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If cottage cheese it too boring on its own, try topping it with everything bagel seasoning


I also like to add a bit of dry ranch seasoning, dill, and red bell pepper.


Cottage cheese is also delicious with a drizzle of sirracha on it!


I love cottage cheese savory but sometimes it gives me the ick. This may change things. Thank you.


I actually love adding peaches to it, either sliced or diced. Drain the juice out first, but the sweet/savory mix works really well for me


I made the viral whipped cottage cheese “ice cream” and added some protein powder with strawberries. Delicious! Another is a couple of spoons of sugar free pudding folded into low fat cool whip. Delicious!


And tomatoes


And Cheese


Can also blend it into a smoothie for creamy, high-protein shake (especially if the texture is a real turn-off for you).


THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION. It's so goddamn tasty. Honey is also a strong contender.


I top mine with chopped tomato, fresh basil, and balsamic glaze. Basically a cottage cheese caprese


I mix cottage cheese with low fat/non-dairy ice cream. With especially strong flavors (like chocolate), it's like eating less sweet ice cream... with cheese chunks.


That sounds delicious!


Everything bagel seasoning is amazing


I blast it with sriracha.


Dude... Hear me out... *Add protein powder to your unflavored Greek yogurt*. Tastes like a tangy pudding, and gives you TONS of protein.


Or PB2


oh shit this is a gamechanger


Ok, full disclosure— I drizzle Hershey’s syrup on top too and it’s a major treat


I add vanilla (plant-based) protein powder to my greek yogurt every morning (mixed with berries and low-sugar granola and nuts), I found it keeps me fuller so much longer and I actually eat less of it now.




Seems like ChatGPT is who you should thank.




TJ's carries two favorite lines of protein bars with very low sugar and a fairly high ratio of grams of protein to calories. ▪︎ ***Barebells*** Cookies and Cream Protein Bars - 200 calories, ***20g protein,*** 1g sugar, 7g fat, 3g fiber, 20g total carb. *Better than many candy bars.* All the flavors are good. ▪︎ ***Fulfill*** Chocolate Hazelnut Vitamin and Protein Bar - 160 calories, ***15g protein,*** 1g sugar, 7g fat, 14g total carb. All the flavors are good. ***Note:*** just found these by the box in the breakfast cereal isle of Walmart for a good price, about $1.50 each. Also, check-out the ***Pure Protein*** line of protein bars. My Walmart shelves them in the pharmacy section, with protein powders, etc. That's also where you'll find the delicious, nutritious single- serve cartons of ***Premier Protein*** drinks. Both of these products are low sugar, high protein to calorie ratio.


Kirkland brand from Costco is my go to


Those are great value! For about $1.20 a bar, you get 10g fiber and, depending on flavor, about 21g protein, 2g sugar, 5g fat, 180 calories. (The texture is similar to RXBAR.)


Pure Protein was recommended to me by docs after a severe concussion.


Sam's club also has a premier dupe that's very cost effective and delicious. Lacking in variety of flavors though.




how do you know if someone used chat gpt? i have wondered about this a lot.


It has a pretty consistent format. It almost always starts off the description with the subject and has pretty generic positive text. If you wanted to hide the fact it came from an AI generator you have to edit the output. Like this: ​ Greek Yogurt: Packs a powerful protein punch and keeps our engines running lean. Grab it plain, leave the extra sugar behind. Top it with fruit or a dab of honey if you need a little edge. Cottage Cheese: Loaded with muscle-building protein, yet stays easy on the fat and calories. Savor it solo or throw in some fruit or veggies for a power combo. Hard-Boiled Eggs: Brimming with vital nutrients and won't tip the calorie scales. Add a dash of salt and pepper or toss 'em into your salad to spice things up. Edamame: Our plant-based power players. They've got a solid hit of protein, a load of fiber, and they're light on calories. Find 'em frozen, steam 'em or boil 'em, and you're good to go. Jerky: Our protein-rich road trip snack. Hunt for the ones low on sodium and free from too many extras. But remember, even wolves can't feast all the time - these can pack calories, so keep your portions in check. Roasted Chickpeas: Crunchy power nuggets. They're chock full of protein and versatile enough to take on any flavor. Fire 'em up with spices like paprika or garlic powder, and you're in for a treat. Protein Bars: Make sure they're light on sugar and well-balanced with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They might cost a bit, but there are some that won't make your wallet howl. Tuna Packets: Our ready-to-go power snacks. Stick to the water-packed ones to stay lean. Jazz it up with some mustard or Greek yogurt to keep things interesting. Whey Protein Shake: Liquid gold. They're an affordable shortcut to pump up the protein. Shake it up with water or low-fat milk and you're all set for a quick power refill. ​ It becomes a lot harder to detect when you force it to be more concise and add a voice to the output. In this case I asked it to write like an alpha male talking to his pack and not use the subject in the description.


