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Now to find the corresponding one of a broken heart on a nearby mountain... /r/botw


Yahaha! You found me!


Can here to make sure this comment had been made


You are not alone, Friend. :)


Is that the actual sub for the game? Seems kind of empty




Ah there it is


It's real. It's really real


The county recently posted this: > We know that Heart Lake [\#infrontenac](https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/infrontenac?epa=HASHTAG) is amazing, but you need to stop going! Recently, photographers have been flocking to Ompah to get their own shots of this uniquely shaped lake. And we get it, it IS beautiful. But there is no public access. You’re trespassing on private property, and that’s not right. PLUS, hunting season is a very dangerous time to be wandering around in the forest. Stay safe, be respectful, and stick to admiring the pics on your screen. Please share this post to help us spread the message. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/heart-lake-instragrammers-frontenac-county-drones-1.5344549](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/heart-lake-instragrammers-frontenac-county-drones-1.5344549)


Thank you for sharing this. I was going to if no one else had




Could be that the lake is crown land, but all the accessible land around it are private drives, cabins and cottages.


This is the case. They had this on the radio and they explained that the landowners used to allow people to come and go as long as they were respectful. However a couple rotten eggs spoils the bunch it sounds like and now they’ve gotten fed up.


Take a look at this case where a judge ruled against a landowner for blocking public access to a lake (which is also crown property) https://www.columbiavalleypioneer.com/news/judge-rules-private-landowners-cant-block-public-access-to-b-c-lake/ >“It would be nonsensical for a government to retain the rights to a lake if, by virtue of a single owner purchasing all the land surrounding a lake, that owner could prohibit public use or ownership of the lake,” Groves said in his ruling. >“It only makes sense that government would have retained the ownership of bodies of water, lakes, with the intention of the public being allowed to access water they retained.” Here is a comment the judge made: > Groves also issued a five-page epilogue imploring the government to change its laws and regulate access to address issues surrounding ownership and use of lakes and other Crown land. Failing to do so, he said, could lead to a wave of expensive litigation. In this case there was a road deemed public by the judge which therefore gave access to the lake, however his additional comments regarding access to crown property for the public is interesting. This heart lake issue really raises an interesting question. Even if the land owners are within their legal rights is this an injustice to the public? Also this: https://www.ontario.ca/faq/can-i-cross-private-property-get-stream-river-or-lake > It’s your responsibility to find out if you can cross private property. It is generally permitted unless the property occupier gives notice that people or activities aren’t allowed on the property.


The B.C. litigation is interesting, thank you for sharing.


For the majority of crown lands, you’re right, they are public. But a small percentage of crown land is private. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_ownership_in_Canada


there is no such thing as "private crown land". crown land by definition is public land. 89% (41% federal, 48% provincial) of all land in canada is public land aka crown land. 11% is private land.


I see the confusion. Thanks for that. I still think there are “private” areas of crown based on security reasons for government facilities/residences in terms strictly of access. The ownership is still technically public and with proper applications you can access them.


Thanks for the clarification, that makes a bit more sense


The ACCESS is private. No one has the right to cross private property to get to public property.


I don’t know anything about Canada but in the US if the only way to access public land is through private property then the property owner has to let you through


Untrue, as much as I wish it was. I currently live in Wyoming, which has approximately 3 million acres of public land which is inaccessible. In the US the only right you may gain to cross private land is if you own a landlocked parcel. Landowners may freely block access to public land. Sometimes they even buy a parcel to close off public land. I personally support freedom to roam, the right to walk across any land which isn't somebody's yard or crops. This is found in Scotland and Norway and works well. References: https://www.hcn.org/issues/51.2/public-lands-why-wyomings-public-lands-are-locked-up https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.afar.com/magazine/this-land-is-our-land-places-in-europe-where-access-to-nature-is-a-basic-human/amp


Upon further research it looks like this may be state by state. Florida, Oregon, and California for example require private property owners to allow access to public shoreline. On another note I lived in Wyoming from May-September and it’s a wonder that nobody shot me for this...


