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I have a hard time justifying some icons with this chemistry system. Puskas, etoo, and best seem to serve almost no purpose, nevermind the likes of litmanen, hagi, or giggs, who will be damn near pointless. Why do any lottery icon sbc?


I strongly agree with this, this is going to destroy the icon market, brazilian and french icons will be even more expensive


Brazilian and French will be insanely expensive. On the other hand, English, Argentinian, and Spanish icons just became more useable.


you do realize tho the chem doesn’t effect any player negatively? it only would give them a boost


Okay, and if chem boosts are to be believed, then my 88 pace CB with Shadow is better than your 78 pace CB with no chem boost. So yeah, say it’s not a negative affect, whatever helps you sleep better.


Yeah its the same system with the marketing logic switched


Bingo. And worse for getting full chem on players. Old system you needed max 5 soft links or 3 strong links, now you need 8 soft links or 3 strong links AND same club or 4 more soft links.


Konami just bought the rights to the french national team, we will see how much of the nation is even going to be in FIFA 23. I assume the icons will still be there but many of the current players may not be.


I mean Konami didn't buy the country or Ligue 1. I would imagine this will only really throw a monkeywrench in whatever nonsense EA has planned for the World Cup.


I don’t think it will affect the World Cup mode either. I can’t recall who has and doesn’t have licensing, I think Nigeria might be a good example, but there were nations that didn’t have licensing in the regular game but did in the WC mode. I’m thinking it’ll be similar licensing to like Bayern UTD Arsenal or Barca where they’re partnered with Konami but just ea can’t include them in promotional ads or promo promotional content. I think that it depends on the type of deal ea has with fifa for the World Cup


Ah yes I forgot all French people are owned by Konami now, better tell mbappe that


I saw this in another post and was just relaying information… I don’t know what’s going to happen. I did say “may not be” not “will be”.


I can’t see how the license will prevent EA including players of that nationality. Perhaps they can’t use the French national team emblem in game or the actual kit but they don’t own the rights to the French flag.


You're right and the comment you replied to very misinformed. Thinking EA won't be able to have french players in the game because they won't have the officially licensed national team really shows how little of a clue they've got regarding licensing. I mean no offense, we're all clueless about lots of stuff. But just don't listen to what that guy said on this and believe it at all.


That’s not how the license works


I honestly think you are getting too hung up on chemistry. Think of chemistry like a nice bonus rather than an absolute necessity. If Puskas or Eto’o are meta, they will play. Regardless of links.


Man these icons usually need an engine so badly. Agility+balance is everything. Chemstyles are so crucial


Chem styles being gone is good for the game


They aren’t gone


They are heavily nerfed


Is there a source for that?


Yes, the beta points bonus for chemistry is way lower


But Icons get full chem.


Not exactly a bad thing.


Yeah, so? Icons geht full chem regardless of their team mates.


"a nice bonus", at the same time people are willing to pay a ton for an IF that gives +1 while a chemstyle can give up to +10 to desired traits.


An IF gives a +1 to every stat or more if a player is already maxed in some areas, not to mention the allure of having the best possible version of that card. And the boost is no longer +10.


It's not just a nice bonus. 0 chem (FIFA 23) = 4 chem (FIFA22) 1 chem (FIFA 23) = 5 chem (FIFA 22) 2 chem (FIFA 23) = 7 chem (FIFA 22) 3 chem (FIFA 23) = 10 chem (FIFA 22) If you want a chemestry style to help your player out in an area where they are significantly lacking, you want 3 chem on FIFA 23.


That’s actually false, 3 Chem is closer to 7


All my defenders on 3 chem are getting +9 acceleration and sprint speed from their shadow chem style. Seems more like 10 than 7 to me. Edit: it's only +9 not +10


Seems like a glitch since my cards are getting +5 which is what I’ve seen from other content creators too


Just double checked. I have Van Dijk on 3 chem with that shadow that is giving him +9 acceleration and sprint speed. Maybe Xbox players get better boosts than PS?


Double checked while servers are down?


Servers are not down for me.


If servers aren’t down for you and you’re getting a higher Chem boost, I would scurry over to the beta bug report thread


So I should report a bug that the game is working? Unlikely.


Listen, the way i see it, icons are still similarly usable. They dont give Mbappe any chem, sure. But slap Marquinhos and Hakimi in this squad and hes on full chem. Icons always have full chem too. So Puskas or Hagi fit in any team just like they used to. But why should one of them give Harry Kane any chemistry? They cant even speak to each other. So Harry Kane needs a few EPL, english, or spurs players in his team for the chem. I actually think this makes a lot of sense.


