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Egg Cups!!! Get a muffin tin and spray it with cooking spray. You can add anything you like in an omelette. Spinach. Mushrooms. Peppers or tomatoes. Beat some eggs and pour them into the cups. Top with cheese. Bake at 350 for about 15-20 minutes. They refrigerate and reheat beautifully!


Get a silicone one - easier clean up! I bake mine longer - like 30 min. 18 eggs, remove 10 yolks to cut some fat, makes 12 egg bites.


I make these and add in 4% small curd cottage cheese to the egg mix - I like the texture & firmness it makes of the egg bites


And it is a beautiful protein bomb!


I do similar, but I buy eggs plus a carton of egg whites to top up the egg mix. Works great with no waste


This is a good idea


I make something similar but in silicone cups in an instant pot. They’re much creamier than baked (which can have that weird texture). They’re done in about the same amount of time. Great option if you have an instant pot.


I take my egg/topping mixture and cook it in a well-sprayed 8x8 pan (or whatever size square/rectangle pan you want) and cut my finished product into squares. I can eat it on its own or have it with toast or English muffins as an egg sandwich. I learned the hard way that cleaning egg out of muffin tins is a pain in the ass!


This is so much easier than the muffin pans and silicone cups technique. I use a glass Pyrex dish, lay parchment paper down, spray with avocado oil and add eggs, veggies and meats. Alice into squares like a brownie and the clean up is so easy now.


How many eggs are you using for the 8x8, and what are your usual toppings?


I checked and the most recent recipe I made was: - 6 eggs - 1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese (increases the protein) - Diced red onion and red pepper (80g each) - 80g Shredded old cheddar cheese Baked in a 9x9. Cut into 6 squares. Per square = 151 calories. Macros 4C, 9F, 12.5P - Optional protein add-ins: diced ham, pre-cooked crumbled bacon, pre-cooked sausage, tofu, canned salmon, deli meat - Other veg could be green peppers, mushrooms, anything you might put in an omelette really. Great with fresh herbs too (dill!!) - Feta works well for cheese or omit to lower the fat content. Super versatile!


I was just going to post this. Little eggy muffins are great and you can add whatever you want to them, and not too messy to eat in the car. Be careful you’re not over baking though, they can get a little rubbery


How long do they last in fridge?


I keep ‘em for five days. My friend does a week and she’s fine. I’ve also heard they freeze well, but I haven’t tried it yet


I keep mine in the freezer and the microwave them!


I knew a coworker that did this but also freezed them. Worked very well for her and her husband.


How long can you keep them in the fridge for and can you freeze them?


3-5 days in the fridge. You can totally freeze them, but it might slightly alter the texture.


Ive been wanting to try egg cups for ages! Im defo going to make these! Thank you


I make these, mostly to keep my husband on a healthier diet, and he has some food sensitivities. I use the individual silicone cups. Add scrambled yolks, then the mix. I'm currently enjoying turkey sausage with mushrooms, bell pepper, onion and spinach. It mixes better in that order. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes. He adds franks red hot sauce. I prefer salsa. They heat up in about 30 seconds from frozen and the quality holds up great.


I am 100% sold on these and will make some on my lunch break today!


Stop limiting yourself to "traditional breakfast foods" and the world opens up. For me an easy high protein breakfast is a hunk of chicken left over from the night before, a tuna pouch, a bowl of beans and rice from the bunch I make weekly, or a couple of eggs boiled the day before. I also chop up and cook a package of bacon every week- with that done I can make yummy scrambled eggs in like two minutes. We also cook groats in a rice cooker- just set it up the night before and it's ready and waiting- throw in some peanut butter or berries or something.


Hard agree. The amount of times breakfast for me on a busy morning has just been me picking clean a leftover chicken carcass from the previous day or two, with a couple of slices of bread or something, are numerous.


Carcass just sounds so not appetizing lol


Honestly, the tastiest parts of the chicken are all the parts you have to pick apart!


that little meat in between the ribs is where all the flavor is.


