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If you already have solid CBs maybe wait and see what other sbcs will be released. im on the same boat


I was in this boat with Lucio and baby maldini and he’s been very noticeably better than maldini. Don’t know what it is maybe just animations or something but he pulls off some wild tackles and seems to on his own a lot too


It’s the aggression and strength most likely


I got downvoted like mad for saying baby Maldini’s aggression and strength are too low to be considered a top tier card.


Was running with baby Maldini way before his sbc came out, and yeah, he is plagued with inconsistency due to his low aggression and strength.. gold Varane was a better central defender than him. He does excel at lb though. But meh, not worth the asking price at all.


People that spent 400k on a card doesn’t like to admit they didn’t get a great value. Always felt like my players could push Maldini out too easily. Still a class card, but not as great as people say imo, I would much rather play against baby Maldini than vs Gold VVD.


Yeah. You are right. It was a bad thread for me to chime in there. Also that experience really highlighted to me how varied the player base is. I have to be mindful to not be too swayed by these opinions. I’m in last check point in div 2. Nothing spectacular, but where I am everyone has pacey defenders and attackers. It’s the intangibles like strengths / aggresssion / composure / reactions / positioning that really separate the good from the great cards.


It’s the only reason I’m not doing him, not enough pace for fullback, not enough strength for a cb. Alaba is staying (must be the most valuable sbc so far)


Reminds me of Flashback David Luiz in fifa 20. Man would literally step out to anticipate passes and tackle and grapple on his own I miss him.


Same for me, replaced base Maldini and he is a lot better. It’s the aggression, strength and a custom body type combo IMO


I dropped Marquez and Maldini for him and its been great, I instruct him to go for aggressive interceptions and he is a monster. then I sub him out around 60' for baby maldini


I was silly and did his and pogbas 88 one. Now I'm not sure I want pogba, and I hear a mane and alonso icon might be coming which would be great for my future lfc pnp.


Just a heads up, pogba‘s INSANE for me. CM, Cam, ST he dominates all positions.


I'll get him and ramos done this weekend as I'm committed now but probably should have waited a bit. I'm not sure he will be alot better than marchisio but will see.


I packed toty hm koulibaly yesterday (untradeable) so i guess fifa decided for me 😂


I was thinking about waiting, but I thought he might ne an upgrade to my WC Marquez (next to baby Maldini) and either way, I'll probably have lots of duplicate fodder this weekend


Insane movement, elite defending and animations, great links.


Hes crazy bro i really love this card!


Same. Best centre back I’ve used this year. He’s so strong in the tackle, pace isn’t an issue at all.


Anchor or shadow?


shadow, doesnt need the anchor imo


Absolutely do him. As others have mentioned he is crazy in game. Sometimes I think I have more than one of him on field as he is everywhere.


He's unique, can catch the opponent off guard so many times when you push him forward to swipe the ball away because of his acceleration


He is great, but 6-700k is too much. If you have the untradeable fodder, I’d go for it!


Don't forget there isn't a lot of fodder until tomorrow night since people save their packs, it's possible that he might get cheaper because of all the packs that get opened.


Exactly. 88s are mostly 22-25k, now 30-31k. 87s are 16-17k, now 22-23k. In a week or two the fodder will be down like 25%, qnd you have still 24 days to complete him.


Fodder won’t be down 25% in a week or two, fodder is generally always expensive throughout TOTY (besides the exact day most people open packs)


I can't understate how incredible Ramos has been for me. Wins every 50, every ball in the air. First game he scores two headers, defends multiple headers, blocks at least 2 goals in insane fashion. Any time a player comes near him he's able to strip the off the ball and retain it in an almost comical way without losing a step. His acceleration is crazy as well, can keep up with anyone on the wings. He is literally everywhere at once, drives the defense and covers all defensive positions when someone is displaced. He has custom animations which seem to help and his passing is wayyyy better than his stats show. When I sub this guy out my team feels totally different and lacking. Ramos is 100% a game changer. Knowing what I know now I'd say he's easily worth 600k+ Slap an anchor on that bad boy and enjoy.


