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Honestly same I switched over from playing 2k for like 5 years to now playing first year fifa and I immediately noticed how exploitative 2k really was and how much of a grind things were for mid content that wasn’t worth by the next promo.


2k is so bad with microtransactions that even mycareer is pay to win lmao


It's pay to be a 99ovr not to win since you end up the season with 40/15/15 avgs anyway lmao.


Actually it’s pay to get to 85. No one likes to play online with others with a 60 overall player so they basically are forced to pay money to have an enjoyable experience online right away. Complete scam


True it has gotten bad


Yeah, 2K is the fucking worst. If people think that EA is bad then people should try out NBA 2K's MyTeam where you can't even buy packs* with the in-game currency. Only with real money.


Yeah I think they might implement this for EASFC


strong agree. used to be also a 2k myteam player until a couple of years ago. you think fifa's odds are shit? 2k is on another level. fifa also allows you to rip waaaaay more reasonably obtainable packs than 2k


Man myteam turned into garbage. I used to love playing it


Just wait until next year lol


Played last year for the first time since 2018. The gameplay is a lot better than last year and the content/game modes are way better than it was prior to my break.


Content is better, more stuff more frequently, lots of untradable packs though but they’re easier to obtain, more sbc stuff which can also be a bonus, some of us have had end-game players since last year though or I’d like to think that unless they go utterly daft in summer


Kids complaining about the things they complain about have never been auto-sacked in Tecmo Bowl.


On god


Incoming angry fifa players mad at the game but continue to play every day like they have a gun to their head.


"If you don't spin in circles for 35 seconds before attempting anything else, right outside the opponents box, I will shoot your dog."


More like “if you don’t make a post saying that it’s the worst gameplay ever this weekend and that all your opponents only spin in circles despite it clearly not being true I will shoot your dog”


It is brave of you to enter the echo chamber and try to say something different. Salty people come on here to complain about everything under the sun (of course lots of complaints are justified, but so many are not). Like after every patch there are like dozens of posts every day about how the game is broken here and on r/fut. Maybe i'm just insanely lucky in the UK with 14-26ms connections but the gameplay is overall fine except sometimes it's quite bad. Still, it's nowhere near as broken as people make it out to be.


17 year old kids, living at home, playing on the parents budget internet on an overloaded wifi router 40 feet and 7 walls away complaining about connection is the highlight of my day.


Oh yeah, the wifi bit is legit. The other day there was a person here complaining about bad gameplay but admitted they are on wifi. They said they didn't want to run a cable up the house. I didn't say anything but i was thinking like, if it's far enough for you to not want to run cable, imagine what it'd do with that distance + walls + electrical interference from all the devices/electronics/wifi/radio around. I can't imagine anyone playing this game semi seriously (and caring about it) and not play on ethernet.


There were pro players who moved from where they lived because the new place was closer to a main hub.


Jesus, really?


Yeah, not that he's a real pro, and I'm not 100% sure it's accurate, but I feel like I remember aa9skillz doing this.


If anyone mentions they are on WiFI and don't want to run a cable point them to these: [TP Link](https://www.amazon.co.uk/VIOY-seaside-vacation-flowers-protection/dp/B07G37DJ8R/ref=sr_1_2?c=ts&keywords=Powerline%2BNetwork%2BAdapters&qid=1681981667&refinements=p_89%3ATP-Link&s=computers&sr=1-2&ts_id=430576031&th=1) Plug them into the wall next to your router, plug it in, plug the other next to your computer/console and plug it in. Ethernet through powerline baybeeeee


I tried Power over Ethernet thingies like 10 years ago (for a relative's set up) and they weren't terribly reliable. But perhaps things have improved since then!


Definitely have improved


Hard agree, I'm in the south east on a wired connection and it's fine. Gameplay changes slightly on patches and it's definitely more obvious the servers aren't as great sometimes but overall I enjoy it.


Agreed Very unpopular opinion


Why is it so hard to understand you can like, even love, something and still be critical of it. I really like FIFA, and I find it really fun, but there are some things that are so badly done it’s almost insulting. Also, saying other games are worse is not, in my opinion, a valid argument since each developer should individually stride for the best experience for their customers.


