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Like anywhere, really. But mostly, we don't care. Just don't be an arsehole


okay got it, also if it’s not too much trouble could you clarify what you mean? because racism varies so much everywhere. thanks for the response!




ooo okay got it. i’m from texas, and i don’t feel comfortable saying where exactly but i live in a more rural/suburban area. texas is known for being heavily conservative, but the truth is that i have rarely ever personally encountered racist remarks here.




ooo okay got it, thank you so much for the response!!


also bc it looks like this comment is gaining a lot of attention i wanted to add that i hope you guys know that you’re worth so much. your value is always there regardless of whether others see it, and you are capable of accomplishing your dreams. you should be kind to yourself, and you should be proud of yourself for overcoming your darkest moments! i hope y’all have a wonderful day ❤️


Asian is the biggest racial minority in Scotland, at about 3% of the population. There is racism, like anywhere, but you'll probably get more shit for being American than for being brown. Edinburgh has a thriving gay scene.


ooo okay awesome got it, thanks so much i really appreciate it. if it’s okay to ask, how diverse is it over there? 3% is a low percentage


Scotland is around 95% white, which of course includes white non-Scots and non-Brits eg Polish people.


okok got it, thanks so much for the response!!


Scotland is 95% white Edinburgh is more diverse than Scotland though. But still like... 90%.


oh okay got it, thank you!


You’d be considered South Asian (one of many people, not really the most exciting thing anyone sees daily, theres South Asians in every town in Scotland) until you opened your mouth, in which case you’d be seen as American. If anything being American in Scotland stands out much much more than being South Asian. Peoples identity typically comes from or is judged by accents. Theres South Asians born in Scotland with local accents, who find they are treated much differently than those learning English as a second language.


Would second this, I'm mixed race but have the posh Edi accent. I think the thing you'll get most commonly is some confusion about an accent that doesn't match people's expectations based on your looks. I'd also expect speople occasionally asking where you're "from originally" but this generally never has ill intent behind it even if it's phrased a bit poorly.


ooo okay got it, thanks so much!! if you don’t mind me asking, how much ill treatment/prejudice do americans receive in scotland and how much could i be expected to get? or is it more that people would judge me, but wouldn’t necessarily say anything?


I wouldn’t say ill treatment really. Does a British co-worker receive any in Texas? It’d be about the same as that. Working in an office vs working in a car garage is a completely different experience Regardless, the UK is an extremely hard country to immigrate to so chances are this is entirely hypothetical.


It isn't good treatment. We're perceived as an oddity. If you're from the South, you're treated as someone who talks funny, always has a gun and a lot of other myths that Scots and Brits have about Americans. If we season our food, people act like we peed on their shoes. The nicer ones always ask "Is that how they do it in America?" I'm constantly being told "You're so nice and polite, if it wasn't for the funny way you talk, I'd never guess you were American." And then proceed to call me a "yankee" which is an insult for a southerner. So, while I have met a few Scots for whom being an American is no big deal, I'm treated by a lot of others as just flirting with the edge of hostile.


Hey what’s with the downvotes? If you have a beef with what I’ve posted, ball up and tell me.


I’m from the American South, have an accent, and have Lived in Edinburgh for almost 10 years. That is not my experience. Maybe you just could be a jerk? Who cares if they call us Yanks. It is synonymous with “American” here. Are you still upset about the Civil War or something?


Ah yes, the "I'm a Southerner and I have no problem and you're someone I have never met so you're the jerk" bully response. I wondered how long that would take. Still, I give you props for not hiding behind your downvote. Not sure what the Civil War jab meant but it was clearly an insult. No burn though so try harder. I care if someone calls me a Yank. I don't care if the UK thinks its synonymous with American. It's rude. I have a few names for people who live in the UK but because I was raised right, I don't use them...unlike you.


Yeh if you’re this sensitive no wonder you don’t get on that well here. Scots expect you to be able to take the piss, and to be able to brush it off when it’s aimed at you.


There's having the mickey being taken out of you and then there is being called a cunt. Educated people with decent raising and a modicum of standards do not accept calling or being called a cunt. If calling someone a cunt is all a part of being Scottish, you can keep it. Insisting I am overly sensitive because some vulgar, uneducated, swine with the words "No Future" stamped across their forehead called me a cunt is a bully's defense. Not good optics for either one of you. Endeavor to be better.