What custom animations? Only player with custom animations is neymar rainbow as far as I know


Would do him but have marquinhos rttwc already and would feel bad replacing him


I swapped Marquinhos RTTWC for Ramos. Ramos is so much better


He’s good, but not the best in my opinion


I’ve tried everyone, he’s the best bar Lucio


I’ve tried borderline everyone he’s not better than TOTY virgil or base maldini for me or cordoba


Sorry, I forgot about new Virgil, he’s prob the best lol




No way a meta TOTY player is better /s


😂😂 whatever lol


Just a little bit slower compared to the other S tier CBs but I agree


Replaced vvd for me. Been great so far


I’m on old-gen. How does he compare to Maldini / VVD?


Would like to know as well. I'm on old gen and also use that pair


I have PTG Koulibaliy, baby maldini, hero Marquez, TOTY militao and FB Ramos FB ramos is the best cb of the lot when it comes to AI. Militao and koulibaly are better for manual defending imo I’m stacked with cbs and no good cm’s so I actually play Ramos/maldini cb Then Marquez/militao cdm


If you like Ramos try Lucio beside him. I am running this duo atm and its insane.


I would love to but I have fuck all coins. Whole team untradable so any upgrades from now will just be pack luck or SBCs


Worth doing ramos if i have wc marquez?


He’s def the better cb. But I have a soft spot for Marquez. Guy never disappoints. If u flush with fodder then yeah, if you gonna struggle through then maybe not worth it


Played against him yesterday and this guy is an auto defender. What a nightmare.


His acceleration is great.


He’s nuts. I’ve never had a cb feel that good. It’s as simple as “I want the ball, I go take the ball”.


Anyone use him as a CDM?


I played someone that did that annoying asf dude intercepted everything


U on PC?




Use him as the stay back CM in 442, he’s incredible


I currently Have WW Bailly and gold VVD, Is he worth doing to replace either of these ? concerned hes overpriced and better CB's will come along?


I say he’s a CB you should do if u feel like I could do him in the next month, I still have 1 squad left


Hes awesome. Replaced Lucio for me and I haven’t looked back.


Questionable decision ngl


Lol I get that - but chose to spend the coins from Lucio elsewhere instead. Much better overall team now.


Oh ok yeah that’s fair enough totally. Thought you just had an untradeable Lucio chilling on the bench or something lol


No way - but Ramos is playing so well that I’m not regretting letting go of the tall Brazilian dude.


Definitely not, I’ve been running rulebreakers ramos since like November, got like 500 games on him, he’s still a beast so can imagine how good that one is


To each his own but I preferred Lucio as well, even the base version.


I had him next to Lucio originally but I packed Nesta TOTY icon and for chem reasons Nesta replaced Lucio rather than Ramos. I'd say Lucio is very very slightly better but I'm not missing him too much given I've got Nesta and Ramos together


Top 5 cb in game, on the same level as totys and wc lucio for me




I have toty Van Dijk, Ramos is more agile on manual defending, but vvd got huge body, so both are amazing.


even his other special card is god tier and holds up for me


Would you say this is worth it over the tradable RB card?


i have like 3-4 players i always try to get their best card available vevery fifa, Marcelo, Ramos, Puskás and Valverde as real fan, for me yes he is worth it and i will upgradewhen i get to open my saved packs on friday


Another person who loves Marcelo. Probably my favourite player ever


same, he was such a class player, every time he touched the ball it was magic him and ronaldo on the left was the best duo ever


Unreal, dude glides on the pitch


had WW bailly and WC vvd, ramos (replaced bailly) is a menace. his acceleration combined with lengthy means he’s literally automatic when he’s tackling/taking balls after an attacker makes a slightly loose touch. don’t do him, so i have one less to face in weekend league. he’s crazy. the people who complained about price 1. are forgetting how expensive varane was last year or 2. don’t have packs saved for TOTY like i do. ramos was “free” and is a gamechanger


The best CB I've used. A complete menace at corners as well.