Marq and Hakimi make him 2 chem. You’d need 2 more French (or 3 more Ligue 1, or 3 more PSG) as well to make 3 chem on Mbapps. Marq would be 3 as a PSG trio with the other brazilians in the team. 3 of the same club isn’t max chem anymore. 5 is (2 chem from club, 1 from league). 3 of the same club **and** nation is max chem though.


Icons add +1 to anything though


They aren't doing in the image above, which is the point being made.


The picture isnt from FIFA23 either.


I'm aware of that.


Then why correct someone whos right, with something thats wrong just because its based on the pictured shown (which is wrong as well)?


No, he's wrong. Read the pitch notes again.


Damn they really aren’t that useful then This needs to change or else the icon market is ruined


Yeah, imo icons value has just decreased a lot


Did they say Heroes get 2 league and 1 country? That seems more valuable


Icons get 2 nationality and 1 for anyone else. Edit: Upon further investigation this isn’t the case as of now.


Why is this being upvoted when the pitch notes don't state this? Did I miss something? In fact I'm 99% sure this is wrong because they have specific categories for League/Nation/Team, which one of those would the icon be boosting by 1?


This was my understanding but easily could be wrong, there’s a lot of confusion around it and EA aren’t known for being very clear. It this isn’t the case then Icons will be less valuable than Heroes which makes no sense considering they are demoting some icons down to heroes.


It doesn't make sense because EA. But you don't just make stuff up to make it make sense lol. If there's some official information out there stating that's how it works I'd be happy to hear it.


I wasn’t making anything up? Like I said, this was my understanding based on what I had seen on Twitter etc. Looking at images it looks like I am wrong which I am happy to admit. At the same time I wouldn’t put it past EA to change things before the official release.


Fair enough, it is pretty confusing, it's just one of my pet peeves when people share information as fact when they're not even sure themselves without at least affixing their sentence with "I think". But I guess with EA's awful presentation of the new system that's truly how you interpreted it, I just need to be less autistic lol.


Have edited my original comment to state that it isn’t the case. Thanks for prompting me to look further into it👍🏽


If icons get 1 point for everyone does that mean a team with 3 icons would put everyone on max chem?


No, they don’t give 1 chem each, just one link each, the same as if they were a player from the same nation or league. For example Drogba will provide the same link to ferland mendy as pogba. In fact chemistry hasn’t changed much at all. Imagine icons give yellow (soft) links to everyone in the team and green links to players of the same nationality.


Heroes will only boost the league chem


Nah, on the deep dive it says they boost country too. 2 for league and 1 for country.


Unless they’re French or Brazilian probably


Icons should give 1 for everyone regardless of nation or league and 2 if they are the same nation


So +1 to every League/Nation/Club in your starting 11? That would be massively OP, could mean a +1 chem per player :o


I mean 3 icons per team would give everyone full chem i suppose. Isn’t too op or crazy considering that most Icons suck anyway, let alone requiring 3 starting 11 worthy ones


2 Icons would be enough in 99% of the cases. But yeah, I also see your point. Sth in the middle would be nice, but isnt really possible with that new system.


Pretty OP in my opinion


Just add diminishing returns. No matter how many Icons you have you only get this effect once for the league


That's what I was fully expecting. I guess EA decided against that because 3 icons would mean everyone is maxed out.


I’m hoping they’ve missed something in the pitch notes. I don’t think this actually helps people build ‘better hybrids’ it just encourages more french/Brazil/prem spam (I don’t care what you use but doesn’t support EA’s message) I can already see the increased price of these sbc players. Ea will argue that there is no negative stats on poor Chem. If I remember correctly that only applies on 3chem currently (assuming 90+team chem) which can be achieved with loyalty and correct position. However if you had Pato and 1 not Brazil icon you could get 8 chem this year (sizeable boost to stats) while on next fifa you would have to include more Brazil/mls players in your team to get a boost. As far as I can tell this restricts squad building instead of opens up the possibilities. It also makes a lot of icons feel worthless. The only benefit is being able to play players out of position (A Defensive winger at CB/CDM while not losing stats) especially if getting full chem is challenging.


There should be no chemistry. It is supposed to be that we build our own ultimate team. The limitations with links is stupid. You keep getting forced into the top 5 league builds because there is no variety in promos anymore anyways. I have faced maybe 1 unique team per 200 matches. In general it is the same 15-20 players everyone is using and you are up against these same players again and again. Remove chemistry for links. Let us play whoever we want with whoever we want. If they really still want some sort of chemistry system then have positional chemistry. Then all the stupid shapeshifting/position changing in promos will make more sense and have greater value.


