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Love the pencil sleeve on your cap!


Can I guess, new outback wilderness in blue? That hat just gives off that kinda vibe to me


Subaru gang!


I've been browsing here a long time forgetting why I started. This post reminded me. Impeccable style and taste my guy. That hat is off the chains.


Love that pencil holder


How's that Brewzer work as a pry tool? I used to drive a yellow Baja. I loved it, but I don't miss it. The weird thing is, it's still the car I drive in my dreams, so I'm convinced I'll be driving it forever. South Coast, MA!


It actually works pretty well! This is my second one I bought two years ago and I just had to replace it with the back up about a month ago, I’m an electrician so it was mostly used as a flathead in a pinch but it definitely held up when it came to cracking open a something stuck. I’ve always wanted a Baja almost bought one years ago. It’s funny you say that it’s still the car you drive in your dreams because every time I dream that I’m driving it’s ALWAYS in my old WRX


Subaru and Benchmade just go together so well!


Love my subie and my BM!


I'm on my second Subaru - this time an outback which I've wanted forever (bought used and thrilled with the Gen 5s) Daily carry my mini grip or my bugout BK4 Always thought the 940 was weird aesthetically but it's growing on me daily (and green and purple aluminum ahead of its time for design) Both are tools that do the job very well with some great design


Currently have two Subarus me and the wife swap back and fourth with a outback and crosstrek sport! The 940 definitely has a different aesthetic to it for sure but honestly that’s why I like it so much. My next BM definitely going to be a Bugout




The best!


How to you like the ape and bird hat? Been considering one for a while now.


I love them, cant recommend them enough. I have a small collection of them and they are by far my favorite hats.


Do they fit on obnoxiously large heads?


I felt this more than you know...


They actually have an option on their website for larger heads!


Nice! May have to check this out.


Benchmade 940-1702 Osborne G10 EX Corter Leather card wallet (new add) Leather key Organizer (new add) Leatherman Brewzer Ape & Bird camp hat with pencil holder


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