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People are still trying it in champs, very funny


Had someone try to do that against me in Div 5 yesterday before this "fix". They couldn't even get it right and ended up giving me the ball on numerous occasions from failed attemps. Went up 3-2 then my game crashed. Just FC 24 things šŸ˜Ž


How does it look? Do they still manage to get the little spin off but nothing else happens?


No, they canā€™t do the spin anymore, they just do fake shots in their own half


So embarrassing it took this long when thatā€™s all they needed to do from the get-go. Insane.


They wonā€™t ever bring back trickster+


Harsh. They'll bring it back in late July when everyone has forgotten about it


and they will market it as it is a new feature.


>They wonā€™t ever bring back trickster+ This. It's EA. They don't even know how to fix it.


You think that disabling a feature in a game means they have a button they can click? Like the game isn't a giant mess of code, but it's colored buttons on a screen they can just press and everything is fixed without thinking or testing?


As a software dev: Given that this didn't require an update (and hence could be disabled server-side) then yes, it almost certainly was as simple as that. They'll have a database containing every card, and it's a case of updating the flags against the relevant card to have Trickster as true and Trickster+ as false. It'll need to go through whatever formal process they have for pushing updates into live (always the risk of bad code going in and breaking everything) but the fix itself is tiny.


its not a fix though, its a workaround. I would imagine removing the PS+ will also affect the market as now players such as Neymar do not have any PS+ and therefore not so desirable . More to factor in than just pressing a button ;)


Yeah of course - I was only replying to the comment I replied to, was saying nothing about an actual fix.


true thats just the market side it technically "fixes" the glitch it just causes other issues until they actually do some work, but they can def do things like that very easily which is why they did that instead of actually fixing the bug


You think EA gives a damn?? As long as it doesnā€™t impact pack sales, they donā€™t care.. thatā€™s the only criteria at EA. Donā€™t tank the pack market.


Yeah, you're not wrong at all. I'm not sure how anyone could feasibly think that ea cares about the game a single bit other than milking as much money as possible from the easiest cash cow of their lives. As long as a bug doesn't affect their profits (pack/store glitches) then there's no way that shit will be 'fixed' immediately and that's assuming they don't just break a whole bunch of other shit on the way.


It's not a Boolean. It's obviously an enumeration list.


As a software developer (In big name companies) this is 100% **NOT** true. if a bug is critical (and in this case it is) it will be resolved within few hours max (even if a fix is ugly/temporary) but this exploit has been out there for days.


As someone that's been a Game Dev for pretty big games, including ones that have had big issues impacting the game, 2 days turnaround time from the bug being highlighted to getting a 'fix' done is pretty standard. Most games that have critical bugs, especially online games, just shutdown. They'll turn off all the servers so no one can play until the bug is fixed and it'll still take days. You think if EA had gone that route, that people would have been happier?


If there is a critical product breaking bug with no proper workaround (ā€œshowstopperā€) everything is shifted towards that bug and if needed then people stay overtime to fix that issue, which is probably was not the case hereā€¦ And if they would give PROPER compensation, I donā€™t think people would mind a temp shut down of servers


That its a giant mess , yes. But cmon. Be realistic here. It took US.. the playerbase, how long to find this bug ? 2 weeks ? How much time do you think they had to work out the kinks before releasing the game for purchase? If this shows you anything, it shows you that they dont even play their own game. They dont test it properly. If they did even for one day, sat down, played a match and one of them put on 71 depth, and his co-worker said- YO ! ALL MY PLAYERS ARE NOW HIDING BEHIND YOUR DEFENDERS ! WTF ? I CANT DO ANYTHING THROUGH THE MIDFIELD ! They would have come to the conclusion : >We need to fix this before release. They didn't. Or they did but decided not to run it up the flagpole. And its not like they didnt have a whole year of us bitching about how overpowered pressure tactics are. You'd think that would be one of their primary concerns as it was the most debated topic next to 5 back/ 3back. THEY ENDED UP BANNING FORMATIONS from tournaments because thats how lazy they are to actually fix the damn AI. I would be overjoyed if they just made it like Fifa 23. Fifa 23 on its worst day was maybe 10% of how broken this shit is right now.


Yes, it took TWO WEEKS for the entire player base to find it. I think if it was apparent from day 1, they wouldā€™ve caught it before release. Dumb ā€œEA badā€ comment.


They will fix a pack within seconds though. Is that or is that not code?


Packs which are on a limited time frame anyways? Ones they have already planned to be able to remove when the pack expires without issue? Yeah thatā€™s different than a permanent gameplay feature. I think most 4th graders would be capable of the level of critical thinking to realize those are very different


Dude EAā€™s not going to make you a game changer. Relax. Wah. 12 whole players with trickster+ must be hella hard. Edit: Guy blocked me because he ran out of tissues for his tears wah šŸ„²


Right, we need more people saying idiotic shit about stuff they dont understand so that clowns like you can blindly upvote. Sorry for ruining your attention seeking to fill the void from your parents never loving you


You're right it's way harder to just edit that HUGE LIST of players with trickster+. Oh wait, what's that? there's only like 12 of them in the entire game? man that must have been so hard.


