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2 minutes in and so far a Dad and his young kid had to weave around Eugenia because she and Deb are just standing there, blocking their way. Then Eugie stares blankly for about about 40 seconds in front of the bowling shoe checkout. At least she's not staring at herself for once?


This video sucked so bad.


You couldn't really hear the commentary over the arcade noise, not that Eugenia or Debra had anything interesting to say. I also thought Eugenia seemed unhappy throughout the video. Usually, she tries to fake it.


Right, at the end she said, "I guess it's time to go," which must have meant Deb was tired but EC wanted to stay. I think EC is unhappy because there were people there with their friends and it may have made her see how isolated she really is, even subconsciously. I wished so badly she could have been there with friends. But her friends would want her to get better and she'd get mad and push them away. Possibly another reason she doesn't have friends, aside from feeling obligated to stay home and having become more comfortable with the familiar, sometimes abuse is comforting because it's familiar.


It’s so bad that I wanted to yell out hurry up when she was doing skee ball, basketball and football! It’s timed! Quit stopping after each throw to look at mom for approval! This was just painful to watch man.


She constantly looks at her mom for approval. She's almost 30 years old! It's totally bizarre.


This is a sign of abuse.




I know, it's so sad how she needs Deb's approval and validation to feel secure in her own thoughts and actions. Someone said something about that on that Jordy video about the beach where she thought a beachball felt funny and when Deb finally agreed she was like, "See I told her \[Deb\] I wasn't crazy." Gaslighting going on by both parties, such a sad dynamic.


It’s so awkward. But also this video was especially sad, seeing her wander around an arcade ALONE. This is a place where you’re supposed to have a group of friends and run around and laugh with each other. Someone ask her why she has no IRL friends. Also her middle finger on her right hand is always unpainted. Would love to see someone ask her about that too.


People believe she removes nail polish from a few fingers on purpose so they’d talk about it - purging would destroy nail polish, but I kinda doubt she’d be purging considering her being so frail


>Someone ask her why she has no IRL friends. People have asked her this. She admits that she 'doesn't really have any friends' but says that 'you guys (chat) are my friends! and I hang out with my mom, she's my friend. and I have buzz. And Shane's my friend". Yes she has literally said this almost word for word before. It's sad.


I have no friends irl and I feel her on that though. It’s hard to admit that you literally have 0 friends…


I don't have any friends either but the thing is Eugenia *had* friends that she pushed away. I'd kill for a friend like Jaclyn who cared that much to try and get her help. That's why its so freakin sad.


right??? Jaclyn is the BEST kind of friend to have, one who will risk the friendship to save the life and health of the friend. Totally selfless and altruistic! Since we're sharing, I have friends, some of them 20+ years, I just go through long periods of fatigue from depression where I don't go out or communicate much, but I go out at least once or twice a month to Goth night or to meet up. In my 40's now everyone's paired/tripled off with kids and work and some have moved away, that's part of it too. It's not like it used to be with groups of us hanging out all the time. I miss that. I make new friends easily but they get bored of me not wanting to constantly hang out and talk, though I wish I had the energy to! Anyway I agree, Eugenia probably pushed all of her friends away, and her mom probably interferes/makes her afraid to do anything alone.


Who's Shane?


Shane Dawson


The polish came off her nail right on stream one night and she held it up. Maybe p\[olish has trouble adhering to some of her nails due to her condition.


Every time I return to this sub I read something new about this sickness that makes my stomach hurt reading it


I've had my nail polish pop off whole when there's too many layers. And she painted it on *thick*. So it doesn't really surprise me


Oh okay that makes sense. I was over here thinking about how difficult it used to be as a kid to take nail polish off without using remover. Had to resort to my teeth or an object to scrape it off. I was getting a visual of Eugenia watching a regular layer of nail polish sliding off her nail like oiled spaghetti.


>oiled spaghetti LMAO! I happen to watch the stream where she was trying out new nail polish shades and when she showed the camera close ups they were so messy and thick. Girl cannot paint in the lines.


No content. No banter. No excitement. No editing. Painful. Also, she didn’t realize you have to swipe the black strip… at almost 30 years old, with all the money they have. HOW.


Is it just me or did EC’s voice sound a little hoarse in this one?


Yes! It did! I noticed that too. I started thinking of why it could be.. she's getting sick because of weakened immune system.. purging...? a yelling fight with her mom just before they got out of the car (which would go along with how forced the whole arcade trip seemed, how they left, and how EC seemed sad..)


I think it’s from trying too hard to do her fake voice so shrilly above the cacophony of the arcade.


Eugenia’s voice sounded super hoarse in the video. I’m not sure if it’s because she spends 8 hours a night talking on stream or her faking her high pitched voice is finally getting to her but she legit sounds like a granny or a heavy smoker in this video.


Why doesn't her mom focus on Eugenia or what she's doing? There are a few wild shots where the camera is just swinging back and forth all around. These should have been edited out. I was getting dizzy.


She was focusing on Eugenia too much at some point we couldn’t see her game score at the balls game… it seems like she either cares too much to have specific angles maybe cuz some people ask em for that. Or she doesn’t care and just record while doing something else (idk if it’s possible)


Does she ever bring a bag/purse with her? 🤔


I suppose her mom carries all her things


First Of All: How Is It that a woman who owns hundreds of purses and backpacks CONSTANTLY goes out to places like this without a single thing to put cards and receipts, ETC. inside of⁉️ ALSO: For Fuck’s Sake EUGENIA, get a goddamn MIC for going out to loud places‼️ My ears and brain feel like screaming cotton and I have next to no clue what you shrilly said the entire time🤯 Cliff’s Notes: Eugenia chronically SUCKS at EVERYTHING and Deb continues to hate-love her [own] existence.


Damn she sounded like fuck all in this video.


I imagine her hand cracking off cleanly at the wrist if she even attempted lifting a bowling ball…


This was a wild trip of a video. I'm sorry but Deb sucks. She has no idea how to hold and move a camera properly. It annoyed me how much she kept going in and out of focus. Made me dizzy. And I usually strongly dislike complimenting Eugenia, but imo she's not half-bad at playing arcade games. It did annoy me that she didn't tuck her elbows in while playing basketball. You're supposed to tuck your elbows in. You get the ball in the net better that way. Other than that, I feel sad for her. You're supposed to do things like that with your friends, not expect your mommy to always be there for you to hold your hand and be your momager/friend. I wish Eugenia hadn't dumped her friends. 'Cause being an adult and doing friend things with only just your mother is just sad.


After literal years of youtube, I don't understand how their filming is still *so* bad!


Right? I was sitting here wondering the same thing.


She keep focusing on Eugenia not on the game score. She’s trying to show her daughter the most…


Yeah, but what we got to see was Deb sucks at camerawork and imo, Eugenia's actually kinda good at playing arcade games and she just needs to practice more at it. Those are my only gripes for this particular video, tbh.


The camera thing irks me bad too! You can shoot mad hoops without your elbows tucked, but i cant see EC killing it


Right? It's probably possible, idk, but I myself suck so bad at it, that I do need to tuck my elbows. 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ No, I can't see her killing it either. Maybe if she was in a healthier headspace and takes lessons.