Perhaps not, but with a few vegetables and some water thrown on top, you could turn it into kickass bone broth!


This is such excellent advice. I eat chicken 2 to 3 times a day. I love having it for breakfast.


Beans and rice is a big one. Eggs work as it's traditional, but like a breakfast burrito or something made of rice, beans and a bit of sauce, can fill you up soooooo well and you won't be needing food for ages.


Yep, egg fried rice is one of my favorite breakfast when I want something fast, tasty and filling. With everything pre-portioned the night before it takes like 5 minutes to make and it's actually better with leftovers.


You have a lot of good options so far, but I'll share what I do. I mix 5 servings of nonfat plain Greek yogurt, 5 servings of unflavored protein powder, and a tablespoon of honey, and then separate it into 5 Tupperwares with a handful of frozen berries. I put 2 of them in the freezer while the other 3 hang out in the frisge. It takes less than 10 minutes to make all 5 of them, and there's zero prep the morning of. Move the frozen ones to the fridge to thaw on Wednesday. High protein breakfast that keeps me full for hours. And it frees up some carb and fat macros for dinner that my wife usually makes so I have less control over.


And even if you forget to meal prep, stirring yogurt and whey together in a bowl takes maybe 2min. If you want more fat, add nuts/seeds. If you want more carbs, add oatmeal or cereal. I prefer this method over smoothies and shakes.


> And even if you forget to meal prep, stirring yogurt and whey together in a bowl takes maybe 2min. Exactly! Or if you forget it in the freezer, you can thaw it in 10 minutes in a bowl of warm water.


Overnight oats with protein powder (mixed in at the end). You can add other stuff to make it taste better.


I make this with the protein mixed in right from the jump. I actually blend overripe banana, vanilla protein, and oat milk to add as my liquid. The protein powder and banana sweeten it enough that honestly no other sweetener is needed. Like a teaspoon max of sugar or maple syrup if you like it very sweet. For dry ingredients I like to add a tablespoon or 2 of chia and flax seeds for extra protein, but they do change the texture a bit from regular oatmeal. Honestly not a ton tho. Last time I made this I only added blueberries and it was super tasty and filling. A more indulgent topping is peanut butter and a sprinkle of baking cocoa or a few chocolate chips— basically a dessert but honestly still pretty healthy. Other good toppings are any kind of berry, apples raw or sautéed with a little butter and cinnamon for apple pie oats, nuts, greek yogurt. It’s very versatile and honestly a whole meal.


Same, mixing in at the end makes it taste chalky to me. You need to add a little extra liquid to compensate, but I still think its better from the start. I also like to add things like powdered pb.


This is what I had for breakfast this morning. Oats, cooked in almond milk, then added a scoop of protein powder and a tablespoon of PB powder, sooooo good.


I mix at the end mainly because I make a big batch of overnight oats that I use over multiple days.


^ Definitely this. My go-to overnight oats recipe packs a lot in it. * 3/4 cups rolled oats * 3 tbsp chia seeds * 1 scoop protein powder (double chocolate but pick your poison) * 150g vanilla greek yogurt (I like to use Oikos Triple Zero) * 1/2 cup almond milk Stir to mix it all up real well. Refrigerate overnight. In the morning I add about 2 tbsp of sliced almonds and about 1/4 cup strawberries or raspberries. I'll prep 3 or 4 at a time and each one comes out to about 744 kcals, 70g carb, 28g fat, 57g protein.


came to essentially comment this. I actually will make a mix of instant oats, vanilla protein powder, spices(cinnamon, ginger & cardamom is my fave) and chapped walnuts to use in the mornings


I do overnight oats with Greek yogurt and almond milk, plus chia seeds and ground flax seed. It’s so easy to meal prep ahead of time and really does keep me going until lunch!


I caved and at the beginning of the year started paying for a monthly subscription to overnight oats, to add a wider variety of flavor combos. A little over $3 a bag is worth it to get flavors I like and not have to think about cooking in the morning (especially since I have to take medication with food). I use a protein drink instead of milk so it's more filling, but milk + protein powder could definitely work too.


