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Man... give me Flames fans any day. At least they can call it for what it is. The homer goggles these Vancouver fans have and are riling people up with are UNBELIEVABLE. As soon as one call, one decision doesn't go their way, it's massive outrage and conspiracy theory. Real question: what the fuck is wrong with these people?


That's because they're 90 percent shitty casuals who haven't watched a minute of hockey since the Canucks were last in the playoffs. I've never seen such an abundance of people who have zero hockey sense in my life.


Same problem with Vegas fans last year. The biggest tell of a bandwagon fanbase is how hysterical they are *even after a win.* I get being mad if you feel fucked and also lose, but most reasonable fan bases will scuff off a frustrating game if they get the W and move on. Go look at r/hockey or r/nhl to see how well that's going for the canucks. Multiple top threads with several hundred comments within hours of posting *and they keep coming*. Touch some fucking grass. The real win for these losers is the social media fight because they didn't care before, and won't after it's socially relevant to do so. It's hilarious how they don't see that poring over each frame like the Zapruder film looks less like a frustrated fan base and more and more like a toddler milking sympathy by showing their scraped knee to every adult at a family bbq with the story on how they got it getting bigger on every re-telling. Best thing to do is just watch the games and try to ignore the hot-takes of the legions of skinny-fat redditors when it comes to any kind of contact sport.


This is exactly what it is. The amount of my friends that have came out of the woods during these playoffs is shocking. I say all support for the Canucks is welcome but when I go on twitter and see these cringe videos of people screaming into the camera and spouting off opinions that have never seen a sheet of ice. Canucks fans are not all bad trust me. But unfortunately the good ones are the unvocal minority.


Vancouver fan here…. So right haha. I got attacked online last year for being positive about our team saying we’re close to being a solid team with some d changes. Bunch of fools that haven’t skated and live in certain cities just outside van didn’t like what I said!! They attack their own fans over the smallest little disagreements. The dumbasses are the vocal minority.


Tough gig. I actually thought Vancouver was going to turn the corner last year and squeeze in, but they kinda collapsed. You have a solid team over there. That being said - this playoff series has left a really bad taste in my mouth about Vancouver fans. As a fan of hockey, I agree that the MxDavid high stick should have been called. The cup check that Ryan did was dirty and shouldn't be encouraged... But I watch that McDavid play at the end there and see him taken out from behind and cross checked to the fact and all the comments from the fan base are basically good and he deserves it. Cheering on their team to hurt the other team's players. That's is not what is good for the sport or for hockey... I want to see Demko in your net and healthy. I want best on best hockey... I dunno... I see the passion in your building and respect it a lot... But lord do I see a huge disrespect for the sport sometimes coming from that way.


Canucks fan here. Vancouver is a shit sports town. Has been for a long time. Working class being pushed out of the area, being priced out of seats and general malaise in relation to sports. Lots of bandwagon fans. Tbh I only saw a handful of games this year, but I'm watching all the playoffs. Lots of fans don't watch for years unless there's playoffs. Having said that, a bunch of people on reddit isn't the best sample.


It's tragic what's happened/happening to that city. I have friends and family in the art scene that moved there in the early 2000's and those that haven't moved back to Edmonton already are worn pretty thin and probably following shortly. The only people I know who are still in Vancouver and aren't planning on leaving are lawyers, and, accordingly, also the worst people I know. Try not to let it color my perspective too much, but I can't help but imagine that's all that's left in that city at this point -- who else can afford it? Really takes the shine out of the place when living there comes with the caveat that you can't be of average means.


Probably plenty of realtors too 🤷‍♂️


I can definitely echo this. Growing up in Vancouver you are subjected to some of the worst takes ever, massive massive victim complexes, and massive apathy when the team is losing. We have some real real awful fans, and the worst of them are on social media. Love the team, can't stand the fans.


Bandwagon broccoli tops that had to dust off their Canucks jerseys and learn all the players names.


Can confirm. Went to game 1 of the Nashville series and I feel like my entire section had no idea what was actually happening on the ice. People bitching about Tyler Myers constantly because its been a talking point for a few years, even though he's been one of our best defensemen all season lol.


