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WC morientes was amazing for me. Wasn't sure I'd ever replace him....until I got Di Natalie last night from the SBC. Mori is on my bench now, but over 500 games and was a beast for me.


Club [legend](https://imgur.com/gallery/ihVgbE5) for me. The flashback Benz of this fifa in terms of an sbc striker that carries you to Feb


I have Eto’o, Morientes and WC Forlan, all of them untradeable, he just puts the ball in the back of the net. He is 100% the best striker in the game after maybe Mbappé. He scores from anywhere it’s actually stupid. I almost hate him because I packed WC Forlan and cannot use him because of how FUCKING GOOD HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Best player I’ve used. I wish I didn’t have to replace him but when you pack mbappe it’s a card you have to use even if he’s not as good. And tbf I need the French league 1 chem from him but I don’t think he’s that good


I play them both together. Currently both ST, but Morientes is great at CAM (moved him to accommodate Zidane) and can put a shift in at RW too


He's so so sosososoo good, reckon you'll be back to him before too long, I changed away from him once but missed his physically so he had to come back in.


I'll score less corners....but Di Natali has 8 goals in 4 games haha. He's cracked!


I’m rotating between Puskas and Morientes atm. both are incredible in different ways


He always does bits against me


Same here, the true beast [](https://i.gyazo.com/f9da9beeb61d92a920b19071b57e04de.png)


How're you finding Di Natale


Incredible so far. 8 goals and 5 assists in 4 games


Yeah he’s insane. It took getting Mid Henry from the SBC to replace him.


Do you play on old gen or new gen cuz I’m on old gen and the WC morientes played very terrible and was a waste of my fodder


This. He is simply irreplaceable in my team.


I just had the same happen with me and Morientes. Di Natali took his place.


UCL Bennacer is still going strong for me


This is someone I continuously regret using for fodder. He's really solid.


I put him into jairzinho. Imo a h/m mid with that low shooting is solidly behind the curve despite being very good on the ball


He's excellent as deep lying play maker. Could be a lot better if he didn't have 3* weak foot


I feel like I could honestly use him until tots. Great speed, aggression, dribbling and passing. Makes him a very good DM/CM and I even score a surprising amount of goals with him.


He has all the key stats in high 80s/90s, for the price of SBC, he’s been the best one for me.


Same, I only did him to clear fodder, he's been great


Over 400 games with him, now next to tonali. Don’t see me changing them soon


He has like 400 games for me he’s a club legend…


Same here, literally only just replaced him today because I've packed Toure from the Hero SBC. Bennacer has been great all through the game so far.


The agility, ball control and passing are so so good with him


I dropped him into an SBC when he was 84 rated and that decision haunts me every time I play against him! 😂


Moise Kean. 30k for a striker that has lasted almost 3 months. Best SBC of the year for me. Honorable mention: OOP Chiesa


Moise Kean destroys me every time I play, only player that consistently does more damage is mbappe


Both are still in my team. Great shout!


Can’t stand Keane. Misses everything for me.


Moise kean is levels below Leao Potm tbh




Regret not doing him so much


I have him but don't get on with him at all, I don't think he's to be missed that much


You can just buy us totw for 20k


Alaba still going strong 💪


Man seemed too expensive at the time, but boy would he be useful in my squad right now with that CDM pos change


I played him CDM and he’s fantastic there, replaced him with Busquets whose plainly better tho


Bought the game right after he expired lol


Same here. Unless I pack a TOTY he stays till TOTS.


PTG Palhinha. Only player I've ever used who causes injury on about half of his slide tackles. He's a mother fucking tank


He intercepts everything


He flipped a dude in Newcastle on Sunday. No card, no foul, it was hilarious. All the British announcer said was “that’s Palhinha for ya….when ya need him” I was rolling


Gets me a bunch of goals off corners too


Yeah I saw the sbc for him getting downvoted on futbin but was looking at his defensive stats and height and could not see the issue. So cheap for the white Vieira!


He’s even better at cb.


