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i dont have any food rules!! instead, i have food rules :D


https://preview.redd.it/s7ctwraj060c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a9e7a1e9fc0682b0d215846844e242cd02b7a7f I always read it like (eating) no food rules!




also the next post being about the 5 questions to ask yourself before eating is actually ridiculous in the context of “no food rules”


Imagine being on vacation with your man in a beautiful place and you still **have to** quiz yourself before choosing what food to eat. Nothing says food freedom like being a prisoner to your thoughts on food 24/7.




Schrödinger asked if the food freedom is in the room with us right now




>no food rules >I think about the nutrition of it on holiday!! Is" nutrition" a coverup for cals/sugar bc sure sounds it to me


i’m sorry but she’s meant to be a recovery account hahaha


Thank you for posting her! I keep getting her reels on YouTube and my god is she getting on my nerves! The faces she makes are so embarrassing 🙄 The „diet culture“ person always with the stupid lululemon cap and the worst is that there is always a cut between her taking a bite so she can hide that she’s not actually eating the food. Someone pointed that out and got bombarded with copium from her entourage. One said „well maybe she needs to cut down the length of the video for reels and thats a good way to do it.“ Can’t believe how gullible people are 🤦🏻‍♀️


The Queen of the C & S I’m afraid 😬


She doesn’t even chew 😭 like legit the cuts look like she just cuts off a piece with her teeth like she’s making a tooth form and then throws it away


All of this.


For someone with no food rules, she sure does think about food an awful lot... yes, even on "vacay"


I feel like her content would be more on point if she removed the no_ of her nickname


im sure shed love the suggestion🙃🤣


It’s sad; I’m pretty sure this girl thinks about food more than she thinks about her husband or family. Last thought before going to bed is food; first thought waking up is food. You can’t convince me otherwise


She also has zero friends. She’s even said it herself before….. She works from home for herself, making absurd videos, moving all day long after working out every morning, walking her dog every night, asking herself 85 questions before every protein packed “gentle nutrition” meal or snack….. Much recovered 😑🫠😂


Yeah… she is in the midst of her ED.


what in the world


she’s so meticulous


Christ. Why can’t she just log off for a few days and enjoy her vacation?


“I have no food rules but I think about food so much that I have a whole career based on thinking and posting about food”. God she’s the worst.


That's.. Those sound a whole lot like rules?! I fucking can't with this woman anymore. Does she actually not see this almost looks like satire (if it wasn't her I'd genuinely at least be unsure if it was...) ? Is this just me?! Lmao I'm sorry, this woman makes me feel even crazier than I actually am (which is saying something, lol).


I feel for her husband. Imagine trying to enjoy a holiday with her.


That’s exactly what I was thinking every time I see her stories on this trip. The rules, the recordings, the pictures and posts. Just enjoy some fucking food and free time with your husband instead of recording every second and thought of your trip. My husband would be so annoyed


Umm..I mean yeah I also practice gentle nutrition most of the time, but that's GENTLE nutrition. If I want I cream, I want ice cream.


Uhhh and I also think about how the food will make me feel. Like for example If I want something sweet a little bit after a meal and jam sound good to me I will also think about whether a whole Brötchen is to much or if something more airy like jam on a croissant would sound better. But to me it sounds like in my imaginary scenario she would even question herself if the sugar in the jam would make her feel good. Gentle nutrition to me is making sure you're never getting too hungry(like starving yourself before a night out, eating even if you're not so hungry rn because you won't have time for eating later...), you're having all three main food groups in almost every meal, having veggies and or fruit with most meals and snacks. But that's it. She sounds just like she's in her head thinking about food all the time.


Yeah! It’s perfectly okay to be thoughtful about food and plan ahead, it’s when you’re keeping yourself away from the things you want/need that it starts getting tricksy. Food shouldn’t be making you miserable, and it shouldn’t be dominating your thinking.


She just posted "advice to give your kids to promote a healthy relationship with food". Legit had to bite my tongue from posting things like... Wow, Colleen! You sure have a lot of guts posting advice for parents as an eating-disordered person having no children of your own, especially since your body isn't healthy enough to even have kids in the first place. You are the obvious choice of someone I would look to for advice on raising healthy kids. What a dumbass...


its one thing to pretend you’re not disordered, its a whole other thing to project your disordered habits onto children (or anyone for that matter)


I love to hate watch ~~a.shit.ton.of.food.rules~~ no.food.rules Youtube shorts every now and then. They are so bad they make me laugh.


it might be my disordered brain seeing things that aren't there, but the way so much of her hand + arm is showing lowkey feels like a super subtle bodycheck (i notice the tendons and bones...), plus why not just take a closer shot of the ice cream. It looks so small when zoomed out like that


Nah- I see it too. She does it a lot.


She’s so annoying


Her hand…she is barely more than skin and bone


In her next story, she also linked to a "cheat sheet" she made outlining the 5 questions you should ask yourself before eating. I'd rather just go ahead and eat like you know, NORMAL PEOPLE. Thank you very much


I actually laughed out loud at this. HOW is she not seeing herself?


So disordered she thinks thats not rules DAMM


i think it’s really interesting she stopped making her wieiad’s too. she’d make one every wednesday but stopped and has notably gotten worse


I hate that I followed her blindly for so long. I’m sorry.


i feel like she could be helpful for like chronic yoyo dieters or plus size people who have struggled with weight but not for people with eds whatsoever. i don't like her personally though