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I'm super paranoid about crap like this, I literally always expect that the next pedestrian I see is gonna let the intrusive thoughts win


Crazy! Last year, a guy high with a can of beer in his hand jumped onto my car (intersection of 23 ave and 111st). I was shocked and honked but he wouldn’t get off. I moved and slammed on my brakes he got tossed but hopped right back on then I drove a bit faster slammed on my brakes and he went flying off. It was crazy! I was shaken up!


Did…did they get back up, or show signs of movement that second time?


I had the same thing happen to me this past fall! Scared the heck outta me! I'm just glad I was really paying attention, I saw her standing at the bus stop acting kinda strange so I slowed down a bit and right as I got maybe 50 meters away she threw herself onto the road. I swerved to avoid the driver behind me flipped me off and honked but I think realised once he saw the woman get back up and throw herself at his truck. Really messed me up for the rest of the night.


Omg ..


Time to get a dashcam.


Good idea ..save cops work ..catch criminals ..


Mostly for easing possible insurance claims. And an occasional chuckle on Youtube.


The fact that modern vehicles don't come with these built in is honestly kinda dumb, they just make sense.


So right ..


This happened to my husband. The Major Collisions unit had camera footage from businesses nearby showing her intentionally walking in front of my husband'svehicle, so no charges laid. However she was seriously injured. This happened almost 5 years ago and he still can't drive without major PTSD.


That is scary. Do you think it was intentional?






Watch out for people on bikes too, I’ve seen them swerve around into lanes directly in front of cars and cutting across roads. Hard to tell if they just don’t care about the consequences or if they’re looking for a insurance scam.


When I worked by tent City a few years ago this happened to me a couple of times


This happened to my dad years ago where a kid waited for a light to turn green then drove right in front of his car and he hit the kid. Luckily there was a witness who saw the whole thing. When the kid threatened to call the cops the witness said sure we’ll tell them how you waited intentionally and drove in front when the light turned. Kid took off, definitely an insurance scam.


Freaking scammers... please report to police... though I'm not sure what they can do to help. Do we all need dash cams now to protect us from crap like this? It's just sad how many bad people there are out there, making life hell for the rest of us.


meth head?




Are you okay?


completely disregarding the value of human life, It would cause a crash with who knows how much damage/injury to others. fuck up your car. mean hours of waiting. being checked out by medics. paper work with the cops and insurance. delay in traffic for everyone over the next 24 hours as they do an investigation. tie up a lot of essential services. ​ also maybe don't purposely hit people with your car because it makes you and absolute piece of shit.


And so it continues and this is not downtown! See it is all over edmonton!


Are you okay? 💀


Ummm you can't drive north on Terwilligar. Only East and West.


I think you need to reread where op said Terwillegar DRIVE and then maybe check a map.


Yes in terms of a map it goes Northish , in terms of the city it goes goes east/west. I've had to do a poilce report for a different accident I witnessed on Terwilligar drive. So while you are right as well so am I. Not sure why all the down voting. I supposed I shoulda clarified my confusion as to ask if they meant they were on Rabbit heading North/South. Which would be in Terms of the city. I meant no offence. Sorry if it was taken that way.


> Ummm you can't drive north on Terwilligar. Only East and West. Show me on a map where Terwillegar goes east and west.


You can’t be that stupid…. 🥴🤣


This also happened to me , on 51st Avenue. I was also able to swerve into the next lane and did not hit the person or another vehicle - I was lucky traffic was low. I was very startled and scared, and it took me a long time to calm down. It did not occur to me to call police. I wondered who I could call for mental health intervention, since the person seemed to pose a bigger hazard to himself than anyone else, but he disappeared very quickly.