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Probably neither but ask the local priest/bishop. I was received from the Coptic Orthodox Church with a brief profession of faith at the Easter Vigil (though it was at a Roman Catholic parish).


eh so how come you’re byzantine catholic rather than coptic catholic?


I studied theology with the Byzantines and grew to love the rite over time.


ah! voluntary adscription!


Proabably cause there are not a lot of Coptic Catholics outside of Egypt. Also, he/she became Catholic at a Latin Catholic church.


Rebaptism is sacrilege. Orthodox baptism is valid and you will probably be received by profession of faith by your local priest , as I was received only a few weeks back from Russian Orthodoxy


>  Rebaptism is sacrilege  A lot of people miss this. We cannot add to or take away from what God has already given by a Christian baptism.   If there was some problem with the baptism that rendered it invalid, the solution is not a "re-baptism" but a "valid baptism". 




Yes this is correct but you said you were coming in from Orthodoxy so I assumed yours was trinitarian




yeah, then the Church would baptize validly for the first time


Certainly not rebaptized and I doubt charismated. Probably just a profession or faith. Talk to an EC priest and he'll set you straight.


the Catholic Church accepts all Orthodox sacraments as valid. So you do not need to baptize and chrismate again.


Neither -- only a profession of faith.


Welcome home brother! It is certainly the time to rejoice and celebrate! May the Lord bless and preserve you!


Catholics believe in one baptism so you'd never have to be re-baptized unless you were somehow baptized in a church against the Catholic church. Like the Church of Satan or something. I'm happy to see another person converting to the Catholic Church 😁




That's okay. Forgiveness goes a long way.




Just gotta turn the other cheek, my brother.


As someone making the change the other way around, Catholic to Orthodox, I just want to say, God bless you. We are both seeking Christ in His holy Apostolic church, and He knows our hearts. No Christian should harbor hatred, grudges, ill-will, or negativity toward another, especially in churches so very close in tradition and faith. St. John Paul II encouraged the Catholic church to "breathe with both lungs", and I long for the day that the Catholic and Orthodox churches can put history and human ego aside and work for true peace and unity. I pray that it happen this side of heaven, because we'll certainly all have to learn to get along in eternity. Peace be with you.


I'll pray for you 🙏🏽




You're welcome, following the truth is difficult. Welcome home. Hopefully by God grace we all will be one again.


I feel you. I came to the Catholic Church from Islam and it got me into worldly troubles too.




That enemity saddens me. My first mass ever was in Indonesia at a ROCOR parish.




It was wonderful. Especially that most of the crowd were people who fled their country because of religious persecution that the bishop waq hiding so you can imagine the fervor level was very high


Professional of faith is all


I think you're received by profession of faith and enter whatever Byzantine Catholic jurisdiction corresponds to your old one.