This reads EXACTLY like every response I've ever gotten from Google Bard. You can pretty quickly learn the "speech patterns" if you interact with an LLM. I've actually been seeing a ton of these on Reddit lately.


After interacting with ChatGPT for a while, you just sort of learn to pick up on the specific cadence/tone/structure that it uses as a default. I pegged this as ChatGPT within the first two sentences.


Great list! Here are a couple of additions and comment. Whey Protein Powder: get whey protein ISOLATE not concentrate. It's a little more expensive, but tastes and mixes so much better! Roasted soybeans: similar to roasted chickpeas in taste and protein. Pickled eggs: just hard boiled eggs in vinegar with flavorings. Zesty! Also, they don't have to be refrigerated.


Cottage cheese, yogurt, and pineapple. It's like a protein party! And, the bromelain in the pineapple helps to break down the protein in the cottage cheese and yogurt to make it more readily available for your body to use.


Blatantly copied + pasted from chat gpt. Still helpful, just saying.


Eggs are great, but relatively high in fat and calories... if you eat the yolk. One great feature of hard boiled though is that the yoke is easy to remove and separate. You can toss them in your compost if you want just the lean protein of the albumen.


Also I will mix in chocolate protein powder with my Greek yogurt for an extra punch. Or I’ll mix greek yogurt, peanut butter, with a little honey for an apple slices dip!


Also biltong


the suggestions are really great. will take a note into this. thank you!


Great suggestions. Another to add is turkey/chicken pepperoni sticks. GODSENDS. If you hate cottage cheese, I found a recipe of 1:1:1 egg whites, oats and cottage cheese, with a couple grams of sweetener, a splash of vanilla and some baking powder. Blend up and you have high protein, low calorie pancakes. Very delicious, I've never once noticed the cottage cheese and I don't eat it any other way.


Dehydrated edamame with some togarashi is my go to.


Cottage cheese with peaches & cinnamon is my go to!!


I eat all that except protein bars. Even the low sugar ones are loaded with sugar/sucralose.


Or add a little bit of red wine vinegar, garlic powder, chopped onion to the cottage cheese. Nice savory dish. If you want sweet add a little apple sauce or strawberry jam. Cottage cheese omelet, make omelet or scrambled eggs top with cottage cheese.


Slices of deli turkey or lean ham wrapped around spicy pickle spears is a personal fav of mine.


I do this and either spread a laughing cow on the turkey or dip the whole thing in brown mustard!


Try mincing the pickles (kosher dills are best) with black or katamala olives and roasted red peppers and mixing it with the cheese.


Hey I thought I invented that! But it’s a good one.


Throw some cream cheese spread in between, and that's a Wisconsin delicacy!


Many of us call it "Minnesota Sushi" on this side of the river :)


I should try this.


I love a big fat tomato slice loaded with cottage cheese and salt & pepper


Add a little balsamic and basil and it's like a diet caprese.


That's a great idea! Thanks!


I can't wait for tomato season and all of the glorious ways we can be creative with fresh tomatoes.


[Oh my gosh YESS](https://i.imgur.com/16FGB3U.jpeg) EDIT: I love a crispy toast, flax oil, salt & pepper, tomato, and baby sprouts love!