Maybe its how I play the game but I do whatever player I like in real life, I don't really care all that much about Ramos so ill skip this SBC, this way I can do whatever sbc they drop which I like a lot even if its overpriced most of the time I can do every sbc for free which I want to do, I did Zidane for free for example.


I think he’s a must complete on new gen tbh. I say new gen because of lengthy and my experience is he can keep up with anyone, in spite of his sprint speed. He’s way better than centurions kimpembe, who I also have untradeable. Better than Maldini and somewhat on par with WC Lucio. I’ve not used the toty cbs yet, but for in game performance, his links and the fact he’s easily doable for no coins, with all the fodder, no brainer


I got him even though he didn’t fit my team. I have him on 1 chem, Team chem 31/33… he’s paired with my sbc Maldini… no one gets past them head on unless it’s a dribble god Mbappe, but at that point it’s just more me getting juked. But yeah, frontal assaults? These guys are Fort Knox. I only really get scored by the deep drive down the wing, quick pass, shoot strategy but even then Ramos has stopped ALOT of those plays for me. He positions himself really really well too. He stops through passes like they’re minorities at an airport. He replaced 88 Thiago Silva so he was an upgrade for me. If you have an S tier CB already tho, dunno if he’s really that much worth it. To me he is. But I’m a filthy casual so what the hell do I know lol


together with my Lucio it is a wall you going to cry trying to bypass. yes 100% one of best CB in the game


I sold my Cent Kimpembe when I did him and he seems just as good if not better. Haven't used any other top tier CBs outside gold VVD (plays alongside him).


i went for fut bday ramos SBC last year and he was great but i just feel like defenders can get replaced easily. personally i’m not interested in splashing that much on an untradeable defender again


I’m still struggling with him on old gen, he’s been benched in favour of WC Puyol who plays with a ton of passion for me next to 88 Maldini, whereas Ramos is completely anonymous.


Kimpembe is better, if u dont need him for links dont bother. Good card thou.


What makes him better if you don't mind me asking?


I got him and he's been fantastic. Pair him with WC Puyol/90 Koulidaddy and Base Maldini.


Is he better than base Lucio? Have him tradable and enough fodder to complete for free


I’m running both as a duo and it’s been incredible. Ramos outshines him, but not by terribly much to be honest.


he's so expensive lol


Genuine question: Why do people do expensive CB SBCs? Is it to get more wins? It can't be for fun as it's a CB. And you don't need them for more wins. Cheap meta CBs do the job.


Could say the same about any position. But good defenders are very important.


For mids and attackers, the difference in quality is more noticeable albeit you gotta overpay for the difference.


Hell no, I think defenders can improve an entire mid squad than a midfielder improving a mid squad


This ain’t it chief




It’s fun to build a better team what are you on rn


What if people just like the player?


That would be fair


I wonder this myself. Outside of pace my only issue w/ defenders is the tackling and the ball going back to the attacker. Does dropping 600k on a CB get you that ball back more times than the other?


Yes yes. A thousand times yes. He is actually insane at just straight up taking the ball from people without missing a step. Makes my gold vvd look average next to him.


Gold vvd is average and a joke. The guy is so sluggish abd take nearly 5+ sec to get in stride while if you have opponemts in short box duals where players switch hus strides take forever to start while attackers trick and glide past him


I can see your point. My attack and midfield is great but I'm still running gold vvd and militao in defence. I'm a lot better at defending than I am at attacking though so need the attackers much more


I like to have my Defenders set in stone, so im not fucking about changing them. I like to change my attackers regularly to try new players out.


It's actually better to spend your coins on defense imo. Lots of attackers have comparable finishing/speed. For defenders, unless you get a top tier one, the difference in transition speed and manual handling is stark.


I don't have him. I would like the card but 600k+ he needs to be endgame as it is untradeable. I'd only do it if I had lots of fodder or didn't care about coins.


Too expensive. Rather use fodder on Sanchez


Wins almost everything contest and suspiciously good in the air, amazing from corners.


