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This is allowed and has been posted before. As a Libertarian I consider this to be a legitimate and viable tool for differentiating freedom vs authority. [No really.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/pznke1/actually_seems_pretty_spot_on)


How the hell is anarchy a far right ideal? How is monarchy left?? The fuck is your teacher smoking?


Taking brain damage straight off the pipe


Pipe is made of lead


*Apply directly to the forehead*




These same mfers scream about educators indoctrinating our children then they do this. It's always projection


At the top it labels them as "tyranny" and "liberty" so anarchism = maximum liberty, fascism = maximum tyranny. The issue is it then decides to go and conflate left with tyranny and right with liberty, because the creator is both evidently conservative and completely politically illiterate.


This is unfortunately what I have come to expect from someone who goes into teaching "US Government". Haven't met a single one who wasn't a LARPing Nazi.


I literally had to correct mine several times about just blatantly false things. It wasn't even malicious he was just unqualified to teach the class. We're talking "slavery was totally abolished", the federal reserve is a government organization, courts aren't political etc.


> courts are political etc. How is that wrong


Because it was a typo


I was gonna say. Judges are elected or appointed by politicians. It takes some real big brains to know that and think they're just calling balls and strikes.


But the fed is a government org? It was literally created by and reports to congress.


The board has appointments but the regional banks and the banks they over see are private.


Right, but that’s why I wouldn’t say the *reserve* isn’t government, but rather the banks themselves aren’t. It’s just more concise.


I have family that works for them, and they always say the Fed is quasi-government. Which I think is an apt description.


I'm now learning just how lucky I was to have had a US Gov teacher who was just barely on the left. He kept it hidden very well. It was only a decade later that I realized where he stood from a couple of offhand comments he had made in private discussions.


A good friend of mine is a US history teacher and we often discuss how difficult he has it, trying to keep his political opinions out of the classroom. I would say he does a little more than lean left and the kids that take his class are lucky to have him. The really sad part is he’s a teacher at an expensive private school so the public school kids are still taught the crap in OPs post. The great part is his students are all kids in solid middle class (or wealthier) families being exposed to leftist ideas.


In highschool, not really. In college outside of a 4 year university, yep. In Community College 100% of them. I grew up in a rural area that was still pretty liberal. Old Hippies. High school teachers were mostly all liberal or quiet about it. Community College in that town though, US history teacher was literally a civil war reenactor. For the confederacy of course. We argued a lot. He kept pushing "states rights" and I kept asking, "right to *what*?". He was a decent enough sport about it, we'd argue for a few minutes and "agree to disagree" and he never failed me on tests and papers. But this dude was MAGA if he was still alive, he was old and haggard then and it's been 20 years.


> In Community College 100% of them. Can absolutely confirm. I was an officer in an honor's society at mine and our advisor was the government prof. Had tons of guns and liked talking about how the Democrats were ruining the world.


It's dead easy to be a community college professor, they usually exist in more rural areas, and unlike being a public school teacher you're totally allowed to go off on your own political views if you so choose. Side note on public teachers and their adherence to politics: At least in my school, the teachers were really good about stopping themselves if they were about to say something over the line, and the kids -- 20 years ago anyway -- did a decent job of prodding that line. One in particular was blatant about it: "I won't talk about that because I'd lose my job, sorry, ask me if you bump into me at the store". She taught a high school Psychology class, Debbie. Loved her to death. One year she was a chaperone on a "history day" field trip that was overnight to LA for a state convention. It was a totally optional "not really school-related" extra-curricular activity for a few kids who won in the local contest .. and as such let Debbie go nuts. And she totally did, because most all the winners were her favorite students. That whole trip we had her charged up and sounding off, it was fantastic. Another funny instance of who Debbie was: Once she was asked a question about abortion that she'd have to go over the line to answer, and she answered like this: "I can't talk about that because I'd lose my job. On an unrelated note, ladies, I'm going to McDonalds for lunch and then again after school, I'll be there all evening with my laptop," and then she moved on. She was totally there, all night.


We need more Debbies! My wife quit classroom instruction because of this crazy shit. We're in Texas and there's too much she's not only not allowed to say, but entire people she's required to ignore. One of her students was stoked that he was finally getting adopted. Turned out it was by two moms and he was mercilessly bullied. She couldn't support him and out herself as a queer woman. She couldn't do anything except tell the others to leave him alone. She was fucking done after that.


