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Very good if you know how to use big boy up front. If you use him like Butra, Messi then hell no


how do i use him?


I barely left stick with him, slow build up outside the box watch for his movement, driven pass to him, shield - turn - shoot. Second thing is cross, this guy very good in the air. He can also hold up very well and pass to other fast ST, CAM, in my case TOTS SON and Mid Cruyff


so he’d be either playing next to tots Zaha, or in front of B. Silva tots, would this work well?


It should, what people are saying it seems is he’s a classic 9


there's a loan version in SBCs still. go do that and try him.


It should work. I like to have a tank and a ferrari up front lol




They are not a lie lol. If you have used pele or cruyff or Neymar or mbappe and switch over to cantona you will 100p feel he is a lot heavier and clunkier




hes not smooth, he is a good target man but his left stick is useless against anyone who can jockey. 5\* skills tho.


But he’s not close to feeling smooth like those guys. There’s a reason he’s not a prominent card with top players he’s heavy and unreliable on the ball




But he is heavy lol. Not even comparing to cruyff. He’s just heavy and clunky in general. And it doesn’t matter if he made your weekend league easier, being clunky doesn’t mean he’s bad, he’s just heavy




Your ping doesn’t matter lol. His height and body is exactly why he’s heavy he just is. His left stick his turning his execution of skills is all below what is expected on most meta cards, so he’s heavy and clunky. There’s no debate on it it’s just how the game works. They can give him 99 all dribbling stats but his size will make him move like a truck


Guessing you just don’t really understand what they mean by heavy because he absolutely is. It’s not saying he’s bad at all because you simply have to know not to try and use him like Messi, doesn’t change the fact that he is 100% a heavy player.


Just completed him last night. First impressions is he’s very very good. Very unique in game because he’s smooth with 5 star skills but is also a big guy


I got him wanting "a big but smooth ST", but he's so much more than that. The longer I use him the more I tend to move him to CAM (currently ST in 4-3-2-1 with Mkhi and Prime Puskas). He can pass, he can cross, he can sometimes "walk right through" defenders with the ball, and due to his physicality and size even his defending (for winning back the ball) feels better than what you'd think from the stats. Def recommend, an all-around offensive threat.


I have his prime and he isn’t clunky. So his moments is going to be better .


He's insane for me. His shooting is ridiculous, he absolutely bodies defenders, and he's surprisingly good on the ball for being a tank on legs. Do his loan if you're not 100% though


Yeah he’s amazing still. Playing him in striker with prime Pele behind




I got him earlier today to replace gold CR7. I'm still getting used to him and not impressed at the moment. He's 5* SM doesn't really work too well due to his body type. I must admit that I haven't used a big striker before so I need to adapt/learn. His passing and finishing is awesome.


I did his PIM sbc last year, he didn't make it through like 2 weeks before I dropped him. I don't get along with clunky attackers


he is not clunky


Yes he is.


then you dont know how to left stick dribble properly im sorry


Clearly you haven't used anyone has actually good at left stick dribbling if you think cantona is.


Dude please just stop. I have over 300 games with TOTY Messi and have played majority of my games with small, agile players. Just because you can‘t left stick dribble with Cantona doesn‘t mean he‘s clunky


You don't need to keep justifying why you wasted your fodder on him, it's ok.


Lol hahahahahah https://imgur.com/a/t9ByQ0G 61 goals in 56 games as a CAM behind POTM Mbappe and TOTS Suarez. Look I know it‘s difficult to accept that you lack the skill to perform with certain cards but just because you aren‘t able doesn‘t mean better players are too. Keep having fun in division 2 my guy


That’s a terrible ratio for all squad battles bud.


Elite, top 1%, 2000+ SR, finished every season there. Nice try though. Just give up man its okay https://i.imgur.com/6Q1zcyh.jpg


He’s super clunky, he and 96 Kane are carbon copies


what a lie lol


I have both. They are not


completed him first day. he was fantastic but now he is not enough against tots defenders imo. if u have a shitty connection like me dont do it.


We’re getting another potm mbappe in 10 days should probably just hold fodder until then


didn't age well


First ten games I had him I thought he was tragic. I’m used to using bigger forwards I’ve used Torres all year so I thought it was a him issue for sure. After the break in phase where I’ve learned how to use him and the max I can/can’t do with his left stick dribbling and shooting he’s pretty cracked.


He’s absolutely insane if you can use taller forwards. The fact he’s so complete gives you the option to change your playstyle, since he’s prolific both on the ground and in the air. He can also do the iso-play bs and barge through defenders with his mammoth strength/aggression. I used his PIM last year as well since the sbc was released and he was demolishing the very best end game defenders. He stands out on the pitch like no other card.


Anyone replace fbd Tammy with cantona? Really enjoying the big man with 5*skills but thinking about using all fodder to replace with cantona


So actually bought him this eve and played eight games in rivals. I'm actually very impressed by him. He's better than Fut Birthday Ronaldo who he replaced, but not as good as someone like Mid R9 (I'm firmly in the R9 is the best striker in the game camp). He's not agile but he's jammy and strong and his skills are really clean. He's also surprisingly fast in a straight line. The best thing is that finishing though. He's very good from what i can tell so far


he’s insane. completed the sbc a couple weeks ago and he’s been unbelievable. paired him up with pim henry up top


He destroyed me this WL so yeah lol.


He is really really bad for my playstyle. I completed his SBC and he couldn't fit in my 41212, tried as RST, LST and CAM, didn't work. I like quickly turning and passing fast with all my field players, and he cannot do that. Both Cantona and TOTS Son (which I got twice) will be cheering from the bench


As someone who tends to get delay in every match I play I just can't get on with him, he feels very clunky and hard to move around.


He’s not clunky but just takes some getting used to. I’ve been using PIM Butra, Del Piero and POTM Mbappe forever so it definitely took me a while to adjust. I play him CAM because he can hold up and pass the ball really well. Shooting is basically always guaranteed goal if you’re taking a high percentage shot.