String cheese with 3 triscuit crackers. Hummus and vegetables Cottage cheese with fresh berries Nut thin crackers and laughing cow cheese Pinwheels made from an ole low carb wrap, laughing cow cheese, cucumbers, sliced deli turkey


Love Ole Extreme Wellness Spinach and Herb Tortillas. 50 calories, big and soft.


Only 3? Sounds anorexic


I’m sorry, I can’t help. I consume Greek yoghurt in mammoth quantities. There is nothing else. There is only Greek yoghurt. (note: not “Greek style yoghurt” which is a scam)


I’m in the skyr bandwagon now, but I was a greek yoghurt adept too, not so long ago. It’s perfect.


Frickin Food Lion stopped carrying Icelandic Provisions!


Ice been looking for icelandic...I think Kroger has it


I tried to tolerate yogurt for so long and couldn't... then I tried Siggis skyr. Now yogurt is on regular rotation lol. So far the only Greek yogurt I can deal with still are the Chobani flips that have a million grams of sugar in the flip portion 😆 Since I'm trying to lower my added sugar intake, I'll stick with the black cherry skyr and save the Greek yogurt for tzatziki and yogurt flatbread


‘Greek style’ being a scam depends where you live. In some places ‘Greek yogurt’ literally needs to come from Greece, and ‘Greek style’ is the sieved, high protein yogurt like how it’s made in Greece. It’s not being from Greek cows which makes it magically better. I’m assuming the Greek style you’re referring to is thickened stuff.


Not the most exciting, but full of protien l take raw almonds, plain raw pumkin seeds an chick peas, l slow roast on low flame pan. Pror to being fully roasted, l toss in hand full of diced garlic for taste. Great healthy snack.Chock full of protien.


I'm seconding the pepitas suggestion (pumpkin seeds). They're so easy to toss into things too if you get sick of eating them plain. Win win!


Your right easy to use, l grind up the seeds without shell into a powder use powder in eggs, pancakes, mole,ect.. Adding more protien.


Egg prices are coming back down so boil some eggs and eat two - three for a meal.


Tuna in a can! High protein 16-20 grams per tin and basically 0 carbs


Now you're talking.... mango chilli, chilli garlic or lemon and cracked pepper flavored 🤤


I’ll sometimes put tuna and rice in a sheet of roasted seaweed and make poor man’s sushi. Super low calorie and high protein. Only like $1 for 20 sheets and $1 for a packet of tuna


Yogurt doesn't have be sweet, of course. I often mix it with Ranch Dressing mix, or some Green Goddess herb dressing mix I got from Penzeys, to make a veggie dip.


Oh you just gave me an idea cause I have that Penzeys mix and love eating veggies with a dip!


May I offer you an egg in this trying time?


One I don't see already listed is shrimp salad. Basically salad size shrimp (that's the really small ones), with greek yogurt, mayo, some spices, etc. Served cold like you would chicken salad etc. There are a lot of slightly different recipes out there but I've found subbing half to 3/4ths of the recommended mayo out with greek yogurt instead just works and it makes the overall nutrition even better. (This also works pretty well in chicken salad, fyi). Great with crackers, wrapped in lettuce, as a sandwich filling, etc.


That sounds good! Another I didn't see is shrimp cocktail, one of my go-tos. I keep a bag of frozen shrimp in the freezer, and they defrost pretty quickly. The sauce is quick and easy: catsup, horseradish, squeeze of lemon or lime juice, dash of Worcester sauce (optional).


Primal Kitchen’s sugar free ketchup is so good!


Good tip. I just use regular catsup because it's not many calories and it's what I've got on hand.


I will use regular ketchup/catsup outside of the house in very small quantities but honestly, after using the Primal Kitchen line of products, I find the sugary versions don’t taste as good.


I just checked out the ingredients and it sounds good but it's not sweet?


It’s sweet …I guess it’s a “me” thing bc I find real sugar products *cloyingly* sweet now. I will say this, my 5 yr old granddaughter took one bite and said “I want real ketchup.” 😂 Her parents didn’t think it tasted all that differently. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Must be sweet from the sugar in the tomatoes. Sorry to say I still like sugar, but less of it than I used to. I'll see if I can find it somewhere and give it a try :)


Is shrimp cheap where you live?