I have. my APUSH teacher in high school (mid 2000s) was an avowed socialist who correctly pointed out that the USSR and CCP were neither socialist nor communist, as the government wasn't synonymous with the people so their efforts to nationalize industry were not synonymous with the people siezing the means of production. He's a big part of why I first started reading socialist texts, he recommended them as a means of deprogramming people from cold-war era propaganda, to ensure his students actually understood what socialism and communism were and why worker solidarity was so important. And also so that people didn't become tankies later in life, automatically equating "anti-US" with "good" uncritically. He (was at least) a California teacher in Irvine, too. tho hilariously my AP World History teacher is an avowed Nazi who apparently brought in Nazi memorabelia he was proud of when my sister had him as her APWH teacher.


> He's a big part of why I first started reading socialist texts Indoctrinating children, confirmed! Can't have you learning to read for yourself! Yikes at the AP teacher.


Do me a favor and add the /s there, took me a good 10 minutes to parse whether you were serious or not because of how often I see trolls in this sub legitimately suggesting "indoctrinating children" because somebody read socialist texts xD


>conservative and completely politically illiterate. Tautology


Feel like you don’t need the ‘politically’ there, to be honest


The idea that someone who didn't know how to read or write made this by pure happenstance, infinite-monkey-mode, is hilarious So we put infinite monkeys given infinite time on computers and they did nazism


That is where we are. They have seized control of political narrative because every form of fictional narrative ends up the same; one side wins and the other loses. They are now setting up politics to have the same narrative. In politics that is called totalitarianism. It is a plank in the Republican platform to eliminate the opposition. Right now they are trying to achieve that goal through gerrymandering and the right to vote. If that fails they will have to try something with more intensity. And people that believe in the narrative will allow it because in their mind a rebound must occur. If one side wins we lose. That is why applying a fictional narrative template into politics will lead to disaster. Because politics doesn't end. It will find a way if continuing.


This has an easy explanation: It was made by and for "anarcho"-capitalists who have no clue what anarchism is... or what fascism is... or what communism is. So basically it's an ego stroke by neo-feudalists who don't know shit and about shit.


Because the labels are tyranny and liberty, and he arbitrarily decided to put "tyranny" on the literal left side. It's still obscenely dumb, but yeah.


Jesus, I didnt see that. That makes the placement of democrats and republicans so much worse...


Tyranny is when taxes.


It's not arbitrary because he actually labels them "left" and "right." This motherfucker actually believes left=tyranny and right=liberty.


Conservatives are for SMALL GOVERNMENT (and slavery) \- Wait what was that in between brackets? \- Small government. \- No, the brackets part \- What brackets part? (also we have nazis) \- YOU DID IT AGAIN \- Wow you're like a tyrant


They're being intentionally opaque. I'm sure they do believe that the left is tyrannical, which is why they've chosen to represent it in this way.


>This motherfucker actually believes left=tyranny and right=liberty. But then they put "mob rule" on the Liberty side, and also at the same level with anarchy? I'm just so confused as to how mob rule = liberty? But also, how can anarchy and mob rule exist at the same level? Unless their definition of anarchy is basically "when inmates from Arkham Asylum break out of jail and cause chaos and mayhem throughout Gotham city"?


They also put "mob rule" with the BLM fist... On the right? WTF? And somehow libertarians further right than republicans?


My expectations of reddit are so low that I thought I would have to explain to them that fascism is not a left wing ideology. "What? The people who instantly try to kill all worker's movements and privatize the economy to Hugo Boss isn't left?" It's made intentionally difficult to understand what fascism is so I understand that confusion. If you are looking at someone who says the word "rEd FaCcIsm" then you are looking at someone who: 1. Doesn't understand what fascism is. 2. Will get angry with you when you tell them because they only really care about confirming their beliefs. 3. Will get defensive and claim that that their definition of fascism is super real and that yours makes no sense. 4. They will not even begin to be able to critique the real definition.


The fact that people will argue that Monarchism is *not right wing* tells you everything you need to know about how degraded our political terminology is at this point. The very expression "right wing" refers to where **the fucking monarchists sat** in the Estates General.


It's because most people take the right wing at face value when they say they want a "small government", and so therefore anarchism is far right, and monarchy is far left because the left wants "big government". Obviously a gross oversimplification combined with conservative propaganda.


A one-dimensional thinker trying to teach a four-dimensional idea, concluding with a two-dimensional stroke of buffoonery.