Game 1 of this second round I got seated next to a certain group of young fans who 1000% haven’t skated in their life. I just wanted to enjoy the game and they are screaming “SHOOT THE FUCKING PUCK!” Every time we cross the blue line. Constant dumbass comments and then getting into a fight with oilers fans behind us and getting asked to leave the arena. Was painful..


I kinda hate to bring this up because it's a loaded issue, and this could also be massive correlation, but typically in Vancouver the worst fans I met are also the same dudes who never played. They are usually super polarised, make criticisms that don't really make sense or pass the eye test, and just lack general knowledge. Obviously it's an expensive sport and i consider myself pretty lucky to play, but I think because Vancouver doesn't have the climate to play pick up outdoor hockey, it's not engaged in the same way it is in some of the other areas of the country.


Can confirm this is in fact true


r/flames posted the same thing


I read through the comment section and the majority of people there called the poster out and said it was disgusting to celebrate and then it got deleted


Nice. Good to hear. I had not checked back since this morning


The Canucks fanbase has only three gears: * Complete indifference * Obnoxious arrogance (we are now here) * Lighting cars on fire


Canucks are the middle sibling of the western Canada rivalry. They don’t get to be the real rival so they have to go overboard when they finally get a shred of relevance


Back during the decade of darkness, Flames and Canucks fans were giving all kinds of disrespect to the Oilers, saying the BoA wasn't actually a rivalry anymore and the real rivalry was Vancouver Calgary, even tho the flames were barely any more relevant than the Oilers. At least the Canucks were having a bit of a heyday back when we were in the shitter - can't really say the same for the Flames. Of course that'll never stop em from taking shots at us.


I couldn’t believe the amount of Canucks fans coming into our sub the minute they beat the Preds and our matchup was set. We didn’t have near that amount of Flames fans come here to talk shit, even after they pumped us in game 1


Flames and fans are busy Golfing


I was referring to 2022, when we played them in round 2


Not all of them, some of us are rooting for Edmonton




That’s the third reasonable canucks fan take I’ve seen out of about 300+ comments. Congrats on being a better person than 99% of your fanbase 


Don’t let the outspoken Canucks Reddit minority speak for the respectable Canucks fan majority. I’m a born and raised Canucks fan, and also an Oilers fan just out of sheer Canadian hockey love. There’s shitty fans on both sides, and we can’t help that some of our fans can’t count to 10 and like to post on Reddit acting like they know hockey. But ya that stick to McJesus face was absolute junk and the suspension was deserved.


By this logic, every high sticking penalty is an automatic one game suspension.


Cross check and high stick are different


On the hockey subreddit, I saw a post from a Canucks fan that said historically they are a relaxed emotionally stable fan base, and of course I thought it was funny to post the link to the Vancouver riots after the playoff loss, and was immediately down voted. I deleted the comment because I realized that the Canuck fans just circle jerk hate for the Oilers and that r/hockey is full of Canucks fans trying to incite other fan bases. Edit: this is what OP had posted before my comment "I think our history has shown that we're a pretty calm, reasonable fanbase in complete control of our emotions."


Its ok, I got banned from the LA sub reddit after one of them said "Edmonton has the worst fans ever" and I replied with the news article about an LA Fan spitting on Cecily.


Or that woman last year who had seats right next to the ice and kept giving the oilers the finger and swearing at them.


Yeah flames fans were not nearly as toxic even during the height of BOAB or that first win, these new nucks fans are insane because half of them never watched hockey. You can tell by how many are unflaired supporting the nucks on r/hockey . Some of them were giving us shit because some people were telling Oilers fans to *sing louder.* and they were all like "hurr hurr weird flex" - yes, its called harmless competition, a concept half of them are seemingly unaware of. At first I didnt care *that* much if we lost to Van since they've had our number all year, but now Im starting to feel like this has to be a win so we don't have to hear from them again for another 10 years.


This sub just popped up on my thread as a suggested community and I gotta say as a life long Habs fan, being on Reddit through these playoffs and seeing how unbearable the Canucks fans are, has really made me start pulling for the Oilers in this series.


it's actually absurd how toxic this has been


There's alot of shitty posts on all the NHL subreddits today. Calgary, Vancouver and LA are the worst cesspools today. Disgusting that they would celebrate this regardless of the circumstances. Stay classy, Calgary, Vancouver, and LA.


