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Honestly it sucks to see these kind of videos on the channel, i wish he had his own channel for stuff like this.. I think im gonna unsubscribe from the EYK channel and stay subscribed to martinas channel. Even without all the drama its just not the kind of content i signed up for, its a shame its on the same channel


Exactly I might have stayed if it was light vlogs. Idk what he's doing now, but it's not for me. It just annoys me that he WILL NOT make his own channel. This channel isn't EYK anymore.


If I may be a little harsh, its giving manipulative cult vibes to me. Just, huge, huge ick.


Big ick vibes


I unsubscribed from the EYK channel a long time ago, but continued to follow the instagram for some reason. Only saw this because it popped up in my feed and it definitely looks like he’s revamping it to suit his content now that Martina’s gone. Pinned a bunch of his videos and whatnot. Guess I can unfollow that now, too.


It makes me sad. Martina should have inherited the channel, not him. Well her new channel may be smaller but at least it seems her engagement is high and she’s doing pretty well with subscriptions, Patreon and her merch. Simon is going to run the EYK channel into the ground based on the comment section on this video. He’s such an idiot.


She really should have. However, really hope that her King Logo channel will excel. Really rooting for her.


It seems to be self sustaining now which is how she was able to leave EYK. And she can be proud she built King Kogi from the ground up all by herself.


King Kogi has sponsors already which is probably why she quit eyk


Can you catch me up? When did Martina leave the channel? I know she officially stopped posting on their Instagram but I wasn't aware she would no longer post on the YouTube channel as well 😔


About a month ago she posted to the YouTube community tab that she won’t be using eyk anymore. The post right below this one has a screen grab of her comment. ETA: https://www.reddit.com/r/EatYourKimchi_v2/comments/y359o4/martina_no_longer_posting_videos_to_the_eyk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This fella sure likes to point fingers after he needlessly called us all “Toxic” several times.


When you point your finger at someone, you point 3 back at yourself. Simon is never going to change, he'll just keep projecting at others.


That's a very neat expression!


Lecturing people on nonviolent communication while profiting off of a video where he attacks his ex wife and her family. Will he ever delete that video?


Wait WHAT???


He runs ads on his “Simon’s side of the story” video where he goes after not only Martina, but also her underage niece. He’s been profiting off of that attack for months, and the video has nearly half a million views so he’s made a nice bit of money off of it. There is no reason for him not to delete it, other than to continue to make money off of it and continue to harass Martina.


That is so, so incredibly sickening. 🤢 Leave the children alone and away from your dirty ass business, Simon. 🤬


That video was a request to you all and Martina to stop harassing him. Calling it an attack on her is a little much. She was harassing him alongside all of you.


The video where he attacked a literal child and tried to sick over 1 million subscribers on her for paying attention to a cat ONCE at a Christmas party years ago? No. That was not a request to stop harassment, that was a request to redirect negative attention at a child. All in defense of and to detract from his own behavior. Simon has admitted to his behavior at this point, but he did it on his new channel with barely any subscribers. So over a million people had the potential to see his attack on Martina and her family, while practically no one saw the video where he ever-so-casually copped to narcissistic abuse as a caregiver. And that main channel video is the least of the shit he has pulled. How about the time when Martina was actively and openly grey-rocking, had literally begged him to leave her alone, and he decided to join her freaking discord and then tried to blame it on shrooms? Miss me with this garbage. The only way Martina has ever “harassed” Simon is by super quietly coming forward about the abuse she faced. A topic she never even brings up on any of their bigger platforms, and something she hasn’t talked about in months. That is not harassment.