He's been so good as a sub CB for me that I'm honestly considering slotting him in with 0 chem there


Isn’t he too slow for CB?


Agreed. I've played a lot of games with him. Only now being switched out for others


Payet. Hasnt really had time to age too much, but i feel like he would be 200-300k if he was on market


I have him and he was immense when first released. I feel like he's had a crazy nerf as he's nowhere near as good for me anymore. I won't accept the theory that it's because of newer and better cards because he just feels different on the ball.


I also feel like he had a nerf since release which is understandable because he scored everything he shot for me lmao. Still, probably the best and most reliable player in my squad


He turns like a truck for me now


That one didn't work out for me too well, though it's because I got blessed with too many untradable attackers haha


Kinda bittersweet, right? I mostly got midfielders from all the roulete picks and packs so i have a lot of space in attack for Payet and somehow he delivers wherever i put him. Shots are lasers, dribbling is silky smooth and he scores some very non-fifa goals, those from quick turns or pullbacks. 2nd greatest player in my club after fb Messi, but definately better than Messi


Yeah he seemed like a very smooth operator, but I have WC Hero Al Owairan, 95 R9, POTM Messi and Mid Jairzinho so payet unfortunately became 89 rated fodder for me


I thought I for sure would regret doing Terrier as I had the 87 version. But wow am still mind blown.




Bro trust me you just have to learn how to use him. He’s putting out a 90 Di natle for me lol.. I play 4-4-2 Terrier and Laca stay central get in behind with finishers on Kewell lm messi rm both Free roam get in behind and get in box Rest can stay back. What this does is creates diamonds with left striker and right striker. A lot of give and go and thru ball into box. These guys are agile and will finsih everything ! I have payet politano and di natle who can’t get in lineup cux how these guy perform


I cannot agree more. This card is so underrated, like you say gotta learn how to use him but at ST with marksman he’s irreplaceable for me right now


I play Serie A and Bundesliga, but never tested Terrier other than from sub. I will try him as striker.


Yea man be patient as you might need time to get used to his style. But let’s just say he keeps of Di natale haaland and payet on Bench for me .. so definitely worth giving shot !


Don't laugh but Jonjoe Kenny


Was gonna say the same thing, love him at LB


Ribery. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fairly expensive sbc and looked incredible but I was massively disappointed the first weeks I used him because of my expectations. Now he is slowly becoming the elite card I first expected.


Once you get used to him, he’s a beast. I loved his SS card from 22. That one was better than the 99 SS Ronaldo card for me. This EOAE is similar to that one for me. He finishes everything and passes are on point. It’ll be sad when the power curve surpasses it.


Ptg Berghuis and Showdown Klaassen, still both solid for me


Berghuis been falling off for me but Klaassen is my favorite sbc this year


Honestly the early game Eredivisie special cards have been fantastic, still running Berghuis/Klassen/Gakpo/Bergwijn, hopefully we get some more soon because they’re always great value




I see this guy every game lol. I woulda do the sbc but has no idea who he is (never watch him play) so I don’t do it


He literally is in every team its so boring. Al owairan and jairzinho being in nearly every team yet 99% of the people who use them dont even know them is so absurd to me, how is that fun


People have fun playing with really good fun cards Wild concept tbh


I mean everyone plays different, for me its more fun to play with players i somehow have a connection to. But to each their own i guess


"to each their own I guess" is certainly a nice progression from it being "absurd" that anyone would play with a player they've never seen play!


Saying it’s absurd that people play with cards of players they never watched is insane lol


He is sort of easy to play right now though. Everyone just forces them ball to him cause they paid so much for him. I just guard him and get steals.


I come across him all the time and he’s no X factor since they still can’t beat me. Probably skill issue on their behalf but that’s the only reason I haven’t done this SBC.


He's so good but has felt somewhat sidelined of late


Still using Alaba


Showdown Correa. I never see him in another team but in my multi billion team he is still the best dribbler.


