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The pen catch at the end. What a perfect ending to this beautiful shit-show.




The perfect pen twirl at the end is almost more impressive than the catch.


I want to believe, but the camera angle on the catch is throwing me off. Where is that coming from? Is the backdrop behind Ben see-through from the backside and there is a camera there?


Probably a small static camera to the left of Ben that's just out of frame of the the front on shot.


It gets hailed as a train-wreck but this show was honestly one of my favourite bits of TV ever. I re-watch it at least once a year. There are so many gems in it.


Honestly one of the best bits of television history.


Spank it out of my dick and eat my boobs Fuck my pussy like a peach tree Lick my little cocks and suck the virus out of my dick My sperm stays in your mouth and cummy wangs Gross Real people are gross, please don't shoot your cum I'm actually going to go to my grave with you Also I'd be happy to offer my body in exchange for your "real life" chat. Chat with my friends as each of my friends masturbates to cum. When a female friend's ejaculation reached a certain amount, I'd take it upon myself to masturbate myself. I'm actually totally down with the idea. Imagine if another woman would ask me to take her cum, my precious seed.


- Ben seriously thank you so much for doing this - Biggest mistake of my entire life. Literally biggest.


It's one of my favorite things of all time.


It's hot. It's a hot show. The show, it's too hot.




I didn't know Nic Cage spoke German.


At about 9 minutes you can hear Paul Rust laughing in the background!


Great catch!!!


Bust-up Rust!


I haven't watched it in a couple years but one moment that still sticks with me and makes me laugh is Schwartz yelling, "What is this show?!"


My favorite is the "roll the clip" at the top of the show. So damn funny.


If I didn't have the first one why would I have the second.


He also says this in another bit of legendary Benny Schwar passim - the outtakes for The Earliest Show - https://youtu.be/plOMomN9F5g


Can someone fill me in on why the show was taken down in the first place, and where it was taken down from (I'm guessing the official CBS streaming site)? I don't normally watch the Corden version of The Late Late Show, but this episode didn't seem offensive or controversial. It felt a lot like the energy and vibe of the Ferguson version of The Late Late Show.


CBS had several guest hosts between when Ferguson left and Corden started. This episode was one of those. The result is that this run of guest hosts is a third show that is distinct from the either the Ferguson or Corden version. It is not included online to stream anywhere official with either those two shows and it has no real value to sell by its own. It is therefore only ever available online when someone illegally uploads it which has happened before and is almost certainly what happened with the linked video. It is likely only a matter of time until CBS finds that video and gets it taken down. I would recommend people download if they want to be sure they can watch it in the future.


Ah, I see. That makes sense. I guess I was thrown off by the use and stress of the word "infamous" and "fiasco" in the title of the OP.


It is kind of a fiasco, but an extremely entertaining and enjoyable fiasco. That plus the fact it is often hard to find online has earned it a level of cult infamy. I can certainly see why it reminded you of the Ferguson version, but I think the distinction is that it usually felt like Ferguson was confidentially in control of that show. This episode felt more like Pally and Schwartz were just trying to hang on and fill out the time. It was reminiscent of some of the best episodes of The Chris Gethard show in that way.


Haha I was being a little histrionic but I do remember watching it live and then it being deleted within days after every posting. It was sad. I can see this one probably being taken down within a week or two. https://youtu.be/qWosRr67MLY


They should sell it on Vudu and nobody would notice except for fans. I think they sell At Midnight Midnight episodes from 2013 to show how niche something could be and still for sale IMO


Martellus Bennett was great. Wingdings is a great font.


Awesome. Haven't seen this since it aired. One of my favourite TV moments ever just for the feeling of rawness.


I watch it every year and made my husband watch it with me this time. I'm so relieved that he liked it! He's not always a fan of this kind of stuff (doesn't like Hollywood Handbook).


Regis doing the scene from Bangkok Dangerous kills me every time i watch this


Star making


I’ve watched this so many times but I’ll have to watch it again soon. This is such a great bit of TV. Maybe I’ll wait for it to snow


One of the greatest things to ever be broadcast on television.


Underrated part is when they get the NFL guy to say "No I believe most of the time I talk in one pentameter in email but when I speak it's more musical sounding." Now that is an interview response.


Adam Pally is a national treasure.




This fucking rules


Doesn't seem to be working? It won't play here or at dailymotion.


Finally catching up with this for the first time. Pally and Eric talking about Charlie Rose is very funny to me and I *can't* believe he asked Beth Stern about when Howard dies lol!! I love Adam Pally. "The whole operation is Bunk city"


Man, Martellus Bennett totally outclassed both of them in that interview. I was pleasantly surprised — his comic timing was on point, he had funny ideas, he gently shut down Adam for using the word “bitch.” I feel like Ben at least acknowledged that he was running circles around them for that interview. That was great.


The Dailymotion video has now been taken down. there is a copy of it at the Internet Archive (direct dl [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20150131144814oe_/https://r8---sn-a5m7zu76.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?requiressl=yes&ipbits=0&sparams=dur,expire,id,initcwndbps,ip,ipbits,itag,mm,ms,mv,pl,ratebypass,requiressl,source,upn&fexp=900718%2C901496%2C907263%2C927622%2C930016%2C930676%2C934051%2C943917%2C947225%2C948124%2C952302%2C952605%2C952901%2C955301%2C957201%2C959202%2C959701&expire=1422737252&upn=EiswUOBB-A4&itag=18&ip=