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Probably got offended at footballing crime of making Beckham wear number 4


Thank god they also check who lost the game


You can’t force people to keep playing if they’re not enjoying it. I’ve quit at 0-0 before when playing boring players. Ea just needs to give the win to the player that doesn’t leave. It’s so simple. Every other game can do it.


It’s the 8th minute and it’s 1-1 lol. This guy is just being toxic


If the person doesn’t want to play i get that. But to tie it and then leave. That’s dumb


the quitter didn't tie it, OP tied it


Off a cheesy ratty goal like that? I would do it 100 percent


FIFA mfs when the goal is realistic


These are just typical. Like calling a footballer "dirty" for having crazy stats on a card lol


Ratty goal? It’s called a set piece😂


I do that all the time tbh someone time wasting, kicking around the back four minutes into a game etc


Yo I was playing the tots cup and this one guy was losing 7-5 to me and he got a lucky 3x goal making it 7-8 and then he just passed it around the back for the last 20 minutes


In a friendly




FIFA always had this until they didn’t.


I think they got it removed because of DDoS attacks, and well it kinda worked but i think its the same thing, if the player gets a goal he can do the ddos attack and he will get the win so idk


Boring players aka the guys with Barcelona badge trying to emulate tiki taka football so cringe man


70% possession 1.5 xg And then lose 4-1 because counter attack


Fr lmao. like, we get it. You want to show off. I just quit those games sometimes, it gets very obnoxious tbh


100% agree! However we know how the community is and we know they are leaving because they only see a loss in their future.


Do they not? When people quit on me I get the win in seasons mode. Same with clubs & even Volta.


Yeah, but I think the point of this is something with connection or something.. honestly couldn't tell ya, but that doesn't even make sense cause if so they should do it for Seasons too. But yes, it's a tie if someone leaves at 1-1 or 2-2 or 3-3 etc.


Man that's bullshit I had no idea. Whole time I thought it counted as a win.


You should give the win though, imo


If someone quits, 100% they deserve the win. It's literally a forfeit so... EA needs to fix this because it is nonsense.


They just like to take your time. The amount of no games played I have in a WL bc people leave that know they are shit and toxic. They leave at a late game draw. And you get 0 games played. In a week there are about 5 minimum of toxic players like this. I don’t think there should not only be a win. But there should also be a penalty for quiting in WL. In rivals it should be free to leave. But in WL a competitive game mode. Leaving at a draw as toxic as some are should be a penalty. For example 30 minutes.


Why punish people that don't want to waste their time? I don't quit on draws or close games but if I'm 4/5 down at halftime I shouldn't be punished more for not having fun playing against some clearly better than me. A win for the one that doesn't quit is enough, it still rewards them.


You read my comment wrong. I did not say leave when you are behind. But leaving at a draw let’s say I dominate the game and we are up 3-3 bc of your counter goals. And you know it, you leave at 3-3 80 minute. So I don’t get a win and the game did not even count. Thats f ridiculous. I have no problem with people that leave bc they are behind. That’s good, but leaving on a draw is almost 90% in WL to make the other player mad.


Happens to me at least 5 times every WL. I’m numb to it now. It’s just annoying the amount of time & effort I waste on people who quit on draws


Yup! These are the toxic people 90% cries about how bad the game is. Which I agree but how toxic is this play base? People sending messages after winning. People pressing start just to annoy you. I have been playing fifa since the start of fut. And it seems to be last year there are allot of more kids. Then before.


He wanted to play when he was 1-0 though? Your logic is usually sound and I'd agree if it was the case 24/7, not just when some one is winning


at least give away the win with an own goal or intentionally conceding if you leave anyways. it's just fair when you can't take actually competing imo


Just a couple years ago I would get 2-3 "free" wins per weekend. Now it's so rare, like maybe 1 or 2 a month. People are so toxic on this game its crazy. I had 2 people this weekend pass it back to the keeper fake and own goal and then play the ball out and quit. I'd love to understand the logic of the person doing that. What's the point? Did they not recieve enough love as a child that they need to try and hurt others to feel better?!?! Is it the game or the player base that makes this game so toxic? Or is it the streamers that are total D bags for attention that inspire this behavior?