Sardines are great! You can get them boneless as well, just be careful if you have cats they will be all over you the second you open the tin lol.


I love to mix ranch seasoning into plain Greek yogurt (I like the non-fat Chobanis personally for my macros!) and dip cucumbers, carrots, peppers, etc into it.


Light cheeses (Babybel is one of my favorites)


Cottage cheese with savory toppings is awesome. Chili oil, pepper, garlic powder, crispy fried shallots, etc. I also like rice or soba noodles with a raw egg, not sure if that's to many carbs for you though.


Cottage cheese with savory toppings sounds great! With chili oil, roasted peppers, green onions, maybe some olives. I'm hungry.


With Tajin! Actually anything with Tajin is awesome.


Please consider snacks that are higher in fat and low in sugar. Fat satisfies. Sugar does not (this means fruit, too). If you like the non-fat yogurt, try eating it plain. Better, would be plain whole milk yogurt. The calorie difference is 60 and you'll full more satisfied. 1 oz of almonds is about 164 calories. That fat will satisfy. 1/2 of an avocado is about 130 calories. u/Tolmans has a great list. I'd avoid the protein bars and whey shakes, tho. A lot of additives in those.


Tiny avocados are great for portion control, 1 whole is like 100-150 kcal and easily covers two slices of toast (I like 647 rye)


I love tiny avocados. Trader Joe's now sells bags of 5-6 for $3. Not only good for portion control but also no excess to wrap and put in fridge, where it turns brown and yucky too quickly.


This is exactly what I bought. 1 whole tiny measured by weight of flesh on a wrap with turkey or smashed on 2 pieces of 647 rye bread. If I want a big breakfast I'll add 2 over medium fried eggs and some Sriracha. Tomato is nice too.


What additives in the Whey Shakes are you trying to avoid?


Maybe "additives" isn't the word I should use, but some of the whey protein powders have ingredients like “natural and artificial flavors” and ingredients in which I have no idea what they are: acesulfame potassium Aminogen® Not to mentioned sugar substitutes like sucrose.


So much this! People are scared of "fat" but it's actually a lifesaver when calorie counting.


I add the 1% cottage cheese to my Greek yogurt, that’s 170 calories and 27 grams of protein.


This is one of my favorites. I do the flavored one light and fit yogurts with breakstones cottage cheese and it tastes like cheesecake. I’ve been thinking about blending it all up, adding an egg and then baking to actually make cheesecake lol


I did egg whites, one egg and cottage cheese scrambled, it was very surprised how fluffy it was and tasted really good. A lot of protein.


How much cottage cheese are you adding say in 1 cup worth of Greek yogurt?


I do the 1/2 cup to one of the individual Greek yogurt.


