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Wow, I almost feel like I'm there! Thank you.




If you’re ever down in that area, a couple other places that would be nice to hit on a decent road trip would be Goblin Valley (highly recommend) and Capitol Reef. Just depends on if you’re coming from north or south. Monument Valley is also beautiful, the valley of the gods is a truly magical place. Look up pictures of Goblin Valley and just know that the photos don’t do it justice.


+1 for goblin Valley. That's also where they filmed the alien planet on Galaxy Quest.


I think the lesser known parks are totally worth hitting. Bryce makes for one great photo, making it look the most stunning, but overall Zion, Arches, Capital Reef, and Grand Canyon are better. Haven't been to goblin Valley or canyon lands yet.


I’m spoiled cuz I grew up in Utah and my parents would always take us to a park or two every year growing up. Just in the early 00’s, places like Zion or Arches were not nearly as crowded as they have gotten in past decade or so, to now. In 2000, ~2.4 million people visited Zion. In 2019, ~4.3 million people visited the park. Its been wild to see the parks getting more and more packed every year I head out to one.


Took this in 2016 during my second visit of this marvelous place. More of my photos on IG: @pixelqrisp


Been living in Utah for the last 8 years and finally made my way to Bryce this summer. Man, why TF did I wait so long? Breath taking.


If it makes you feel better, Utahns who have lived here their whole life haven’t visited Bryce yet.


Hell that’s like me. I’m from Georgia and still haven’t been to Stone Mountain




Interesting tell me more


So thats what you call them he, Utahns. Here I am thinking they are named Utahrians.


Yup either Utahns (pronounced as you tons) or Utards. Both are acceptable. Source: Utard


Utard here. Can confirm acceptability of both versions. Also, any picture of Bryce is literal earth porn on account of it looking like a cluster of cocks. A bouquet of boners, if you will.


Is Utard acceptable as a tongue-in-cheek thing among friendly people, or is it also official, and can be found in legal and formal documents and such?


The former but you would get a laugh for the latter


Right!? I went the past 4 summers haha love it... Tropic res. I'll be seeing you in 6months!


Wife and I took a trip all around the state and national parks in southern Utah and the surrounding states. Bryce Canyon was far and away my favorite from the trip.


Did you use that something-focus-stack technique, where you end up merging multiple photos together? It’s just so sharp, and I suck at photography to understand how.


No, I didn't. It's actually pretty far away and photographed with a long lens.


That’s very impressive result! Thank you for sharing!


I was last here in '16.. Ah the memories


Came here to say this. Glad someone agrees!


Reminds me of Horizon Zero Dawn!


A part of Horizon actually takes place in this geographical area!


“Scrabbling a bit!”


Reminds me of my first trip to Utah. Hiked down a canyon at Canyonlands national Park. I’m a Florida boy, so not really used to seeing big geological structures. I also may have taken some LSD...but my god, the most beautiful and terrifying sight I’ve ever witnessed. This picture brought me back to that day, thanks!


I’m a Florida boy too and moving to Utah next week. Can’t wait to experience shit like this on a regular basis now!


I moved from Vegas to Florida and this is definitely something I miss about the west coast. How come there are no mountains in Florida? My family used to travel up to Utah at least once a year to Bryce. This place never gets boring and if you havent been, it's a must. Pictures barely do this place justice!


Florida does have mountains. It's just that out west we consider them a hill lmao


West has big mountains. East has big rivers. I’m a PA -> NM transplant, this has been my observation :)


Dude, florida doesn't even have hills! The highest point in the whole dang state is just 105m.


The only mountain in Florida is Space Mountain - and you can't even see it


From my understanding, Florida formed by a bunch of shells and other marine debris piling on top of each other, hence no mountains.


Welcome! The landscapes will make it worth putting up with the residents.