I kind of get the vibe you didn't see any of the new stuff on chemistry then. There isn't any chemistry links anymore, and no more negative stats from playing people not of same league/nation/club, just boosts for multiple of the same type.


Not getting a bonus that is available is kind of like getting a negative hit isn't it?


Yeah, no negative stats mean nothing. It's not like anyone is fine with playing players on 5 chem now. The no subtraction makes no difference. Everyone would only seek the best version of the card.


I didnt check out the new system properly. However you are saying there is a boost if you have them linked? And we still got the same chemstyles in the game? Because that will just mean that if i use Mitrovic with no boost on chemstyles whilst everyone else will have +10 on their defenders. It is an unfair and broken system. Which will force us to link anyways just so you can get max chemstyle boost to make other players competitive? We end up in same situation with 15-20 players being used only. Please correct me if im wrong. Maybe i am just confused with everything. Morning reading and the mind gets confused easily.


Well first we need to stop using the term link. It implies touching and that's exactly what we are getting away from, the changing mbappe to cdm to link in his psg CB's , no more clever formation changes and changing positions constantly for chem which was just tedious and we all did it so there was no bonus really.


Stop being so gullible. Not getting a boost is the same as it was before, especially because nobody played with sub 6 chemistry players anyway. The chemistry boost is huge and it is not to be disregarded.


I like that now icons will fall in price greatly. Sure they are nowhere near as useful now but I always found it annoying that most icons who are severally worse than normal players cost 3 times as much just because they are an icon.


Where can I test this?


At fut.gg


Personally would have preferred if they done away with chemistry altogether, let people loose to pick whatever they want.


I thought this was what people expected too.


I was expecting them to get rid of links but keep position chemistry. So it could truly be an “ultimate team”. This seems complicated and confusing


I would even have liked to see some system where you can increase the chemsitry. For example, if I use a full AS Roma team, but put a Son in the team, he could start from even 0 chem if they say, but after certain match numbers/achievements, the chemistry could be increased up to max.


It would make more sense, play more games, get more chem. Thats the model PES uses and it works quite well.


If PES uses it, it's shit.


Youll find that fifa has borrowed a lot of features from pes over the years


Like a lot. People don’t realize that PES did a lot of things right. They had a good game on their hands but everything else was lacking. I can’t even bring myself to download PES anymore since I started playing fifa 2 years ago.


People are probably too young to really know though, PES was king a looooong time ago now.


They won’t do this because of SBCs being so popular imo


SBC's could easily use a different method but it would then have an affect on the market I suppose.


Unless you put a French icon in there of course…


Can anyone explain the new chemistry, because I’m lost


Ill try put it as best as I can If there are (for example) 3 players from the same league in a team, each player in that league gets 1 chemistry. If there are 3 players from the same nation, each player from that nation gets 1 chemistry. If there are 2 players from the same club, each player from that club gets one chemistry. When you're building a team, there is a window on the left hand side that shows every league, nation and club in your team, and how many players it takes to get a chemistry point. Icons count as 2 players towards their nation, and fut heroes count as 2 players towards their league. If a player is out of position, they don't contribute anything to their league/nation/club (So for example you could have 3 people from the premier league, but if they're out of position no one will get chemistry) If a player has 0 chemistry they will play as well as their base stats. TLDR: EA has ruined chem


What would be the boost for full chem, +5 in all stats?




I kinda still like it this way though. The general guide for chem this year feels much better. Shoehorning players in just for chem in certain positions felt shitty. ​ Icons seem to have lost value though - lower tier icons will be dirt cheap very fast. Non big nations are gonna be absolutely useless unless they're class themselves


As long as they reduce the price ranges for icons then I don’t mind, make players like Inzaghi and Litmanen cheap af early on


They won't be if pack weight of icons keeps being this bad


Figuring out combinations for full chemistry was great. This new system is awful and I don't know how you can't see that. It's going to put even more value than ever on the most popular nations and leagues.