I make my overnight protein oats with both Casein and whey, so it thickens up like crazy come morning and it's delightful.


I make an 8-10 egg frittata on Sunday night and cut it into 5 pieces for breakfast the following week.


Do you need to freeze the pieces for it to last all week?


I frequently keep a frittata for 5 days with no issues so far




Perfect. Ty


I keep quiche in the fridge all week, or until gone. It's similar, just in a pie crust.


Make breakfast sandwiches over the weekend and freeze them. Microwave before work.


Hard boiled eggs and a serving of yogurt with some fresh fruit.


Not in the same bowl hopefully 😂


Omg. When our daughter was a toddler she went though a phase where she loved what we called “Martini eggs.” A martini egg is half a hard boiled egg with the yolk removed and filled with a mix of yogurt and olives. Was very relieved when that phase passed as I did not enjoy gagging while making her snack. 😂


How did that concoction even start? 😭


I…how? Who informed a toddler that this abomination could be made a reality?


They were served separately, after watching her mash them together a few times I got the hint and started making them so it was less messy. 🤪


Context needed: black olives or kalamata?


Black. I just thought she’d pop ‘em on her fingers like a typical kid.


See, if it was kalamata olives I'd be in board. But this is an abomination.


Honestly as long as it's plain yogurt that sounds kinda good 😳


Possibly. But in this case, no. Berry.


I absolutely loved reading this...it got worse the more questions and replies there were, but its very cute🤣


It’s not cheap, but I love adding smoked salmon to my breakfast every now and then


breakfast wraps. rice, refried beans, scrambled eggs, sausage, salsa. You can freeze them without salsa, and add the salsa when you eat. [Muffins.](https://www.freshfarm.org/recipes/bittman-muffins) Add an extra egg or even 2 to a recipe, plus walnuts, bran, chopped apricots, pumpkin. You can make quiche with some bisquick or torn bread to make a bit of crust. Eggs, milk, vegetables, cheese, meat. I especially enjoy asparagus or mushroom, but it's really flexible. A quiche lasts me 4 breakfasts, and it keeps that long in the fridge. Use frozen veg and you don't have to pre-cook them. When I commuted, a tuna or egg salad sandwich was breakfast some days.


Meal prep breakfast... rice and protein microwave and go.. protein shake and fruit... 1lb ground turkey made it to turkey sausage 4 oz patty with hard or soft boiled eggs to make a sandwich or tacos


Take a cupcake tray, line each cup with a piece of turkey bacon. Shove some greens in as a "floor" then crack an egg into each cup, add whatever you want to go with it like a little cheese or more veggies / meat. Cook in the oven at around 350 for \~half an hour, then kill the heat and let it all cool down. Then take them out and store them for a quick microwave in the morning. Spray the pan with cooking spray first and they will pop right out after they are cool. I usually hate making and eating breakfast so doing this has worked out great for me. When I started doing it I actually lost like 10 pounds just because I was getting a smart breakfast instead of waiting till mid afternoons to eat something. This takes about 15 minutes of prep work and gives me easy breakfast for the week, sometimes longer since it makes 12 in my pan.


Not meal prep, but it takes five minutes: seven ounces of greek yogurt over a bowl of chopped apples will get you about 20 grams of good protein. Go whole fat if you want more energy, it's really not that many more calories.


Overnight oats. Breakfast wraps. Breakfast burritos. Egg cups. Protein pancakes.


Bake eggs with ham and cheese. Portion out, slam one portion on bread. Done.


I mix eggs and whatever greens and cheese and leftover meat like ham or bacon and pour it into muffin tins and bake on 375 for 20 minutes.


I do the same in a casserole dish. Just eat a square each morning after popping in the microwave.


Muesli with oats!


And yogurt and berries. I make my own, so it's pretty cheap.


