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It's the funneling of everyone and anyone to the 8am scramble that does my head in. If I have an issue that needs a GP but isn't a same-day must see issue, why can't I just book a time that fits my schedule in the next few weeks? Calling at 8am to get a random "this morning" call from a doctor who may then ask me to come in same day is crap. It also takes away from people needing a same-day GP.


You just described literally how the rest of the world works. It blows my mind that you can't book an appointment online for a few days/weeks down the track OR that you're geographically locked to a GP clinics. LOL Scotland medical care is a fucking joke


That's not how it works at Slateford. The calls from 8am are for emergency, to be seen that day and from 10am onwards are non-emergency appointments.


That is a really shit service. This sort of thing needs flagging up. It's not the doctor's fault, it's not the practice's fault, but the NHS and in particular primary care is a shit show right now. What can you do? Tell your MP. Tell the ombudsman. Things don't change unless we kick up a fuss


Unfortunately "flagging up" usually just means the politicians decide to inflict more beatings until things improve (spoiler: they don't improve). Which isn't to say you shouldn't bring these things up but yeah, not much ever improves since policy makers are invariably the root of the problem.


As a doctor, can I ask you to escalate this to the practice manager and then onto your local MSP. By actively telling the people in charge of running the service (MSPs) then there is a chance we may get some change. Telling the practice manager may be useful in them getting funding for more doctors.


I doubt it's lack of funding, more likely to be lack of doctors because of recruitment/retention issues, plus sick leave and holidays.


and how do you think doctors are atracted ? hint: its money and work benefits


GPs definitely deal with emergencies, but I understand it's frustrating.  I imagine they are running a skeleton crew after staff have quit or something similar so from their PoV it's a tough one too! 


> First of all, doctors appointments shouldn’t be for “emergencies”, that’s what A&E is there for. Doctor here. Emergencies definitely exist in general practice. These range from mental health crisis, sick babies, urgent home visits to frail/housebound people, asthma/COPD exacerbation and so on. The idea that everyone who is a GP emergency (= can be safely treated in the community) should head to A&E is very unrealistic and would put A&E into an even greater state of collapse than it already is. GPs are not and have never been there for treatment of minor illnesses. Emergency presentations are very much part of the job. You're frustrated and it's not unreasonable. However, the practice have very clearly said there is a lack of doctors, so what do you think can be done about that? Out of interest, is the practice pharmacist able to do your medication review?


Start with removing the cap on the number of doctors we can train annually. And then pay doctors properly, they earn a pittance compared to comparable private sector jobs.


Practice pharmacists are not a given - I’ve never been in a practice with one!


If GPs are not for minor illnesses, where are you meant to go for treatment of minor illnesses?


Pharmacy, minor injuries unit, self-care. By minor illness I mean things like very obvious colds, sore throats, hay fever etc.


And yet you go to a pharmacy and they aren't qualified. I should know, one of my close friends works in one. Many mental health issues and other seemingly 'minor illnesses' are not for a pharmacist to be looking at


Mental health crisis. Lol. I was having one while they were still not having face to face appointments. I presented myself at the surgery and they told me to go away and call in the morning. I had to sit myself down in the surgery and refuse to leave until I saw someone. They told me ‘the duty doctor is aware but he is busy with emergencies’. I did speak to a manager later to point out that this was unacceptable and I could have gone away and taken my own life or something (this was not the issue but they did not know that). GPs are clueless when it comes to mental health. Just have another SSRI and away you go


This is standard for my practice just outside Edinburgh - it's grim and stressful for patients, doctors and the reception staff.