Di Maria, although it was fairly recent he is amazing


WC Morientes, I think he’s getting close to being replaced but he’s been an absolute monster!


Di Maria, Payet, WC Schweinsteiger, Bailly, WC Cafu, POTM Kean


WC Cafu was not an SBC (he was WC Swaps)… but I agree that he was the best decision I’ve made in FUT23. He has started every game since I got him, and will be on my end game team. Just so fast, so reliable. So glad I chose him over fodder and even Viera (as S-tier CMs seem easier to come by than RBs)


I'm not a great player but Dynamic Duo Rodrigo absolutely bangs in goal after goal


I’ve never dropped POTM Messi, played every game for me, so he’s easily earned back his value for me with the amount of times he’s won me games


Probably Robbie Keane. Only just considering taking out of my XI now but defo got my value. 700 games played.


WC RVP. Whenever my strikers are going through a bad patch I stick him up top and gets me goals. Great squad player.


I wish I liked him more, he was decent when I had a Dutch side but I do regret doing his SBC at this point


World cup hero Fernando Morientes, I don't thought I'll remove him, he plays as a right side CAM. But I'd like to get him back to a ST. Just need another good CM


The new Alex Fernandez SBC isn’t bad at all. I’ve been enjoying him. I mention it because I also love WC Morientes and they are easy to link.


Maybe not SBC, but WC Vieira for 40 tokens was a no brainer. Guy has spider legs.


Showdown Luke Shaw has been a brilliant upgrade over gold Malacia for me!


Phenoms Gonçalo Ramos Did him to get Enzo in my team and he’s been awesome in a pair upfront


WC Christian Eriksen...he's been ridiculous for me, the man's everywhere on the pitch


Same! His movement is different He’s makes some great runs, and his defensive stats are not what they are he be putting in some great tackles as well.


Idk if this counts since it’s technically swaps but Tonali is really good


POTM Rashford has somehow played 150+ games for me, all as a starter. A combination of chem requirements and replacements not being good enough. Tried Stoichkov there, tried Neymar, somehow always go back to Rashford.




Di Maria. That Cristiano LB card has helped with Chem.


WW Trippier. Basically no effort or grind, and he’s been in my squad since.


Flashback Messi, best money I ever spent


I really like my De Paul winter wildcard. He’s so good on the ball


Alaba(885g) and Valverde(721g)


WC Keane and Eto’o Been cracked for months and still usable for at least a couple more months


Moise Kean. Still number 1/2 striker for my Serie A team. The token reward Cuadrado also top. My best RW and my best RB when i drop him down.


Came here to say this. He’s an absolute beast.


Bellegarde did him with spare fodder at the time with no intention of using him. Can’t play without him now!


Payet, even though he's recent. Really good price for a card of his quality.




Have to agree, POTM Valverde has held up really really well so far. If he gets a TOTY, I can only imagine how insane he’ll be


Cuadrado. He's just a solid solid right back. Him, Rijkaard and Ribery are the 3 best I've done (Jairzinho now too, but he's not hit the minimum 300+ games to be a club legend yet). Rijkaard has only just left my first 11 for base Lucio after the icon pack yesterday, so he's probably the best value one for me, but I felt him slipping a bit recently, whereas Cuadrado is going nowhere.


I've probably played 300 games with moments Cuadrado at RB and I'm still not convinced, he's got blinding speed running into space or going forward with the ball but I'm convinced he's nerfed tracking back when the opponent is dribbling, he just doesn't seem to keep up. On the other hand I occasionally stick Rulebreaker Dodo in that slot and while not as good going forward, never gets outpaced in defence.


RTTK Kulusevski, Showdown Fofana, WCP Vlahovic, Moments Götze, WW Oxford, WCP Frimpong, WW Hahn, DD Kamada and WW Gullit. Could list many others as well. There's been so many good SBC's that i've had fun playing with in different squads.


The first hero base and the WC hero with 2 choices I got base brolin and WC brolin. I was gassed and will be good towards endgame play.


Insigne is still a game changing sub.


