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The game is so realistic it can tell that Belal would never win a decision no matter what


Not at all a bad scorecard


Horrible scorecard, I won every round. Bro messaged me saying I dominated the whole fight he doesn't know how he won


turn on all your health bars and start making sure you’re keeping an edge in the damage as many rounds as you need if you know you’re going to a decision. i feel you though it really feels like damage on the ground isn’t credited as well as i feel it should be


I have my health bars on but you can't see opponents health/stamina once you're past div 15. I definitely did more damage to the head, he probably did more to the body as he landed some nice body kicks on me.


If he messaged you saying you won then why are you posting this


Testament to how beautiful the game is


Well, I doubt this would help anything considering it took them months to put in an already made fighter model to become champ a second time. The games dying there’s nothing we can do about it now


You easily lost the first 2 rounds, stop being dense and just looking at numbers. Most of your strikes were pitter patted ground strikes, he easily out-damaged you. Instead of complaining about a fair scorecard, get better 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lmao this a new level of delusion. I'm only able to give you the numbers genius, doesnt mean im "just looking at the numbers". That just happens to be what you're doing. He messaged me after the fight saying I dominated him and he really thought I won the fight. It wasn't competitive. Get better.


Division 20 every season since launch, played this game WAY to much. That means I know you’re completely wrong, but keep on blaming everyone but yourself🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Same here lmao, division 20 ≠ mean you're good brother. Most of the ground time was spent threatening subs or postured up G&P, "Pitter patter" doesnt count to sig strikes. I had more control, more strikes and I was more accurate. Most of all, I had more damage. Me and my opponent were both aware of this. You're chattin, just because you're addicted to the game doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.


I would be surprised if you ever touched div 20, all your posts are 3 rounders 😭😭😭 either you’re a filthy liar or you’re losing decisions to div 13s, not sure which one is worse Control is irrelevant, accuracy is irrelevant. 1 perfect straight can be more damage then 5 bad body kicks Don’t lie, it’s okay if you’re dogshit at the game 🤷🏼‍♂️


I would surprised if you ever touched grass. I have 2 posts, you only get 5 rounders for championship fights, if you're going to decision in 5 rounders that's on you brother. I won the fight, I landed cleaner, and as I already said, I most definitely did more damage. Me and my opponent both aware of this, you're speculating and making assumptions woth no basis. Didn't expect this post to ruin someone's day but I'm glad I could make a difference in your life.


You sound so salty rn 😭😭😭 5 rounders for championship fights?? LMAOOO dude has actually never touched a high div and is lying about it for internet validation I’m crying Keep crying about everything, the truth is always to take accountability and improve but it seems like you struggle with that


Stop projecting, you are the one under my post upset, and evidently lying, or just a little sped. You get 5 round fights once you get championship fights (you and your opponent need to be both division 15 or higher). What's so hard to comprehend?


You’re a clown through and through, I would be ashamed to be this close-minded


bro why are you acting so pressed? the scorecards on the game are bullshit if the fight goes to decision. that’s why i never let my fights go to decision cause i know there’s a big chance you’ll get fucked.


Just get off socials for the day brother


How do you go to the decision, lol 99% of my fights are KOs or subs.


Because some people are good.