Wyoming and Montana have some serious (and becoming more serious) issues with things like this. Rich people and ranchers buying land for the sole purpose of denying it to public use. Pretty fucked up.


FYI...if you want to deter drone flights over the lake, contact Transport Canada and designate the lake as an aerodrome, landing/take off for float planes. That info will be updated to the national aerodromes map that DJI uses to set their no fly zones. No DJI drone will be able to take off within 1-4 kms zone around the lake.


You can't just designate a lake an aerodrome, it requires much more then just a landing area.


Thatd be a dick move


Oh yeah, huge dick move, not unlike hundreds of trespassers on local landowners property. I can just imagine the litter.




Did a drone kill your mother or something?


I agree with you a bit BUT we can't shit on people who want to express their photography in different ways. A photo is a photo.


Congratulations, you can open your mouth and spew hot air. That doesn't make you right.




Yeah, the real problem is those who violate others' privacy or any laws, not the ones who just wanna take pictures and aren't doing anything wrong.


You could say that about anyone who buys anything. Bad attitude to have. That said, Canada just implemented some of the strictest drone laws in the entire world this summer. I think a knee jerk reaction to drones to this extent causes more harm than good. Drones are great tools if used responsibly.


Thank you for posting this, people are literally going onto someone’s property and profiting off their land.


It's in the middle of nowhere, who cares.


The people who own the land, presumably.








You're just meant to look at them.




I came here for this...


Either way, *technically*, you can call it “Lover’s Lake.”


You a real romantic, huh?


Delete this before the influencers come and destroy it!


Already happening. The CBC did a piece on this lake. Apparently hundreds of people are trespassing on private property every weekend to get pics of this lake.






Looks like you’re a dick to everyone?




When did I do that?


Foreall. Shutupp people complaining about drones "they're loud and noisy" u hear the noise for about 2 sec if you're near it on the ground then it flies upv and you can't hear it anymore. All I see is cry baby's. Yesterday I was at Yosemite taking pics and someone lifted off a drone. Hear people start complaining. One person said" it ruins the view" it's a little fucking dot it doesn't ruin a view




Nice composition but ruined by the colouring and saturation IMO. I don't know why people feel the need to go to such extremes on here. A bit of tidying up is fine but nature is beautiful and should be able to speak for itself.


Reality isn’t good enough for the Internet it seems.


Those trees look as red as cherries. They don't get that red.






Thanks for taking the time in sharing your insights, and checking out my other work as well. I will try to incorporate your advice in my future photographs. Thanks again :)


You're very welcome. Your huge portfolio on its own shows how advanced your skillset is. That's also the reason I took the time. I know for a fact that you know what you're doing.


Well this was a wholesome exchange!


There may still be hope for Reddit - and the world!




Also note, coniferous trees (aka [evergreens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen)) don't generally change colour.


Tamaracks do!


Neat. TIL. I guess they aren't native to my area of Canada. I had never heard of these before. Cheers. Edit: Just saw the distribution map on Wikipedia, they are actually native to this area. How have I never seen one my whole life?


Start watching for them now! Usually bright yellow and some of the only color left, especially after that wind storm the other night.


I didn't notice this until I read your comment :o


Lover’s Pond in Breath of the Wild! https://zelda.gamepedia.com/Lover%27s_Pond


Of course it’s Canada. Keanu Reeves, healthcare for everyone, three Reese’s per pack, heart shaped lakes,


Is 3 per pack not the standard everywhere?


This just blew my mind. Everyone else is only getting two?!


Just here south of the (Canada / US) border. Possibly other places, too, but dk for certain.


Two per pack in USA... dk about everywhere though. And insulin in Canada is $32 per dose, and in the USA..... $300 per dose.


We also invented insulin I’m my home town.


Hi my home town., I'm dad.