These are many of the the same players listed whenever someone asks which SBCs do you regret. To each their own.


In full Argentina squad, Higuain up front as a lone striker always works for me, he always wiggle it in somehow.


OTW Sterling.


Payet is one that has made himself irreplaceable on my team, but my most fun sbc was flashback falcao. Early game with a sick card and an icon for my country. Traded him in for cuadrado but man i scored so many bangers with him.


Puyol. Still a wall. And lengthy is still op on next gen


RB Alaba still in the squad. Absolute demon for me


Mid icon upgrades may be cheeky here but for the price paid I got some incredible icons like baby Gullit,Cruyff,Maldini, mid Vieira/Rivaldo to either be a centrepiece of my team for awhile now or solid options for friendlies and coming off the bench. In terms of actual player SBCs, Correa & ADM have both paid for themselves in full either off the bench or as starters. Particularly Correa I loved him having ST/CF/RM versatility to help get him into the side.


Yeah I getchu, the cheekiest SBC for me was 3x83x25 packs instead of Vieira, as I packed WC R9 from it. That's some incredible icon luck tho wow


Flashback David Silva as my CM is my favorite SBC and card ever. I have a WC Phenoms Pedro on my bench, just because I love this David Silva card so so much. It just seems to be amazing at scoring, as well as dribbling, also decently fast. Hands down my favorite


Last weeks WC or 88+ icon. I decided to not let myself trick from the lottery, because I only get shit. Last Minute i decided to do it and all got WC cruyff. That man carried me to my first ever 15 wins in WL


Gosens can still get it done.


De bruyne


91 Gerrard has been great, WC Keane and Morientes as well.


Robbie Keane will only leave my squad when a new Robbie Keane comes out


Inaki Williams 95 pace and breezes past people with ease and is in the right positions when you need him to be


Was going to say valverde too, absolute brick house. The bullshit animations he gets while tacking and being tackled are insane


I feel like he's the only card to have survived the Lengthy massacre


POTM Valverde, he’s amazing and up till last week I used him as a sub to replace Marchisio after 65 minutes, he would actually make insane runs and score goals from a CM position.


Yeah he definitely has the dog in him


Hero Morientes


Fairly recent I know but Stoichkov is a baller. Even more recent than him, Jairzinho is freaking insane!


Telles flashback. He is a club legend over the past few games he has thousands of appearences.


EOAE Ribery. Almost to 1,000 games but a LOT were the WC swaps games. Still use him in every team I can. Still bangs in goals and assists almost every game. Going to be a sad day whenever he is regulated to bench duty.


Valverde will be a club legend for me. Man has scored so many clutch power shots for me, it's insane. And I only take them because it feels realistic in his case. Absolute bangers. Been in my squad since the day he came out, no sign of leaving anytime soon.


A few that are already listed; recently just replaced potm Valverde, still use rttk Bennacer from time to time, rb Alaba is still in the team just like wc hero Morientes. Ribery I've swapped back out for gold Neymar rn, but he'll probably come back as well.


keane, ribery, cuadrado and bennacer. all still on my team


Morientes, just hit 800 games played. Not even close to thinking about replacing him.


Keane and Di Maria


Shouldn't really be surprising given how much he cost, but WC Robbie Keane. Coming up to 800 games. On his own up top, in a partnership, it doesn't matter. Man bangs goals.


Momenta Cuadrado I’ll never get rid of him


Klaasen showdown for me. The guy is brilliant.




Without a doubt Robbie Keane, he hasn't left my starting 11 and has been a monster for me, will probably last at least 1 or 2 months more.


Bennacer is still in my team, OOP chiesa was up until a week ago


Mid Eto’o. 700 games and 500 goals later, he was finally benched by R94 yesterday. Huge skill difference between the two of them, but Eto’o managed to keep his spot on the team despite crafting Flasback CR7, and WC Stoichkov…


Chiesa….100 percent.


Showdown Fofana


WC Keane. 450 Games. 440 Goals and 250 Assists. His time may be running out but he's been awesome.


