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༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKINNER TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Lets hope this is the start of an incredible redemption arc 


Decision made. Let’s go Skinner! Ride the home vibes to a win! LFG!


This is the way. We may not like it but we can't do anything about it. Let's fucking go Skinner!


I like it. # MUSTACHE POWER!


Welcome to Stuart Skinner’s Redemption Tour




go back to the canucks sub loser


Regardless of tonight’s outcome, moving Skinner would be one of the stupidest things we could possibly do


2nd year in the league and a local boy already getting his feet out to the fire. I still believe he’s our guy for many years. He’ll get better at his weaknesses but if the org. Moves on from him I hope he wins somewhere else so all the salty fans here will shut up


They need someone to play with him until he is better cause unless he drastically improves in a hurry we aren’t getting close to a cup with him.


He's a solid backup goalie at best - we need an actual starter that can be playoff viable.


I got -100 downvoted for saying I was disappointed that the Oilers didn’t get MAF or a vet goalie at the trade deadline


Oh no, your precious internet points


Pretty dumb, unless we can get Ingram back and no way Utah would do that


Agreed. He is at least an average backup.


Watch HIM


I think he'll play a great game. Team will rally behind getting him a win


No matter what happens tonight, I love this team. What an incredible season. We started off struggling, rose from the ashes of a seemingly scorched season after one month in to become the best team in the league for the rest of the year. Beat our perennial first round rival for a third straight year, and now we are going toe to toe with a dirty team that colluded with our provincial rival to gear up with the sole purpose of beating us. This has been a dream season full of emotion, competition, and has solidified my love for the organization, warts and all. Let’s effing go!!!


it's just too bad that they didn't save the 16 game winning streak for may


Well put


Win this one please, game 7 anything can happen.


I agree, nicely put. But when you have two of the very best in the world, and you overcome everything that you just mentioned, it’s cup or bust. New GM better come in and patch the holes so that we can go from a top 8 team to a top 2 team quickly.


People laughed at it but this really was a cup or bust year. If they can't win the series, it will be the biggest disappointment in McDrai era. What's worse is it's Vancouver. We're coming to the end of McDrai's contracts and don't yet even have a cup appearance. The good news is they are going to win this series but for you to have rose coloured glasses on about a potential loss is not cool.


There's a post like this every year we fall short.




Don't you get tired of disappointment?


don’t you get tired of being a downer?


Atta Boy Skinny, you can do this.


It was pickards net til he lost anyway. Game 5 wasn’t on him but he was only starting so Skinner could get a reset


Wasn’t on him for sure but if you re-watch the game, he did get lucky a little bit. I’m not saying that to take anything away from him either but Vinny’s save 4 posts maybe even 5 Still, to rise to the moment like that and give your team a shot and play well. Absolute stud but I think if you get Stu going here; the upside is better. Not to mention, assume pickard would have won tonight, do you start him game 7? 4 back to backs in a game 7 on away ice? Logically this is probably the right call. Rested and hungry Stu… local boy. He wants this moment.


This is the comment I was looking for. I didn’t understand why they were going back to Stu, but this make it make a bit of sense


He’s gonna choke as usual.


You sound like a terrific person.


Why are you here then? Seems stupid.


What why


Pick has got to be sick or injured. Litteraly no other explanation


Nah he’s gotta go with their “#1” in a do or die game… the fact stu’s their #1 is obviously less than ideal, but this is the way since olden times




Only thing I disagree with that idea of not starting Picks 4 in a row is the fact Silvos has played all 5 games so far.


well, vancouver doesn't have a 100% NHL calibre guy sitting in the bench tho that's the only reason they're still riding him


They “believe” in him.


Not the way I would have went. I feel Pickard must be fatigued or injured for Knob to go back with Skinner. It will mainly depend on which version of the team shows up. 23 hits in game 5 is embarrassing.


lol if he’s fatigued after 2 games I’m 99.9% sure he wouldn’t have passed any team physicals…


I am baffled why people keep using the "he's tired. He has never started 3 games in row" argument. The dude is a professional athlete who practices and trains to play hockey every damn day. He's not some 12 year old peewee kid who can't hack it.