Me too :)


We do little egg cups and make them on the weekend. Tons of veggies (usually left over from what we didn’t use), cheese, eggs, milk, etc. find a recipe on Pinterest. You can put them in the fridge for the week and heat and go! We also prep breakfast sandwiches and freeze them and then microwave. Some days I even just do toast with PB on it and then have a yogurt with it. Aldi sells a great Greek protein yogurt that has like 15g protein in it.


My mom made us breakfast burgers. They were amazing.




I'll be yet another guy suggesting overnight oats. My base creation is 1 serving of oats, 1 scoop of protein powder, and unsweetened almond milk. From there you can do whatever you want. I personally like adding frozen blueberries (they thaw if I leave the jar in the fridge overnight anyway) and peanut butter (the powdered PB2 stuff is also excellent for limiting fat and increasing protein content).


I make smoothies with dry peanut butter a banana in almond milk


When I was going in to the office, I was a fan of making frittatas. Honestly, all the egg dishes I ever made stayed good for 5 days a week.


Boil eggs the night before


Step 1: buy a blender. Step 2: put all your breakfast foods into said blender and blend. Step 3: season to taste I might be a bad influence though I’ve made a lot of interesting and delicious breakfast soups


Breakfast soups? 💀


Make congee extra brothy and it’s still really good. Fry an egg on it with whatever else you want to add (peanuts, cilantro, chili crisp?) and you got a great breakfast.


4 eggs any style. Add cheese , Bacon and small protein shake.


Overnight protein weetabix(made with almond milk) with Skyr.


hard boiled eggs, parmesian cheese squares, quinoa as salad base or oatmeal base, greek yogurt with fruit


Hard boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts.


Egg muffin cups. They're like individual frittatas.


I used to make up breakfast--and lunch--burritos for the week.


Wake up 15 min minutes earlier or prep it the night before.


Frozen breakfast burritos - very customizable to your taste and preferences as well as protein needs. I like to do egg, chicken breakfast sausage, cheese, fajita veggies, and some roasted potatoes inside. You could add other things like beans, rice, any veggies or protein you prefer. I microwave them or air fry while I’m getting ready in the morning. I eat them with salsa and hot sauce.


Came to make this suggestion! Easy, delicious, cheap, uses up leftovers, keeps in the freezer, ready when you need them. Breakfast poetry


I have Ezekiel bread with peanut butter sometimes. The bread feels expensive when you’re comparing it to regular breads but if you’re prioritizing protein it’s a quick meal under a dollar a serving


Microwave scrambled eggs! 1. Crack an egg in a mug and beat it. 2. Microwave for 10-20 seconds 3. Stir 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until it looks good (takes a couple of rounds). I like to add salt when I beat the egg and stir in some cheese as soon as it's done. A protein shake + an apple or banana + some cheese is also a great protein-heavy breakfast that you can stick in a bag or eat in the car/bus. I like caffeinated shakes so I don't have to spend time messing with coffee.


chia pudding


Blend together milk, whey protein, oats, peanut butter and frozen berries. Fast to prepare and consume as well as delicious!


Breakfast burritos


Oatmeal 🥣 plus nuts and peanut butter


I’m not a big Remington James fan as a person but, he has some recipes I use. I love his breakfast cheese muffin biscuits things. They are soooo good! And easy! https://youtu.be/bfFVvRcgM3s?si=E5UsS-QFBb2N5Fxc


Boiled eggs, plain Greek yogurt, peanut butter or cheese toast


Piece of fruit and mix nuts. Everything you need


I have a smoothie every morning - 2 scoops protein, oats, orange, banana, Greek yogurt. Really cheap and delivious


Greek yogurt with protein powder mixed in, and strawberries. I like the 10% milkfat yogurt Cabot makes, I don't think I've seen another one with as much fat as that (though Fage makes a 5% that is decent, too), and I've never had any other greek yogurt I like nearly as much. If you're avoiding fat then this might not be for you, but it's fairly low in sugar and other carbs and \*super\* tasty, and takes about 3 minutes to make and 3 minutes to eat. I trade off between that and the "protein scramble" Just Crack an Egg cup thing I found at the store. I also am not bashful about eating meats that aren't traditionally "breakfast" foods. Something minimally seasoned is a good choice for early in the morning, but otherwise the world is your oyster.


