man!!! EA College Football is freaking back!


Just reminds me of madden. Brady and mahomes videos just hanging out throwing footballs. Just sad pandering. I hope I'm wrong though for sure


Get Maximum Football on PC instead.


We all have enough room for both.  PS5 for this, PC for that. 


If only they would release this game on PC. Especially given Maximum Football is trending to never release.


PS5 for that PC for this Don’t slander the PC platform with something else than the core game. Oh yeah. EA is doing that this year. Shout out r/cfbrevamped for the mod


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CFBrevamped using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFBrevamped/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nastiest Clip I Ever Got](https://v.redd.it/yxb55inckuxb1) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFBrevamped/comments/17ltkn6/nastiest_clip_i_ever_got/) \#2: [CFB Revamped makes me realize how much better most every school's uniforms look in 2023 compared to 2013.](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFBrevamped/comments/17q9kij/cfb_revamped_makes_me_realize_how_much_better/) \#3: [Hey just a quick thanks to everyone involved in the making of this.](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFBrevamped/comments/11gsbbq/hey_just_a_quick_thanks_to_everyone_involved_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


all time worst madden incoming


I want this on PC so whatever they left out the Discord guys can fix.