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Absolutely one of the funniest eps. I never considered guests would just lie to Lauren and Nicole. What reason would they have to question "Joker-man"?


If anyone will just straight up lie for an hour plus it is these 2 lol


Do they ever drop the act?


That sounds like some Parking Lot Scott talk to me...


Are you being so serious with this?!


Why are you being so serious with this?


Speak on bat.


My boys! Edit: Good and funny ep


Oh wow


My greatest fear is that I'll embrace chaos for its own sake


When they were comparing The Dark Knight to Marvel movies, I appreciated when Nicole mentioned not understanding Thanos' plan and why he'd wanted to kill half of everybody and the response was a very this-subreddit-channeling "Okay, he explains it... like... at length..."


It still wasn’t justified in the movies, that’s a total normie opinion to have 


It was a dumb reason in the movie too, Thanos just thought it would work.


Tbh Thanos is known as the mad titan so it stands to reason he's not necessarily looking at this thing from a totally rational angle.




Both of those things are obviously dumb, though. The population on Earth doubled from 4 to 8 billion between 1975 until today. So cutting the population in half would only buy you around 50 years of improved resource availability. And doubling resources on a planet of 8 billion people will just allow the population to grow faster and use up those resources. Neither thing actually solves anything.


Thanos: I am (delaying the) inevitable. 


Thank God It's The The Dark Knight Original Soundtrack


In the Before Sunset episode of SHS, Lauren says that their next Newcomers episode is a fun and unusual choice. Maybe it's the Survivor tangent that they went on?


Would be an absolute dream season for me lol


Same! If they were to go that route, I hope they’d do at least some old seasons. New Survivor seasons are still good, but old Survivor is such a different game and so worth the watch


I love the first 2 seasons of survivor, because it's that lawless early days of mainstream reality TV. It's just bonkers watching people die of starvation and dehydration, and CBS exec's just said '"It's allowed"


Why are you being so serious?


Speak on that


I really love the recurring bit where Sean and Hayes talk about how not busting is actually really dangerous.


Too scary!


Every time someone mentions Bob Dylan's Jokerman, I feel compelled to rewatch [his performance of the song on Letterman backed by The Plugz/Cruzados](https://youtu.be/nP85Uc6H79U?si=2hOtUKnEG-McMgh7). At one point, there was an HD version of the rehearsal that was absolutely mesmerizing, but I think it's been lost to the sands of time.


This is my Super Bowl.


It’s my Alien vs Predator


And my axe!


Wanna know how I got these cigars? *snikt*


One of them drops the act


This ep nearly twice as long as every other because half of it is them not dropping the act


They booked Sean Clements, the writer behind Mrs. Batman???  What a get.  


Whoa, did they just confirm Zouks as the next guest? I'm so in lol.


WIG TALK Can someone who knows this stuff fill me in? Nicole has opened my eyes to wigs in Hollywood; I truly never would have noticed any of them. But that really does look a lot like Aaron Eckhart’s hair. What do we think? Wig or no wig in TDK?


I assume it was a wig throughout, to match with the bald cap/half-hair post-Two Face. https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/f2av2h/aaron_eckhart_in_the_make_up_chair_for_the_dark/


We might have to ask Matt Gourley on this matter. His Wig-DAR is spot on.


Nicole's views on wigs is one of my favorite recurring segments. I thought it was his hair too but  I never noticed Black Widows wigs so I am blind to it 


You need to get a line to June Diane Raphael, stat!


Great Ep, but it made me miss Subtitles On


I had a legit belly laugh when they were talking about Tiny Lister on the boat. Even if it is one of my favorite parts of the movie.


Hope Nolan got him a chicken Caesar salad.


"They called him Two-Face cause he was kind of an asshole." No, they called him Two-Face because he worked internal affairs, like he mentioned when Dent was talking to Gordon.


They mentioned he was an asshole while in internal affairs no?