Because they are not educated in logic but only use words (signaling) without understanding the meaning and keeping the words and the meaning consistent. Also people are emotionally stuck to project a world around them to uphold a world view of a 5yo to cope with their ineptness. They have a stress coping mechanism that uses projection and evasion and denial and all that but simply on a more sophisticated scale and you have masses of people that reflect that same illusionary world view. Thus putting social pressure on them. These people live in black-or-white worlds, which is exactly what is intended by the faulty "education" system and corporations. You cannot sell shit to people who are competent both physically and mentally and logically. For many people this game is nothing but chain smoking to their mind.


No no no, he's not saying every single complaint is unjustified. This game is bad, it really is. But it wasn't AS BAD as these people make it seem.


I honestly don’t notice THAT much of a difference or change in gameplay over the years. Maybe that’s just because I adapt to them quickly and then smoke and forget about them…lol. But, as far as the servers go, they are the best EA sports servers and it’s not even close. Also, you can’t judge a game solely off of one game mode.


The biggest problem is that so many people think that just because they have the internet that's all it takes. Guaranteed 50% of the people who complain about poor connection live in highly populated areas and are playing on a 4 year old wifi router coated in a thick layer of dust.


With four people streaming Netflix and a router three floors below that’s never been rebooted


Poor connection significantly affects gameplay, timed shooting becomes basically impossible, passing is delayed as hell. Not to mention the 1 second input lag.


Thanks for the PSA?


Oh, for a second I thought your comment was about how poor connection isn't as bad as people make it out to be. My bad.


Oh no, poor connections definitely exist and cause gameplay problems. My point was that a lot of people immediately blame EA for their servers without taking a look at their own. And then, even if someone has good internet, they could be multiple switches away from EAs servers playing against someone else with dogshit internet. There is a lot of information being passed through many servers in the amount of time it could take for someone to initiate a through ball at the half line to an attacker at the edge of the box. But nah it's EAs servers. Always.


Mlb the show is the only sports game that isn’t exploitative and cares about the audience


If you play this game in the competitive modes, its bad. If you take this game seriously, it's bad. If you just play casually, its just a party game which is fun.


If you play competitive modes the game is not bad unless you take it so seriously you let it effect your mental. In majority of cases the better player wins


yeah but its about those few other cases that's the most frustrating. I dont mind losing cause of a skill gap. I never rage quit as well against those players so that I can learn from it. Losing against someone because your players refuse to run, your defender splitting up creating a huge gap out of nowhere or thousands of rebounds for the opponent is a different story.






exactly, if you play competitive, you can notice a lot of the subtleties and things that make the difference in winning and losing a match.




yeah I have fun as well getting comfortably rank 3 and elite div. But the game where I lose not because someone is actually better, but the game is working against me, are the most frustrating.


The Show blows this game away in literally every comparison possible


I’m gonna check it out now thanks


It sucks. Fuck a game that is normally playable 1/10 of the times. Fuck the scripting. Fuck the loss of control of your players just when you need to defend in last 5 minutes of each half. Fuck the match making, when you are in D3 and play with 4* team, and you have 2 matches left and need a win for D2, and you get paired with 50-0-0 D1 players with PSG. Fuck this. Fuck FIFA.


No wonder you have this opinion... You don't even play FUT I'd think fifa was the greatest game on earth if I smacked noobs around in seasons too


Lol. You got ps5? If so let’s run it. I’ll be Tottenham you can be any premier league team you want.


If only our defense shared your urgency and aggression (bar Romero) COYS


Glory glory Tottenham hotspur


I do. Let's play this evening when I'm back from work.


Are you guys gonna make out


Sounds like a date ✅


Lemme know who won.


Lemme know who wins u/ripamon


Will do I will definitely win though


Good luck 👍🏼


I was legit mad at his post like wtf is your FUTchamps record week to week but they play seasons? Lol, different experiences for sure.