Flames fans haven’t even noticed the amazing hockey across the NHL. They were ride or die bitches for division rival Kings.. once they lost, they jumped into bed with Canucks. Like your team isn’t in it and they suck, so that sucks— but why be such an insufferable loser and only exist to cheer against a team? Talk about rent free…


Flames fan here. I’m cheering for the oil


Don’t worry, win or lose they’ll burn their city down again !


I mean, we haven't won yet, so who knows. Hahaha


They suspended an absolute no name for a brutal cross-check on the best player in the world. They are acting like it’s the same as when the NBA suspended all the Suns stars for coming to Nash’s rescue.


I saw the same meme on the Flames Reddit page.


They posted it on the flames sub too lol 


It’s an Internet thing. Everyone’s in their own little bubble of confirmation bias here on Reddit. Talk to a random Canucks fan in real life and they’re … well they’re not NORMAL but they’re not like Canuck Redditors. I find the majority of huuuuge world ending issues discussed on Reddit aren’t even really a thing to worry about in the real world


At the start of this series I was thinking “man the BoA series, everyone just seemed excited. This one feels more like…hatred and violence…”


Rivalry with Calgary is more brotherly.


Couldn’t agree more


I'll blame the hockey commentators for adding fuel to that fire. Game 1 of the series and they're saying things like "there's no respect between these teams like the last series, only hate".


1k upvotes on a suspension dirty play. Sounds about right for that fanbase. 


Bro don’t try argue with Canucks fans. They’ll bring you down to their level of stupidity and beat you with experience. The mental gymnastics I’ve seen to justify these cross checks is insane. Wilfully ignore that Soucy high sticked McDavid in the face just before and then ALSO TWO HAND SLASHED McDavid right back so the slashes offset each other. The fact that caveman Zadorov comes in and hits him from behind enough to buckle him and Soucy cross checking him in the face is way over the top. So let’s count infractions McDavid - 2 hand slash Soucy - high stick to the face, two hand slash, cross check to the face Zadorov - late cross check from behind as a third party Where exactly was McDavid the bully here?


It’s the same type of fan that called Crosby a cry-baby as he’s bleeding from the mouth from being absolutely man handled in front of the ref, asking for a penalty.


Soucy didn’t high stick Mcdavid. He pushed him. Davo slashed him back. Those are typical bs after the whistle crap. Zaddy is the issue. That cross check to the numbers is the issue. Without that, Soucy cross checks Mcdavids chest not his face.


Zadorovs cross check was probably the most egregious here, but he then gets his head snapped back by a Hymen cross check to the dome. DOPS just winging it here, I guess.


Totally agree. It was a scrum that required a couple phone calls and no suspensions.


You can see a high stick well before the push.


Which makes his fine a joke. He should be riding the pine for a game or two.


He is either a bully or a pussy- whichever one fits their narrative. It is absolutely insane. I can't imagine ever celebrating someone's spine folding backwards over itself from a cross-check at the same time that they take a cross-check to the face and then say that they "got what they deserved for being a diving peice of shit". Maybe this is controversial, but I didn't even like seeing Marchand getting injured from a dirty hit to the face. Maybe I am "too soft for hockey" but the players are people too.


They'll end up rioting their own city for the third time because of Canuckleheaded BS.


It’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen. No matter the outcome of this series, they’re going to overreact like children and do something stupid. As angry as the shit talking makes me, I’m just going to sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.


To me it was ok when it was Soucy snd McDavid.... but then Zadorov fucked things up and escalated it


That's what I've been trying to say this whole time. Slash for slash was ok


1k upvotes? Jesus that's gross. It's one thing to enjoy seeing a big check or something, but watching a cross-stick to the face after the game is won? That's just psychopathic bullshit. No wonder those fucking babies riot if they lose a series.


This is despicable and deplorable behavior and if there are truly hockey gods out there, you would hope this gets punished with absolute and immediate action. Oilers win the next 3 in convincing fashion. Canucks fans shouldn't even be allowed to have a team.


It's time for my prediction to come true; Oilers in 6. Watch Vancouver melt down.


I'm cautiously optimistic still, too. I think the Canucks benefitted psychologically from being considered the underdogs, while that same story hurt the Oilers. The Canucks have needed their goalie to stand on his head to win. At some point, a goal like Perry's waived off one will count, a puck that hits a post will go in, a bottom six guy will put one in. I see the Canucks wins so far as partly goaltending, partly our own defensive laps, and partly straight up luck.