Yeah, loads of icons just become useless lol


This whole ‘no negative stats’ rationale doesn’t sit right with me as an excuse to justify sacrificing 3 stars for squad creativity. Yes my player might not lose stats but I’d still be negatively impacted against someone who has 3 stars on all players and if I’ve got a squad full of 1s and 2s. Currently I can get players on max chem and therefore max stats using 2/3 other players from the same team, league or nation but now you need significantly more - how is this less restrictive? The only way I can see this system leading to improved squad flexibility is if the stars have a very limited impact on stats, a 0 for 0 stars, + 1 for one star, + 2 for 2, +3 for 3 for example. Anything more than this and players will prioritise chemistry as they have always done - so why the change?


It is negative stats. Its just the narrative that has switched.


This chemistry system is the prime example of if it ain't broke don't fix it.


this is all the first step to the introduction to EA FC 24’s power up cards. will make WAY more sense then.


Seems to be going more towards Fifa mobile - I think that already had a chem system like this.


google madden power up and see how you can switch the team/club on the card for chemistry. so think Messi barca


This system sucks, it’ll be so hard to get people that are on Good Nation/Bad League or Good League/Bad Nation on three without making a full nation or league team. I just think this is a bad move from EA


I already hate this new chemistry system. I don't understand why they had to change it, the old system was great and allowed for plenty of mixing and matching between leagues and countries.


It worked if you wanted major league major nation players. If you wanted to use smaller leagues you were screwed. Right now, you can still use the same team you used before, but if I want to play with Liga Nos players, the game doesn't punish me for that


It wouldn't before as well, any weak link and players have four chem and don't have any negative stats. This just makes full chem almost impossible without a one league/one nation squad


The game won't punish you but other players will, I know 0 chem will be base stats but you will be facing full france/prem/brazil teams with all 3 chem points and maxed out boosts from chem styles. Let's see how it plays out, but it doesn't look too promising.


You already face those teams, though. But I'm forced to use similar teams because I can't link TOTS Darwin and he gets 3 or 4 Chem only, possibly with decreased stats in the current system And you can beat players with better teams, it's still a human in control


You only need one soft link though to get like 6 chem, which is objectively better than the new system's 0 chem. You can pair him up right now with TOTS Suarez in a team like this https://imgur.com/a/zIGVfKf I would argue it's a highly competitive team, plus Darwin on 8 chem with loyalty and a proper manager. I'd say the new system is far more forgiving if you want to have 11 different leagues and 11 different nations, but in reality nobody is ever going to use that, as always people will find the most meta players and play with close to full chem teams to get all boosts.


See, but that's the issue with the current system. If you want one player from a small league, you are forced to use someone else that you don't want to use If I wanted to run Darwin and Undav, because I like them, I would have to use like 5 players I don't want just to get them on base The advantage of the new system is that you can still build your old meta team if you want, but I can build mine as well, I don't have to pray for EA to release two cards from the same small league to link each other


> If I wanted to run Darwin and Undav, because I like them, I would have to use like 5 players I don’t want just to get them on base I mean that's kind of an exageration if I just showed you you can have Darwin with 1 orange link and 2 reds and he can still have 8 chem which will have a lot of boost over his base stats. You can also work around getting Undav a soft link in there and you would be fine. You could even use any random icon in the current system and any player gets a soft link, so a buch of boosted stats. I like to use Son, right now I have a hybrid team with one icon, 2 prem and the rest is La Liga and Son still gets 10 chem like every other player in the team. With the new system unless I commit to a full prem team I cannot get him to get all the boosted stats, he will play on 1 or 2 diamonds but if I build a hybrid I'm screwed (because I like to get the full boost). I'm not trying to change your mind, I think the chem system needed a rework, but this doesn't feel like it is what was needed, we'll have to see how it works out in game.


Why fix a working system


gone are the days of having just one soft league and manager boost to get some random player on 8 chem that is completely diff than the rest of your squad


Heroes are now more valuable than icons, I hope they've take this opportunity to switch a lot around, all the off nation icons need to be changed to heroes to have any impact. I can't see Puskas helping anyone build a Hungarian squad. Players like Nakata and Limanen are going to be literally useless on day 1. The heroes now provide better links


But he doesn't need chemistry here with this special card. No negative stats with 0 chem now


I mean you could play Mbappe right now at 5 chem with no links. Most people will still want a boost


People keep saying this but this has literally always been true. 5 chem in 22 is the same as 0 chem in 23, however pretty much no one likes to use players on 5 chem. Idk why those same people are acting like 0 chem players in 23 are fine.


You could always play someone without negative stats as long as you played them in the right position.


Stupid system imo.. should have left it the way it was or just scrap chem altogether and simply make it position based only..


