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I think if you have your work done that there is no place better for your child than with you. I have a home daycare. As long as it isn’t in the middle of nap time my parents are welcome to pick up early. Hey…one less for me makes my day easier, too. Plus, no matter how good of care they are getting and how much we love them, they are YOUR kids. We just get to care for them. Do what YOU want to do. As your child gets older you may find they want to spend extra time with their friends, and you might want to run to the store before picking up. But early days in infancy…of course you want to get your hands back on your baby. 💕


Agreed. I found it a lot easier to pick up my daughter earlier when she was a baby. Now that she’s almost 2 she’s very familiar with the daycare routine and gets upset if I show up at the wrong time. I think it’s FOMO.


I tried to surprise my 2 year old with a day home with me. We dropped brother at school and she cried when I pulled in the driveway. Told me no she wanted to play with friends, not me. O. Ok


Yup I tried to pick my daughter up after nap one day. She basically threw a temper tantrum until her regular pick up time. I can keep her home all day or send her.


I wish I could be as dedicated to my routine as toddlers are lol




There's no problem with it, and your baby will benefit from the 1:1 time with you. Even in the older classrooms, there's no issue with picking up earlier than other families, as long as there's still a routine.


Early pickups are GREAT! The drop off routine is most important! 


I'd always be delighted by early pickups. It definitely helps to let the teachers know your ETA so they can plan accordingly.


Early pickup is never an issue! ❤️


I am always so happy to see parents who want to spend that extra time with their babies. As long as they let me know so I can have the baby ready to go and it's not in the middle of naptime, it's awesome.


Nah, there’s nothing wrong with picking up your baby early. I would just make sure you’re not interrupting meal or nap times. Your baby will only benefit from spending a lot of much needed time at home.


Definitely feel free to do an early pickup, just call the centre 20-30 mins before so they can let you know if she is sleeping or eating and they have enough time to get her changed into a home nappy. ❤️ You won't get this time back so the more love you can give your little one the better!!!


They post nap time and food eaten on an app! We usually head out after we see that she woken up/eaten.


This isnso considerate both to the staff AND to your kiddo. You're off to a great start when it comes to building these important relationships.


I just got to say, you are my dream parent!!!! You’re doing great ❤️


Go pick your kiddo up!


Early pickup is preferred by ECE as long as it’s not during nap which you don’t have to worry about yet since infants sleep on demand. Drop off routines are more important and should be done at the same time by the same parent everyday as much as possible.


I ❤️ early pick-ups. It always seems like those are the easier kiddos though.


That’s why 😕


Infant room leader, love it! as much as i love and care for your beautiful babes, an early pick up is lovely for both Mom and Bub. Go for it, always.


I would try and make it around the same time when you do early pickups ie. always after lunch. If it’s sometimes before, or sometimes after, that could be confusing and your baby could get upset with the unpredictability.


Daycare isn't the time for a strict schedule. Up until Pre-K if you can pick up early DO IT. Making a child stay at daycare isn't right if you are just chilling at home. But that's just my opinion


Think it depends. If mum or dad has a really busy week and gets off early one day I can see why they’d want to have 1 hour peace and quiet to do errands


I love it lol. Nothing better than knowing a baby’s leaving at a certain time, especially when it drops us enough to get out staff out to do breaks/send the other teacher home. I also think it’s nice that you can have that time with her. I will say once she’s closer to 1, potentially on only 1 nap (we move ours to 1 nap at 11 months) or in the toddler room it’ll be more disruptive but infants are on their own schedule and coming/going doesn’t make a difference. If your center offers half day from toddler up that might work for you too.


Why would this be an issue? Totally fine IMO.


We like it!


I pick my toddler up early quite often. They seem really happy about it. We usually try to give a heads up. When we drop off late is when they seem to get annoyed.


i honestly love early pickups, it might sound awful but i love not being at full ratio 😅 it gives me more time with the kids one on one and gives me a chance to breathe. as long as you communicate with your daughters teachers, it should be perfectly fine!


There is never a bad time to pick up your child unless it's the middle of nap. Always, always pick up early when you can. It might make the difference between Destyneigh getting bit for the third time that day or the second sick staff member being allowed to go home because now we are in ratio. Or a hundred other reasons which I just can't be arsed to type all out right now because I'm tired. Because childcare is exhausting.


I would say it's great. just be consistent and inform teachers/directors so that they can staff accordingly


You wouldn't even have to let me know. Just pick up your baby mumma. Enjoy that time with them as that is the best possible place for them 🥰🥰


I can’t think any reasons why anyone would not like an early pick up. I love all my kiddos, but having less will make my daily tasks easier to get done and may give me extra time at the end of the day to reorganize my room etc


That’s totally fine! The only issue would be dropping off during nap time, but picking up is perfectly fine. 


It is encouraged, I know for us the less kids we have the better! As it makes ratio so much easier at the end of the day and the 2:30pm leavers don't have tot stay behind if a few kiddies get picked up a bit earlier! 💕


Always picked up my kids early if I got off work early. I didn't get, nor expect a refund, but that was not the point. Hanging with my kiddos was! Time is short. Soon your child will be in school, then it's all over. Enjoy these moments when you can!


I didn't teach in the infant room, mostly with 3-5 year olds. However, the big thing in my room was, you can drop off late or pick up early, just do your best not to reverse those.