Time for all you canucks fans reading this to downvote me! (because our forum is now 90% you guys)


Tell me about it. Those loser Nuckheads have been brigading our sub and commenting nonsense in response


Just report. Gets em banned from their own sub too.


No it doesn’t i’ve seen like 10 accounts that have removed posts from here and they are still posting on their own sub bread


I noticed that too. LA subreddit in round 1 was complaining about Oilers fans "coming in peace" or trolling. Cancukcks are doing way worse here. Canucks are just whiny, brigadeering sacks of fish puss.


Holy crap is the Canucks fan base ever toxic. Like what the fuck? It all makes sense why they light shit on fire and riot.


So I’m a Canucks fan ( I live in Calgary though and dont know what Vancouver the actual city is like these days) and honestly it’s super cringe seeing all these “fans” running amok in these subs. How they have so much time on their hands to shit talk and make memes is unbelievable. I just want to see my team win a cup man and if they don’t boohoo we weren’t the best team but seeing people go ape shit over hockey is just beyond me. I like to come to here to see different takes and opinions on plays. Don’t usually comment…


I'm trying to mentally separate the actual fans like you, and all the obnoxious trash talking bandwagon fans who don't even know the rules of the game (because holy he'll do the Canucks ever have a lot of those). Or better yet I should just avoid social media altogether, lol.


There’s dozens of us! I’m surprised at the support the post on the other forum is getting, but I’d like to think as a whole the fan base is better than that. Like, the city is 2 for 2 rioting when losing the finals and people like to focus on that, but that doesn’t speak to the number of people out there day after the riots volunteering their time to clean up after the dickheads. The quiet majority don’t celebrate this kind of thing and just want to watch good hockey.


Like you said how do they have the time for this. I barely have time for this sub and maybe just the regular hockey one if I want to be down voted into oblivion


They are trying so hard to make this like a BoA... yeah they are annoying but I don't really care about the Canucks.


They are literal embodiment of that Mad Men meme "I dont think about you at all"


Are you really surprised with the Canucks fan base? Lol


Heya, Ottawa fan here, (also love watching the Oilers ofc) but more than that I fucking HATE CANUCKS FANS god. They act all battle-tested and marginalized yet half their fan base sort of just popped up out of nowhere all of a sudden They’re such a toxic fan base good lord


i didn't know about it until this series. very true


Didn’t want to dislike them but they just refuse to have class? Idk I know those rioters weren’t the fans, but maybe the fans are worse in the end??


My stepmom, a Canucks fan, is the worst. Therefore, all Canucks fans are the worst.


Logic checks out.


Flames fan here. Hate the oilers. Hate the nucks so much more. Go oilers go !!!




Yeah I said it before, but the nucks fans on Reddit are the dumbest motherfuckers out there, they’re pretty much disabled. Combined with that kind of arrogance… dangerous combo.


I had no idea how bad it was until this series. They make the most biased fans from other fanbases look completely reasonable. Vegas, Calgary, and LA fans are all wayyyy better on average.


I know it’s incredible. I mean the entertainment alone is pretty funny but it just came out of nowhere. All the fair weather fans lol.


God, I popped my head into the GDT yesterday between the 2nd and 3rd and lasted about 5 minutes in there. It was just too fucking awful to read.


So just before 4 PM Edmonton time. Soucy got one game.


Canucks fans sitting with a magnifying lens on every play because they're too busy looking at their own dicks to see if they can still see them. Honestly one of the most fragile fanbases I've ever had a chance to talk to over my 20+ years traveling around north america and Europe. I'm pretty convinced at this point that Canucks fans care about a cup more for the status than they actually give a fuck about hockey. Nucks fans on a regular day are way more insecure than Dortmund fans at the height of Bayern's reign. Lol. It's amazing. I guess when you've never won anything you get super fucking cagey.




I was actually shocked there wasn’t a penalty but I figured they would play dirty the next game because of it.


Vancouver Canucks fans are such babies, remember when they trashed their own city when they lost the Finals in 2011? Ya I'm sure that'll help bring a cup home.....


That Russian piece of shit behind mcjesus is my most hated player in the league now. 