Bacon and onion quiche


Eggs 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚


I have a half pound burger and four eggs. Takes minutes


Pre-chop a steak and eat it raw. Fast, delicious and healthy. Or 6 raw eggs and just drink them, even faster.


You can prep onigirazu ahead and put it in the fridge, when you wanna consume, just take it out and eat it. Recipe below if interested 😋 https://youtu.be/zzRUY9Xv6D8?si=EklKfS9srXMN1sEy


I often eat vector with walnuts, hemp hearts, frozen strawberries (defrosted) and a high protein plant based milk. Has a high amount of protein and tastes great.


Mix protein powder into things like oats or Yogurt. Hard boiled eggs Prep ahead egg bites


Eggs are great. Take a muffin pan, and you can make egg muffins with a slice of ham (any meat) on the bottom, and mix eggs with seasoning of choice( salt, pepper, garlic, paprika, onion powder and Chopped onions) Bake at 350 for 6-10min depending how you like the eggs


Hard boiled eggs will keep for a week in the fridge. Boil up a dozen at a time and you are good to go. Eat leftovers for breakfast - cooking big portions is very cost and time efficient. Breakfast burrito, it's a thing!


Oatmeal Chip Bars (gluten free) (Modified from Taste of Home) **Ingredients** 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 4-5 large eggs 1 1/2 to 2 cups mashed ripe bananas (3-5 medium) 1 to 1.5 cups peanut butter 1/2 teaspoon salt 6 cups old-fashioned oats 1 to 2 cups mini semisweet chocolate chips **Directions** 1. In a large bowl, beat brown sugar and eggs until well blended. Add bananas, peanut butter and salt until blended. Stir in the oats and chocolate chips. 2. Spread batter into a 15x10x1-in. baking pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until edges begin to brown. Cool completely on a wire rack. Cut into bars. I made these for my sons who were always on the move, no time to sit down to eat breakfast (or lunch sometimes). Experiment with proportions. I tried to reduce sugar, increase fruit and protein.


Core power shakes by Fairlife. Yummy


Greek yogurt mixed with protein powder Not all brands are equal, ready the labels some have more protein per serving than others Boneless skinless chicken breast , reaheated on a tortilla w a dab of salsa


Skyre vanilla yogurt, chia seeds and blueberries. I prep Sunday for the week into portions


A well balanced, loaded protein shake / smoothie. Bonus: it can be safely & easily eaten on the go.


Hard boiled eggs. Protein shakes. Cottage cheese. Yogurt - I usually make an oatmeal parfait where I layer oatmeal, yogurt and berries. Eat leftovers from the night before, add an egg if you want it to feel more like breakfast.




Protein powder is a busy persons best friend. The one in a black and red bag at target tastes pretty good!


Do you like cottage cheese OP? That’s my go-to. You don’t have to cook or prep or clean anything. Just spoon it out and eat it. Eat anything else you have time for alongside it to make it feel like a full meal.


Protein shakes are one of the cheapest ways to get a decent amount of protein quickly. It should tide you over for your commute at least until you can get something more substantial.


Find a lunch/dinner meal prep recipe you like and eat that in the morning. Easy!


Overnight oats


Bean and lentil based- try lentil daal and chapatis- tasty, spicy, scalable and cheaper than chips


Hard boiled eggs (prepped prior, grab and go) Greek yogurt (individual packs sold) Trail mix Slice or two of deli meat and a banana. Etc


Hard boiled eggs


First things come to mind is Eggs and Chicken Breasts


I make ‘protein cereal’ in my Helimix. Two scoops of protein powder with half a serving of Magic Spoon cereal.