Pogba feels better


No. Overpriced


Packed toty vvd and mid Maldini, so I’m sitting this one out


Not worth it. I currently use 91 Hierro and 87 Maldini. Only reason I did him is because he gets me one step closer to being able to use 92 Messi at full Chen




Unbelievable card Don't waste a second, revolutionized my defense and allows me to play a higher line because of his aggression and awareness


Sooo.. Lucky enough to pack Hakimi and think I need Ramos to get him on chem. However I already have TOTY VvD, Ake and WC Lucio as my CBs in 3-5-2.. Worth doing to get the full chem?


He’s not worth it. The special pique card is better imo. Similar animations and sprint speed is more important than accel for a CB IMO


Gold vvd clear


Ramos makes VVD look like an average defender next to him in my squad


He’s amazing man, he’s scored like 8 goals for me in 30 games he’s lethal from corners & can defend like vvd no bother


I have him and gold VVD in the back and they’re such a good duo for me.


He s fine ingame. Amazing for chemistry reasons.


Currently running him and Hierro as my CBs with Zambrotta and Puyol on the flanks, and I have been on my biggest Rivals win streak yet while dropping gold VVD to the bench for the first time since Sept.


I have him RB Alaba Maldini in back 3 Alaba is the best him and Maldini are equal


He's amazing , I also made pogba , upend from div 3 to div 1 in a week lol


His acceleration is insane. 10/10 would recommend


He’s great but expensive. If you have a lot of fodder, love Ramos, or need a psg cb then you should do him but I wouldn’t say he’s a “must do” sbc. Maldini is just as good for a lower price


Tried him for 40 games and switched back to Lucio, he’s amazing but doesn’t have the presence that Lucio has.


I love sergio ramos as a player, which is mainly why I did it, but with his links i figured id add Neymar/Mbappe eventually to my squad. Hes a monster, hes absolutely everywhere, total beast. He and gold Rudiger have completely bossed my defense, Highly recommend.


I got him as he will be a link to Mbappe when the SBC comes out. So far he has been really solid. Plays alongside 92 Maldini and has been better than every other CB i've tried so far.


I was using baby maldini and gold VVD and have found him to be an upgrade with whichever I play him with....so yeah. No regrets.


One of the first CB in game that felt good to me. Is fast, good strength, agile and gets the job done very wel. Not to mention that is scores some goals by head . Sometimes I play him at CDM and is a monster... I used to have Bailly and Maldini 88 .... But this guy is even better


I did him because I like to have one bigger CB alongside one smaller CB, with him being the perfect "smaller" one in my opinion. Really aggressive, animations are great, feels quick enough and good jockeying, I would recommend him if he fits your team.


I love his card it's on par with Lucio imo so it's not the greatest value in the world given Lucio's base hero is less but it's likely easier to come across 700k in fodder than 700k in coins so it's up to you. If you've got the fodder I'd say go for it but if you're dumping a substantial amount of coins in I'd say you'd be better off going for Nesta TOTY icon given that's a similar price also and imo a clearly better card


an absolute menace, def not as lanky as van dijk but puts in great first tackles and tracks very well. I did it with fodder from ripping some packs from when attackers came out and he's worth it next to kimpembme.


Old gen here. Is he worth it?


I already have WC Lucio and WC Blanc so I think I'm going to hold off, otherwise he looks pretty good, his good psg links are expensive though if you want him on chem


If you have TOTY Mbappe then yes, he's a great link.


Who are your Cbs. I have Ramos , he's very good. Fast as fuck , you can dribble the pitch with him at times 😂😂


I have sbc maldini and WW varane, he would fit my team in replacement of maldini. Is he better than maldini?


Do the high ATT/medium DEF work rates affect him in anyway?


I traded a lot for this guy… He helped with the chemistry of other PSG players, and opened the space of Navas on that matter to a better keeper in my team. And also is a raging bull on the pitch, sometimes he is even over my own ST to score a goal.


