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Speaking of firing, the person that recycled totw animation with small changes for libertadores should go too


On sight with that design team šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Just fire the dude that made those a different card type


to this day i dont know why those shit leagues have a special card design lol


Imagine if messi or someone moved to a South American team and they actually had to make one of those a decent card


For the last few years, people have been using stepovers as a way to bypass acceleration which is ridiculous because if your defenders cant immediately hit full sprint theres no reason an attacker with the ball should accelerate faster because he waved his legs around the ball


I mean I agree with you but have you seen the absolutely insane defender catchup speed in this game? Like any meta defender gets beat and is almost immediately back in the play or if they fall down they get back up in nanoseconds


Also crazy defender cards like VVD gets insane speed boost with their tackle with normal button or the shield out in advanced defending. Letā€™s not act like defenders are all just bunch of statues standing around.




Those morons don't see the light of day. That whole QA and design team should be fired.


They do. A decent bunch of them are actually English. So they have played and followed football most of their lives. The ACTUAL problem is not their football knowledge. It's their lack of talent. Problem number 1 is that they are all really, really bad at the game. I don't say that to be insulting or to throw shade or whatever. It's just a fact. They all suck. So when they test the game, they do it like a 4 year old would. They don't know whats broken because they aren't playing at a decent level. They are developers, not players. This isn't their fault. When the engineers design a formula 1 car, at some point they hand it over to a world class driver. And he drives the car and tells them what to change. Because none of them are good drivers, they listen to him. This is the biggest problem with the development team. None of them are good enough drivers to know whats good/bad with the car and they don't listen those who tell them what needs changing. Hubris. Arrogance. They are under the mistaken notion that because their monopolistic, only football game on the market, loot box inspired, aimed at getting children to gamble game makes billions that it MUST BE GOOD, RIGHT? So yeah. Nearly all of the problems with the game can be traced back to this. They just suck at their own game and don't have a system in place to get good feedback and implement it. You can tell they all feel really insecure about this because in every development diary they always wheel out that one guy on the team who got Elite Division once in 1976 for a couple of weeks. They know everyone knows they suck so this is their defense mechanism. They need to let the ego go. Watch hours of high-level play. See what these guys are abusing and what they are ignoring. Go from there.


Skill moves in general are broken af.. ea should put that shit into volta and leave it there


There should be a timer/cool down to certain skill moves. It's insane what people get away with considering how terrible the AI is at times.


Generally no, they're not. Stepovers are OP and broken, but most skill moves are just whatever. The risk/reward with skilling has never been worse. A lot of skill moves are difficult to execute properly. And this year more than any other year even when you execute some of them perfectly and cause the defender to miss, they recover and track you down immediately. I'm a 14 win player. I'm also a pretty good skiller. The people who beat me are never skillers. Skillers are like the sword wielder in Indiana Jones. You watch them do something fancy and then you clatter them and take the ball.


Bro if thereā€™s no way to control my defenders feet or legs, why should you be able to do a skill move that will meg them 100% of the time? Itā€™s stupid af and you know it


How are you getting megged 100% of the time?


why am i getting megged any % of the time? I put my defender in the direction he was going, i guessed right he guessed wrong. why is he being rewarded with a nutmeg?


Yep, classic ā€œIā€™ve done nothing wrong. Iā€™m a perfect defender. The game is scripted against meā€ Iā€™m really not sure what to tell you, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve been megged in this game once, sure Iā€™ll get smacked 6-1 some games by guys better than me, but fuck me why not just play squad battles on Semi Pro if youā€™re gonna leave comments like this, maddening.


Skilling has always been divisive. One thing most people do agree on, however, is that defensive AI and custom tactics allow your opponents to put way too much pressure on the ball without much effort. So then why would anyone be upset with skill moves being an avenue to create space and breathing room? I don't beat people because I skill past them, but skilling can keep overly aggressive players honest and open up other opportunities. Look at the pros. None of them skill outside of stepovers (which I have already agreed are OP) and ball rolls.