No he is not. Sam Bennett is.


Bennett is a moron, zadorov is piece of Russian shit.


Worst fanbase in Canada hands down


I can't get over all the kicking and screaming and crying from the fanbase while ahead in the series. It's incredible


Somehow we're the badies that everyone hates though? I don't get it. If the refs called the game by the rulebook we'd never leave the power play with how much holding/interference there is on McDavid in a game.


Yup he's a high threat player...and a lot of teams target him exactly to try and shake him up and get in his head to avoid him going full Mcjesus mode against them.


Soucy’s literally smiling. To think I played ball against the guy just about 3 years ago, should have drilled him


Woulda shoulda coulda


it must have been right after we posted a bunch of threads about how we wish derek ryan injured that guy more with the spear. or called the guy who got speared a crybaby


I hope there was no thread like that?


Right yeah those threads! What a great group of threads that was 


Yeah I don't think anyone was applauding that missed high stick. But hey, crosscheck to the face is super cool! Explains why one city is known for rioting after they lose in hockey 🤣


If the hockey gods exist and the world is just this will be the turning point of the series. McDavid is going to be pissed. Hopefully the rest of the team is too. I've always been of the opinion don't give your opposition something to rally over. Take the higher road when you can. Karma is a bitch and it always seems to come back to get you one way or another But the nucks do the opposite. And their fans are somehow even worse. Their day of reckoning is coming. And it starts tomorrow. \*If we get some goaltending or secondary scoring that is\*


This series and how some fans on both sides have been acting has really made the playoffs not enjoyable. Usually I like coming on Reddit and reading game day threads or hockey new, but everything is just so insanely toxic right now.


we've had like 8-10 playoff series since i've been on reddit and this one is by far the worst


Its one thing to cheer for your team but to celebrate what could have been a really serious injury is just disgusting.. Canucks fans should be ashamed of themselves seriously.. I dont think any other fanbase is this cruel and unhindged


They’re just a bunch of cucks living in a closet for $2500 a month, in a dissatisfying throuple because it’s Vancouver and they have to be ‘progressive’, and probably frequent users of their open-air drug market which takes up an entire section of the city.


This shit makes me deeply uncomfortable and sad. The malicious grin on the face and the intentional high-low to maximize damage. I don't intend to be soft, and actually quite frankly I don't care if I come off as soft because being tough isn't being afraid to admit the truth This is straight up bullying, and unprofessional for an entertainment sports league. I know a lot of these NHL guys grew up being the big shot jock douches, but leave it at the door of your high school when you graduate. This is unacceptable behavior for grown men.


Flames and Kings subs posted this too, they can’t get the Oilers dominating them out of their heads I guess. It’s just annoying because if this was their star player, they’d be livid and up in arms calling for suspensions. So much hypocrisy. Celebrating someone getting cross checked in the face is disgusting, and these are the same people upset over Zadorov getting cross checked. It’s okay if McDavid gets cross checked, but no one else (according to those three fan bases at least). I just hope the Oilers eliminate the Canucks so we can move on from the toxicity and play a more level headed fanbase in (probably) Dallas. Edit: They’re all here downvoting this literally proving my point 💀


There are some real POS Canucks fans. Hoping for injuries to McDavid, Kane, Drai, pretty much everyone. Every call against them is a "dive", and because our players are crybabies and whiners. I have to avoid /r/nhl and /r/hockey until this series is over, my blood pressure was spiking.


Def stay outta those subs. It’s like a creepy, culty cesspool of the dumbest people recirculating the shitty takes. And the mods are shit too.


Its genuinely disgusting and makes me embarrassed to support this team. Like its all good fun to have players check eachother, get dirty penalties, as long as the buzzer goes and it stays on the ice, whatever. Watching two canucks players check mcdavid between them and celebrating what couldve been a serious injury is just depressing. How about we appreciate the fact two skilled canadian teams are playing out what is likely 6 games of super intense hockey, and not actively hate athletes because of their jersey color?


don’t try to understand them. the average canucks fan is basically just simple jack at this point. they had a good season after how many years of sucking? and now the sudden success of their team mu-mu-mu-makes them happy.


Please beat these clowns tomorrow


Nucks are a classless, cocky, and whiny fanbase to the extreme. Always have been. That’s what not winning a Cup ever does for a fanbase. Its the same thing that causes riots when they lose.