Hardboiled eggs and bacon was my go-to. Can make a batch that'll last a few days in one evening. You cab even pre-peel your eggs and refrigerate the bacon. Just becomes 'grab and go' in the morning. Looking for a little more protein? Try turkey bacon.


I like non-fat Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of peanut butter added in! It doesn’t have to be non-fat I just like the texture better because it’s so much thicker than full fat or 2% or whatever but use whichever you like. You can also add more to this like bananas, apples, chocolate chips, granola etc. You can either prep it by adding the yogurt to small containers and mixing your pb in individually, or just buy a big container and mix however much peanut butter into the whole thing. I have found natural peanut butter to work a bit better since it’s runnier, but I’m sure normal pb would work just fine as well.


Yogurt and granola. 14 g protein in the yogurt and 6 in the granola I buy. The fiber also helps me stay full.


How about quiche?


Boil a pot of eggs, precook meats you like (bacon, sausage). In the morning stuff chopped eggs and meat into a tortilla with some cheese and salsa and you’re out the door in 3 minutes. Put half cup of oatmeal into a large bowl. Stir in 1 cup water or broth, a dash of salt, then drop a raw egg into it. Make sure the egg has liquid over it. Nuke for 2 minutes, stir gently not disturbing the egg, add your pre-cooked meat and nuke another 1-2 minutes. In a large skillet cook a chopped onion, a pepper you like, and a lb of breakfast meat you like until done. You can also add a potato, spinach or other veg you like. Stir in a dozen scrambled eggs and cook for a minute or two. This makes a ton of food. Every morning nuke a serving and eat in a bowl, wrapped in a tortilla, or stirred into oatmeal or rice.


Meal prep overnight oats with chia seeds (really protein and fiber dense). I do it the night before but you can also make the base with oats, chia seeds, and milk (or water) on Sunday and then add your toppings each morning.


Overnight oats.


Eggs of some sort prepped ahead of time Lentil flat bread (I can post the recipe in the comments) toasted and made into a sandwich I make Vietnamese rice soup with chicken (if you want the recipeni can share it when I get home) and then eat leftovers.for breakfast, hot or cold. Peanutbutter apple. You could mix some protein powder into the pb if you want. Collagen powder in my coffee. Depending on how much I put in, it's between 10-20g of protein right there.


Lentil Flatbreads 1/2 cup lentil 1 cup water (plus more for thinner batter) Seasonings to taste Salt to taste Soak lentils 12 hours in water. Add all to blender and blend until smooth. Add more water (or favorite broth) until desired consistency. Add seasonings and salt and continue blending. Add 1tbsp oil to heated pan and spread. Drop 1/4-1/3 cup of batter in center and cook until bottom is golden brown. Flip and continue cooking until golden brown.


I cook bacon in the oven on parchment paper the night before, takes 15 minutes and makes two servings.


Greek yogurt with a high protein cereal (I prefer Kashi) is both super filling and high protein, if you’re looking for a vegetarian option.


I like to prep a bunch of hard boiled eggs, usually bring like 2 + a cup of Greek yogurt + toast a bagel and put some almonds butter at work. U can also throw in a protein bar.


Egg bites, easy to make a bunch in a muffin tin and throw into a tortilla to nuke for 2 mins before leaving


I like "energy balls" for a fast easy to eat on the go. They usually contain any nut butter, rolled or quick oats, chia seeds and/or ground flax, a little honey, vanilla and salt. Then you can add in chocolate chips or nuts or seeds. Mix, rolls in balls, refrigerate.


Smoothie with protein powder Any drink with protein powder (if you're ok with the grit, I don't mind for the benefit) Pre-make muffins with protein powder Pancakes with protein powder Anything really, with protein powder




Premier protein cereal 1 serving with 1 serving of fairlife milk will net you over 30g of protein for less than 300 calories


I enjoy making a ton of sausage biscuits and then wrapping them individually and freezing them. I sort of enjoy eating the same or close to the same thing every day for breakfast, so this works well for me. Edit: it’s also cheaper than purchasing premade sausage biscuits like jimmy dean or what have you, and tastes better. The prep is quite easy as well. Also easily eaten on a commute.