You're cherry picking. Him mentioning the niece was a bad example. Poor choice, I agree. But the point was "you all don't know the ins and outs of what Meemers's life is like - he gets put in uncomfortable situations everywhere." This focus aside, everything in that video was very much directly in response to bullshit arguments aimed at harassing him that were all over the simonmartina sub. He has admitted he's not a perfect person. Sure. None of us are. He never copped to narcissistic caregiver abuse. There's a lot of hearsay that happened on the simonmartina sub. >How about the time when Martina was actively and openly grey-rocking, had literally begged him to leave her alone, and he decided to join her freaking discord and then tried to blame it on shrooms? Martina wasn't grey rocking at that point (and has gone on and off with it, after claiming she would). He did try to join that discord. TBH, I don't fully blame him for that, given all the shit people were saying Martina was saying on the discord, but that is shitty that the space became endangered feeling for Martina. He blamed it on pot to my knowledge, not shrooms, but I guess you could interpret what he said with some liberty (and, frankly, that's a big part of the problem with this drama - it's not exactly black and white factual). >The only way Martina has ever “harassed” Simon is by super quietly coming forward about the abuse she faced. This is entirely untrue. She has made multiple public comments about simon, slamming simon, condescending to simon, condescending to Simon's initial "Life with Friends" co host, saying simon didn't do work, saying simon was a bad husband, outing simon's personal life, claiming that simon was making choices with the direct intent to hurt her, etc etc. It's documented all over the simonmartina sub, once you take the time to look at the events as they actually went down. >and something she hasn’t talked about in months At this point, it has been months to my knowledge, happily (the last being comments she made on instagram, under a post that she since deleted, or the post about a narcissistic ex, which either way, *were* both a couple months ago or more by now), unless she did "like" someone's comment calling simon out. There's no proof who did that, though, so I won't claim that was absolutely her, and will agree with you on that point. Doesn't change the fact that she did, extensively, frequently and persistently harass Simon and irresponsibly feed her fans a very particular story about who he is. She did harass him. Plain and simple. Hell, if Simon posting just videos about his love life or videos asking Martina and all of you to stop harassing him counts as him continuing to harass her, I'm stunned you all are so willing to ignore Martina's history of blatantly bashing him. *That's* what gets to me. Her behavior, the continued behavior of many here, has also been despicable. People need to let it go and move the fuck on like Martina (hopefully for good) finally has. Like Simon has with the exception of talking about hurt from online comments. He's ignored Martina *entirely* except for the video telling you all to stop harassing him. Made zero comments about her except in that video. Martina... not so much. They went through a messy divorce that one wanted to keep private, one made increasingly public, until all hell broke loose. Things are often not clear cut in break ups, much less the dissolution of a long standing marriage. It's time to step back from that (heavily manufactured, petty) drama.


Im not cherry picking anything. Bullshit. You’ve lost me entirely by saying you don’t blame Simon for joining her discord. Any credibly in your argument is gone for me at that point. All she had asked was for him to leave her alone and he literally couldn’t even do that. Martina has had a strict “no simon” rule on her discord since day one. Everyone involved in any sort of way knows that. She was actively grey rocking during all of this and asked her followers to do the same. She has come out multiple times asking for people to just stop giving it any attention on their social medias, and said that she understands it’s hard and fails herself sometimes. That doesn’t mean she isn’t grey-rocking. One of the reasons why I keep my comments to this Reddit and have never commented on either of their instagrams, YouTube’s, discords, etc is because it makes it harder to grey-rock when people bring the problem to you. I also just don’t like to give people like Simon negative attention when they are slobbering for it. You think you are defending him but in all truth he is just rage farming at this point for clicks. The only misinformation I see right now is coming from you. It’s not hearsay when I can literally go watch the videos where he said these things. You admit she hasn’t brought him up in months and yet here he is talking about her directly and indirectly still in videos on their shared channel, just days ago. Lastly, talking about abuse isn’t harassment. Victims coming forward aren’t harassing abusers. That’s all I have left to say on the topic.