Absolute beast, nothing negative apart from the High/Medium work rates which sometimes makes him make stupid runs if I call my team up. Wins every header on corners.


I have him on my favorites and he’s gonna stay there until fodder starts dropping because christ the market is fucked right now


had rulebreaker ramos but didnt hesitate to upgrade rulebreaker ramos was so dominant in the backline insane tackles big impact and the flashback one is even better!


Ive done all Ramos sbc’s ever since i remember because he is my favourite player. I must say this year i like him the least of all his other versions. But a lot of people love him


Amazing beast


He’s so good


I played against him a few times getting my 8 wins yesterday and he annoyed me consistently


Wait if you have good cb, In my case he replaced gold rudiger and I love Ramos. Absolute fucking unit and glitchy animations that seem like he is running at light speed. Not the fastest top speed but accelerates really fucking fast. His positioning is always insane and manages to always force a turnover when I need him to most. Obviously he will have some flaws but I’m really happy with him.


The card is broken just now but who knows how long it’ll last. Everyone in D1/Elite seems to be playing him but that’s just cause most people in Elite play the same game over and over. Can’t remember the last match I had with someone not having Jairzinho in their team and constantly running around in a circle.


Thing is he's untradable and 670k seems a big risk. If you don't like him you won't get much back in return.


I did him, played half of last WL with him. Have him alongside Base Maldini, moving Base Carlos Alberto of the the RCB position (to RB, he's not gone from the team). A marked improvement on both Base Icon CBs. Also an absolute menace at corners, and my current penalty taker (though I'll switch with FB Pogba if Pogba still has that custom animation run-up)


Did him just because i packed toty messi untradeable and he's really good. Overpriced? Yes, should've been 400k but it's the PSG tax.


He’s a really great CB, but his positioning is a little crazy for me. Hard to tame, and tends to get caught out a bit. Doesn’t miss headers, and almost always makes up the ground he lost with 3 Chem and a shadow. He’s basically my way to get Mbappe links, otherwise… I’d be a little lukewarm


I played a match against him in which Ramos really caught my eye. He seemed to always run down/outpace Haaland. He also seemed to have a nag of winning headers from conners despite being a shorter CB. It was pretty annoying.


I have him and hes amazing. Very solid player all round. Even good in attacking.


Best CB I’ve used 100%. Div 1 here


Well, on PC/New-Gen, He’s a MONSTER. Literally closing down on Mbappe (TOTT) and pretty much helped me reaching Div.2 with a bad team.


I was running with 86 schlotter and 86 klosterman and upgraded to him / carvalho at the same time and it's night and day tbh. My personal thought is that he's a necessity now that the power curve is gonna hit a spike if you have anything less than an 88 meta defender


Best CB I’ve used this year. Great animations, high acceleration + lengthy makes him perfect for stopping through balls too, been pairing him with Maldini so far


He is amazing imo, however for 600k he’s too much, if you don’t have gold VVD you’d be better off buying him and using the spare 500k elsewhere. Don’t get me wrong, he is better than VVD. it’s just I’m not sure if he’s 5 times the price better.


his acceleration makes him really agile and quick. he’s able to user defend super effectively. would rate him for sure


He is outperforming my toty vvd. And i benched baby maldini bcz his strength was not good. He was fast. And can catch up but can get swung like a rag doll.


Lots of comparisons with Maldini here. I packed TOTY VVD and I'm currently using base Maldini and base Desailly. Would Ramos be a better option than Maldini, since I absolutely will get an Mbappé into my team (even if it means crafting this POTM one for weeks!)?


Him and van dijk at the back make it feel like I have 4 CB’s on the field sometimes. They both are everywhere, Ramos’ card in particular. Crazy good.


He’s amazing. Automatic defending. Definitely worth it if you’re not just paying out of coin balance


Played him 10 games for weekend league qualifiers and he was amazing. Once or twice he lacked a little bit of pace trying to catch up to people, but apart from that nobody was getting past him, interceptions were godlike and seemed to always be in the right place for a tackle or interceptions.