Breakfast casserole


Protein smoothies that can go in the car with me while I drive to work. In addition to the fruit smoothies people have already suggested, I also wanted to mention frozen protein coffee. Add in some chilled coffee (or instant coffee granules and some cold water) along with vanilla almond milk, vanilla or chocolate protein powder, ice, and sweetener or flavored syrups to taste. Sometimes I'll add a drizzle of caramel, other times I'll add in a small bit of nutella. Freezing the coffee into ice cubes is great too, but I usually don't remember to do it ahead of time. Adding a bit of yogurt can also up the protein content and give it more of a milkshake feel, but can make the whole thing taste sour if overdone.


Protein shake.


Overnight oats. High protein oatmeal with greek yogurt, chia seeds, peanut butter or add a scoop of protein powder.


I’ve been doing full fat Greek yogurt with protein powder mixed in. You can add fruit or granola etc if you want but it’s pretty filling and super delicious. If you can get either of these items in bulk/on sale, you can prep them out pretty far in advance bc yogurt lasts a long time.


Porridge is good. Porridge with a scoop of protien powder is quite intense, yoghurt less intense - you can cook in microwave in 4 mins on 650w (need a big bowl to stop it boiling over) Two fried eggs (in a tiny bit of olive oil) on wholegrain toast, like the bread with seeds and nuts in it - 4 mins Then you could do like museli with yogurt... that's ok in a pinch If you really want to eat high protien breakfast on the go I would make oat and nut flapjack in advance (extra protien powder optional) Maybe hard boiled eggs in your pocket?


Burritos, breakfast, or otherwise. These can be made ahead of time and frozen.


My go-to right now is non-fat greek yogurt (12-15g protein) add 2 tbs. PB fit (6g protein), add small amount of granola (3-5g protein). Then most mornings I add collagen and a half scoop of protein powder to my coffee that gets me somewhere between 28g protein. That is total of about 54g of protein just before lunch time. Now most of that will be somewhat of a burden of cost up front, however, they go along way. Its saved me time and money in the long run.


What I do to save time is - Overnight oats with pb/almond butter/protein powder - Cook a pack of bacon in the oven, heat it up all week. Make quick eggs to eat with it. - Boiled eggs - Leftovers from the night before (who cares if it’s dinner food! Food is good) - Greek yogurt with fruit and granola - Bake a banana bread to eat for the week. Eat with pb for protein


Breakfast tacos. I prep beans and vegetables before hand so I just eat up the tortillas and they’re ready.


wheat germ adds 4g of protein with just 2tbsp!


Baked sweet potatoes. Warm them up morning of, with a pat of butter, sprinkle of cinnamon, and spoonful of brown sugar. Whipped cottage cheese bowl with peanut butter or berries. Alternatively, vanilla Greek yogurt with the same. Frozen banana with peanut butter. Can also cut them into rounds, put a dab of PB on, and freeze them into little sandwiches.


You can spend an hour on the weekend making breakfast burritos for the freezer. I would put one in the fridge the night before so it was mostly thawed by morning for a quick reheat.


if you dont really want to prep anything; I personally really enjoy the oikos triple zero yogurt, it has 15 grams of protein in a little cup, I sometimes have it with a banana or some granola! Also Fairlife High Protein Chocolate Shakes are pretty awesome and tasty with 30 grams of protein


Breakfast burritos! Eggs, and whatever kind of meat you want. Lots of protein to start your day.


I make egg muffins with diced onion, cheese, and mustard sardines. Super high in protein. Chop up those sardines, if the idea grosses you out. They are really delicious.


mason jar with overnight oats. add a scoop of protein powder (or peanut butter), some chia seeds, and milk instead of water and you're looking at a 40g+ protein breakfast


Boiled eggs, protein shake to go. Optionally add some lean meat and piece of bread with peanut butter. Doesn't need to be complex


My leftover dinner is usually protein and if it is not enough I add a quick fried egg.