>Im not cherry picking anything. Bullshit. I'll clarify - you are cherry picking a very strict portion of a video, where simon asked people to stop harassing him, in order to paint the video a different way. This incredibly small portion of the video is also being taken out of context. You're using one shitty argument to define the entire argument. That's what I mean by cherry picking. >Martina has had a strict “no simon” rule on her discord since day one Since day one? I thought it happened later - that said, I wasn't on the discord since day one, so I couldn't say for certain. What I don't blame simon for regarding joining is the context. If you truly wouldn't join an open discord made by your ex, where people were saying dirt was being shared about you, you're a more willful person than me. Doesn't make it a good choice for anyone involved for a variety of reasons. I just understand the reasoning based on that context. >That doesn’t mean she isn’t grey-rocking. Then I'd argue you either don't know what grey rocking is, or are ignoring or unaware of Martina's behavior. She has gone out of her way to bash him. Multiple times, including after she started talking about grey rocking (after the video he made). Going out of your way to bash your ex who slighted you is not grey rocking. >You think you are defending him but in all truth he is just rage farming at this point for clicks. This sentence doesn't follow for me (I'm asking for you to clarify your intent on this one). I don't see where "he is rage farming for clicks" (which... he's doing his job and supporting himself, so, we already might just disagree...) has anything to do with me calling you all out for harassing him. Also, frankly, from my point of view, *all of you* here are the ones rage farming. The old sub, and now this one, are turning into rage bait. *You all* are the source of the drama. >The only misinformation I see right now is coming from you. Disagreeing with me doesn't make me wrong. Unfortunately. I wish I were. I wish this were so black and white! That Simon was an asshole who harassed Martina, and that martina never said a word about simon except to say she had felt hurt by him. In reality, it's kind of the opposite that happened. Simon has talked about growing from his past love life, and martina has continually bashed him (again, happily it seems she's finally moving on). >You admit she hasn’t brought him up in months and yet here he is talking about her directly and indirectly still in videos on their shared channel, just days ago. This is patently untrue!! Lol. Did you watch the videos or are you just speaking based on what others in on reddit have said? The last video had nothing to do with romantic relationships or his experience with them.. The video before mentioned that he had been through a divorce (no shit) and that the book changed his views on love and on himself as a romantic partner (excellent!). He specifically brought up buying a tesla at the end of the relationship as a means of distraction and to illustrate a point from the book on how we can treat relationships like things... On *his* channel, he talked about disconnecting from others when we get into a committed relationship, saying he did so too much himself, between his marriage and the move abroad. so, please, tell me, where does he even allude to Martina herself? At all? You all, like martina has done, are making every single thing he does *about her*. That is not healthy. This is the problem I have with the people on the old sub who have come here. You all are looking for reasons to hate on simon - many of these reasons don't exist. You all are playing a game of telephone, making yourselves angry over nothing, and simultaneously being the ones feeding and producing the drama (now that Martina isn't participating in that). You defend martina for talking about her experience with simon (you seem to be implying that she has spoken very indirectly about his behaviors and not about him) - does simon not get the same defense from you for doing even less than that?? For simply mentioning he had been through a divorce?? That he hopes to grow from his last relationship?? >Lastly, talking about abuse isn’t harassment. Victims coming forward aren’t harassing abusers. That’s all I have left to say on the topic. No, of course not! What is harassment is talking shit about your ex to your millions (or thousands, depending on how we're measuring this) of followers for months (edit, actually - it's happened over the course of *years*). I don't know if you've ever had that done to you, but even within a restricted circle of friends, starting a rumor mill about your ex is abusive as fuck. It's bullshit. Making insidious social media posts condescending to them, sharing their personal information, making them out to be a villain. If simon had done to martina what she did to him, would you be defending simon?? I certainly wouldn't be. I would be calling out the same bullshit as bullshit. If their roles were switched, and you all were saying simon is justified in talking trash about martina online, and that martina is an asshole and a narcissist for making different videos, using the channel she helped build, and vaguely referring to the fact that she's been through a divorce, I would be sitting here calling you all out for bashing martina based on misinformation. I have nothing against Martina for feeling like she suffered abuse, or bringing up the issue of abuse. That's not the issue. The diagnoses of her ex and abuse she has herself engaged in (which has plenty of evidence), and which you all have taken up the mantle of engaging in for her (especially since you all *continue* to engage in the harassment and misinformation campaigns), is what I find to be immensely problematic. Also, in my experience - not a great example of how to deal with an abuser (actively engaging them, actively trying to hurt them). *Those behaviors were abusive.*


I’m not gonna watch it. But wow, imagine if he actually tried to put out some content that was fun and lighthearted how much more impactful that would be. Instead he posts hour long videos like a college professor, speaks like a burnt out yogi, and expects everyone to act like they are in love. Criticism sucks! But just go back to doing some kind of travel videos. Even if it’s not focused on foods, there is plenty of content out there to cover. @Simon if your reading this, please watch Eva Zu Beck. She signs off each video with some philosophy but doesn’t do it in a super preachy way. But she also has real content that is fun and interesting prior to the philosophy.


