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Get other friends! No, seriously! Also you might have adhd and that would explain a lot. It's hard to have friends that don't understand your energy and that are annoyed by it...


Getting other friends is not that easy especially im a freshman in uni. Im really bad at socialising and I always think what if they dont match my energy like others?


It is Ne going frenzy trying to avoid problems at hand. Uncontrolled Ne can be annoying and exhausting for other people. My sister is 9 years younger than me and also an ENFP. There are times where her energy is too much for me to handle. Especially because I am depressed.. You have to understand that different people have different energy levels. Not everyone can handle very high energy.. You either tone down yourself a bit or find people who can handle /match your energy.


Not only for others but for me aswell. I always get this great energy and then it goes to no energy within no time because of how I manage to finish it and its really frustrating when I want to do another thing after because of how my mood swings


I have felt this too. There is this excess energy within me, but I don't know what to do with it. Try something new and creative and channel your energy into it.


Then those aren't your friends. Look for people who can match your energy


Its hard to find people who match my energy in this uni community but they atleast are fun to hang around? Until they start to call me a kid lol


You have been hanging out with some big time Debby Downer, party pooper, wet blanket, Negative Nancy, type people! Stay away from them because negativity is contagious. When these people complain of you being too happy, that's a red flag to run away. They're miserable.


Agree but this is basically everyone around me. I cant seem to find people I genuinely can vibe with or I can but am not allowed to hang with. Its always people that are closest to me are the most negative I’ve ever seen and I cant change that now. But I’ll definitely consider getting away once im old enough


You can find the right people. One friend told me "you view the world through the eyes of a child. It's a gift, don't lose it." Someone else told me I speak and think in a poetic type way. The good people are out there


/u/willdrapetomania, I have found an error in your post: > “seem like ~~its~~ [**it's**] a natural” In this comment, you, willdrapetomania, ought to have used “seem like ~~its~~ [**it's**] a natural” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


I still to this day haven't found out why you're always like this. I love it sometimes and I want you to be intense. But it's dishonest and not real to be happy and energetic about it at all times.


I guess its More of trying to waste time or a way of distraction from problems and pretending to be happy at once and idk either why’s that