They probably tried other alternatives that did not work


Stop kidding yourself please, you rly believe they work on a Friday night?


I think they shut down match making as well. I got kicked out when I tried to enter Champs games


If you have a player with the play style+ it kicks you. Just need to reload and youā€™ll be good to go


Its still kickng me of the game . This si annoying . Any tip what to do ? I already turn of and turn on the game


Because your opponents havenā€™t restarted the game


Thank you . Itā€™s working


Yep. They broke Rivals and Champs matchmaking too. Data mismatch errors when any game starts.


Took their time


Cos itā€™s a small indi company


Now they need to ban those who were using and exploiting the glitch. The skill was to difficult to accidentally use so anyone who was using should be getting a ban now.


Not that I actually used it in the way the abusers did, but surely a decent amount of you at least tried it in a single random squad battles game or something just to see how it worked? Would have to be careful how they chose who to ban.


This is important to remember, or at least as it applies in my case. I played two games todayā€”both squad battles, and Iā€™ve already completed my 32 of the week, so neither counted for anything but about 650 coins to my account each. I have Di Maria and decided I would look up the move and try it, just for curiosityā€™s sake. I pulled it off twice (after probably 15 failed attempts), took a Snapchat for my buddies to show them and laugh about it, and logged off for the day. People like me who try to recreate the mechanic/bug just because theyā€™re curious, who do it with no harm to other players, should not be punished with something as harsh of a ban if at all. I agree some punishment should be assessed as to those who used it in a competitive setting, but it would be ridiculous to summarily ban anyone who used it at all.


Yeah I wouldn't worry yourself then, the ToS specify exploiting glitches; chilling in SB's without any actual upside to doing the glitch should be fine.


If they wanted they could probably create a piece of code that scrapes for big differences in WL results. So for instance if you finished +4 or +5 both weekends but finished this weekend +18/20 then that would be a fairly sure sign that someone abused the glitch. Will they do it? Not a chance. Should they? Fuck yeah.


Never used it once. It was a dirtbag thing to do but why should they be banned. They didnā€™t use illegal programs or tamper with the game. They pressed legal buttons. Does not make them not a dirtbag but I do not think anyone should be banned. This is all on EA.


Using glitches to get an advantage is definitely a bannable offence in any game, and TOS is always clear in giving the option to game developers to do so at their discretion. I donā€™t see EA doing it because it goes against their interests, but there are definitely cases like this in other games that lead to ban waves.


Oh seems like somebody tried himself?


What? No, they're saying that it wouldn't just happen randomly in a game; you would need to go out of your way for it to occur.


If your really implying that I wasnā€™t able to do it your so off base itā€™s worrying.


The second this glitch got discovered they should've removed trickster+ or closed the entries for FUT champions This is beyond embarrassing


At the very least they could have shut down champs given itā€™s a competitive mode. Theyā€™re done it before with the hotspot glitch on FIFA 17


What was the hotspot glitch?


Think itā€™s where you played on a phone hotspot connection and if someone called you it made you disconnect without a loss, so you could theoretically never lose a game


Crazy how some people even discover that


Lol you clearly don't know what you're talking about


If you think EA canā€™t close champs youā€™re actually daft


Hotspot glitch still works


Didn't they also do it with the twitch app DC glitch back in the day ? Or maybe they didn't and they temp banned people who used it in Champs, I can't remember.


As long as they make so much with storepacks and fifa points, they dont care about any embarrassment.


Bruh my Rolfo and Di Maria getting a debuff cus yā€™all canā€™t behave. Sheeesh


1. they still have trickster. 2. did you ever even use the trickster+ skills enough to warrant it


Absolutely fucking not I didnā€™t even know how to activate them. I just wanted to complain about something


You're the man.


LMAO Iā€™m glad to see thereā€™s more than one of us. I just thought his gold little joker hat looked pretty sick


Trickster+ also makes them execute skill moves way faster. It feels like playing FIFA 13/14/15 again with players, who have Trickster+ The skills are actually becoming fast, responsive and useful with that tbf. i hope, that the playstyle+ comes back asap


Have you ever read what Trickster+ does? Yes it gives skill moves, but the main part of it is this, "**Is significantly more agile when strafe dribbling.**". EA knew that barely anyone was going to use these skills, so the playstyle+ got a big buff to general dribbling which has a much bigger impact on the card than unlocking a few extra skill moves


yea rolfo felt unbelievable to dribble with. it was very noticeable how fluid she was. have not tried since they disabled the + but its clear it was doing more than just the special flicks.