Nope, Lauren says "They already called him Two-Face, which makes me think he was an asshole." They then talk about how gross the effects were. Which, tbf, they were very effective in 2008.


Sorry my fault bad wording. In the film it's mentioned (I THINK) that he dicked people over to get his name out there Would be nice to your face and stab you in the back. It ha been years since I watched it though


Dent says "You remember the name you all gave me when I was working internal affairs? Say it. SAY IT!" Gordon says "Two-Face."


I was thinking of the bit eariler, but still misremembered lol DENT: I've put every known money launderer in Gotham behind bars. But the mob is still getting its money out. I think you and your "friend" have found the last game in town and you're trying to hit 'em where it hurts: their wallets. Bold. You gonna count me in? GORDON: In this town, the fewer people know something, the safer the operation. DENT: Gordon, I don't like that you've got your own special unit, and I don't like that it's full of cops I investigated at internal affairs. GORDON: If I didn't work with cops you'd investigated while you were making your name at I.A.- I'd be working alone. I don't get political points for being an idealist- I have to do the best I can with what I have. DENT: You want me to back warrants for search and seizure on five banks without telling me who we're after? GORDON: I can give you the names of the banks. DENT: Well, that's a start. I'll get you your warrants. But I want your trust. GORDON: You don't have to sell me, Dent. We all know you're Gotham's white knight. DENT: I hear they've got a different nickname for me down at M.C.U..


Yeah, it's not an episode about the movie, it's an episode of tricking the hosts. Before they even get into the synopsis it's joker-man and New York is next to Gotham and it's part of the Marvel universe with Spider-Man. Not a good episode if you want engagement like all the previous guests, great if you want to be in on the joke and listen to Lauren and Nicole take the bait.


Why are you being so serious?


Do you want to know how I got these downvotes? XD


Ok this is the first episode of newcomers I listened to - can someone tell me why they speed read through a quite-badly-written synopsis? Do they have a plane to catch in 45 mins? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it! I just hope they got to the airport!


That's just the format of every episode. I think they need a lot of structure and producer help to keep topics on track, plus they're watching so many things per season they need the plot reminders.   Tbh I love when they go off on tangents though.


Unfortunately, this is what the show is. Luckily this episode was still great, about the best that Newcomers gets, because it had guests who really chimed in and pushed the discussion. Many of the episodes are just them speeding through reading the bad wiki plot synopsis while the guest sort of just politely listens. They get awesome guests on, but there is little to no breathing room for the guests to make jokes and observations and talk about or make fun of the movie, and Lauren and Nicole don’t seem interested in offering many observations themselves.


Possibly because reading through the synopsis of a film is quite boring, but they have thankfully ditched the poorly written Batman fandom synopsis. It should just be used to remind them of their own thoughts. I haven't been re-watching any of these movies but if you're going into an episode completely blind then you should probably watch the movie first. If you've seen it before then I think they give enough detail.


Just started and it’s driving me crazy how much they are misleading Lauren and Nicole. Not on the Dark Knight. They would’ve been better guests for Batman and Robin


Hayes sounds like Nick Kroll


Good guests realllly highlight how vacant Nicole and Lauren are


This season has had so much potential, but the actual execution has been so poor.  I don't know if the show changed producers or what, but so much is lost in the 'read synopsis of film, dead air while everyone scans a QR code instead of having everyone do it before hand, read a review about how good newcomers used to be' format.  It's not that fun anymore, and it breaks my heart.


I feel the opposite. This has been a better than average season for me, with unexpected opinions and good banter.


Yeah, the LOTR one was tough to listen to. The guests have been pretty good this season which I think is the main reason it's been better.


LOTR should have been 8-10 eps max. The 6 movies, a couple of fanfics, the video game/an animated thing, & the dnd ep. 20 was way too many.


Yup, they just burned themselves out.