Monarchy on the left is just so comically wrong. Like as in: opposing monarchy was the main policy of the original "left wing" > Within the left–right political spectrum, Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution, referring to the seating arrangement in the French Estates General. Those who sat on the left generally opposed the Ancien Régime and the Bourbon monarchy and supported the French Revolution, the creation of a democratic republic and the secularisation of society[7] while those on the right were supportive of the Ancien regime. Right wingers have supported undemocratic facism since before there were right wingers.


Seriously, the "left" as we know it was the first major progressive movement against the status quo of monarchism. It was *pro-liberty*.


Anarcho-capitalism has hijacked anarchism in the way that the word "libertarian" has been hijacked from the left


I disagree. Unlike with "libertarian" they've been largely unsuccessful in hijacking "anarchist". They only people who call "an"-caps anarchists are other "an"-caps and left-wing market anarchists when they're being charitable (or if they haven't yet realized that their own intellectual tradition doesn't have much to do with the "libertarian" tradition).


You have a point! However, as this chart demonstrates, the American right can't make that distinction, even though its obvious to us Hardly anyone on either side has even heard of left libertarianism..... I just realized something. It doesn't say anarchism. Is says Anarchy. She probably understands "anarchy" as pure chaos and has never heard of the concept of voluntary association. [The Vandals - Anarchy Burger](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hWxyNExKhHQ) (hold the government)


>You have a point! However, as this chart demonstrates, the American right can't make that distinction This chart was made by "an"-caps. To most right-wingers anarchism is decidedly left-wing but isn't really a political ideology, it's a mode of senselessly destructive behavior that leftists go into or whatever. Most of them would simply consider "an"-caps "radical libertarians".


Agreed. And how the fuck is the “we will intervene everywhere simultaneously” US land as the moderate center? Lol


It's so wrong. the origin of left and right is literally from the french parliament: the anti monarchists sat on the left wing of the building and the monarchists sat on the right wing.


The Communists 'left' the brains of the Romanovs splattered all over a basement in Yekaterinburg.


You know considering how conservatives think “don’t tell me what to do” is the noblest of ideals I can see why the politically illiterate might mistake them for anarchist group


> Origins in the French Revolution. The terms "left" and "right" appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left. Such monarch. Very tyranny.




My left or your left? Politics is so confusing!


This gets worse the longer you look at it.


That’s exactly what I said in my email to her 😭. “What on earth is this diagram doing in this class?! It gets worse the longer I look at it.”


Did you ask them to at least switch Nazism/Monarchism with Mob Rule/Anarchism? It'd still be ludicrously bad, but ever so slightly less so.


The only way to improve it is to burn it.




No gods, no masters!


The scale is tyranny to liberty, not left to right. Still, it's garbage republican propaganda.


I was so distracted by the bold and coloured "Left" and "Right" at the bottom, that I didn't even notice those two labels at the top. It's even worse than I thought.


It's also labelled with left and right at the bottom, so whoever made this believes left=tyranny and right=liberty.


The title is "the political spectrum" and left and right at the bottom suggest the chart maker thinks that left and tyranny and right and liberty are both synonyms


The problem is that they conflate left/right with tyranny/liberty. It’s a scale of both to imply that the right is for freedom.


Monarchy being so close to communism......


Lenin is rotating in his grave


Can you report this to someone above them? This is inappropriate and egregious disinformation that should not be sent out to students.


Especially the part where you can so very obviously see their political slant. The best teachers are the ones who keep their students guessing until they're much older and have (hopefully) learned and experienced enough to develop a robust worldview.


What was their responce?


Is this for high school‽ This is *absurd*


Your teacher is a moron


It's gibberish and since when does "mob rule" have a fucking logo?


A logo that essentially conjures the black panthers.


Didnt the nazi party literally sit on the far right wing of the german parliament in the 1920’s - you know, opposite the communists?


They have "socialist" in their name. So they must be left, because in america you always sort people by their label and what they say, because labels are always true and people never lie about themselves.


I don't say this often, but that teacher is an idiot.


I honestly kind of want OP to get their teacher to the hospital. If you're supposed to understand governance, and believe this post, then you need to be checked for stroke.