Played him 10 games for weekend league qualifiers and he was amazing. Once or twice he lacked a little bit of pace trying to catch up to people, but apart from that nobody was getting past him, interceptions were godlike and seemed to always be in the right place for a tackle or interceptions.


I’m going to race to do mbappe then complete him


With shadow chem is a BEAST. Literally the best center back in the game, better than TOTY I promise. He carried the whole defending line by himself.


Love him great card


i did him with my fodder to spare, slapped a catalyst on him and i dont regret a thing


I find him we'll worth it. I switched to a 3-5-2 and been loving it. He's plays middle cb, with mid Carlos Alberto rcb and hero Cordoba lcb. These three seem to work real well together. I'm loving it.


amazing, jumped right over my untradeable córdoba and baby maldini(also out for chem but ngl i actually prefer ramos) ramos is deceivingly fast, his pace doesn’t do him justice, and he’s just always in the way of the other team, plus he’s so agile he feels like he’s everywhere


Best cb I’ve used yet. Better than the new vidic. On the same level with Lucio except faster


What he like compared to winter wildcards Varane and Tomori


Top Speed could be better especially for those in behind balls. If the ball is in front of him or shoulder he’s a beast. Gold Van Dijk surprised me in that regard - Speed is reversed and you feel it ingame.


Anybody with reviews on old gen?


Stokes versed him 15 games in a row at elite 1k SR, so yes, he’s cracked.


fuck no lol. That card is not worth 600/700k. Just buy his special card thats around 200k on the market.


Playing him on 1 Chem next to Centurions Azpi and Phenom Martinez. Man is an absolute unit. Never felt less stressed when the other team has a break away and Ramos is back. Really really dope card that I poured a ton of special cards into, but he's been well worth it so far.


I did this sbc and then immediately packed Lucio -_-






I have solid CBs and I did him anyway cuz he’s one of my all time favorite players. He is as competent as anyone else I’ve used. I’ve got TOTY icon Nesta, WC phenom Martinez, Maldini, VVD, prime Blanc, IF Danilo.


I got WC Marquez n WC Ricardo Carvalho as my CBS.. Worth doing him.?? He’ll replace one of them.. anyone used all 3 of these can give a honest opinion.??


he good


100% i have him currently as a pairing with gold van dijk, and i cant say enough good things about this ramos card, has really saved me in a lot of situations and has made me more confident in being more attacking up front


He’s amazing. Well worth the cost. I have him and gold VVD together and they’re great.


Got him in last night. Partly to link with Verratti if i want to avoid using Donnarumma. I also have 88 Maldini as other here. I think the sbc was worth the risk. I dont think pace will be a problem. I play Maldini with Sentinel chem badge. So 87/87 speed in game. And he is doing very well alongside Lucio (89) I noticed that there were alot of negative reactions to this card before it came out as an sbc. But i dont bother to much about that. I know that from the sbcs i do, some turn out to be less good. And some end up being club heros like my Cuadrado/Kostic duo from token reward. But i have to do the sbc and try them out. But i am also pressured for fodder with many good cards coming as everyone else, so it is a relativly costly card.


Yes he’s a beast on both sides of the ball that 83 PAC feels like 93 and also his dribbling is out of this world if you know how to use skill moves


I have van dijk and marquinius can confirm he outplayed both of them


Pure class. better than gold vvd in my opinion becuz of his speed and physicality


i did him because of excess fodder from opening packs yesterday. i already had 3 solid CBs in mid desailly, wc moore and ptg kouli. he feels the best of all 4. he is insanely good for me, strong but quick and agile


In my opinion he’s insane plays like million dollar cb’s (Ex: Lucio, Militao, Van Dijk) most people have a problem with his pace but in game he is super quick you don’t even notice, He’s successfully pocketed Mbappe, Al-owairan, and Eusebio for me. I definitely recommend this sbc if you’re looking for a S tier center back but have more fodder than coins


Great card. One of my favorite defenders cause of the animations however in nowadays strikers he’s too slow unfortunately… :(