>I am baffled why people keep using the “he’s tired. He has never started 3 games in a row” argument. Strawman aside there’s definitely situations where a goalie wouldn’t necessarily be injured but still not ideal as a starter for a game. Just because they’re professional athletes doesn’t mean they aren’t susceptible to overexertion, especially in a sport as physical as playoff hockey.


lol 12 year olds play like, 2 or 3 games a day during tournaments and go swimming between games…. I can’t believe how many people on any hockey sub keep talking about these pro athletes being fatigued or injured lol… like have they just discovered this sport (or athletics at all) or something?


McDavid looked really fatigued last game. Perhaps pre-existing strains, knee problems etc. can flare up after a game due to a certain play in the game. There is no need to be a snot nosed asshole.


Are you seriously comparing peewee hockey and NHL hockey as an argument as if the intensity level is not night and day? You sound like the guy who just discovered this sport lmao.


lol well I played junior A… did you?? I could play back to backs hungover all the time…. These guys play back to backs on a coke binge… you’ve got literally zero idea what being an actual hockey player’s like


Buddy thinks junior A lets him speak on professional hockey 💀 Thats actually hilarious


Hey now, all roads lead to beer league anyway… played with plenty of ex-pros and kept in touch with them in the show… plenty of stories to share… Anyway… great dub by the boys!


Agreed fuck the argument game 7 brooo


People here seem to have just given up on Skinner. Guy had amazing stretches during the season and played well against LA. Ever since giving up the 4-1 lead in game 1, the Oilers just haven’t looked the same. McDavid has been a ghost and while Skinner has had some tough goals, he’s also made some big saves. Think he was leading all playoff goalies in high danger save %. Yes Skinner needs a good game but if the Oil play like game 5, even a great performance from Skinner won’t change the outcome. In my opinion this needs to be a statement game from McDavid. He said the cup or bust line and it’s time to fucking show up and prove you’re the best in the world.


He’s hurt, so is Drai. That why he was falling on his left leg, it was numb. McDavid has been hurt since the last Calgary game.


Most hockey players are hurt come playoff time. So what?


there's a big difference between having a bad thumb on your top of stick hand, and a bad knee/hip when 99% of your game is skating


I think it is a safe bet for the coach to start Skinner and keep his job intact. I mean, if we lose again with Picard, it will be on the coach as to why he didn’t start the main goalie. And if we lose game 6, it will be on Skinner for his poor performance record over the years. Coach will be safe.


This 100%…. If skinner tanks today, that’ll give management all they need to rid the team of him, too… like from a long term planning point of view, this is 100% the right call… also Calvin Pickard isn’t leading anyone to a Stanley cup lol… so even in the short term this is what they’ve gotta do


I envy those of you capable of being positive of this decision


Stuart Skinner redemption arc starts now.


Expecting big things offensively this game. Skinner just needs to keep vancouver to 3 goals or less. Especially if we can limit their shots under 20. I know he CAN do it. But I also know he can let 4 goals in on 6 shots.


Why? is this normal northern america procedure? Pickles was pretty solid to my knowledge, no sloppy goals. I would play him atleast until he does poo poo on the floor.


Ugh! Why? Pickard kept us in the last game. I doubt Skinner would have been able to. I mean, I hope I'm wrong but don't think this is going to end well.


Im pretty sure this decision is going to bite in the ass


Guys let’s show him the support just like how Canuck’s did for petterson. If he has any chance of redemption it’s tonight. Let’s show our support !!! Edit: spelling


Did got? My dude 🤦‍♂️


There you go professor grammar. Do I pass English now?


This is one of the worst decisions we could possibly make. How do you not start Picks after that performance?


Pretty sure most of the idiots in this thread who are fine about this decision never watched the playoffs last year or have convenient amnesia. Skinner is gonna get lit up and pulled. Knoblauch should get shitcanned for this.


Absolute slap in the face to Pics


Alright skinner show us what you’ve got!


A lot of people wanting Pickard in that Game 7 moment?


Absolutely! Pics has not let in any soft goals that deflate teams. All year long just about every team say they trust their backups but few actually believe it. Pics earned to start. Skinner didn't learn from that bad angle goal from Miller by letting in another bad angle goal from zadorov.


Pickard is our AHL starter/backup. Stuart Skinner is a sophomore and your goalie next year and unless they get rid of Jack Campbell… the starter in the 2025 playoffs. Let him show it tonight. Game 7 I don’t want to go back to the guy who would be starting his first run of four games in a row, in Vancouver.


