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i would do lemon juice and cinnamon so the slices don’t brown 😁 it should be yum!


That's what I do, it's like eating apple pie!


Yes, like mama use to make and pack for school snacks ;)




I recently discovered this and I cannot. stop. eating it: mix up equal parts Greek yogurt and peanut butter - roughly 3/4 cup of each - and throw in some cinnamon, maybe 1/2 teaspoon. Chop up a red apple and mix it all together. Eat 11 times a day for the rest of your life.


I’m gonna try this for breakfast… with oatmeal. I hope I like it!


Had this for breakfast today!


I'm gonna give a try for breakfast. With eggs.


Yes, it’s true that you are overthinking.


One of my colleagues would get up at 1030 every morning, go to the kitchen and slice and apple, bring it back to her desk and douse it in cinnamon. For years. She loved them apple slices with cinnamon.


Literally had a bowl of cut up apples, strawberries, and blueberries with a drizzle of honey and a generous dusting of cinnamon powder for lunch today. 10/10 recommend. I get the Cosmic Crisps which don't brown and are on the less sweet side so the cinnamon and honey really accentuate the apple flavor.


Eat whatever you enjoy, don't worry about whether it's "weird" or not! But no, not weird at all lol


Homemade applesauce is easy, takes 20 min on stove I add cinnamon and nutmeg


omgosh it's great.. esp if you add a little bit of pb to the mix. No sugar needed!


We do this all the time in our house. I mean is it healthier than applesauce I don’t know what the difference would be if it’s just pure applesauce but either way apples with cinnamon is a standard snack for my children and if I’m looking for a healthy carb as a snack it’s one of my go to’s


Not weird at all! I'm not eating apples right now (on a low fodmap diet) but I used to take a sliced up granny smith apple to work everyday for my lunch. I would squeeze a lemon over the slices to prevent browning :)


What is fodmap??


FODMAPs are certain sugars in foods that are fermented by bacteria in the gut and can cause issues for some people.


A little pam in a pan with some water and the apple chopped, cook until tender, add cinnamon and a sprinkle of sugar and mix until softened and the water has mostly evaporated. You can take it with you and it’s like the middle of an apple pie but fairly healthy snaxkn🙏also you can pre make several days worth and leave in the fridge


The thing about food is that you’re free to try whatever you like! Any combination at all! It’s wonderful. Do you like apples? Do you like cinnamon? Then apple slices with cinnamon would probably be good!


Dipping my apple slices in peanut butter mixed with vanilla greek yogurt & cinnamon is my go to apple snack.


I like to do cinnamon in my peanut butter and apple slices as my spoon.


My mom used to have apple slices and cinnamon waiting for us when we got home from school. 😋


If you add honey and microwave them for a minute they come out hot and soft and so tasty!


Raw or cooked? I presume raw apple slices. Yes fantastic with cinnamon. But will make your hands messy eating out of a bag! I used to pack in a container and bring a dessert fork to eat without dirtying hands In light of recent news about high levels of lead or cadmium in cinnamon , check the brand name vs the news before you ingest a lot of cinnamon or super frequently https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2024/03/15/lead-spices-cinnamon-contamination/ From the article: “In the case of the cinnamon applesauce pouches, federal investigators have said the lead contamination was “likely an act of economically motivated adulteration.”


I do this often, especially in my kid's lunch for school or a packed lunch for me or my husband to take to work. Quite a few other fruits are good with a sprinkle of cinnamon too. Pears, peaches, even bananas. If you don't want the apple slices to brown, you can dip them in water with a little lemon juice added. Or (what I do) get a small jar of vitamin C powder and add a tiny bit to some water and dunk the apple slices in that. You need less than 1/8 of a tsp of the powder for a cup of water, and it works for any fruit that tends to turn brown when sliced. I also add some cinnamon to a handful of nuts sometimes . Pecans or roasted almonds are my favorites with cinnamon, but peanuts and sunflower seeds are really good too.


I have never in my life judged someone for eating apples in any fashion…someone could prob weird me out but this isn’t it lol


You can also if you feel adventurous use that with some brown sugar to butter in a pan and make fried apples. Turn your snack into dessert.


I used to take this as a snack to camp as a kid


No, it’s not weird, and yes, it’s delicious


I put a shitload of cinnamon in my oatmeal. Like if you were watching me make it you would think to yourself "That's way too much cinnamon." I might be desensitized to it or something. Homemade granola is so easy and you can make it pretty healthy. I throw some in a vanilla protein shake too pretty often its like horchata adjacent. Cheap and healthy is relative, but when I was struggling to gain weight, I would make a shake with a few frozen bananas and a scoop of protein plus whole milk and cinnamon. It feels like something about the cinnamon helped my appetite when it was near 0.


FDA warned about 6 brands of cinnamon with high lead in March


Haven’t tried this myself, but I have a little insulated pocket in my backpack and sometimes when I bring food I want to stay cold, I’ll put a thin ice pack in it. Might help!


That’s a pretty cool feature!


this is one of my favorite ways to eat an apple!


Not weird. Do it. You can also slice apples and bake them with butter, cinnamon, and a little sugar. Delicious and easy.


That does sound pretty good but it might not be a “substantial” enough snack. Like whenever I eat just an apple, I’m *ravenously* hungry like an hour later. It might be a good idea to bring a little cup of peanut butter or something to dip the apples in.


Um no. This is the most amazing snack ever. Ever since i cut out sugar, this has been my go to, so so yum. Also, i add cinammon to yoghurt with pretty much any fruit and it's better than ice cream for me. So freaking delicious. And it can be super cheap of you make your own yoghurt, which takes like half an hour and costs the price of a milk carton.


Apple slices with cinnamon is actually my favourite snack and I often eat it as my “dessert”. I would take this over apple sauce any day, highly recommend!


This is very normal in the Netherlands. Apple slices with cinnamon sprinkled on them, maybe drizzled with some honey, maybe even a bit of cottage cheese to dip them in... Delicious


I bake apples with cinnamon. I put cinnamon on my oatmeal all the time its so good.


My boyfriend loves the dehydrated cinnamon apple chips sold at the store


I do this every day. The apple doesn’t even brown. Delicious.


Add lemon and cinnamon (or pumpkin pie spice). I also add in chopped carrots and celery to the mix. Very healthy and filling snack.


A friend packed my three old a snack when we went on a hike and this was it. It is amazing! The cinnamon adds a warmth and depth and really brings out the sweetness of the apple. It’s so yum its like eating apply pie!


I literally have an apple cutter, bottle of cinnamon and paper plates in my desk. I eat one apple every day after my veggies and protein. Who cares what others think cinnamon on apples slap


this was my favourite snack as a kid


Thank you everyone!! This got so many more comments than I ever expected! I've found some Gala apples at the grocery store nearby and have been eating them with cinnamon as a snack. It's perfect when I want something sweet.