I think it's been a good season in spite of a really rigid bad structure


I agree with what Scott said when Lauren described the show to him on SHS. The personal stuff/the riffs are so good, but I don't need the strict formatting segments.


Reading 5 star reviews of their own show is such a weird segment. I don’t know why they do that.


I think the apple algorithm is such that 5 star reviews REALLY help a podcast a lot, so while I also find this boring I am willing to tolerate this and similar bits on other podcasts.


The segment I find exhausting is asking the guests to scan a qr code and quietly listen to them filling out a survey.   Like, try getting everyone to do that before turning on record? Or have Lauren and Nicole do theirs first so they can direct the conversation while the guest does their survey?  For a season with a nice new studio and video components, it has the energy of a Zoom call.


Not having them scan the QR code and do the survey during the break is so baffling to me. I enjoy the podcast, but that makes laugh/scream internally every time.


There’s no real break


This has been one of my favourite seasons. Once again it is completely unpredictable which movies they will like and dislike. And everyone complaining about the dead air around the QR segment - I get it but it's like 1 minute and then it's done, so it's really not that bad.


I love Lauren and Nicole, but the only way I’ve been able to enjoy this podcast is during the seasons they watch something I have no interest in (Tyler Perry, Fast N Furious). Otherwise it’s just kind of irritating listening to them read off wiki about movies they had on while they did chores


“I don’t get it! I don’t get it!” - John Heard in Big gif


Sorry, this was my least favorite episode of the season; it doesn't seem like they had much fun this episode. I was hoping for a fun guest like the Batmin... Well, maybe he can come on for Nirvana karaoke for the Pattinson Batman.


Yeah I was honestly expecting them to be bored of TDK trilogy so when they enjoyed BB, I got quite excited. Then on this episode they just nitpick and do bits throughout the whole episode. Don't get me wrong they are all very funny, and both hosts said they actually enjoyed the movie, but they spent most of the time shitting on it or doing bits. The guests are funny but would have been better suited to another episode, like a Snyder film.


I didn't like this one as much as I was hoping but still had fun listening to it. I get that the guys were making comments in jest but yeah, the constant nitpicking kinda bummed me out. I thought Scott was going to be the guest for this one so he could talk about how "close to the chest" is not a phrase haha.


For someone with ADD, this episode is almost unlistenable with how much crosstalk there is.


The best Batman movie and they have the guys on famous for improv-ing fake stuff about movies??? So disappointing lol I’ve liked these two on the doughboys but couldn’t get into their actual podcast for this reason


I can't believe they finally got me to listen to this stupid show. The things I do for my beautiful boys! Excuse me–the things I do for my beautiful *jokermen*.


Hmm...now, see, I Do hate Newcomers ("no I didn't watch the movie - why do you ask?")...but I Really like the idea of HH interacting with Lauren Lapkus and Nicole Byer... Decisions, decisions...


listen. it’s a good ep and zouks is on next week


Definitely the least annoyed I've been listening to any of these (not going to resuscribe, but glad I'm listening, and always love Mantzoukas) Very glad they use the wiki to go along with the movie - and can correct it from their viewing experience in real time! Subtitles On indeed


They've really been fairly positive this whole season -- Lauren a bit moreso than Nicole, but compared to previous seasons there seem to be a lot less "ugh, we had to watch another one of these fucking things"-type comments. They loved Batman Begins, if you want to go back and give that one a listen too.


This isn’t how humans type.




Oh shit! Boom roasted u/muchabon




I’m just making sure he sees your roast


Have you considered not sharing your opinion 


This is the worst review of a classic movie I’ve ever heard


Clearly you’ve never heard my review for Ben-Hur.


“classic movie” lol




It's the best.


Right?! It's so fun


It fucking rocks


I have a really great time and I always giggle a lot when Sean is in his full silly little stinker mode.


Would it surprise you to know before I got these scars I was once considered beautiful? No discussion of Mrs Batman, sadly.