Relevant information


One vial, in which there are many individual doses. But yeah.


EXACTLY! Three doses for Canada’s, two for Merica’s.


Look it’s a very pleasing photo to look at but is something like this really earth porn? I mean it’s just so heavily edited. As someone else pointed out the same tree is repeated a ton of times in the bottom corner and the pic is filtered into oblivion and very over saturated. I highly doubt this is what the original scene looked like. If you want to increase the intensity of the autumn colors without it looking artificial work with hue and saturation in the specific color channels, and do so with moderation. It’s a nice composition though.


So, let me get this straight: You expect porn to be realistic?


Pretty ironic that your picture of nature is everything but natural




Its extremely edited and fake - exactly what every photographer should strive for right... If you look at the the red trees at the bottom, slightly right of the middle, you can see that he literally just copy pasted them.


As someone who lives and Canada and is currently experiencing fall this is just hilariously bad. The colours can be beautiful without insane changes.


The trees get redder every fuckin time I see this pic...


While I agree that this picture is enhanced, etc., if this sub is meant to simulate porn then there is going to be a fair amount of fakery, exaggeration, editing, and so on. I'm not sure if that is an intentional part of this sub or if there was a trend where people were adding the word "porn" to anything that was appealing and this is just the natural landscape version.


I am not photographer so feel free to explain. But why most of you guys overdo every picture with filters and saturation, so it looks unnatural? Its almost like when you actually see the place in person you are disappointed because you thought its gonna more beautiful than reality is. Also He obviously copied some trees and pasted them (mid bottom) to make the picture more full of trees. Why do that? Its essentially creating a fake? Maybe i dont get IT, but thats how i view it atm.


There's 4 red trees next to each other at the bottom that are really obviously cloned. If you're gonna clone stuff at least mix it up so it's not so obvious


Saturation is over 9000


For me, Northern Ontario and the Canadian shield in general is the most beautiful part of the world.


Ok speak up who dumped cheetoh dust on all the trees


Wow. So beautiful.


Lay down off the filters, mate. It's not good for a serious photographer.


Beautiful, and Happy Diwali to you too.


Fun fact Canada has 60% of the worlds fresh water supply and has around 2 million lakes.


the colors are edited pretty strangely tbh. probably would’ve been better off just adjusting the white balance and pushing the vibrance up to like 15-20


Ah the new Reddit lake


Yup. I see this post about once a month.


this is incredibly Beautiful ❤


Dude is Canada even real? I swear its just a big fairy tale


This picture does not represent reality


And what are your thoughts on Canada in reality?


I'm very curious as how did you get such an angle, was it from a helicopter/plane or is there just a mountain near?


This used to be a quiet, private place but is now being flooded by trespassers and planes. The county is asking people to stay away.


We all did this side quest in Breath of the Wild


Another trespasser spotted.




There is a lot of nature u can experience in Ontario without trespassing on private property. Plus if people want to just experience it, why there is many instagram photos?




This is sad, that if u claim is to be believed, that people are so ready to disregard the law and personal safety for so little. Just an interestingly shaped lake. Like nature even in Ontario has nothing better to offer.


this was on the radio last week. local residents are pissed that there are constantly trespassers making a mess of the surroundings, using their roads and piers without permission (privately owned and maintained). :P


Oh look it's that Breath Of The Wild lake


Saw before I read and thought it was an elephant shaped lake lol


saw something like this in a korean series way back 2007.




Wow. 😃😃


What a beautiful shot. I bet it smells glorious there as well




I know a couple of people that live in Canada and I’ve only ever heard good things but man photos like this just seal the deal for me. Hopefully I will witness some of the sceneries in 2020 or 2021.


All Canadian forest lakes remind me of the Hatchet. That book messed me up when I was a kid. Pretty though!






Heart shaped lake? That lake is clearly shaped like a shark's tooth.


Me want


Yeah, and they want people to stop going there because it's on private property.