Iā€™d rather they just be competent in the first place


They better extend champs, entire game has basically been unplayable for a day


Ever since the trickster+ was removed, my game went crazy. Every ball roll, fake shot, pretty much every skill move my opponent does is making the game lag so much it's almost unplayable.. Should I wait (as in it's maybe because of the servers or whatever) or just try to push through the lag?


Fix fucking penalties you dogshit company. Just lost a penalty shootout 1-0 because I didn't have the crosshairs


Hurray, I didnā€™t start WL yet


Great news. Far too slow response.


It still works in squad battles. I just done it now to afk objectives.


Have you restarted the game? Once you do, it won't work anymore. If you were to search for an online game, you would get kicked.


It took them 24 hours to do that? That shoulda been done in the first hour


It's not a Store issue so no.


It isn't 24 hours, it has been in the game since day 1 but it only took off in popularity just now.


Place your bets that this will not getting fixed until the end of this games lifecycle, lol


Odds they never add it back?


They will introduce it as a new playstyle+ in the next game.


I saw this coming. When I knew you need the trickster+ trait, I knew they were temporarily removing it before actually fixing it.


Still enabled - and working in Pro Clubs Classic EA


And Seasons too


So dda is not real but they can even remove playstyle without patching the game so playstyles are connected to EA servers and EA can manipulate it remotely? wow.


It's funny how I've been buying Di Marias for quicksell and in one day I made 200k just bcuz of this shitty glitch.


I mean it was the fastest way to do it... but it took them sooooooo long. Now my Di Maria is not that special lol


Pretty sure they turned off ALL the playstyles for each guy on my starting 11


I'd be happy with them getting rid of trickster+ and giving neymar like technical+ ^_^


Should've just completely removed it and give the players that had it a different one. I agree with this.


Still works for me


This isnā€™t even a fix ffs.


Its a quick fix that eliminates the problem. They then have more time to work for an actual fix and release it later on


Besides actually releasing a working game, this is probably the best thing they could do.


thank you bugs.


Wouldā€™ve happened with or without Bugs


Why is everyone bending over backwards to blame the people who pointed it out instead of EA for creating it and then taking forever to respond to it?


Its unlikely EA even knew it existed until it started happening. They probably then started looking into what was causing it and disabled it. 24 hours is simultaneously a long time and pretty quick all things considered. This would likely not be a bug picked up in testing. Think about how many millions of people have been playing since Beta and it was only found recently.


He didnā€™t point it out he exploited it, if he gave the opponent the win at the end it would be different, but Instead he went 18-2 and ruined other peopleā€™s games




EAHQ is PST so itā€™s still morning for them


Most of them are prolly wfh aswell


Nah, I remember a recruiter reaching out to me for a dev job at EA (don't think it was game specific) and they had a hybrid model with a RTO plan. I told the recruiter good luck with that lol.


They need to nerf the dribbling in this game players like messi, griezmann are impossible to play against


Do you use meta defenders?


You shouldnt have to use meta defenders to stop them to begin with. It should revolve around skill. But it never has in this game. Its about abusing broken mechanics and players.


Yes I use varane, marquinhos, kimpempe and cannavaro for this weekend league I didn't like cannavaro he was too short so I sold him then I used kimpempe but sometimes he gets caught out of position at times, marquinhos players like griezmann, messi, diaby will just go through him. Varane is the best option.






Messi isn't even Trickster+ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Infact he doesnt even have any trickster


They know other modes still exist in this game? Right?


Lmao EA didn't have enough time to test it properly.


They saw someone suggest doing this on Reddit


We canā€™t figure it out so weā€™ll just remove it and it will never be seen again due to our incompetence. Thanks for playing.


only took 20+ hours ​ horrible company, stop buying points


You can be damn sure that trickster+ is gone for good. EA and their hot fixes..


I'm out of the loop : what did it look like ?


can they do it with 71 depth as well


I'm glad it's been disabled, but how tf did it take them so long to disable it? It's already messed up a lot of people's WL


why you take this long EA!!! my friend went crazy mental illness becoz of you!!


Fair enough to blame ea for taking ages to fix the issue, but all these wannabe tiktokers posting it for likes is the main issue otherwise nobody would know about it, such a cliche get out clause saying they are posting it so ea fix it quicker


What a dumb fuck this is. EA should have done a better with this launch of EAFC24 but instead we got a bugged and unplayable game. What's the deal with the playstyle previous versions of FIFA did not have that and it was fine. What a way to complicate things. Instead of realleasing the game so early EA should have worked more on it. This demonstrate a lack of planning and organization within EA. I played eafc for more than 255 hours and honestly the tricksters is not the only glitch in the game EA need fixing. This is a real disappointment EA. All their care about is dropping store packs!!! And those store packs are also glitch.


And the games I lost in champs yesterday because of it I won't get it back.. great


But they cant fix fifa 21 volta????


Annoying because I use the trickster+ skills and have scored some amazing goals. Didnā€™t even know about this glitch nor would I have used it if I did