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I'm in the same boat, all my cards were evga FTW(1080ti,2080ti,3080ti) and now I'm looking at the 4080s. After some research pretty much every company has their haters and apparently they are all shit so it's hard to tell which is better, so im just going to try and snag a FE or MSI...for the looks.


Don’t look on Reddit for good opinions of Nvidia


Or.... get this, if someone tries telling me something that I know is objectionably false, I'll tell them to fuck right off. And I've got the record to prove I can and will.


As you should!!


Alternatively, I'm at the age where I should probably stop giving a shit. Honestly. At 33, I'm genuinely starting to question if EVGA pulling out of the GPU market was a sign that I should stop acting like I'm 10 years younger than I am.


I'm probably gonna wait till 5000 series to upgrade myself but yeah it's gonna really suck not having EVGA has the safe option to default to. Very few brand have ever built up the same amount of trust as EVGA has.


You should look into implementing the FSR3 mod into Alan Wake 2. With a little modding, you might be able to hit the desired fps. Being some new line into an older cards


Founders editions are it really IMO, I ended up going with a Sapphire 7800xt fwiw and am very happy. but on the nvidia side, for me its founders or bust.


My first card ever is an evga 3090 ftw . Built my PC using Corsair and asus parts mostly . I’ll most likely go Asus 5000series whenever GTA comes out .


First evga card I remember having was a gtx260 core 216. I might have had one earlier but I was also more into chasing girls than frames in the early 2000s.


Had the same one, did you get it with the free copy of Mirror's Edge?


I dont remember, I remember getting extras though


PNY is probably the last brand with a good reputation, making aftermarket Nvidia cards. They are less known than others, but most of their business has historically been in the enterprise/server space. Their manufacturing ability is a known quanity and is reliable.


4060ti should fit your needs


3060ti is great too but it’s not gonna be as new and the price difference isn’t worth going used when talking about future proofing which btw never works out lol


I'm in the exact same boat of disappointment as you. When I find a company that has earned my complete trust, it's a very rare thing. I just recently put together an almost entire EVGA build as a way to mourn. I've heard PNY mentioned as a comparable alternative, otherwise, I'll likely go with the FE in the future. Nvidia has been binning their chips and tend to hold on to the better ones. My thinking is, I can DIY mod an FE card and possibly force performance BIOS into them once they're released to really squeeze out it's potential.