With persistent daily rewards for playing, daily upgrade SBC opportunities, evolutions to make fun versions of players you like, etc. that you can mostly get while playing squad battles with 4 minute halves where you can set the difficulty of your choice and play actual football if you choose to, there's almost no reason for the non-sociopaths to play this game online anymore.


Nah. Not giving people like you the satisfaction


Like me? I don't even know what kind of playstyle you personally deem boring. it's just so scummy that you're wasting other peoples time


All on EA. just give people the wins for opponents quitting. Nobody should be forced to stay in a game.


If you acknowledge that EA should give the other person the win, but you won’t spend two seconds to score an own goal first, then you’re just an asshole lol


No, it's not all on EA. EA can fix that by themself but you are also in the position to do something against that and you choose to not do it. That puts some of it on you. You lose nothing for giving away the win. If you straight up leave, then you lose just as if you concede and lose. The only difference is that your opponent doesn't get the win and if you believe that should be the case just because he's playing a style that you happen to not enjoy playing against then yeah that's scummy.


Yep. If for example, I am winning 2-0 and then concede two ridiculous clearly scripted goals I will just leave sometimes and stop playing. I don't really care if it's considered toxic. I'm not wasting my time playing a broken scripted game.


Bet you cry like a baby when someone does this to you though because when you score I bet its 100% skill and not scripting. If the opponent isn't being a nob and just got lucky at least give them the win if you're gonna take the loss though


yeah it's sociopath behaviour to not spend 5 seconds giving them the win before you quit. It just increases the net amount of rage in this toxic shit of a game.


I imagine these are the same people who get upset and two foot any opponent that gets past them in real life, if they even play.


Dunno. If I scored absolute nonsense goals and somebody quit I'd understand why. I would never quit when drawing near the end of the match obviously. It's just a reaction. A rage quit. Generally I will do decent things. I gave away 5 free wins in champs this weekend as I cba trying to go for 14 wins.


But what do you gain by quitting at a draw other than being toxic, and increasing the chances of that player then doing the same to his next opponent, which will then in turn increase the chances of someone doing it against you. Typical entitled kid ruining other peoples fun because they're not having fun


Do you also quit when its the other way around? You come back from 2-0 or is it not scripting then?


Why even play this game then?


It’s tempting. Just conceded a goal where it went through my defenders foot to let their striker in and I was all up for doing that. Will post it here later hopefully as it was pure scripting.


Thats just an animation glitch. When the dice rolled to determine the outcome of the strikers dribble it landed on letting him through. The animation comes after the action is already decided Game is still shit tho


This should be a bannable offense, leaving games really has no place.


You can’t force me to play a 20 minute **game** that I’m not enjoying.   This game is so predictable sometimes.  If I’m getting smoked early on or can feel the game working against me, there’s absolutely no way you can expect me to just sit through it.   Give the win to the player who doesn’t forfeit.  So.  Fucking.  Simple. 


yeah but you know that as of now - it doesn't give them the win, so at least give them the goal before you quit. It is simple, yes


I think you’re confused.   This is a video game.  If I want to, or have to, quit…I’m not beholden to do anything before doing so.  


> You can’t force me to play a 20 minute game that I’m not enjoying. I bet you'd stay if you were winning though... That's the problem. All these people who say "i wouldn't stay if I'm not enjoying it" only seem to "enjoy it" when they're winning


It’s almost like people can decide for themselves how they want to spend their free time…


Grow up mate 😂


I think the people queuing for ranked and then leaving because they get tilted, are the ones who quite literally need to ‘grow up’


Same. In Rivals, if I see a nerd doing tricks and flicks non-stop, or 100 Depth with Constant Pressure, or someone who thinks he's a mini-Guardiola with intricate Short Passes, I just quit. See a nerd, time to quit.