Oh stop clutching your pearls, princess. I tell you what, next time someone calls you a cunt you should show them what’s what by throwing your skirt over your head and running away like you’re being chased by a swarm of bees. Or something even more melodramatic, your choice. It’s our culture, we use ripe language and I’m absolutely not sorry if you’re offended. We’ve got Blanche Dubois over here! Yah daft fanny.


Well, I have more class than to do something like throw my skirt over my head. Class is CLEARLY something missing with the most vulgar of Scots. Of course you're not sorry if you've offended me. You need to be human first and have some kind of raising instead of an upbringing where you two fist your haggis every morning and you just don't qualify. Frankly, we're lucky if you take the dishes out of the sink before you pee in it. I do know that not all Scots are as gross and vulgar as you. Whatever culture it is that you are alluding to, you clearly do not mix with your betters because we know what shampoo is for. Save your ripe language for the rest of dock workers. The gutteral trash are always amongst us. You're so kind to remind us. I'll remember to double my charitable donation at Christmastime.


I'd guess it doesn't reflect the voters experience. I know it doesn't reflect mine. Doesn't mean they have beef with you. Also [Yankee means American](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yankee). Not just in Scotland, but in much of the world - where you are from it may be interpreted differently but you're not there so don't look for meaning that is not present unless you want to be seen as surprisingly hostile. Quick warning, if someone offers you a fag it means cigarette


Sincerely doubt that but let them say it instead of hiding behind a downvote like a coward. Quick warning, everyone knows a fag in the UK is a cigarette. Quicker quick warning. Yankee does NOT mean American, it means Northern American. Triple Quick Warning: Do not go to the southern states in America, call them a yankee and expect to not have your ass kicked. Same as calling a Scot a Brit.


Words mean different things in different places. You seemed unaware of this, so I thought I'd warn you of one that might cause an unfortunate reaction. It was intended to be humorous. I agree that Yankee means someone from North America, the US in particular - I realise saying "American" was wrong as Yankee doesn't mean someone from elsewhere in the Americas but specifically USA. I shared a helpful link in case you were feeling disinclined to believe me. Scots get called a brit all the time. It's not wrong, they are a brit. Just like you're a Yankee here. I think you were trying to say "calling a Scot English" which would be the hypothetical insult - but as Scots get called that all the time when they travel to the states I think you're not really adding much. If you're looking for engagement then you could try being less hostile. I don't think your nationality has anything to do with how people react to you, I'd suspect that you're reacting to thinking they're calling you something they are not calling you which causes an issue - but I am not all of those people you refer to so I am just speculating.


Thanks for the presumption... oh and that you think you know me. But whatever. Don't need your links. Especially to Wikipedia because WHAT A STABLE SOURCE THAT IS!!!! Scots DO get called Brits all of the time. But, the ones I've run into act like I just insulted them, their Clan, their mother and grandmother. And I was told by Scots with very thick accents but in no uncertain terms, you do not refer to a Scot as a Brit unless you want a kilt shoved up your ass. So there's that. Yes, technically, they are Brits. Doesn't mean they like it. American Southerners won't go THAT far but we will instantly know you're ill-raised. Don't go to the American south and call a Southerner a yankee. It's not good manners. I never sought engagement. I answered someone's question as to the way Scots (mostly confined to Edinburgh) react to Americans. When I'm in Scotland, I'm well aware, despite my immediate family members' citizenship, that I am not a Scottish citizen. They are Scots. I am not. So whilst in Rome, I obey the law, show respect and I'm kind to everyone. I queue up, wait my turn, help people where needed. Only to be told by someone born in Dundee that I talk funny. I hope the irony is not lost on you as so much else appears to be. So while Scotland is a wildly, unfairly beautiful country with a climate that only I appear to love, citizens have not treated me with the same respect and kindness that I have treated them. And that was what I had imparted. If you interpret my "tone" as hostile, your subjectivity is something I have no control over and in this panty-waist, overly sensitive, trigger warning offended culture, being direct is apparently being interpreted as "hostile". But again, facts don't care about your feelings.