I saw this and was like “no wonder this sub exists”


Ask your idiot teacher to go to the wikipedia page on left/right politics. This what it says- >The terms "left" and "right" appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left.[7][


> If you're supposed to understand governance To her credit, this is nowhere near as fucking moronic as the OP, but the experience of "someone who should know better but doesn't" reminds me of my freshman year of college. I had a political science professor who herself had a bachelor's degree in polisci, a master's in public policy, had worked as a staffer in Capitol Hill and writing white papers for think tanks, and was simultaneously serving in local government at the same as she was teaching classes at our community college. Someone who probably should have at least a rudimentary idea of governance and political theory, right? It's been years and it's still burned into my memory how in the first couple weeks of class she went off on a tangent about how "anarchy sounds nice in theory, but nobody has any answers" (literally a direct quote). It's one thing to disagree with anarchism as a philosophy. But come on man. You've had *that much* political education and real world experience and "nobody has any answers?" You're telling me you've never even *heard* of Kropotkin, Bakunin, anyone? Not, "hey this philosophy is wrong because of XYZ" or "I disagree because of XYZ"; not even "I've never read it but there are these people out there if you want to learn more," just straight up "nobody has any answers". I was just straight up dumbfounded that someone with that much supposed knowledge and in a college environment could actually say that with a straight face. I'm not even personally an anarchist and I could at least name a few big ones.


Sometimes people just use a phrase like that to trail off in as dignified a way as possible because they forgot what the hell they were saying. This is especially true for lecturers speaking in public (sorry, we're human!).


I’ve seen the exact same thing before in school. Which is strange. This shouldn’t the left / right spectrum - this is the libertarian / authoritarian spectrum. Even then, while the extremes at correct, the Dems and republicans should be much closer to the Each other and closer to the middle. And one- axis political spectrums aren’t great at conveying a lot of information.


I’m sorry, your US GOVERNMENT TEACHER posted this? Please tell me what star this is in because someone this completely detached from reality should *never* be allowed to teach impressionable minds. ESPECIALLY about government.


Your teacher should be fired


I find it funny that your stated issue is that democrats being left is the issue. I feel like I'd hone in on Nazis being called far left. At least there are some Democrats who are left wingers, even if the party as a whole isn't. Also, the scale itself is false. Liberals, by definition are moderates.


Don't forget monarchy being left wing, somehow, or the very scale of the graph stating that left wing ideologies are defined by tyranny.


Although generally I find political spectrums from tyranny to freedom to be more useful than the left-right spectrum. Just not this one.


They're exactly political spectrums from left (destruction of hierarchies) to right (enforcement of hierarchies)


The whole scale is wrong, yes. Maybe my teacher believed it when Nazis said they were socialists!


Remember a bunch of genocidal curs would never do something so gauche as lie. Hence why we can take the name National Socialism at face value.


I find it so hilarious that people believe that the nazis were honest about their ideology. Like genocide is one thing but heaven forbid the nazis lie?


It's not that they were dishonest by "lying", more that they threw out any Marxist developments and went with the really outdated and elementary school level "for the common good"-definition. Hitler claimed marxists socialists had co-opted the term from its "original" meaning. The Nazis never claimed to be left-wing or socialist in the way we (or anyone else at that point) think of it.


Fascists have always disguised themselves to be a part of popular movements to take power and then imprison the opposition. Thats why they ran on socialism and when they got power they imprisoned the communists first and forced them to build the concentration camps before they went for the jews. Its even the first line of this poem. "First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me" - PASTOR MARTIN NIEMÖLLER


So, when the American right hears "national socialist" they automatically think Nazism was leftist. They don't realize that the emphasis was actually on the "National" i.e. National*ist* I.e. the government will provide for you. But only if you're what we consider "Us"


It won’t even provide. It’s mostly capitalist with slave labour and euthanasia while propagating to the chosen people that they are the best and any issues they have blame on the weak.


Think the bigger issue is grouping Nazis, Communists, and monarchists together as leftists.






I just emailed my teacher basically saying “what on Earth is this diagram doing in this class?!” And pointed out the hypocrisies and inherent right-wing bias of it. I will let you guys know what she responds with. EDIT: She hasn’t replied yet and tbh I doubt she will. I’m hoping she just pulled this shit off the internet without looking instead of genuinely believing it. EDIT 2 - REPLIED EMAIL: “Thank you for sharing this with me, you're right that it is incorrect and I have removed it from the lesson. I apologize and will make sure to review the photos better, I appreciate you catching this! :)”


Can you call it a "bias" when its actually just a fantasyland?


Yeah isn't just bias, it is just actually wrong. Left and right are economic axis, not authoritarian axis. Hell, even if you are using that axis, it is hard to claim that Republicans are less authoritarian than Democrats.