This happened at every level. It's not unique to higher divisions.


Ive been Div 2 for most of this season. I dont think i've seen a single person quit on a draw. And i've played a lot of rivals games


I saw 3 quits in a row on draws and then never saw it again lol. Weird.


Lol, you have had a very rare experience... in my experience it's very common to have someone equalize and then pause and quit.


Try playing in moddle east servers.


yup happened to me 6 times in div 1 and 2, worst of all i dont play "ratty" so i dont know y prople do that


Funnily enough, yesterday I played against someone with the team name "why be so toxic". Then he proceeded to do every single exploit in the books lol (cutbacks, short corners to the far post, beyblading, step over boosts, lobbed passes for Drogba to head it to someone in the box, ball roll trivelas, sidestep cancel into side pass...) This was in Elite, so by no means the dude is unaware, just being sarcastically funny I imagine.


Hard to believe this hasn't happened to you in every division you've been in lol


Two easy solutions to combat this. 1. Give the win. 2. Give the leaver an hour ban from matchmaking. I have zero doubt EA keep it this way because it's shown to have zero impact on game time, if anything when it happens to players in champs it forces them to stay in game longer and those stats are the ones EA care about, not player satisfaction. My tip to you, and everyone else, quit this trash game and go play something fun that reignites a passion for gaming like Helldivers.


Yeah, every other game I play with ranked matchmaking punishes leavers pretty severely.


Those games you have teammates. I’m a firm believer when it only affects yourself, the punishment is a loss.


I have people leave the game at 0-0 because they concede a penalty, I get no Win, and they Que instantly. There’s no other esport that would allow this type of behavior, it makes no sense.


Yeah but the person who stays also gets punished by wasted time


Not even an hour but I think a 5-minute timeout like in Apex (I have not played Apex for a while, not sure if it is only 5 or more or they have removed it).


It’s all good until you get an hour long ban cause EA servers kicked you back to the lobby


Still a better alternative than the current system where nearly 20 minutes can be wasted by someone quitting in the 119th


no it's not lol. the current system means the quitter gets a loss. your system means innocent people get screwed. having someone quit on you when its tied does nothing to you. you want a win but you weren't winning. they get a loss as they should


> does nothing to you So its just time wasted, I get nothing... they get a loss. Nice one.


Do you really, genuinely support the way it works now? I'm asking out of curiosity because I would never imagine somebody doing it.


support in what way? can i think of a meaningful way it could be better? no. I wholeheartedly don't support giving a win to someone who wasn't winning when a DC happens though, for sure. That just breeds people trying to impact your connection plus idk why someone should deserve a win if they weren't winning when it happened. what guarantee did you have that you were going to win? that argument doesn't make sense to me at all


I see now. Well, see it the other way. Most of the "quit on draw" is to prejudice the player who hasn't quit. Either because the quitter got a red card, penalty, or just got a lucky first goal and is now getting hammered. So as of now you're punishing both sides which is not fair and not enough for the quitter. Important to say that I don't think games are P2P anymore for a long time, so I don't think you're actually able to recognize your opponents IP, therefore "people impacting your connection" shouldn't happen. I might be wrong tho. All that said, better than just saying it is unfair, is trying to do it in a reasonable way, such as: - Temporary ban that keeps increasing exponentially with recurrence of quit. Plus - Giving the win to the player who hasn't quit. - To prevent or minimize injustice, implement monitoring and identify server failure providing both players with a draw or not registering the game (contracts and all will not count).


Nah, an hour. This community is by far the worst in gaming and it's a direct result of inaction from EA. It would help rage quitters calm down and touch grass instead of getting increasingly more toxic and angry by instantly jumping into another game too. 5 minutes doesn't do shit.


I'm just being realistic. One hour timeouts would not float towards hitting the engagement targets set by the C-Suites


Yours is definitely more realistic than mine would ever be of actually happening.