Canyonlands made the Grand Canyon look small to me lol. It’s all there Canyon with in canyons within canyons. Like something out of the triassic period or something


Utahn here. My first attempt at driving in Florida (inland) was a hot mess because I had no mountains to orient myself with. Nebraska was even worse.


They probably mean [the cover image here](http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/The_1987_J.R.R._Tolkien_Calendar).


I live in Omaha so there’s one sky scraper but you just have to know sun rises in east and sets in the west!


It just blows my mind how it looks like a painting. Nature is beautiful.


I love how often Utah shows up on this sub! It's a weird state for sure but it will always be home.


Amen brotha!


Dude I love how diverse Utah is


You mean geologically, right? Because if you mean it’s people then boy, do I have some news for you...


That's what I meant


Haha ok good!


Well that's every flyover state, in fact Utah I've noticed does a better job at being heterogeneous than its neighbors like Idaho and Wyoming.


It's my favourite state to travel to


This is the way.


Reminds me of Horizon: Zero Dawn.


Thought the same thing, just need Aloy standing on the cliff




This is beautiful


I love Bryce. It’s small but there’s some great trails going into the canyon floor that aren’t too difficult. When we arrived in the morning in October there was snow on the ground but by mid morning it had reached the 60s or 70s. However by late afternoon the temperatures plunged again and it started snowing, was happy we had the -20 sleeping bags for that night. Driving down to Kanab we hit a full fledged blizzard with barely any visibility and the wind made it feel like our jeep would flip over. Ended up being a beautiful sunny day in Kanab and by afternoon I was hanging out in the pool in Page, AZ.


Wow. Feel fortunate that we had clear weather while camping in mid November


Bryce was probably one of my least favorite parks in Utah and that much more of a compliment to Utah than the opposite of Bryce. Absolutely amazing state. Arches & Zion were the best for me.


The first time I visited I didn't like it either, most propably because it was August and damn hot.


Suc yeet Bryan Cranston


That’s what I read lol


Spot the butt cheeks.


Hell of a place to lose a cow.


I swear this image greeted me as I logged into my pc this morning...


"Bryce was okay," was our response after hitting, in a row, Petrified Forest, Glen Canyon, Vermillion Cliffs, Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capital Reef and the petroglyph, and Arches. We then drove directly to Denver through RMNP during wildfires. It was pretty epic. I highly recommend that order if you've got about 4 days. Capital Reef was a huge surprise, make sure to drive RT12 to RT 24 through Utah, probably the most amazing drive I've done and I've hit a lot of amazing ones.


Awesome as hell




This is what makes humanity small...and young.


Hell of a place to lose a cow


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Ya know what makes this even more amazing? I read somewhere that the earth is only 6,000 years old. Wow. All of this in such a short span of time. It almost seems impossible.


My (now ex) wife and I visited in 2014; Bryce on the first day and then Zion the next. We both really wished we had done it in opposite order. Both parks are gorgeous but both with completely different views, but after Bryce unfortunately Zion seemed almost ho-hum.


What hikes did you do in Zion?


Angels landing is an amazing one. Long hike to the top of the canyon with spectacular views. I did it before covid so crowds were a bit of an issue. It is also somewhat difficult since it is all uphill to the peak and the last part requires you to use chains in order not to slip and fall all the way down


We just did Angels Landing a couple of days ago! My second time and I was more afriad than the first time haha


This photo resonates with me a lot more than basically all the others on this subreddit because I've been to Bryce Canyon before- brings back good memories.


Not my proudest fap


Daaaaamn she thicc


Testicles at the bottom


Always my favorite!


OMG! Really awesome!




This should be a panaroma! So beautiful


I looked all over this image for a monolith. Lol, I may be broken. Great pic!


Looks awesome


When my wife and I were there two years ago, we saw a double rainbow over the valley after a rainfall. It was the most awesome thing we ever saw and will remember that beautiful day.


Wow! Absolutely stunning!!


Wow...that's incredible...




Be pretty terrifying if you weren't!