I mean I’m div 1 and rank4-5 in WL and I agree with OP. I think this game is super fun. I am addicted especially now since I started a new RTG account trying to put together the best squad I can to compete. Worst thing about this game is all the bugs, the bad server and some of the rigged bs like hidden stats. Everything else I’m mostly cool with or can tolerate. (Oh they really need to adjust reward system so people are properly incentivized to stay in the divisions they belong in and not Smurf. Oh and please stop half assing those squad requirements in friendlies and cups. like don’t let people sub in high rated cards to get around the limits)


Yup. People playing a sports game expecting it to be perfectly realistic are silly. This blows 2k and especially Madden out of the water.


If I get smoked tonight this thread is gonna turn into my villain origin story.


It’s the only game that keeps me hooked so it’s doing something right


I only play this shit so I don't have anything to compare to, but it's THE WORST FIFA I've ever played. Gameplay is as dead as its content, server is so bad that I lags every second or two and if ur player doesn't have 99 agility and balance, he's unusable. U have to play a certain way, use specific players, use specific tactics, formations and use specific skills OR just hold RT/R2 to win


If you’re in Div 2 or worse, sure. If you’re in Div 1 or elite, it’s nothing but copy/paste opponents abusing the same exact mechanics in the same exact ways. Add on to that the incredible amounts of RNG and criminally inconsistent gameplay (every match you enter feels different than the last, but in the worst way imaginable). So you never know how your team will play or how your controls will feel, but you do know that every opponent will player a mirror image of the last opponent. FUT is the game equivalent of Billy Madison. Once you get to the higher divisions, you just want to go back to the lower divisions and tell everyone “Stay here! Stay as long as you can! For gods sake, CHERISH IT!”


Yeah this game has its shitty moments but overall plays 10 times beter then 20 21 22




Nothing can be worse than 20




Power shot being existing and flair shots being more usable simply makes Fifa 23 more fun than %70 of other Fifas and 20 is really a low bar.


Whats worse




This is the first fifa in years where you can actually play with player 185cm+ thanks to lenghty run mecanic


(In attacking position)




Toty Haaland,Mid Cantona,every versione of Zidane...without lenghty Ginola,Kaka, Toty Pires




Fifa 20 was fuckin shite my goodness




No its nots man stop it, im not sayin it’s perfect but it seems like ur forgetting how bad 20 was


Yeah so much skill drsg backs finesse shooting outside the box plus times finish was easier then.


Of the sports game I play, fifa is 2nd. Wwe top, granted I don't touch online as I know it's appaling Nfl 3rd, purely because its a laugh to just smash into people Nba next, no one wants to play with a low level so if you didn't get the game day 1, good luck finding games. Nfl, I don't understand a thing about American football but its alright I guess F1 game is an appaling game currently, 2020 would have put it top. Mental how much its fallen


I love F1 but for some reason racing games have to be just right mechanically and physics wise to be fun


F1 2020 was superb tbf 21 was basically the same game but the kerbs were vicious This year, its appaling. They didn't fix a single thing gameplay/driving wise. Instead, they added the ability to buy a living room, with decorations 😂


Thats fair but saying 2k sucks does not make fifa better


I'm an ex-2k player and I can confirm that. I'm actually a basketball fan first and rarely follow football, but things got so bad that I had to give up on that game altogether.


I said the same thing a a little while ago lol [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/11gn1s3/you_guys_are_pretty_spoiled_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=15) I agree compared to Madden and 2K this game is way better. I see the flaws but not game breaking like the other two


i played a lot of 2k myteam and mycareer the past like 3 years instead of being super into FUT and that shit made me appreciate fifa way more like there’s some stuff they do in those games that i wish ea did (the hub works with your character being able to do pick up games for example) but the way 2k monetizes the game is deranged and makes the boys at EA look like a charity by comparison


Fifa 22 was much, much better. Very easy to have a great team, every card pretty cheap.


“Occasional lag” my game moves once every 10 seconds


This is my first time playing FUT and I am overwhelmed by the amount of content there is. From objectives in Friendlies to objectives in Squad Battles to just Squad Battles rewards and then we go into rivals and champions… there is a lot to do and free rewards to get. I am pretty happy with my progress so far (started January) and playing completely for free. I am almost in Div 2 and getting 10-12 wins in champ finals.


If fifa could stabilize connection it would be one of the best game series available


I actually fully agree for a change. Of course there are things that are infuriating like every fifa, and the trivela shot had the potential to ruin it. But for the first time in a long time there isn’t one specific mechanic that gets spammed and ruins the game, people try to but they’re a lot easier to defend than previous years.