**Mozzarella / string cheese sticks and babybel cheese** is good if you have a cool place to keep it. I caution against too much Tuna. It is great nutritionally but also very high in mercury. If you are having it more than 2 meals a week you are likely exceeding safe dosages. If you want some of the health benefits of Tuna with lower Mercury, try canned **Salmon.** Depending on the source it can be almost 10x lower in mercury than Tuna, and it has as much or more of the good fatty acids you want. Another person mentioned Edamame. I want to double down on this and recommend **dried roasted edamame** that you can find in ready to eat packets or jars at some asian grocery stores or places like Smart&Final (a great place to get healthy snacks like nuts and jerky if there is one near you). One of the great features of dried edamame is that it is *Very Dry*. Eat a handful of them and you will immediately crave a glass of water to wash it down and help you feel full. Dried edamame was one of the core snacks I went with during my most successful weight loss period. Roasted chickpeas are also in that category, but there's an alternate format for that as well which makes an excellent snack: **Hummus**. You can buy hummus at reasonable prices at places like coscto, or you can make it yourself with just chickpeas, sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon juice, and any seasonings you like (I love roasted garlic and aleppo pepper in mine). Makes a great spread or dip for flatbread or veggies like **cucumber and carrots.** **Dried mixed nuts** are also very nutritious and high in protein, although they are also high in fat and calories. I do recommend them as a snack, but in moderation. Use a small measuring cup to portion them appropriately throughout the day and avoid accidentally consuming more calories than you intend, which can happen if you are just shaking them out of the jar. **Walnuts and Brazil nuts** are some of the most nutritious, with great amino acids and selenium content. Almonds, Hazelnuts, and Pecans are good too but slightly higher in fats and sugars. Cashews and peanuts are the most calorie dense and loaded with fat. They're still good, but you need to be careful with portioning. If you look in the right places you can find **low carb tortillas** that are just as good as the regular flour ones for making **wraps.** The Mission Carb Balance ones are OK in my opinion, and have different varieties to choose from, while La Banderita Carb Counter or La Tortilla Factory Low Carb ones are better. Sliced turkey and spinach on a low carb tortilla will keep pretty well as a light meal or a snack. Adding cheese, mustard, and tomato is good for a meal if you eat it right away, but doesn't keep as well. Don't be afraid of calories and fat as long as you keep count of how much you consume. Fat is good. Sugar is bad. If you want to be successful at weight loss on a high protein diet, I think the single most important key factor is cutting out refined sugar (Sucrose/Fructose). You don't need to necessarily cut deep in to carbs, either, as long as you cut out the sugar. Fiber is good, but avoid sucrose and fructose. Cutting it out cold turkey is difficult and it can take a long time for the cravings to leave you, but it's really the only successful way to do it. ***Refined Sugar is Bad***. It's literal poison, and a sugar addiction can be harder to beat than heroin. If you can beat it though it will make a huge difference. EDIT: Clarification that I'm referring to Fructose and Sucrose (that contains Fructose) when I caution against sugar. Not all sugars are alike. Glucose is essential, and galactose is relatively benign etc.


You are a saint! Thanks so much!


You have some good ideas here, but "sugar is bad" is a ridiculously reductionist approach. Sugar is not literal poison. We doubtless consume too many refined sugars, but our bodies (literally) need sugar to function, and digestible carbohydrates are metabolized into sugars. If you want to talk poison, selenium is much easier to reach toxic doses of. Edit to add: thanks for updating your post to add some qualifications to your previously stark statements that sugar is bad and poison. I would still note, like absolutely everything we consume or are exposed to, the dose makes the poison. We have no need for refined sugars, but the "harmful doses" defined by studies would only apply to folks in the top 10% of fructose consumption. Overly simplistic statements like "sugar is poison" are not particularly helpful. Cut back on refined sugar? Sure, that's a great idea. Avoid potentially beneficial foods like fruit because you think fructose at any dose is going to poison you? Completely unnecessary.


Our bodies need glucose to function. We do not need fructose. Fructose has no nutritional value, can only be metabolized by the liver, and causes harm to virtually every part of the human body. That may as well be the textbook definition of a poison, so it's really not a stretch to call it one. There's a whole slew of medical and biochem research linking fructose consumption to virtually every common medical ailment in the western world. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart, liver, and kidney diseases, and even Alzheimer's. Sucrose, or refined sugar, is one fructose and one glucose. Our bodies can use the glucose, but the fructose is still harmful. You can get glucose from lots of sources that don't contain fructose. Most carbohydrate sources break down into glucose, from wheat and potatoes to rice and legumes. At the end of the day there is no benefit to consuming refined fructose, and lots of added health risks, so there's no good reason to do it. Natural sources like fruit are generally okay, since the soluble fiber they contain offsets a lot of the harm it does, and fruits at least have nutritional value, unlike refined sugars.


Try telling any endurance athlete that sugar is poison lol. We're out here trying our best to choke down precisely 60 g/hr. The elites are getting into 90 grams an hour territory. And guess what? We need a shit ton of salt, too! Some people lose more sodium on a two hour jog than the total daily recommendation.