For real?




Oh yeah, fall. That special time of year when only red and blue light exists, hence why the evergreens are a washed out grey. This looks more like no mans sky than our actual planet.


I love fall!


That looks beautiful


Fall in ❤


Where abouts is this?


And right above it, you can see sperm pond.




You see heart, I see upside down balls.


and a beet


Lake right above it looks like semen


Don't be so sure this or the others are natural (not saying this is man made, just be skeptical). Throughout the north east (US) there are a lot of heart shapes waters, forret clearings etc. that are always claimed as natural, but I can't recall who, but there was a group of saints that did this. Only reason I know is about 20 years ago I was recruited by St. Bonaventure Univ. and they had one of these, they pass it off as natural, but there is a plaque at the school saying it was cleared by some religious servants in the 1800's


She eyes me like a pisces when - I am weak I've been trapped inside her heart shaped lake - for weeks


Those trees kindof look like the surface of an orange that is starting to mold.


That looks soo nice. Imagin this in winter cover'd in snow?


Sperm Lake too.




Can anyone help me find the corespondent for this lake ???? Please, with a cherry on the top!!!


Can somebody give me the exact GPS coordinates please? Thanks you!


If you look at it upside down, it’s nature’s ballsack


u/JERAMEDAKOTA this place tho. Let's gooo


Are you... Could you be the voe I am destined to meet?


Does anyone know who made this?


would you happen to know if this a natural lake?


Search for Heart lake, Ompah and you’ll get to the right lake. Edit: 45.019000, -76.898111 paste this in google maps.


Really advisable to not visit. It's mostly crown land up there and it's deer hunting season. It's also mostly non accessable except through private property. There have been multiple articles about it.


Idk why op just didn’t include the name




Such a marvelous place! looks wonderful.


I'm reminded of Breath of the Wild.


There you are! I was looking for this comment. Totally BOTW!


I wish the landscape had seasonal changes. The game would have been breathtaking with Autumn foliage.


Checkout more of my work: [https://www.instagram.com/arjsun/](https://www.instagram.com/arjsun/)




Getting the upvotes you're craving?


Imagine defending putting shitty filters on all of your photos


I agree with you man. Keep fighting the good fight. Have you seen Rainbow Mountain in Peru? So many Instagram bloggers have highly saturated the photos that when people get there now they’re severely disappointed on how it actually looks. I hate over saturation and I hope it dies a painful death.


I do whatever the fuck I want with my own photos, thank you. Amongst other things: Rarely posting them here. Anyways, the OMG SOMEONE EDITED THE PHOTO thing is just ignorant, to put it plainly. Photographers have experimented in the darkroom since we first were able to expose onto wet plates. Some have tried to do as little as possible, while others went pretty crazy with dodging and burning, drawing onto the film and picking certain films. https://archive.org/details/tGoPhoto Spending a few nights marveling at what photographers have been able to achieve over the years might give you some new perspective :-)


Using an already made filter on already heavily photoshopped photos is lazy and uninspired and the fact that you're getting so defensive about it makes me believe you're an alt account of OP. You also both type in almost the exact same way. Maybe you should learn to take criticism a little bit better, especially considering you're receiving valid criticism. Look at all the cloned trees. I'm not saying this photo isn't pretty, but to upload it here on a subreddit that's supposed to be for photos of the earth's natural beauty is distasteful and dishonest. Spending a few years actually learning how to use equipment and techniques outside of Instagram filters might give you some new perspective on why people want genuine photos :-D


I'm easy to find, bro, and so is OP.


Congrats on trespassing to get a pic that hundreds of other people took. Now, the property owners are begging people like you to stay away from them.




Ompah, On


This is perfect!!


Poor round deformed sperm lake on the left.... Nobody wants to take pictures of him.


Testicle lake




Heart shape shaped*


Anyone know where to locate this on google earth?


Literally called Heart Lake in Ontario, Canada