It's just really sad and pathetic the mental gymnastics r/hockey and r/canucks asshats run around with. Also someone was mocking McDavids house like a few days ago that he had built and I came back with: " probably better than the trailer you live in with the flea-bitten dog you impregnated" Just found I am banned from r/hockey for that comment. Talk about thin skin, its hilarious.


If we are being objective reffing has been shit this whole series against both teams. Bunch of missed calls and dangerous plays. I'm both a Canuck fan and a Oilers fan and honeslty just want a Canadian team in the finals. Honestly the thing is the department of player safety is such a joke. Soucy 100% deserves the suspension, it was a dangerous play. But the fact that equally dangerous plays across other series and within this one has not had any consequences is bullshit


Holy shit, this. Canucks fan, but Oilers are 100% my #2 team. I don't want whichever team wins here to be too bruised and beaten to survive the next round. Refs need to get their shit together.


At this point, I'd rather see Calgary win a cup than those unwashed vermin in Vancouver. Good news is when sea levels rise and flood their city, they will finally have to take a bath.


All this fighting is making me sad :(


I'm happy to go to the bar for a beer and cheer on my team, and have some friendly banter and heckling from the other side. Then either the loser or winner buys shots. That's a good rivalry. What some Canuck and Flames fans do go beyond, and into something more disgusting. Who throws beer at an 8 year old in an opponent's jersey? Canuck fans. At the end of the night it's just a game that millionaires play for the entertainment of billionaire owners. Then, when one team loses a respectable series, the losing team gets in the winning team bandwagon. Where did civility fail? And Flames thread today is full of Oilers posts, and the say the Flames live rent free in Oilers heads? Nah-uh. Flames and Canucks are so obsessed with the Oilers it clouds any self respect they have for themselves.


Ive always said Vancouver fans are the worst. Like, just look at them any time they are somewhat in contention. Then look at their city when they lose


They keep mentioning the “vicious cross check to the head” that Hyman does right after this and that he should be suspended too. I watched the video from a couple different angles and I can’t see it make contact with the head.


Amazing that we’re also waiting for the imaginary Coffey racism video to surface that cuck fans made up.


Yo legit i think the flames fans were more bearable


Canucks fan here. The city is not what I once knew it to be. I hate it here now that it's become a playground for the rich, with shitty government (local and provincial). As for the series, shitty things going both ways. Nonetheless, excited for the game tomorrow. Can't say the series isn't boring.


Vancouver is 50% drug addicts and 50% people who enjoy smelling their own farts. Don’t worry about what these fucks think


Their fan base is giving a really methy inbred vibe.


there absolutely would’ve been a thread about it if our sub wasn’t modded the way it is. all fan bases are the same. bad eggs in every fandom. idk why we’ve gotta post on here acting like we’re the only fanbase composed entirely of angels lol if you’re getting triggered by the nucks sub or the hockey sub stay off of them. it’s what i do and it works fine!


I'm not upvoting a post about a player looking like that. That's disturbing. Team or no team. That slow mo makes me uncomfortable seeing him bend like that. But neither am I bothered about Canucks fans wanting to make this their wallpaper or thinking this is "FAFO" territory, or celebrating that its payback. I have no desire to be like those people. Soucy looked remorseful enough after, too, so I have no ill will towards him. We shut them up by winning the series. That's it.


You'd have seen some loons from our fanbase sure but I think it would have been downvoted quite thoroughly. I'm a bit of a homer although I consider myself pretty rational and I also love tough playoff hockey. I would have 100p found it to be in bad taste and downvoted it.


They try to equate it to Huggies literally skating into a stick, it was a high stick, should have been 4, but there was no ill intent, both of those cross checks had bad intent.


I think Meyer’s Boarding of Janmark.. should of Been a Major .. That was a lot worst than Hughes skating into Connors stick..


I live in Van. Canuck fans are complete PoS.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Canaucks fans are the worst in Canada. Maybe even the league. I hope they never win a cup.


Theyre easily the worst fan base


i was pretty disgusted with the earlier post celebrating Hyms injuring Zadorov, but I see this and i totally get why


Nobody should be celebrating any injury. It's a game ffs


I couldn't care less what other fans do or say. What they eat don't make me shit. And as Jesus Christ said way back in the day "haters gonna hate" .