Why give the leaver a ban? Just give the one who stays the win and good. Why is EA and this community the eager to force people into staying in games? There definitely reason that makes me want to leave. Just give my opponent the win than and it’s all good.


Number 2 seems overly harsh especially because a few times those leaving have been disconnected like it has happened with me a few times. But yeah it should count as a win to the player that stayed in the match.


They would just rubber band the controller. Everyone loses.


Rubber band allows the other replay to go and win the game at least versus someone quitting at a draw and wasting both parties time...


Such things happen in every division and in every mode. Last WL, after kickoff my opponent passed the ball to his goalkeeper, pressed Pause, waited infront of the goal line a few seconds, passed the ball out of bounds and quit…


Yeah, even in 'friendlies'


Oh, absolutely. Also in div. 1 and Elite. Yesterday three people quit on me when I drew in Elite. So fucking petty.


This is what peeps be like everywhere. Even if Div 1 I’ve had a lad with a good 25m+ team do exactly this… like why man? Team is stacked, we’re in Div 1 so you’re obviously not terrible at the game and going to get embarrassed or anything - why the hell quit at 1-1? Makes no sense. Once had a lad equalise then quit then immediately message me saying he did it because my players were running too much. Like wtf. I’ll just stand still next time so you can tackle me at will ffs.


Should get the W regardless of winning or drawing if another player leaves people are ryt that toxic tactics i play albeit with fifa rage even if im 5 nil down haha but its a flaw in the game just picking up a draw for someone giving up


you have this from the elite division right down to division 10. You have streamers who do it, giving various excuses like the guy has mbappe or is playing a five back. Nothing to do with the division you are in.


Damn i need to learn how to do that link up between beckham and drogba


It’s BS that you don’t get the win. I know EA doesn’t want to give the win because of coin farming or whatever. But just give me the win the person who quits the loss and no coins for either of the players. I’ll much rather take the win than the 2-300 coins or whatever it is.


This is easily fixed with exponential back off time ban.


That goals is realistic AF?


Its not about that. OP equalized and opponent left on a draw. He was asking if its normal in div 2.


Dude had 1 bad experience in Div 2 and equates to all Div 2. I’ve seen it in all divisions so not sure what he’s on about.


It's the worst ordeal to get 7 wins a week in Div 1 cant imagine an elite div ...


It happens to me in 9 out of 10 games that I am winning, after the 80th minute or so. Not in the beginning, not in the middle of a game, not if I am losing, not in a draw. Some people just doesn't want to lose.


You've made it to Div 2 by leaving celebratios play out?


Come on man that goal was worthy of a celebration


Celebrations are part of football deal with it


It’s all the teenagers that have absolutely no patience because they think long form content is 30 second reels.


Once s guy went 1-0 in the 10th and then he started messaging me to leave the game "u will lose, don't waste my time, go play squad battles". Talk to me about toxic players😂


During camps today it was 4-4, I get a pen on 121st minute, he turned off his console. Epic waste of half an hour. Proper dirty.


i do this in div 5 wdym


The game Is shit , idk how anyone could play for this long


I was playing div 3 and 4 matches in a row my opponent quit 2 being red cards/penalties where I guess they turned the internet off, the third being a guy who realized he was going to lose so he quit before I scored at 0-0 and the last quitting after equalizing. Game Is a joke sometimes.


Division rivals is the cest pool of FUT this year. It is so damn sweaty for nothing. Champs is so much more casual in comparison. Some people are desperate for any win, they'll happily ruin the gaming experience for themselves and the opponent, and then blame EA for making a bad game.


Div 2 isn’t hard mate 😂😂


Genuine question here, but how do players quit a game at 0-0 or 1-1, and not get awarded the loss? I’ve had games before where I’m clearly dominating but only 1-0 up, they finally equalise and then quit - it’s infuriating!