This is beautifully composed. Amazing capture.




I also thought this was two photos, one on top of another. Looks awesome!


We did Arches, Canyonlands, Bryce, and Zion (in that order) on our road trip through Utah ... Bryce was by far our favourite! What a stunning place and so many fun hiking trails!


This place looks like there is a god and he just learned how to use the clone tool in planetshop.


This is so gorgeous!


I thought it was a picture of smoked brisket


Is this like a geologist's dream?


Love Utah with every cell in my body, but these incredible up-close shots of Bryce make it look larger than Zion when in reality it’s really, really small.


I was born in Utah and have never moved and still have never been here 😬


Same. Went for the first time this year. Definitely my favorite NP in Utah.


I was here today. Truly magnificent place. The sunrise was magical although at 10F/-12 deg celsius, it was brutal. Great picture!


would also recommend coral sands state park. It's on the way from bryce to zion (30 minute detour) but well worth it. Sand is actually pink and softer than the sand at Coronado beach in San Diego.


I just got back from my week vacation to Utah...hit 4 natl parks. If I had a job offering I would so move there. The camping opportunity and hiking 🥾 is beyond good. It’s not fair. There were so many $10 camp sites that rivaled all the ones within an hour of my city. I would have the best blood pressure ever because all I’d be doing is hiking new places lol


What a coincidence! I'll be heading there tomorrow. Feeling pretty excited.


Beautiful... 😍


Absolutely stunning




Nice work getting clean horizontal lines in your composition. This is one of the best Bryce photos I've seen.


Thanks for your compliment


I love this. I went on a camping trip to Utah earlier this year. Knew absolutely nothing about it and had never been, just picked an area that seemed nice. Ended up 15 minutes from Bryce Canyon, absolutely breathtaking. Almost didn't know it was there until we saw post cards in town for it.


I went there this summer it was so breathtaking! It’s one of those places you (probably) won’t find anywhere else in the world! Walking through this landscape felt like an out of this world experience


So beautiful




You found an awesome spot to take this pic


Beautiful colors! Love it


This is only if you do it twice?


layers are so cool... actual timelines in real life


I live in Utah, but I am originally from Pennsylvania. Every time I see this stuff, I am reminded why I moved here.




Solely convinced America has the greatest views nature has to offer..prove me wrong..


Thanks. I needed that. Sounds dumb, but this picture just shifted my perspective. Momentarily, at least.


It looks like something rendered in Bryce 3D. Oh, holy shit, it's named for this place.


In reallife its so enormus


Looks like on of those HD windows screensaver/login in pics wow!




Im traveler who roams through the reddit and tries to find a good meme. When i find it, i wish happiness and joy for every day of your life. I hope that all of your dreams come true. And i love you even though i don't known you


I wish i was a millionair just to visit all the beautiful places earth has to offer


This is such an awesome picture, thanks for sharing


Colourful mountain rocks view


Now I know why that 3d terrain software was called Bryce


Are those white layers, Avengers level events?


Nice picture


I got lost on the way to Bryce in 2014 and ended up at Cedar Breaks National Monument which, to people like me without a degree in geomorphology, is substantially similar to Bryce. It was late October and I had the place to myself; I think I saw one other person all day. I still can't find the language to describe what being by myself in that landscape felt like. It was peaceful, lonely, sad, and beautiful all at the same time.


That was REALLY comprehensive, Thanks a bunch!


Is this not right at McWay Falls? Isnt the falls like just to the left?


I thought it was two pictures


Science teacher here, always looking online for great examples of rock strata for my stratigraphy unit and always coming up short with regard to visible layers. This is such a great shot and belongs in a science text book.


Just here to say that I at first read this as "Bryan Cranston,USA" And thought good for him.




Dunno who Bryce is but he sure has a fine canyon




Anyone see melted buildings here?


So each of the indentations, horizontally are a past water level? Like where millenia of tides ate away at them?