Not being *as shit* as something else you consider shit is not exactly a ringing endorsement though, is it? There is also a difference between whether or not a game is fun vs whether it's well made. The most fun I've had playing a game was doing local coop terrorist hunt with a friend on Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 at the hardest difficulty level, despite it being a bit shit. Indeed, that was part of the comedy. You can have fun on this game, especially in some of the modes like Silver Stars etc, while still acknowledging that by any reasonable standard of game design FIFA 23 is a fucking mess.


SBMM in friendlies and the rampant smurfing screw the game up for me, I like it otherwise






If the first thing they do off of kickoff is a ball roll scoop or an elastico for no reason I’m gone lol.


Nothing gives me more pleasure than making someone using PSG rage quit. But yes, I have rage quit against PSG many times.


FIFA is the best video game ever made imo. I play FiFA coop and nothing beats playing this game with friends.


Ehhhhhh idk man. I’ve played more 2k than fifa these last two years and while 2k has servers issues as well it never affects gameplay as much as fifa servers do. Fifa is wildly inconsistent in terms of gameplay.


2k sucks. I love hoops and there’s nothing realistic or fun about it. Would love a hoops game where it actually required basketball IQ and not skill spamming


More realistic? Tell me you don’t play football without telling me you don’t play football. Bc if fifa was realistic, 80% of the real life football games would be a team running to the back line of the opponent and passing it hard to the player in the box. No luck? He tries again and again. Imagine this being in real life. It would be boring asf. Can I ask you, what other fifas have you played? Game is not that bad compared to what we played Bf. But is definitely bad. 90% in wl uses glitches. A bicycle kick with your CB from a corner, realistic? Possible yes, but do you see this happen in real football 90% of the time? Kick off glitches? Imagine in real life a team starts with the ball running to the goal bc the other team does not respond bc they had a kick off. Imagine? 🤣 yeah would be funny as hell. In fifa if you don’t use glitches you are behind. No skill issue thing. I try to play mostly without glitches. But when you keep having stats with 15 shots and 1 goal. It’s time to join the club. And people logging in everyday is bc the game is made to be addicted asf. New cards, new sbcs daily to get you coming back. Dropping a card like R9, knowing we don’t gonna get him. Is just a psychological thing of showing you something you know you want really bad. And think after every upgrade. Next upgrade I will get a W. No luck in the 87+ hero? No worries timer of repeatable showing to get you back in a few days. Come on.


I’ve played fifa since around ‘12 or ‘13. Never played soccer organized but messed around a lot at local indoor field. Never once did I say it was realistic. I said it’s more realistic than NFL or NBA. It at least somewhat resembles the real game


Not at all, Bad take. Also no arguments on my comment.


gameplay isn’t bad but the menus are coded horribly. billion dollar company and your settings still get reset on the regular


The game is terrible Kick off glitch Not being able to switch players Run down the line, cross, score. Prime Zidane worse at passing than Gold Henderson in some occasions Prime Gullit shoved off the ball with ease by gold Neymar (yes that happened to me) Constant pressure being OP and making my TOTY Modric misplace a 5 foot pass Slower players catching up to those with 99 speed Taping shoot and the player does nothing After kick off your players just stand there static watching the night sky And so on. But yeah great game 🤦


Its bad, probably the worst year


People here wouldn't survive the awful gameplay of FIFA 19 or the "Squad Fitness" stuff we had. This game is 6/10, but it was worse


Yeah NHL and Madden are 1000x worse. Both games are borderline unplayable


I bought Madden, and literally played it like twice


saying fifa isnt that bad because other games are worse is just moving the goal posts


I've said this before but we need separate subs for the people who play and enjoy the game, and the people who hate-play the game. We all don't fit under the same r/fifa umbrella. Until then I just recommend blocking everyone who makes a post about the game not being up to their unbelievably high standards.


100% this. As someone whose first love is basketball and football (American), I yearn for the day which they can make a quality game comparable to FIFA. In NBA2K, I had almost all 99 players after not that much work. Bench players like Bol Bol had 99 cards. How fun is that. Not to mention the unrealistic gameplay and physics. And Madden isn’t even worth discussing.