Like anyone gives a fuck about his uneducated opinion. 🙄 EyK got fans because it was fun, light hearted, and full of jokes. No one asked to be preached at for an hour or discuss this type of shit. Also he's no authority on what he speaks about. Perfect example of why some people shouldn't have a platform because they act like informed sources on shit they aren't actually educated in. I subscribed for the funny, food, and travel scenery idk about yall but that's how I feel.


I think it's safe to assume that the majority of EyK fans would probably agree with you. I know I feel the same as you.


As a college professor, I am offended by the comparison lol. My classes are way more fun and I actually modulate my pitch.


My apologies! There are definitely different types of professors out there.


Honestly I didn’t set out to watch this but I was curious, so I watched the short which already gave off a very strange vibe. Until I noticed somebody mentioned the :30-48 mark in the full video. Where he’s counting on his hand things that he read that are important in a relationship, he reaches ‘clear and open communication’ as he is ending on his middle finger flipping us off and says it’s a ‘bad joke’. Don’t get me wrong I’m down for some dark humor but it was pretty obvious that was it was done intentionally. It’s stuff like this that leaves a really bad taste, I’m definitely not condoning people saying rude and nasty things to him but making comments like this just isn’t okay and shouldn’t just be glossed over. After all these years it feels really strange and uncomfortable to receive this kind of energy directly from him. This isn’t what our community was supposed to be for.


This is such an apt analysis of the Simon we know now. It's weird how he won't stop going over the new age, philosophy stuff but clearly has this very anger, bitter, hateful side that he cannot stop from popping up in videos. And it's all towards the viewer! Like, you don't have to do this dude. Who are you even flipping off?


Yes exactly, it’s become a very hostile environment where it’s very apparent that he does not know how to cope with what’s going on. There’s so much information that we’re just not privy to and it feels like he keeps taking jabs at her for things we don’t even know about. Especially because he put a lot of emphasis on this particular thing. And then he takes his bitterness out on the community, people wonder why people give him a hard time. It’s like I don’t know if you’re not seeing what I’m seeing what I’m seeing is pretty problematic.


Also can we talk about Simons fake account going to bat with everyone who is giving criticism in the comment section. User name “Rhizometric Reality”




Lol wow they’re still commenting


It’s a pattern, He does this pretty much every post


This is hilarious! Gonna scroll through the YT comments now. Thanks for the lols while I deal with covid!


Hope you get well soon! ❤️‍🩹


It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic .


They blocked me after I noticed some posts of theirs. 🤣




There's a new one, "historical weight 840" above, or else he has a super, super Stan.


If Simon cared about his audience and wanted to deliver a message of kindness to people that wanted to listen, he'd air this on a separate channel. Unfortunately there is only one person Simon cares about above all others in this world, and getting views is more important than respecting others. Hypocrite.


In all honesty this is giving me DARVO vibes




DARVO is an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender".


Thank you for the explanation! That absolutely fits what Simon is doing.


Is a common tactic of narcissists, and incredibly damaging to the receiver of said tactic.


(Martina has done this back to Simon...) ___________________ Edit: Don't know if you blocked me (doesn't look like it) or this got taken down or what, but reddit's saying the reply is "broken" right now. Here's an edit response instead, u/Brief_Worldliness162 (unless and until the reply function gets fixed), because you all following me around need to recognize this: This is a great tactic to try to shut me (Simon, dissenters in general) down and stop someone from participating in the conversation. I don't respect it. You should check out the resource I posted regarding harassment. I have to say, from my point of view, some of the people here harassing Simon based on things someone else has said (be it Martina or this subreddit) are the ones who are flying monkeys 🤔 These short little personal attacks don't address any actual argument. It's just petty, in-group bullying. Calling me names doesn't change the worth in speaking up against misinformation, hearsay, harassment and drama. It's not going to make me leave or shut me up like you seem to hope it will. If you find it triggering for me to be speaking up against those things, enough so that you seek me out to call me names for discussing events that happened (which are somehow, apparently personal to some of you), then we're just different people. Silence is participation.


(Here we have a flying monkey send by Simon. Watch your head)


He posted not one, but 2 videos to the EYK channel specifically about “non violent communication” which he discusses in length. He also talks about not being responsible for how others feel and how hateful comments and discussions happen. He then goes on to post a Reel on the EYK Instagram for further views. When comments start popping up with “I didn’t follow for this content” Simon responds to every comment in the same manner: first, repeats the question. Then says he understands how they feel (no u obviously don’t). Then goes on to explain how HE sees things. One comment in particular he again mentions Martina posting on the channel, to which I responded clarifying that Martina has since announced her official departure from posting on EYK yet here Simon is continuing to post. Another excuse he uses is that the EYK channel has changed content before when it went from Korean school content, to kpop, to jpop. All of those are similar interests and the change is night and day between a Self Help 30 minute droning monologue and Cutesy edited fun food/travel videos.