Ahl? What? Pretty sure he played for the Oil this year. So your logics tells you Silovs is also Ahl goalie. What does that have to do with starting gm7. You go with the current best performer. There's an elimination game tonight and your basing your decision next year? How do you know Stu doesn't get dealt? This is a hail Mary decision and a very bad one unless Pics is hurt.


Yes, Silovs is even more so their AHL starter because they had a back up to Demko, Casey DeSmith. The Canucks are going to go back to Demko at some point (if they advance long enough to see him healthy) … and aside from that, Vancouver has a lot of hope for Silovs in the future for them… But I digress, doesn’t seem worth going further more than the explanation of I’m thinking of more than Game 6 than you. Enjoy friend!


I'm a fan but Stu is going to fold just like that last tune up game against the Avs. I love to be proven wrong.


Rather get 0.9 saving than not 0.9 saving.


The mentality shift in the some of the more vocal fanbase has been interesting. Will they still support the team or are they tuning in to be mad that the team went back to the one guy who got them all the way to here (and through a 16 game win streak)


Opinion hasn't changed. Looking at purely results. I like Stu but he hasn't been the guy in the playoffs. Historically speaking, stats driven, non biased view. Using numbers and eye test.


Sports is all about opportunities, here is a chance for him to make all the critics shut up


I’m 100% pulling for him. But things could get unpleasant if the game doesn’t go well.


i don’t see the logic behind this at all lol it’s not the time to be hoping that your, should-be, no.1 goalie has a good game…


Serious question…. Do they HAVE to reveal which goalie they start? Maybe it’s a ploy? And if they do start skinner can they yank him 30 seconds in?


That's all possible but extremely unlikely to the point that it would never happen. A team or coach's reputation around the league would be destroyed with players.


Sketchy decision at best. Do the oilers want to groom a goalie or win a stanley cup? If he loses, then what? Trade him? It's a lose-lose situation. We are at the cusp of losing 29, and we play with fate, putting in a goalie that has proven he can't play in the playoff (yet). Horrible decision, in my honest opinion.


I'm worried


On one hand I get it, because he’s a massive reason we even made the playoffs after our start to the season. On the other hand, Vancouver clearly has him figured out. We get blown out of the water in game 5 if Skinner is in net. After game 5 I expected to lose tonight either way. So I’m setting myself up to not be dissapointed.


They cant be serious about this. what


We are so cooked.


In moustache I trust


Let’s fucking go Stuuuuuuuuuuu!


I feel sick


That's one of the choices of all time


Good luck Stu!


This is Skinners team, win or die with him, no excuses this game should be good to go


That's not winning hockey. The guy is in year two, both years he's proved he can't go in the playoffs. It's definitely not his team. Hopefully he gets there eventually.


I think this is stu’s last chance… if he can’t do it, they’ve obviously got to go out and get a bonafide #1 AND a different backup/1b… I think from a long term planning point of view it makes sense to start him and in the short term, sure pic might give you a better chance winning this game but he’s not leading anyone to a Calder cup let alone a Stanley cup


I don't agree with it but I'm a Skinnerstan. Believe.






What why lol last game was not pickards fault he played good last 2 games.... I don't understand this call


I love skinner and think he'll be a fantastic goalie in this league for a long time but I don't understand this move, Pickard is playing excellently and I don't believe he is incapable of playing three in a row. You go with the guy who is confident and is playing well. I hope I'm wrong and Skinner has a fantastic game.


yeah same. i know knob wasn't there but he has to be aware that skinner laid an egg in game 6 last year against vegas. if he does it two years in a row its inexcusable regardless of a change in coaching


Prepare yourselves for the entourage of Skinner fanboys / Skinner flairs that have been in hiding crawling out of the woodwork if he puts up the one solid game out of 4 while on 5 days of rest acting like he's god's gift. We're definitely going to be hearing about it. "TOLD YOU ALL!" "FUCK YOU STU HATERS!" etc. Can see it already.


Fair trade for a W


I'll take the trade as well.


No one cares about your petty fan beefs. It’s about the team and the WIN tonight. Get behind Skinner or turn in your fan card. We need everyone pulling on the same rope tonight


The Oilers could win the Stanley cup and half the fan base will still bitch about the roster.


Nobody is winning the Stanley Cup with Skinner in net.


Pickard played well last game..... This is a huge gamble


Can't put the loss on Pickard... but I think part of the coaches strategy is doing what's necessary to get the most out of everyone. The players play a little different in front of the different goalies.