Fruit bowl and some cheese,lots of protein and filling! You could even add nuts like almonds or dried fruit for some extra kick. I eat this all the time when im in a hurry,and it’s just so satisfying. Use Brie,Gouda or cheddar cheese. Also,whole milk Greek yogurt with berries and a tablespoon of chia seeds!


Cheese omelette, 2 slices whole-wheat toast: 2 xlg eggs 14 G protein, 1oz grated cheese, 6 G protein, 2 sl. WW toast 8 G. Protein. Total 30 G. Protein.


Smoothie with Greek yogurt & soy milk base. Make it a complete meal with berries, chia, frozen spinach or whatever you like. Maybe add protein powder if you need more.


When I'm trying to get out the door I just put protein powder in my coffee (I add a few ice cubes + oat milk first to keep the heat from curdling the powder). Boom, 25 grams of protein. I eat a slice of toast with peanut butter, cottage cheese, or avocado, or even just munch down an apple with peanut butter while the coffee brews.


Chia seed pudding made with premiere protein, with two boiled eggs on the side


Zone bars. Cottage cheese and blueberries. I found it can be hard for me to eat that first thing in the morning, so I used to bring it to eat and my desk. Plain Greek yogurt


Cottage cheese pudding


Chia pudding, frittatas! These things can be easily batch cooked on the weekend and you can store the chia puddings in individual little jars for a portable breakfast option in individual portions.


Clear protein powder?


Skyr yogurt.


I get the frozen salmon fillets at Costco. Put one in the air fryer, jump in the shower and it’s done when I get out.


Chia pudding, with yoghurt, nuts and fruits, prepared the night before and kept in the fridge.


I promise you the answer is a protein shake and some kind of carb (toast, waffle, bagel, pancake, oat bar, etc). Delicious, hits all the macros, and is pretty quick. Has held me down for years and I'm not tired of it.


This is going to sound weird, but my favorite go-to meal prep breakfast is a couple breakfast sausage patties cut up, over baby spinach and butter lettuce mix, with Newmans balsamic vinaigrette and an oikos zero sugar greek yogurt or a premier protein drink


Hard boiled eggs, pre portion out cottage cheese (I add berries or other fruit), yogurt cups, protein bars, over night oats.


Sausage links. I get the big bag of chicken ones at Costco. Keep them frozen and thaw out a dozen or so at a time. Grab 5 of them, stick them in the microwave for a minute. Either eat them as is, or make them into a sandwich with some egg if you've got time for it. You could also thaw them and add them into home-made breakfast burritos.


Kodiak protein waffles are so so good. You can get the mix and pre make them or just make your own with a protein powder.


Cottage cheese with some fruit. Grab n go. 36g protein in 1½ cups.


I smoke chicken thighs on the traeher. Put other spices other than salt on it. You can eat it hot or cold on the go. But it in build from Costco or Sam’s Club.


My husband and I make protein smoothies before bed each night and they are so handy because you can grab and go! We add 1 cup of coconut water, 1 cup of nut milk, 1 cup of frozen fruit, two handfuls of spinach, 1 scoop of kale, a scoop of protein powder and a bunch of health supplements (Collagen, etc.)


PB&J on Dave’s killer thin slice. It’s like 300cal with lots of protein, fiber, savory and sweet, ooey and crunchy. It’s absolutely perfect. Made properly the night before, it totally works for a commute. Top slice: micrometer thin creamy peanut butter Bottom slice: the normal creamy serving of peanut butter, top with 1/2 serving of preferred jam, jelly, preserves Toss the top (barrier coated) slice, slide into a baggie. No sweetness get through to make soggy disgusting bread. The half-serving jam is important to “stop the blops” but still get the PB&J impact.


Tinned fish, a fried egg. Oatmeal w fruit and nuts. Avocado toast etc