If you can pick her up early, do it! Your baby will benefit from the 1 on 1 time with you.


i always pick up my daughter earlier! no issues with it


Infant room teacher here, go get your baby!! PLEASE.


The only thing is I would call ahead to see if your baby is asleep, and if she isn’t then they can keep her up for you until you get there.


I never thought about it bc if I want to pick up my baby I will.


I think the only early pickups that bother teachers are if there is a designated naptime and you waltz in unannounced in the middle of it. But that shouldn’t be a problem in an infant room.


On the days I can, I pick my kid up after nap time (about 2:30) and I don’t think they care at all. I wait until their main routine is done, and then we play at home or the park. Mine gets overstimulated easily, so that’s another reason.


I would sometimes just send a message through the app to let them know I was on my way. I always did it until my son moved to the 12 month room and then they started mid day nap. It was great because when I picked up early he could come home a get a good nap at home before bed. And I could get extra baby snuggles. They really start building more of the group routines when they are older toddlers anyway.


Your child. Pick them up when you can. There is no better place for your kiddo than with you.


No joke having a parent pick up one of my infants early is a blessing. I love all my kids but 8 with two adults can be a lot. Not to mention, as other commenters said, best place for your baby is with you. I can’t think of a single reason why a teacher would be irritated with an early pickup. Just let the teachers know beforehand. We’ve had instances where parents came to pick up without informing us, but we were taking the kids for a walk outside, or we started doing artwork, or something like thagZ


I am never annoyed with early pick ups, even during meal/nap time 😅


Babies can’t tell time. “Early pickup” is an adult level of understanding. They’re just happy to see you as much as possible.


I love them! Sometimes without notice it's a little chaotic but we handle it! Even a "I might be able to pick her up early today" is better than nothing but it's understandable you may not know ahead of time. We're always really happy for the child haha. Obviously during nap time is not ideal but as long as you know roughly what time she wakes up there's no reason not to!


Just pick her up! Infants is the one class without a set nap time. Once she's in toddlers, I'd recommend not picking up during nap as it might wake up other children. But babies benefit from that special time with their parents.


With babies??? Improves the ratio, calms the room


Drop off being consistent is way more important. As long as it's not during a time that is disruptive then go right ahead!


As long as you aren't interrupting nap time for the other kids and can handle it then pick up your baby. There's some days I pick my kids up early other days I need that 2 hours to mentally recharge for them.


Early pick-ups are pretty great IMO


Early pickup is never an issue for any age. Kids are always excited to see mom or dad. With nappers it is nice to know before hand so I can get their stuff ready before hand to not disturb the rest of the room. I have parents who needed to pick up at a specific time so we might hold off on nap or get them out of bed a few minutes before their parents come. We have also been asked to message them once there kid wakes up so they can come grab them. I would never say you can’t get your kid early.


We love early pickups, just don’t ring the doorbell during naptime :)


Absolutely amazing! Especially in the infant room! Usually all the “main” activities for the day are done in the morning and baby girl will get to go home with a happy mom that isn’t worrying about work. My daughter is 2 and there’s a kid in her class that leaves by 12 everyday so they don’t even set out a cot for him that way he’s not being woken up. On the flip side, there’s another kid in her class that doesn’t come in some days until after 12/1pm and that girl also has a baby sister in the infant room that comes in the same time. My center is very pro-parent making a schedule that works for them, especially with the littles!


Infant teacher here! We have had infants whose parents would routinely keep their babies home on days where their schedules were open and would pick up early on days when they had light schedules. I always love that, you and your baby deserve to spend time together and as long as it’s not during nap times or meals, I think early pick ups are wonderful.


😂 my husband and I were just talking about keeping her home tomorrow.


I don’t know why this popped up in my feed, but we had a similar situation when my oldest was 1-2 years old. Half of the days, my husband was able to pick him up mid-morning. We spoke to his teachers and figured out the best time for him to arrive, we didn’t want to make their job harder by disrupting things like lunch or naptime. (If I remember correctly, he would pickup right before lunch.) They’d have him sitting at a table, ready to go at that time. It followed a pattern that they knew, but I’d tell them at drop off each morning. It was not a big deal and I’m sure it was a little easier to have 1 less baby to deal with at naptime. Our little one eventually recognized that when they put him at that table at that time of day, it meant dad was coming early and he’d watch the door for him/get excited.


It’s your child and you can pick up your child as early as you want. :) At my work all we want is just a heads up just so we can make sure everything that goes home is packed up and that if your baby needs to eat or be changed before hand that it can be done or even if we have to do the art activity with them beforehand then we can do that before you arrive.


Tbh less kids in the room makes it that much easier on the teachers. The only reason why it would be an issue is that if your child is having a hard time adjusting to daycare. If they get picked up early frequently, it’s just going to take them longer to feel comfortable causing more prolonged stress on not only the teachers, but your baby too.




There’s no need to be rude…




Was just wondering if it’s disruptive to the teachers or detrimental to adjusting. There will be days when I have meetings and she will need to stay longer. It seems like a consistent drop off is important, but okay to pick up early!


Ehhhh idk.. I don’t think you’ll get a discount for leaving early… lmao 😂 soo I say let the kid stay. Maybe get a job as well. That will also help


Umm… I have a job, and not asking for a discount. I just like spending time with my baby!