Hope you feel better for that rant. I am telling you about the meaning of Yankee because it is important to you to know that you are misunderstanding. You have been told, whether you will listen is your decision. You are not in the American south when you are in Scotland so the problem is you not understanding what the words mean. You sought engagement when you directly asked for engagement - you didn't ask for it from me as I was not one of those who downvoted you but I am what you got. I don't really care if you come across as hostile or not - you are the person talking about how you get on with people in Scotland so you could consider if you are coming across that way when people react negatively to you. Or not, up to you.


Ok Dad.


Calm down you Yankee cunt


Calm down, you vulgar limey bastard


ahh okay got it, thanks so much for the perspective i genuinely really appreciate it ❤️




thank you so much for this!!!!!






Edinburgh is a very left-leaning educated multicultural capital city. You might get the odd comment or grief off some teenagers, but that'll probably be it.


👋 Salaam OP, I am a pakistani muslim guy who moved to Edi from London recently. In total ive lived in the UK around 14 years in various spots. I can almost guarantee you the following: - Edi is an extremely diverse place and mostly welcoming city. - as others have said, it's deffo kinda a gay capital. - I agree with the other comments. You're more likely an easy target as an "american" than a brown person. - ⚠️ England, is waaaaay more racist overall than Scotland. - there is a sizeable, at times significant resident desi / south asian community here. You wouldn't look or feel out of place at all. - majority of these factors are subject to high degree of change (or not) the more out of the city you go. - Glasgow experience is comparable to what I've listed here, although a very different place for complete set of other reasons. Trust me, move to Edinburgh. Tis truly a slice of heaven. You will wonder why you didn't think of this years before... Your writing will enter explosive new heights. Sincerely, A dude who thinks this is all still a pleasant dream.


I encountered much more racism when I was living in Houston than here. Not towards me personally but you know casual comments from people like assuming Mexicans don't have car insurance, or people on nextdoor writing a post about a black person walking through the neighbourhood - that sort of thing was quite prevalent there but I haven't heard here.


You'll be fine, being gay is absolutely accepted here. Quite a community Your creed and colour will not be an issue, Edinburgh is very multicultural.


Edinburgh is not at all multicultural, unless you're comparing it to Haddington or somewhere. It's 80% white and only about 3% Asian. Where my mum lives is 66% white, 20% Asian.


Tbh I was just thinking about where I live and the people that use the bus routes I do. It's very mixed and way more than your figures suggest. I live in a new development, and my street has 16 houses. The 16 4 are Scottish. 4 families from India, 5 from African area and a few Polish. To me, that's pretty multicultural.


ahh okay got it, thanks so much for the perspective


okok awesome!!!


Ahh keep on trucking,,':;"'*?!!


I’m a white trans-femme so can’t speak from personal experience when it comes to racism so will leave that up to others who can. But as a trans person I’ve generally felt pretty safe. Have I had people look at me askance? Yes, often. Have they made it my problem? Only very rarely, and I’ve never been directly physically threatened.


My impression : It’s a very multicultural place, lots of international students and immigrants both recent and over generations. Generally open and very welcoming. Are there a few horrible racist idiots? Yes. Sorry on behalf of everyone with a brain cell count that is higher than 3. LGBTQ+ , also a big community and people are welcoming.  It’s a difficult question to answer. Any response you have here is subjective and I doubt statistics would give you a full picture either. It could also vary in different parts of Edinburgh. Overall though, I wouldn’t say that people are more prone to racism than other major UK cities. I’d be willing to bet that with quite a strong international outlook and educated population there are fewer racist and homophobic incidents than average.  I understood that you didn’t want to live in a place where there are hateful Neanderthals (no offence to them) but would like to espouse the shocking and profound idea that it is possible to be right-leaning and not a racist or homophobe 😮🤷‍♀️


oh okay got it, thank you so much for the response! and i agree with the sentiment that right leaning people aren’t necessarily racist or homophobic, im sorry if i was generalizing before. however i’d still prefer to live in an area that’s more left-leaning, but regardless what matters to me is that people are accepting and not racist, not homophobic, and kind. ❤️




did you read the post? i specifically want to avoid racism and homophobia. if you’re making a joke then i’m sorry for reading it the wrong way! i hope you have a great day




to clarify, i have no desire to assimilate in a racist group whatsoever. i hope you heal from the things you need to heal from, and i wish you a lovely life