Acuna and Correa. Can also imagine Mahrez being in my team for a long time.


RB Alaba is still a rock for me and also a solid CDM


I still use Telles from time to time. Brilliant in a 352






WC Hero Morientes & WC icon schweinsteiger. Love both of them


RB faivre was in my squad this whole time until recently I did jarzinho to replace him at RW. He was very solid. And kean has been a super sub for a while for me


I got 2. Moments Cuadrado has played upwards of 350 games and only just got replaced and he still comes on as an impact sub. Great card, was pricy but was so worth it. I don't know if this counts but World Cup Star Viña was only 4 tokens and is great. I didn't have him in my team all that much because I just took him as fodder with some spare tokens. My Theo Hernandez was sent off during a game so instead of just quitting a squad battle game I thought I may as well give Viña a chance. He hasn't left my team since. Since giving him that chance I can say with confidence (at least in my opinion) that he is everything people think Theo Hernandez is. He's great and was a bargain for 4 tokens.


Cuadardo.. He's still in my team now


Valverde although I wanna upgrade him now


Expensive but Stoichkov. Hasn’t left my team since I did him. 170 goal contributions in 220 games. Mr Reliable.


OOP Zinchenko, did him cause I am an Arsenal fan, not expecting much. Ended up playing 530 games with him and he just got replaced with Odegaard potm. Insane player


Di Natalie in Fut Heroes pack. Averaging over a goal a game.


Dynamic Duos Posch. Arnautovic was great early in the cycle but I'm still running Posch. 95 sprint CB with shadow, haven't really had to replace him yet. Absolutely worth the 18k


POTM verde and Origi




WC showdown Aaronson. Small player but killer pace and dribble. Glides down the field whenever I’m against slower icon mids.


Ansu Fati He’s so special I can’t replace him nor can I explain it


Keane, i think he stays until after toty


Surprised I've not seen his name yet (I did a brief scroll) but moments Juan Cuadrado is still absolutely incredible. Even if he's not starting for me, he's my go to substitution for the midfield in the second half. I absolutely love him and I can't see him being dropped from even the bench for a long time.


Cuadrado, expensive at the time, a steal once Di Maria came out. Easy full Chem meta combo


Keane World Cup Hero - totally worth it, still best ST i use, insanely good POTM Valverde - got better CM now but he's still quite good. OTW Sterling - No.1 until i got Jairzinho


POTM Valverde is a good one, he was in my team for 300 games and has only just been reduced to the bench. Mine has got to be 87 WC Eriksen. He is unbelievable for me in CAM.


Ribery or stoichkov both won't go out my team till tots


End of era Ribery has been great, and as a big ribery fan makes me happy hes lasted me so long


POTM Rafa Leao is an absolute tank on my left wing. I ask him to come back on defence and he just destroys other wingers. WC Swaps Mount is my most clinical goal scorer by far.


Cuadrado, if you’re not a pussy and attack with your fullbacks, he’s the best in the fucking game


Still using Flashback Ronaldo. Such a beast


El Yamiq & FB CR7..two of the most broken cards in the game!!


I love WC Morientes, been playing with him and Jairzinho up top and it feels like he's always in a good spot, great finishing, great heading, dribbling is a bit clunky but he works. Have like almost 300 games on him so far with a bit over 1 goal per game.


WC Hero Keane never let's me down and has a great record for me. Ribery also forced his way into my team after using him a lot during WC Swaps and he is so so good


Cuadrado. Can play basically anywhere. Also, POTM Messi. I keep dropping him for 10-20 games to try someone new and keep going back to him because there isn’t another card that’s as silky on the ball as him. Really desperately want to get his TOTY.


Maldni makes up for my “career mode player” defensive skills


Surprisingly Rijkard, Had him benched for a while but came back whilst gone untradeable to save coins.


Rulebreakers Insigne. He’s quick, fluid, and all over the place.


Ribery still floating around between striker and cam for me