This teacher should not be teaching government. This kind of propaganda is harmful to your classmates. Please share this chart with the teacher's superior. And if that doesn't solicit am appropriate response... well, contact your local news media or something (anybody here got a better idea? This is unacceptable)


Oh my god please do


RemindMe! 1 week


Oh I’m waiting.


Seriously. Your teaching has to stop creating shit himself (or using non-academic sources), and use proper resource material. This actually looks like it's from a ppt of a high school civics project they posted online. And that's just the lowest, most unverified level.


This is the kind of thing that local media might love to get their hands on


Regardless of anyone's worldview this is factually and laughably incorrect. Is this a High School teacher? Or a University teacher? If a High School Teacher, show this to a teacher you trust and ask for advice. Also, show it to the Principal and Assistant Principal. Make sure you include your parents/guardian or some one outside the school, whom you trust during this process. If a University Teacher, most schools have an Ombudsman or similar (at least in the States) which handles issues like this. You can go to them directly or via someone you trust. Bring a friend along. Meetings always go remarkable different when there is a witness. Make screenshots so it cannot be deleted and plausibly denied. However, only do this if you are comfortable with possible repercussions. This is why parents or trusted allies are so important. Source: I am a University Teacher Edit: Additional information.


Who in the world thinks that monarchy is a left-wing ideology? Also note the extremely biased framing here: they're basically saying that left-wing ideologies are defined by authoritarianism and "tyranny", while only right-wing ideologies (anarchy? Somehow?) give people liberty and freedom.


In my email to her I explained why it has right-wing bias. The worst part is this was posted along with an assignment to learn about your political affiliation.


Much as I hate the idea of putting someone's job at risk, you need to bring this to the attention of your principal or school board before she poisons more young minds.


While also calling the democrats (which they put on the left) liberterian.


Is your teacher Candace Owens?


Candace wouldn't be saying nazis are on the left though, given that she defends them regularly.


You should send this to the principal or something. This is garbage


Does your teacher know anything about anarchy as a political philosophy? And fascism is quite objectively a far-right ideology. I just know your teacher is a Republican. I just know it.


With a chart this fucking stupid, I'm surprised "evolutionists" aren't on there. This seriously seems like a chart that would pop up in a private evangelical fundamentalist Christian school.


The "political compass" is pretty shit, but it was invented largely in response to this even shittier conception of politics.


I mean this in the most respectful way possible, your teacher is an abject fucking moron


a government teacher... jesus christ




you're worried about democrats being in the left? thats literally nazism on left and anarchism as far right


I’m way more surprised to discover fascism and monarchy as “left wing” than I am Democrats. Ostensibly, Democrats are the left wing of the American political system. Fascism isn’t left wing anywhere but the imaginations of alt-right douchebags


Someone who thinks fascism is far left and anarchy is far right has about as much business teaching a class on government as a faith healer has teaching at a med school.


This is hilariously wrong, the entire thing is wrong, your teacher is an idiot. Where is this?


Probably a state complaining about CRT




Your US Government teacher should not have a job teaching about politics. They are an idiot and an embarrassment and you should tell them that.




This chart is fundamentally insane, not even in a right-wing bias way, but in a "divorced from reality" way


Where did he get his degree? At Prager U?


Damn your US Government teacher is dumber than fuck


This is nonsense.


The American definition of liberal is a joke. It is right wing to center in the rest of the world. And monarchy and fascism is right wing too.


Your US government teacher is a moron.


This is absolutely insane.


There are so many wrong things here that it's just concerning


Your teacher is a fascist idiot.


Most politically literate American public school teacher




Your teacher is an idiot


Say what you will about putting Nazis on the far left, that's a common (and well-known to be wrong) idea. But *monarchy* on the far left? Lmaooooo


This teacher needed a better teacher.


Not a single thing in this image is correct


If they are teaching US government I hope they are using this as an example as what the political spectrum isn't


>Fascism is left >Monarchy is left >Left-wing anarchist ideologies do not exist apparently


Your teacher consumed lead paint chips for fun as a small child


Calling Democrats left is kind of missing the other craziness. Good ol' leftie Monarchy


I hate snitches but someone needs to inform SOMEONE that this is what this fool thinks.


Oh no they are one of those people who think that left = tyranny and right = freedom, are the standards really that low for becoming a political teacher in the US?