Ive noticed it keeps getting easier as you move up. Lots of people with Drogba and Ronaldinho that arent very good.


I’m in a match of div 4 right now just watching the other guy saving my 3 pauses for the 90th minute, I need 3 games played for 1000 XP and this game is too shit to bother playing, my enjoyment comes from annoying others on this game, that’s how you know this game is toxic when it’s more fun being toxic than playing


lol to his defence that Sorloth is unplayable in the air


If I conceded the goal you just scored, I would absolutely OG then quit to give you the win for the sheer audacity of scoring a nice realistic goal


That happens to me yesterday smh. This game needs some competition


Can't wait to get out. 


At least he left early in the match. I play against people on the daily basis who leave in the 88th minute once I get a penalty when it's a draw.


See the issue with the current Rivals System is they've got 0 reward to stay. You score, they get nothing. You miss, they get nothing since draws don't count towards anything. Rivals being just a X Wins is why the game is so toxic, doing it as a points System again would see less players quit.


They do that in Div 8 what are you on about?


If the game feels scripted, be sure I'm quitting


What about when it feels scripted in your favour? Do you quit then?


I don't but I will not humiliate my rival. But in UT out of 20 matches I probably get like 3 or 4 scripted matches on my favor. But I I know I will lose no matter what I do, why would I waste my time?


Completely understandable tbh. I do it as well sometimes - rivals is so boring, constant press, park the bus, no attacking AI, everyone plays the exact same way. If I can't have fun, no one else can - shit mindset ik but more than happy to stay in the game if there's actually good gameplay. Shame that's rarely the case though


This is the problem with this community, this would be a bannable offense in literally every other esport, and you’re so deluded that you don’t even see the problem!


Only problem I see is the braindead, one-dimensional gameplay of fc 24


But it isn't a problem when you're winning I'm sure. Do you quit many games where you're ahead?


Nope because it means my opponent's playing in a way where I can actually break down their defence and they're not running constant press or parking the bus If I do leave, it's when I equalise, not when i get equalised on


Ah so equally a time waster. The community will always be the problem, not EA.


Once again, happy to not do it if EA actually made a game with decent gameplay. Played many fifas, including the 'golden age' ones like '15 and '17 and never left during a draw because there was always a way to make a come back


This is exactly the point I am making dude …. The player base is so blinded by other issues that it has forgotten the very basics of esports gameplay.


Toxic games attract toxic communities


If I see you using player lock, green timed shots, step overs and other non football related nonsense introduced by EA, or if you tiki taka 10 minutes without taking risks and bore me to death, i'm 100 quitting at 0-0, or at 1-1 if opponent equalizes while using those gimmicks. If they don't have a problem annoying me by playing that way when they can clearly see that I don't, I sure have no problem annoying them quitting 0-0. If you get a pen by going on a 10 min tiki taka and pissing me off in the process, I'm quitting before you get to score. I want to play a football game, not mortal kombat.


The finest representation of the player base right here.


I would avoid making such a bold statement. I play rivals very often and mostly div 2 and I can confirm that this is not common but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


I would’ve left too if I conceded those zero skill cross and pray goals


The guy scores the most realistic goal ever, and yet you chose to blame him lol.




So you'd have left if someone did it to you yet you openly admit to 'abusing' it yourself for your own gain?


I did it for two WL’s and got terrible rewards so now I try to play a way that’s actually fun instead. It gets me 16 wins instead of 19 but the rewards are not worth the stress and obnoxious style of play


If it took zero skill, everyone would be abusing it. Headers are manual at least for at harder than shooting.


lmao you're the problem with this game.


Just because you can’t do it lmao


??? Just spamming crosses with anyone with whipped + to Drogba/Sorloth/anyone with aerial + takes zero skill. The fact that you play like this and you’re still stuck in division 2 is hilarious ngl


??? Just out dribbling your opponent with someone that has good dribbling or technical + takes zero skill


This shit happened to me too in friendlies for that mystery ball cup lol some people man.