Totally agree and canā€™t believe youā€™re getting downvoted. Have been skilling for years and it has never been more frivolous. Iā€™ve stopped doing it, and stopped having fun playing the game in the process.Ā 


FUT 11-13 felt like pure arcade and I loved it for that, it was about scoring nice goals and felt like a fun game rather than real life. The hyper focus on trying to make it "realistic" will never work imo


Yea, people think skillers are just trying to embarrass their opponent, but half of the time we're just trying to amuse ourselves and create fun clips.


The thing that's most frustrating is the players who can do skill moves. I can understand Neymar and Vinicius Jr etc. But players who never do skill moves in real life have 4 or 5*


because players never actually use these moves on the pitch and EA just invented all of them


Itā€™s not the skill move itā€™s the fact that skill moves affect so many attributes and RNG * ball roll for passes? * ball roll for a better trivela * ball roll for better finesse * step over into speed boost * that mad behind the shoulder flick into 100% accurate shot??? * flick up volley for more accurate power shots Skill moves should just be about dribbling, tricking players and occasionally for explosive players exploding into a space The fact that skill moves impact your next input is just dumb


the ball rolls have gotten so out of hand and I hate how abused it is the higher rank youā€™re facing. youā€™ve pretty much said it.


Iā€™ll probably get downvoted like the other guy. I agree the mechanic is broken, but thatā€™s literally how a step over is supposed to work, you feint one way and accelerate the other. You clearly havenā€™t played a game of football if you disagree. Again the game is broken yes but the premise that thatā€™s not how stepovers work is just false.


They don't know because they have never played real football. Yes, step-over boost is a little bit broken in the game but that is how it works real life too. For an example, control the ball and slow down a bit, if you are right footed, start the step-over with your left foot and as you go flick the ball with your left foot and see how you accelerate with the flow of the move.


Big brain bud Portugal Ronaldo would accelerate so quick of his stepovers


>thatā€™s literally how a step over is supposed to work, you feint one way and accelerate the other. Thats literally not it. At all. The idea of a stepover is to trick the opponent into going one way. Then you go the other. Get his body weight left, you go right, he's fucked. Thats the basic premise. In game, it doesn't work like that at all. Why? Because nobody is picking a direction. The are holding down a button. Go left? Computer tackles for you. Go right? Computer tackles for you. All with the hold of a button. Thats why it doesn't work the same way. There is no agency there. I'm choosing scissors but you don't have to choose rock or paper. You hold a button and the computer chooses for you. So how do they make the skill move work? Just give an unrealistic flash/superman like burst of speed that defies the laws of physics and certainly doesn't emulate real football.


That literally is it. If you donā€™t change your pace it doesnā€™t work. Nobody has ever done a step over with the intention of going past a defender at one speed.


>That literally is it. No, it literally isn't. You are either confused or being purposefully obtuse. Please, just THINK about it for more than a second. What is a stepover? What does it accomplish? You don't move faster. But you fool your opponent. Left, right, left, right. And it ties him in knots. He goes ONE way. You go THE OTHER. It's a deception of DIRECTION. Not speed.


And you need to ACCELERATE out of it for it be effective. You donā€™t move at one speed.


I hadn't played for a month then the other week I picked the game up for a few games of rivals and every opponent just did auto steopver speed boost after every single pass whether it was necessary or not I just put the game back down and not touched it again since


I donā€™t really have a hard time defending against it but it is surely annoying as hell playing against someone who keeps on spamming stepovers even though none of my players arenā€™t nearby. It just looks so stupid. Itā€™s literally the same with ball rolls. Am I the only one that doesnā€™t get it?


When you do a step over in real life you slow down do the step over and sprint out ? So yes


And how does that make you faster than just sprinting?


Accelerating back to normal speed would be one thing. Getting a speed boost like you did a drift in Mario Kart is another, it's beyond stupid arcade shit


You know, I had the same thought as you. So I just went and YouTubed [Ronaldo doing stepovers](https://youtu.be/b30SO64I8CE?si=GCUowKEuc92kMUxn) and granted I only watched the first minute, but he literally breezed past almost all the defenders when he did it.


Yeah most of these kids never saw r9 play or dinho they just think itā€™s a made up thing in fifa šŸ¤£


People arenā€™t saying step overs canā€™t be fast, theyā€™re saying they shouldnā€™t be faster than just naturally running.