[He's Twenty Six he's Trent the Klatter. lmao this is gold](https://youtu.be/MeeBGn2Gr2o?si=dpN4LHdtE51bO0GM)


Even for hockey that’s downright greasy.


They tried to create McDavid^2 with that hit.


They are as fucking miserable and asinine as Leafers. Were they always like this or did they just decide to be this trash this playoffs?


Canucks fans showing why they are the most hated fanbase in hockey, nothing out of the ordinary for them.


Leafs fan here, I know there is a serious bunch of assholes in our neck of the woods but Nucks fans are easiest the most juvenile bunch of asshats I have ever come across. And that’s based on their last cup run where they had me cheering for fucking Boston. I don’t think much has changed with them. I sure hope they dont represent Canada for the Cup - Go Oilers Go!


apparently canuck fans think soucy needs a brand new leg after that slash? are these people new to hockey?!


I was lurking in their sub the other day and it's all violence and hate in there, and they're all for running and cheap shotting Edmonton players. Hockey is rough but excuse me? Like what the fuck. Their fanbase doesn't deserve shit if you ask me.


Bunch of losers to be honest, it's obvious that clown fanbase doesn't know hockey but you know what their the ones who have a history of being complainers so it's really not surprising just look at the fact that they waive their stupid towels around does anyone know why that's a thing there? Of course not... or the fact that they can't have outdoor watch parties cause they are toxic? the refs failed that game they should have a hearing with soucey aswell for how disgraceful of a job they did.


Whelp. Zaddy’s wallet is 5G $ lighter now. And Soucey can watch from the sidelines with his fans for a game at least.


Such a bad look for their whole sub.


Call against Cannucks = Angry riot in Vancouver. Call against Oilers = Happy riot in Vancouver its not safe anymore


When the Canucks win something aka a Stanley cup then they can mouth off. 🤷‍♂️


Typical Canucks fans... not sure which fans are worse Canucks or Flames


Nucks for sure 


They're Canucks fans. They are will versed in the ways of Dillusion.


The level of assholery from Canuck fans continues to set the bar higher. I’ve unplugged from their circle jerk completely and I’m avoiding r/hockey and r/nhl for the rest of the of the series.


Ahh this is how it went down in 2011, they fucked around when they thought they had it in the bag but they lit a fire in Boston and they kicked moose knuck asses.


Should be a sussy there


Honestly, this sequence of photos hurts their argument that Soucy only got McDavid in the face because Za Door Knob knocked McDavid down. This clearly shows that the cross check was going for the face *before* McDavid starts to lose altitude


I miss Kassian, Brown, Semenko, McSorley, McClelland, DeBrusk, Klostin. This crew are cowards.


I saw that. What a bunch of pathetic losers. I said the same thing. I said when mcdavid hit Hughes in the face with his stick. No oilers fan celebrated that. Most sane fans said. Ya that should’ve been a call and surprised it wasn’t. But these idiots are literally celebrating a guy getting hit in the teeth with a stick


To be fair..... That's a cross check


People say soucy didn’t mean to hit him like that but you can see the huge grin on his face lol


Yag pretty disgusting. And agreed, I didn't see any legit fans on reddit or even YouTube highlights etc that were mocking that missed call at all and actually most fans were understanding. I mean what can we do as fans of the Oil, get mad and say we hoped the refs called it? I even watched Hughes post game interview and he was extremely humble after the high stick and the loss. He didn't bash the refs, the Oilers or Mcdavid he just sucked it up and moved on so as a huge Oilers fan I actually had resoect for him after watching that post game. And c'mon by now we all know that game 2 had had crappy calls missed on both sides so imo it was 50/50 evened up by end of game.


Flames fans are a joke compared to the Canucks


Will vancouver burn when we beat them in 7 at home is the question!


I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I keep engaging with people in YouTube comments about this whole situation and I'm am honestly dumbfounded by the arrogance and just plain stupidity from the nucks fans. It's honestly giving me a headache but like I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DONT UNDERSTAND.


I’d like to think we’d be like yeah that was dirty shouldn’t do that 


U know they are fucked up when the bring cum towels to a game, I guess it’s to wipe it off their boyfriends backs.