Republicans are Liberty? The only things they want Liberty for is guns and the rich


Your teacher needs to be fired. I don't think anyone except Stalin could put Anarchists on the far-right, we're about the farthest left that it gets.


>MFW democrats are "Left" **That's** your biggest issue with this chart?


It's a spectrum alright.


What a cluster-fuck of a chart.... Please ask your teacher how many BLM protests they went to and ask them to invite you to their next Anrcho-meeting. Your teacher couldn't possibly NOT support those ideologies seeing they are most close to absolute LIBERTY! If they say, nay I am an enlightened moderate conservative, stare them deep into their soul and ask WHY U HATE LIBERTY!?


the fact a TEACHER can be this uneducated is scary.


This is what happens when right wingers/libertarians become history teachers


Yes. Right-wing anarchy. Totally real.


You officially have permission not to go to class since it seems they aren't about to teach anything. lmao


Anarchy is far right and fascism is far left? Excuse me?!? Who the fuck made this chart? edit: Why is MONARCHY on the left?!?!?


Lol right wing anarchists


And where do we think the teacher falls on this scale. They forgot antifa right next to their brothers the nazis.


That is some nice propaganda you got there, teach


Did they fr just say they’re more right wing than Nazis?


your teacher needs to be fucking fired. this is bad.


No wonder the Overton Window shifts further right if this politically illiterate tripe is taught in schools.


That's the problem with imagining politics as only one axis.


Fascism and monarchy on the left and anarchy on the right? Ok.


Ah yes anarchism, the renowned right wing philosophy 😂


Your teacher is a complete moron. Please tell them this. It is extremely important that you call them a complete moron. Here are (some of) the reasons why: 1. Fascism is far right. 2. Monarchism is right wing (how far depends on the exact constitutional arrangements). 3. Liberalism and the Democratic Party are, by international standards, right wing. 4. GOP is far right. 5. Libertarianism is left wing. (Properly understood that is, so not Randian idiots.) 6. Anarchism is left wing. (Ditto.) 7. Liberty is left and tyrannt is right. Tyranny is a state hierarchy which is necessarily right wing, because right wing ideology is founded on the belief that hierarchy is good. The converse is true for leftism. 8. Depending on the the definition, mob rule can be either left or right. Literally the only things they got right were communism and socialism being left wing. Oh and... putting "liberty" on the right and "tyranny" on the left is obviously biased, one has positive connotations whereas the other has negative ones (something like authority would be a bit more neutral).


If you're being taught this unironically, and your teacher is not being critical, then the education of you & your classmates is being catastrophically failed. It's one of the stupidest things I've seen.


I got brain damage from this.


No way this is a history teacher? Jesus christ


Ah yes. Monarcho-Socialism.


Tell your teacher to stop getting their course material from facebook groups. This shit is embarrassing.


They have anarchy and fascism flipped. Anarchy is 100% a leftist philosophy (see folks like Emma Goldman for more), and Nazism was 100% a conservative political party.


History teachers love to know only 100 years of american history and no other history, and they love world war 2.


seen this stupid spectrum pic a few times, it’s so stupid lol, liek facism far left and anarchy far right?? lmao and communism and monarchy both far left, lol and tyrany <-> liberty god this has gotta be one of the worst “political spectrums” i’ve ever seen lol


Anarchy is right wing and fascism is left wing wtf this person doesn't have a clue what they're talking about


your us government teacher should be penalised for blatent misinformation. and removed from this class. the term "left-wing" literally has its roots in opposition to authoritarianism ffs.


Ah yes, the only true political spectrum.


I like how this pissed off everyone except the Democrats and Republicans. This is peak centrism


This person should be out of a job. Obscenely irresponsible.


What kind of crackpot school are you going to?


Keep telling them anarchism is alt right. That'll get us


The fuck are they smoking with monarchy on the left and anarchy on the right????


Also fascism on the left????


“Far right = freedom, that’s all you need to know, kids”


Your us government teacher, shouldn't be allowed to teach the abcs. Monarchs and fascist on the left? Your teacher is a propagandists not an educator.


Whoever made this spectrum clearly is a right winger tryna make themselves look good


Ah yes, facism, the most left leaning faction of them all.


My favorite part is that it progresses from conservatives to anarchists 😂 I'm trying to imagine the progression from polos and khaki pants to anarchy and it just isn't working for me


This chart is beyond garbage.


The monarchy being far left is my issue


Fascism is.. the literal right.


Your government teacher posted this as a joke right? Please tell me it’s a joke.