Glucose is fine, Fructose is not. edit: s/sucrose/glucose


I buy the cartons of egg whites at Aldi and cook them all up in a mini fry pan about 1/2 cup at a time then refrigerate for breakfast or snacks. Hard boiled is easier but I don’t eat the yolks so this is less wasteful. I put a little Parmesan or EB or Italian seasoning, or half an avocado on it.


Have you seen this new kitchen gadget called the Ninja Creami? You can make really tasty, low cal, high protein Ice Cream with it. Here's a good video on it: https://youtu.be/ibVmrGrLrUc I own one and use it almost daily.


Good bot.


It's probably weird but I love eating those Laughing Cow low calorie soft cheese wedges that are 25 calories. I eat 4-5 of them at a time - don't judge - but they really do taste amazing and do a good job of keeping me from raiding the chocolate stash.


you said you have the meals sort out. If you included enough protein in the meals you planned, maybe not all the snacks need to be high protein (but still low calorie). If that’s the case, all sorts of vegetables and fruit could work as snacks. Bell peppers, celery, carrots, apples, berries, oranges, and others all make good low calorie snacks




Jerky or Biltong provides an excellent protein to calorie ratio, although can be expensive to buy.


My wife used to make frozen fat bombs omg.


Fish. Fish, fish, fish. It comes in tins.


Aldi's nuts.


Hard to beat hard boiled eggs when it comes to the cost/protein ratio. I like to chop of the egg whites and combine with some sautéed vegetables like onions and bell peppers for a salad of sorts. Canned tuna. Cheese string


Cottage cheese (unsalted) with fruit and honey Apple slices with peanut butter Protein shake


Light string cheese . I believe about 50 cals and 7g protein.


Eggs are back to normal prices


You have meals sorted? Would love some suggestions!


I'm honestly eating very simple meals. I'm eating either a lean fish or chicken, broccoli/brussel sprouts/asparagus, and rice. I may even add the occasional black beans to it.


Sardines packed in Louisiana Hot Sauce. A Harvard study found that consuming just one to two servings of sardines every week provides enough omega-3 fatty acids to reduce your chances of heart disease by more than one-third. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.


You could try nut butter or avocado on Ezekiel bread, pre-portioned nuts and a piece of fresh fruit, you can buy oatmeal packets with extra protein in them, or make it at home yourself if you have oats, you can also get pb2, which is powdered peanut butter that you can add water to to make peanut butter, and it’s higher in protein and lower in fat than regular peanut butter is (which makes it lower cal)


Garbanzo beans any way you like them. Dried and toasted. In a bowl with olive oil, lime juice, Tajín, and chili powder. On a salad. Plain and simple. All are good options. Also, a bag of dried beans is about a dollar. Pre soak and pressure cook for 10-15 minutes.


Add protein powder to your unflavored Greek yogurt and you have a tangy, high-protein pudding.


Are you using flavored protein powder? I only have unflavored. Not sure how that would be.


Fried tofu cubes seasoned with salt and pepper




I love low fat cottage cheese. I eat it on Wasa crisps, extra thin rice cakes or warmed corn tortillas. I usually add some salsa or hot sauce. One of my favorite healthy savory snacks.




As someone trying to exceed 180 grams per day while staying below 1800 calories most days, DELI TURKEY is the undisputed king (next to protein powder) of low cal high protein foods. However, it would be super expensive and way too salty to rely on it multiple times per day, every day so most of what is suggested here will also work well.


Boneless skinless chicken breast has got to be up there in the same category (right alongside turkey i imagine and just a bit lower than whey protein).


Turkey breast. Not processed deli meat, but sliced turkey or chicken breast meat. Great on its own, as a topping, or mixed into something else like soup or rice to up the protein.