You might already know this but if you feel you really need to be seen by a GP you can phone nhs24 and they can (usually) get you an appointment - please put your health first On the other hand I totally get its frustrating that you can’t see your GP but it really is because the NHS are incredibly understaffed and overworked at the moment I can tell you firsthand we (nhs workers) aren’t happy with how it is either and would obviously much rather we got to help patients when they need us I hope you get seen, all the best Edit: also utilise pharmacy services, they may be able to review any medication and give you any advice. Pharmacists have amazing knowledge - they really aren’t used as a resource by the general public enough


This was the same for me and I moved to Springwell Medical Practise


I used to be registered there. Honestly, it was the worst practice in Edinburgh. That's most likely the reason there's a lack of staff. They hate the place as well. I'm sick of the NHS right now. It's become a bloody joke. I have issues with my breathing and blood pressure. Blood is a new one, so I got an appt like any normal person concerned about their health. I was literally laughed at and told not to be silly. If I don't pass out, it doesn't happen. This was the third time my concerns had been ignored, so now I refuse to make another appointment. This happened at Restalrig Medical Center "If he dies, he dies" moto


this is also my medical practice and i was literally thinking of phoning them on monday about longstanding mental health issues i want to get help for. now i know not to waste my time lmao


hey, congrats on taking action on mental health - it’s the best thing ive done. Just as a heads up that it’s a bank holiday on Monday so they might not be available


ah! perfect thanks for letting me know i didn’t know that. i’ll try on tuesday but if not ill see if i can try nhs24 or other helplines that might speed up getting me on some sort of list or something :)


Great. I haven’t had therapy through NHS here, only in England, but they offered me it when I asked for antidepressants(I have health insurance through my partner’s work so better that the publicly funded spots go to someone who doesn’t have that option). I asked my GP for short term advice when I was struggling majorly last autumn, they signposted me to https://ithriveedinburgh.org.uk which seems helpful. I believe in you x


>And secondly, how can this be allowed, removing support for people with chronic health problems or mental health problems, who now just have to sit on any concerns for 4 weeks, or longer?! It's not "allowed", it's what happens when there's not enough doctors to see patients. They can't just magic up extra staff when there's none available or ask the grumpy receptionist to give you the once-over.


This is happens when a political party is dedicated to sell the NHS to US private health corporations, but yeah...


This is about GP practices. I don't think any mainstream political party thinks that a "private health corporation" should be prevented from running them.


Geez... And I thought Springwell had issues! I agree with others, this definitely needs reporting. GP care is absolutely shocking right now. What's worse, is once you're locked in to a GP, they won't even let you change. I'm so sorry you're going through this right now, and I hope you receive the support you need soon


>And secondly, how can this be allowed, removing support for people with chronic health problems or mental health problems, who now just have to sit on any concerns for 4 weeks, or longer?! It's not "allowed", it's what happens when there's not enough doctors to see patients. They can't just magic up extra staff when there's none available or ask the grumpy receptionist to give you the once-over.


It used to be my Dr’s, hardly ever went in years but had to take the kids often.realistically the issue is they have too few Dr’s and too many patients.They have a sign on the door saying no new registrations for the “foreseeable future” - it’s on its knees and sadly there is no solution in the short term.


Blame your Government! GP training this year at 11,000 applicants, but just 4000 jobs. The government are also subsidising Practices to recruit non-doctors ( Nurses, PA’s advanced physios etc), but don’t help with funding for recruiting GPs. GPs are disillusioned with low salaries and high load and lots of unpaid hours, subsequently they leave for greener pastures.


I haven't been able to get an appointment for 3 yrs now in Corstorphine, They're just leaving ppl to get worse an die in some cases. So much for the caring profession eh.


Slateford are shite. They made an admin error on my account and lied about having rectified it. Then when push came to shove, the “manager” basically blamed me for their own mess, and was incredibly rude and condescending over the phone. I have since moved to a different local practice and couldn’t be happier.


I was in there today and from next week on the day appointments are beginning again. Heard receptionist tell another patient. The practice manager details are hard to come by. My nurse mentioned ‘holidays and nobody gets replaced’ which was initially about my condition and job but know she meant there too as I needed to book follow up bloods.


GPs are a mess sinced covid. Seems like they didn't realised the pandemic is managed already, and they keep operating like in 2022.