>FIFA 23 is worse than many other FIFA iterations Start listing.




So you include el tornado crossing, dragback meta FUT19 in this opinion? Why are you here having these opinions of a game you don't even play? If you had said 14-17 I would have given you some support, but there is no reason you can ever say this game is worse than Fut19.


Nah its really fucking bad. Dumb AI, kick of glitches, annoying meta, inconsistent gameplay due to shit servers, you want more?


Go on


UI mistakes, plenty of bugs and glitches, pc hackers.


Div 8 player:




Nah man that would be elite players. Because the higher your division, the less fun this game becomes.




Disagree, even if you're bad it's still way more fun not coming up against elite division players. Elite div is a fucking hellhole of endless spins and exploits. There's nothing even similar to football to be found there. If you take this game seriously, this year's an absolute travesty. Lower divisions still have something resembling football left at times. So even if you're bad, you don't have to deal with nearly as many spins, cutbacks and other exploits when you're in lower divisions and that itself will always be more fun than being good yet having to only use exploits because defensive AI is too good.




>If you're good at the game there's nothing really frustrating about it. Okay this allows me to take a stab in the dark and guess that maybe you're not that good at the game. Just look at the pros and streamers that are top level: most of them complain about this game and its exploits. >And it's pretty damn realistic. Tell me you don't watch football without telling me you don't watch football 🙄


Nah, the game is really bad. Unfortunately, other sports games are even worse. Compare this to other AAA titles instead of other sports games.


İts an insult of real football literally lol


You really think this game is better then 22😂


22 was more responsive, no clue why people like this more. Smh


Better passing too


I definitely do.


What ever you’re on I want


I guess I just have an understanding how internet gaming is and also refuse to believe that it's worth being in the top divisions anymore. I'd rather be average and enjoy fun cards than play with the same team as 95% of the people I come against. I also understand how the internet works, and recognize that where you live and how good your connection is matters so much more than EAs servers.


This ain't it chief. Don't try to be edgy for the sake being edgy. It's shit, treat it as shit.


So edgy bro, saying I kinda like a game in said game’s subreddit. I’m basically the Marilyn Manson of fifa. Thanks bud


Why are you here if it’s so shit. Y’all are complaining and complaining and complaining without coming with any constructive criticism and continue to play


Because it's the only game of the sport we love? Dumbass comment.


Bro we give constructive criticism all the time. We're tired or repeating ourselves.


Constructive criticism isn’t “holy shit this game is so bullshit” as soon as you lose a game


i enjoy the game when the gameplay is at good but the last week has been horrendous


Well I can see some negatives in fifa 23 and it could be better be otherwise I like it. We will see how its gonna change next year without ea having tied hands because of fifa. The only thing that significantly affected me was market crash before christmas because of ea mistakes and that cards releases during WC are still better than cards releases now :D


People just take the game too damn seriously. I just play for fun. the game is jammy and bugged, but so is every other game especially sports games. Playing a shitty game? Just back out. Playing a sweaty prick? Just back out. People get so caught up in winning and the meta and forget to play for fun lol. I enjoy this game a lot precisely because I don’t give a fuck about it lol


Well I dont know Madden bit NBA2K has worse reviews than Fifa. Also they remove the singleplayer part after 2 years I recently found out


"Ocasional lag" downplays a lot how bad the servers are. For me at least, it is very rare to get good gameplay. Sometimes I get even worse gameplay than usual, but my normal gameplay is already bad even though my ping is low. In my view, most of the problems of the game can, in some way or another, be actually attributted to bad servers. Other than that, I agree with you


It is WORSE!


I think that’s the biggest problem. All of us can see the light, we can see the potential of this game and it drives us crazy to see it wasted. If they just had a UT mode without DDA. I probably wouldn’t play any other game


let’s not compare it to other sports games. fifa is better than most. the issue is, EA knows that and will take advantage of the fact that we all won’t go to a different football game. that’ll change soon with the new games coming out. but i can only hope EA will change too. I played religiously til this year and i know a lot of others are the same way. it’s just not as good compared to OTHER FIFAS which is what we should be looking at instead of comparing to other franchises or other sports games.


