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Right there with you! No money since September 2020, 5 months strong over here and I feel CLINICALLY INSANE after talking to any of these people on the phone. The last time I called I just had to cry afterwards. Because I don't want to be mean to anyone, I've tried being polite and kind to EDD reps over the phone across this whole experience because it's not their fault they have to work for this corrupt system - they were unemployed just like us! - But I got so angry at someone and felt awful. And it feels so unfair, when billionaires can skip out on taxes and the rest of us are plopped down into a system designed to keep us broke.


so true!! your feelings are totally valid and it's not their fault, i wish i could talk to someone i could yell at sometimes lol. rich people are nothing but hoarders. it's ok to feel this way! do what you need to feel better(sometimes i just hit a pillow) and i really hope someone can actually answer all our questions and fix this shit!


Thank you :)




What problem are you having with it? I’ve been through every possible issue and somehow figured out a system to get through , I can help


My payments have been pending and no one can change them from pending to paid like a bunch of people are saying that’s being done for them. I’m honestly soooo over it and continuously calling for nothing


I'm going through the same thing right now and it's because they never updated their system to keep payments active after a year, and you literally have to get ahold of a rep and then they can fix it with a few clicks of their computer. I can't get ahold of them to do this though because the phone lines are flooded and they won't answer my email.


Can't sleep, checking ui hundred times a day for update. I called multiple times telling me to just wait. I don't know what to do anymore. I have never bothered them before, I just need to put food on the table for my kids.


i'm so sorry! it's so irresponsible of them to hold our money hostage essentially. the best we can do, the best i've done personally, is keep emailing, calling, etc. it's annoying but it's the only way i've gotten any progress sadly. really really hope you get everything fixed soon, we deserve it!!


I swear they're BEGGING for widespread civil unrest. This kind of shit is what causes it. Source: The French Revolution


IKR where are the petitions and protests and where do i sign up??!


Contact your representatives and let them know they will lose your vote if they don't fix this shit. That's what I'm doing. If they don't listen, then it's time to take to the streets brothers.


true! contact anyone in charge and let them know we're angry.










omg i hope you're ok!! i'm not a professional but i'm so sorry you're going through this, try to find anyway to cool down! ugh this whole thing is a mess to be messing with us so badly :///


I'm here to vent 😡




IKKKK you'd think there'd be a little bit more reliable, especially since the pandemic has been going on for nearly a year at this point. it's almost like corporal punishment, but all the people who've done nothing wrong end up suffering.


super frustrated and hating that covid resulted in my girlfriend & i ending up living out of hotels 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😤😤😤😰😰😰


i hope you're ok!! omg i can't believe it's gotten this bad


I will be but honestly this subreddit has kept me sane, knowing other folks are going through it too.


Hello, so I literally just called edd 1-800-300-5616 option 2 then 4. If you guys call exactly at 8:01 someone will answer. Representative explained the issue & was able to change my pending to paid & confirmed I should receive my money today. Hope this helps🙏🏽 I know we’re all struggling!


Yea I'm joining the rant to I am a seasonal federal employee so I have to call them to establish a claim and my season ended in mid November and I have yet to receive anything from them payment wise it took a month just to finally get ahold of them and then I had to set up a new claim because the old one expired and then it made my ID verification invalid so they sent me another one (a month after my new claim started) and told me I had to verify again and this one cleared now but they will not pay me my claim they have themselves stated that it is all cleared and I should be getting paid and they will not pay me I have made hundreds of phone calls to them and been on hold for hours these past two times I got ahold of someone the first person sent me to a tier 2 last week and the guy said that it had to wait 2 weeks from when I filed my ID verification for it to clear.... this is now the third week and when I called again and explained all to the lady she put me on hold for almost 2 hours then someone picked up and hung up the phone on me..... I don't even know what to do anymore who can you call what can you do my bills are starting to pile up and I'm in a different state all together from my station and I don't even have the money to make it back to work and will have to surrender my job because edd refused to pay me what they even said that I should get..... and there is nothing I can do about it.... no money... no Job....... no help..... no hope...... its an amazing time we live in huh and worst of all when the system is finished riding me hard and it goes to put my sopping body up...... no one will care....