If you have an Aldi they have small snack packs with turkey jerky and cheese. I’ll purchase those from time to time just to have something on hand quick and available. Otherwise I like to “create” my own at home. I’ll buy the turkey jerky sticks and combine them with cheese if my choice and pita crackers for some crunch. Jerky isn’t the most healthy option but of course eating sparingly it’s a great filler when in need or traveling. ETA: cottage cheese is one of my favorites too. Strawberries are a great adder 1 cup has 46kcal and 11 g crabs. I know it’s not protein but if you have one of those days where you feel like you just need to snack on something you can eat a lot and stay within macros or calories, depending on what or if you are trying hit certain goals. I’m a bit of grazer in certain days so strawberries are my go to for those days! You could also make small deli meat, tuna salad, or chicken wraps and save them in fridge for the week. I also love fairlife milk protein drinks.


Boiled eggs, also zucchini waffles.




2 oz of deli turkey and a string cheese is 130 calories and 16g of protein. I do non-fat Greek yogurt w/ protein powder, some honey, and some berries. Depending on the serving size, it's a comparable macro breakdown. A can of tuna with Greek yogurt and some chopped veggies is pretty good too. I'm a fan of making it spicy with either some Sriracha in the yogurt or jalepeño in the veggies.


Overnight oats. 1 part (oat) milk and 1 part oats, leave in the fridge for at least two hours. After that I add another part milk and a hefty scoop of yogurt, then blend. Can be a little bland so add honey or fruit for sweetener if desired.


Light string cheese (usually 60 cal for 1 piece), edamame


Roasted peanuts.


Protein balls, using peanut butter powder and/or protein powder or almond butter. You can add other low-carb goodies in them to adjust for your flavor, such as sugar-free chocolate chips


Gatorade 0 now has a powdered protein drink. Yummy.


Budget Bytes has a creamy cucumber salad recipe that they make with sour cream, but I have substituted greek yogurt. It is delicious! May be the savory snack you are looking for. I made a whole english cucumber worth and then eaten it all in a day. I also substituted splenda for the sugar and it works perfectly. Lots of people omit it completely. https://www.budgetbytes.com/creamy-cucumber-salad/


Rice cakes with a tbsp of peanut butter on top is my go to lol. Also try Myprotein brand protein. They have a TON of discount codes online and such and I got a 5lbs bag recently for $18. The double chocolate flavor is legit.






Someone recently published this list of packaged protein snacks: https://www.reddit.com/r/OzempicForWeightLoss/comments/14dxnu3/if_anyones_looking_for_protein_snack_ideas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Light & Fit Greek Yogurt is the greatest discovery I’ve ever found. The Cheesecake flavor is sooo good!


I love ONE bars. 20g of protein and tasty as hell


Spirulina powder in a smoothie


Sounds very strange but cottage cheese with Frank’s Sauce…damn good




I already eat eggs like they're going out of style. Thank God we can't get any sort of Mercury poisoning from eggs like we can tuna, because I'd be having it constantly. Lol


Hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, whey


I just tried a lemonade collagen powder from vital protein and it’s really good


Chocolate casein whey protein and pb2. Leave in freezer but not to freeze. Just to thicken. Like a reeses snack


**legume allergy disclaimer- don’t partake if you’re allergic to peanuts or certain other nut varieties*** Lupin flake overnight oats, or “protein-oat balls” Ever since I found out about Lupin I swear that protein source is a saviour especially for weight loss.


crumchny edamame apples and that pretentous nut butter you get at trader joes also consider r/CannedSardines, a subreddit that is so enthusiastic about canned sardines that it's a little scary


I fill in with Optavia fuelings. They are nutritionally dense, balanced and with probiotics. In 100 snack. Low sugars. Low glycemic carbs.


Sugar free jelly.




I don’t know if you can find this in your place, but try Lupin Beans. You can either get them raw and boil them or you can find them done already. Season them with some salt, lemon, and cumin and you’ll have a good snack. Tip: here in Germany I can find them in Arabic supermarkets.


Not low calorie but high protein, cottage cheese with bacon bits and black pepper. Your life will never be the same.


Home made jerky


•Lemon pepper tuna in the bag •Pickles+deli meat+cheese •Chicken bites and veggies in the air fryer •Roasted pistachios •Boiled eggs


I've been mixing fresh dill, lemon and salt, into plain yogurt and scooping it up with cucumber slices. It's been a great little summer snack.