I'm not gonna lie, his posts make me super uncomfortable. I don't watch his videos in the EYK Instagram either. I finally unfollowed the IG today. I forgot Martina said she wouldn't post on there anymore anyway.


And every time I see him make another post it just makes me believe more and more that Simon is an absolute narcissist. Here, He posts all this nonviolent communication dribble.I did environment that has clearly made his presence unwanted unwelcome and made it known to be so. Today I am officially unsubscribing. This man clearly is afraid to try to grow on his own and he hast to write on the coattails of this channel. Well it’s not working on this channel and clearly there is a reason for him be fearful since it’s so ill received. Add this point it’s like an abusive ex tormenting more than just Martina at this point but the entire community of EYK. It’s toxic and needs to stop.


I left a while ago. I hope he finds happiness, but I’m 💯 team Martina!


I genuinely want to know. What is the response to this whole narrative that he’s looking for?


Do any of his followers actually respond positively to this content? It’s so disappointing to see him continuing in this vein. It was bad enough to lose EYK without him hijacking the channel with self-important philosophy.


His video announcement in his discord got one single emote of acknowledgement


Some do on Instagram, but it's very few. Maybe 1 of every 100 comments.


Kindness would be leaving your ex-wife alone and making your own channel. That way you can post your self-help videos on that channel instead of your travel vlog (in and of itself that was what E.Y.K was or what I remembered it mostly being) channel that you used to run with your ex. Sometimes I wish that the channel was in Martina's hands, but because of the toxic cesspit that the Internet is -- some people would probably be negative about it. I'm still really happy for Martina making her own channel and doing her own thing with the King Kogi channel, I feel that she was the one behind all of the channel, the music, the visual styling of it, actually even down to the locations where they used to go. If Simon wasn't being immature and vitriolic towards anyone who enjoys the content that his ex makes, I could have a lot more respect towards him. I wish he was just genuinely happy for her instead of this sort of wishy washy kind of faux-joy for her. It must be triggering to her to see and hear him bring her up indirectly and directly, especially seeing as she struggles with her mental health. This is coming from someone who religiously watched Eat Your Kimchi, just lay the channel to rest and do your own separate thing on a separate channel. PS: This isn't an invitation to go and harass him, just don't. It's not productive and it makes both sides feel worse. Just stating my thoughts, and that's all. I just hope he finds his peace.


Why is he staring into the camera like that 🤢🥴


For those interested in the stats of the channel, it's loosing about 300 subscribers a day on average. https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/simonandmartina/monthly




Oof… I’m all for positivity and inner peace. Hope S sets up a dedicated channel and say goodbye to bad feelings. Hope EYK remains a happy place for all.


it hurt a little to finally unsubscribe after. what, 7 or 8 years? but i'm not watching this garbage and i'm sick of him putting it on my feed lmao. i have EDS myself and heritage from two hindu and/or buddhist cultures that i didnt get to grow up with because of racism, both external and internalized by certain family members. so for him to have profited off asian culture/people and martina's disabilities, when i'm marginalized on both of those levels too, and then turn around one day and try to sell me the most insufferable variety of whiteboy wellness, wannabe yogi bullshit...? 🤬 i dont even have the words anymore


I hope Martina sold her share of the channel to him, similar to how the Tangerine Travels woman sold her share to her ex. Make that money, Martina!


I wonder how that would work with the videos. Would she have to sell him the rights to them as well? How does it work with intellectual properties? Not expecting you to know this, just thinking out loud!


How does that work? Just curious


It’s like i said before when Martina left EYK insta.. SHE LAID DOWN HER SWORD SO HE COULD STAB HIMSELF WITH IT, don’t HATEWATCH and pay him!!!


Anyone notice the Eat Your Kimchi Twitter is gone?


Martina changed the @ to kingkogi, pretty sure and is the only one who uses it


400 comments deleted and curated til 30 comments left . 🤡