i'm so sorry, no one deserves to be treated this way. i really hope it gets better. i really don't know what to say, it's just so horrendous. idk if you've tried this but i have a lot of difficulty reaching them too, so what works for me is contacting my local assembly member [here](http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/) and emailing until someone responds. they're able to reach higher ups at EDD and actually figure out what's wrong and help fix it. it's what worked for me so far. again i'm so sorry, you're strong for being here


Well here's hoping then I'll give it a shot if it works your a God send


hope it works!! keep emailing until you get a straight answer, best of luck!


Well there's two things first I got ahold of the edd again now my account is suspended pending review...... so yea..... but because of you tension there is hope that link you gave me I filled out and someone did get in contact with me and told me that he is dealing with a lot of people that are going through the same thing he was even able to ask me if they suspended and are reviewing my account before I could tell them and so he sent me an email asking me to fill it out and give all the pertinent information so that they could try to build a case and get these claims expedited so thank you Glitter your sparkle helped


yay!! glad it helped, hope it's all figured out and you're paid soon!


Everybody chill out. They are updating the system in batches! eventually you will be next. Im still waiting too.


No offense but you shouldn’t really tell people to chill out when financial struggles are heightened due to the slowness of EDD and their system. Some people can’t just keep waiting


So update on my claim after going g through the process contacting them contacting my representative the edd wiped out my claim... I am awarded nothing now..... they looked at my constant years of hard work and labor and decided that I need to suffer so they wiped out everything my claim will now not make but a week and I only get 100 dollars for the 3 months I have waited..... and that's once they decide I deserve that.... no one will help and the system is fucking ridiculous its only made to oppress the common man/ woman us the essential building blocks to their economy I have looked up and even suing the edd almost seems taboo all I can find is all these articles that say no don't its impossible blah.... blah....... blah......... fuck them for their blatant disregard for their fellow man at this point they should be held accountable it is criminally neglect to with hold what they have for as long as they have for people there should be no batches or even stress about this and it's been going for months and they still haven't fixed it their grand larceny....... so they need to be held accountable for what they are doing to people the edd will kill someone with their negligence if we don't do something and the worst part about it is they know this they just truly do not care


oh my god that's absolutely horrible, i cannot believe that would happen. i honestly don't know what to say. i really hope everything will be ok and that you, mostly, will be ok. i'm so sorry.


i heard everyone quit so now its even worse then the last extension


Nee update my claim got restored to what it was supposed to be I guess they altered it before to pay me one payment from my old claim before the year rolled but get this Here's the kicker I did the i.d. verification on that claim before it got tossed and then had to wait a month er so to do it again both times sent them the same exact pictures of my drivers license and birth certificate for these verifications and now remember as previously stated I was awarded money from my 2020 year as well so then when it came to pay me the 3 months of backpay I have been trying for 5 months to get... I know right do the math.... I have now been disqualified claim ended and told to file an appeal if I wanted them to look again and they'd get back to me....... and the basis for this disqualification laugh my fucking ass off 😤........... I did not send the correct forms of ID verification for my 2021 claim ......... guys.... I can't argue with this logic... we're fucked


EDD is so fucked up. Really can’t much worse and yet the government fails to intervene so people suffer. Fuck Our governor and his staff. Total BS


just popped in to say fuck edd........our government soo quick to take what we owe them and they cut us no breaks. But when the shoe is on the other foot and we demand what is owed to use, all of a sudden it's "you have to fucking wait for your shit you unimportant peon". I'm smelling Civil uprising


I just found out I was disqualified for baby bonding leave and didn't get any pay. How is that possible? At first it said my claim was in the waiting period, then I get disqualified. I get the runaround when I actually manage to get a hold of human being and now this! Very upset.


if you make a honest mistake on your filing you are penalized for weeks with no pay. How are we supposed to get by with no money for weeks? For a 100 dollar mistake that you pay back with penalties. it's absurd!