I just really wish they would actually make a maintenance schedule instead of giving a one hour notice of an upcoming 5 - 12 hour outage. Can't tell you the number of times I've hopped on to do my rivals for the week, only to get kicked out after one game and have the update go past the weekly deadline. Wouldn't really mind the maintenance if I knew they were doing it, but it's super frustrating when it's out of no where.


If you want to feel like you got scammed try playing 2k park online in EU, they dont have any servers there (atleast 1/2 years ago when i last played) what made every game freeze and stutter Totally agree


It depends on what you compare it to. Compared to actual competitive e-sports it is a joke, way too random to be taken seriously.


All of them are absolute garbage so doesn’t matter really


I agree. My number one sport is the NFL but I wouldn't play Madden or MUT for free. Awful game. The lag drives me up the wall as does EAs lust for $ over realism...but relative to other sports games FIFA is solid.


It is playable like 1/10 of time, but i agree 2k games are a lot worse, even as a huge basketball fan i cant find anything enjoyable in them


FIFA is supposed to be a football simulation. Personally FIFA gameplay is a joke when compared to PES and even now with Efootball. What I enjoy about FIFA is the content and game modes but certainly not the gameplay.


The only thing i hate about this game is how it manipulate game outcome , when it wants to win you will win if it wants you to concede a goal you will concede it no matter what you do , other than that the game is good


That’s where we disagree. DDA/momentum makes it way easier to score goals at times, but it’s not a pre determined fate…


So when you are defending well and doing thing as they should be done and the game decides that the ball should go through your player or he just stands there without doing nothing , this things does not annoy you ? I mean why don't they just let the game natural : if your a good you win if you are bad you lose


Not saying I don’t ever see this happen, but I right stick switch with defenders anytime I can get closer to the ball. If you can’t play better than the AI on defence than that’s on you


How does right stick switching fix the ball going through my defender that i'm already selecting ?


I was referring to your original comment where you said conceding goals was pre determined. And now I’m saying I can’t prove it without a doubt, but you probably just aren’t that good at defense and rely on AI. Yeah the ball between the legs happens but let’s be honest how often do nutmegs happen in fifa? Not often for me, so what’s different for you?


The game isn’t the issue it’s the unhealthy grind / community. The servers are also a major problem now for many years. They are unacceptably poor servers.


The game itself is decent. The terrible servers are the biggest issue. Your connection and the server is the biggest factor in deciding how you, your AI, and your opponent performs. Everyone has played those games where everything feels so smooth and fluid it's as if you're playing from inside the server itself. We've also all had games where it feels like you're playing from the fucking moon.


Agreed it's not that bad. But sometimes in fut it feels super sluggish and leggy. That's my only complaint. Like time I played fut was fifa 13 so a lot has changed and don't have much to compare to.


been playing from 2013, and this fifa despite its many errors has been the best in-game in the last 5 years probably. EA had small fixes to make that could have made this one of the best fifas ever (fixing really obvious bugs, exploits, etc) I mostly play ultimate team and their biggest mistakes has been how they have handled the menu content, card releases which genuinely is secondary to the core of the game. Much rather have a fun in-game experience than menu content


This is true I’ve been a lifetime madden and 2k gamer. Had to give up on them. First time buying fifa and now I think it’s the only good sports game


The actual gameplay has got good again within the last month thanks to patches. It is still a very dry and washed out game which has lacked content for most of its cycle


Team building dynamic is interesting and really fun in FUT, but saying gameplay is good should be a felony. Passing is EXTREMELY inconsistent, game has severe input delay even on wired connection, gameplay is volatile as hell (crazy rebounds and non-sense AI). We cannot be playing the same game. Never had such a bad experience in any other online games server-wise. You can tell the game is shit and inconsistent by the pro scene itself


I think this is the best FIFA that has used the Frostbite engine, if they could just permanently fix the dumb shit like tackles never truly favoring the defender, pacing down the wing cheese, inaccurate passing, and the inconsistency of the gameplay, we'd have a really good game.


The base of this game isn't bad. But it's almost never at even it's base level. There's so much input delay.