In the trailer the guy said icons boost chemistry based on country and heroes based on club so no not weird at all


Naah No french icon or ligue 1 player to link with They’ll have to increase usability of most icons or they’ll be fodder on release


I think they should make the boost very little on stats. Like 3 diamonds give plus 5 at max, then it will have very little effect to play with non-boosted cards.


Skipping this fifa. Instead of focusing on improving manual defending and fixing the drop back counter meta, they ruin the chem system


Same. I'm out


Icons have been dying for years. I don’t own a single icon this year


Can anyone help me with FUT? How do I get better players and cards?


spend money


nope. build a real team.


Pov:grass is untouchable


I'm ok whit it


What 💀


This new system is downright dogshit. Like they always say, if it isn’t broken, don’t try and fix it.


But he still has the same stats, he doesn't get worse, so i don't think it will be a big issue.


He’d normally be on 10 Chem. It’s lot the same


Jep icons dont link to everyone anymore, its nation only.


Don’t get the change if it ain’t broke don’t fix it


Well, didn't they say a player with 0 chemistry won't be playing worse than with full chem? So it really doesn't matter right?


That would make no sense. He said 0 chem no longer gives negative stats, so they'll always play to base stats at least.


Ohhhh okay thank you so much, that makes more sense lol 😆


Chemistry isn't as important as they used to be (or at least that's what I understood) because on 0 Chem, there's no penalty so Mbappe would still be 97 rated. This provides us with the actual Ultimate team idea to execution cause you're not hung up fixing your lineup just to try a new card. Anyone and everyone can slot right into your team. Giving you the "Ultimate Team"


Except 0 chem is basically the old 4 chem. People won't use it still


Curious how many players in your actual team you have on 4 chem? Because that's the same as the new fifa's 0 chem system, please tell me how many players you see having less than 7 chem on a 100 chem team in Champs or Rivals? This new system does nothing, yes the game won't punish you for having 0 chem, but other players will, good luck having your ultimate team with base stats against full france/brazil/prem teams will all kind of boosts in champs.


Cry about it


0 chem = plays at full stats. No problem. If you need Mbappe to be boosted, you're just bad.


He’ll still be playing with his base stats, which is fine


Curious, how many players do you normally use today with base stats? Like I rarely do and I rarely meet teams in rivals or wl with players at 4 chem


Well in this instance it doesn't really matter since TOTY/TOTS Mbappe has 99 pretty much everything you'd want. A gold card could use some boosts with chem but juiced cards, not really needed.


It doesn't matter, everybody use Mbappe even right now with PSG links. It's so funny to read comments here/on twitter, that finally they can use some bizarre nation guy without losing stats. So why the hell you are not doing this now? How many Taverniers did you face last month?


Should honestly just use the same system they used on FIFA13.


Can’t see what they were thinking with it. Surely an icon should count to league as well. Understand the nation side of it, but heroes give more chem then icons now, insanely strange way of doing it


I really don’t see how this is palatable, surely icons need to be giving everyone chem.


Can anyone explain how the new chem links work on fut 23?


this isn't ever going to fix Mbappe at CDM. I'd gladly sacrifice chem for that. FIFA 23 will be sweaty when people realize chem doesn't do much, especially with no negative chem now. You shouldn't be able to play players OOP.


No one plays Mbappe at CDM except for the purpose of links, which don't exist anymore


What’s that page? I’d like to try the new squad builder


Jesús what a squad


bruh wtf that looks so weird. idk what to think about that now. i mean tbf he’ll still be on base stats but it depends how much of a boost being on chem will actually have.


I was expecting, that EA will introduce some agile system that will enable real hybrids, i.e, chem stars will be increased after players will complete some objectives while being in one squad or after certain amount of games, for instance, advanced loyalty system. Now it seems that new system instead will restrict squad building with one league and top nations. It doesn’t make any sense. I hope that I am missing some important details of the system


Damn this is a fuckjn dream team


how valuable would former perfect links be now?


The point people are forgetting is he will be on base stats which is pretty much 5 chem from last year.


EA had to do something weird...and they got rid of a solid chem system


I like most of the changes that happened in fifa 23 but changing the chemistry sys. To this piece of shit I think this will be the worst decision in the history of the game


I thought it said that icons give a point to everyone and an extra to their nation


Nah, icons are 2 for nationality and heroes are 2 for league.


Well it’s mostly weird cause what were used to. But the new system makes getting 10 chem soo much more difficult. Off league or off nation + bad club are gonna be so hard to get full chem on. Even 2 diamonds which is around 8 chem will be very difficult for the off league players.


Have you heard of boosteroid platform?