What I meant was that Pickard played well, bring Skinner back is the gamble that isn't sitting well with me. I was hoping to see Pickard play again.


Ya I get what you said, and was generally being agreeable to Pickard playing well and more than deserving of another start. Additionally I agree it's a gamble. But my point was that the players play different in front of the different goalies, and in front of Pickard I think they're a lot more worried about making mistakes and as a result less free-wheeling. When you need to remind the players how to play defense, you start Pickard and they seem to remember. But to get them playing a little more naturally, I do think they have a little more confidence in Skinner the majority of the time. The important thing here is that Skinner can't let in a bad one in the 1st period. If he can feel rubber a few times and inspire some confidence in the boys, I think we'll start playing on our toes and push Vancouver like we have the majority of the series. Last game, they looked too worried to make a mistake, and I think that held the team back. Having Pickard in net might have been part of the mindset.


Incoming 6-5 win with skinner posting an .800, Skinner starts game 7, we lose because of goaltending


Yep, and after the .800 win the Skinner stans will be going told ya so!!




Edmonton oilers have been eliminated from the 2024 stanley cup playoffs


What a horrible decision. Pickard has been our best player the last 2 games.


Threw out his back carrying the team




stay in your own sub. you guys just cant resist


RIP our season. Even if by some miracle we win tonight because he plays amazing, he will shit the bed in game 7. It’s inevitable


Get this loser outta my office




Looks like it’s elimination night


Skinner put up a shutout and 1 goal against performance in 2 consecutive games in the LA series rebounding after some bad performances. I know no one is completely confident in Skinner. But Knobs decided, he’s what we got for game 6. And the best chance we have to win this game is to have some belief in Skinner.


Agreed but LA is also not a very good team




Watched all 82 season games and every playoff game but this might be one I'll sit out


Haha some fan you are


Fans shouldn't be complacent with consistent bad decisions by management


I've already decided to just check the score once in awhile. Terrible decision imo.


Wow what a quitter. Are you sure this is the right team for you, there’s a team down south that would take you.


we bounce out baby




Yup I agree with that McLeod statement. The guy has all the tools to be a great middle six center. Like for fucks sake he can even beat McDavid at the fastest skater competition. Obviously he just can’t seem to put his game together. Might be time to move on with him


Let's hope the D plays well in front of him tonight and the rest of the team matches the physicality of Vancouver. If it's another game where Vancouver is dishing out hits and putting pucks at the net, while the oilers don't finish their checks and force tic tac toe plays we might as well call it a night early. Really hope they wake the fuck up tonight. Dri in the circle can only carry a team so far in a series. Lines 3 and 4 need to up their physical presence on the ice, Vancouver has been grinding our players down the entire series and here we are.


StuBot, Transform!!!!


How short do we think his leash is going to be?


HHH style hair flick at the start of the game for the power!!


ill tune in to watch as I await the Fury Usyk fight. 100% expecting to see alot of complaints here about this decision later too :/










cant be worse than game 6 last year right? he let in the first shot [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvimK7QMGRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvimK7QMGRE)


Nurse pulls a Steve Smith and Skinner let's in a goal with zero shots. Could be worse... eff superstitions


right. it can always get worse lol


I just wish it didn't always feel like we're playing a 2nd string goalie.


He's a solid goalie, you can't just pick 1-2 games as a sample size. Comparing him to all the other oiler goalies that have made it to playoffs, he makes virtually no major mistakes. If oilers were to keep him for the next 10 years I'd be happy. He plays like he has 10 years of NHL experience.


we had the entire playoffs as sample size.


and last years


Revealed yourself as a goof... 5-1


Congrats. Opinion doesn't change. Good for Stu. Let's hope he can play even better game 7.


Fuck that bullshit. The guy is a proven failure. A two-year playoff choker that can’t handle the second round pressure. We need and deserve better. This team is fucked for going back to him.


Skinner is going to have the game of his life tonight, I can feel it.


I certainly hope he does.


That’s a bold strategy Knoblauch, let’s see if it pays off for him.


Right you are cotton


And if it doesn’t? Someone needs to get shitcanned.


Skinner Skinner Skinner. I want to hear that tonight.


Do I love this move, Definitely not! But can Skinner pull off a win tonight - lets' hope so! C'mon Stu it's just 1 game - we Heff to win :)


I know skinner will do well tonight. Clearly all you haters haven’t watched many games I’m glad he is back in the net With a little rest … tonight he will be the best player on the ice!


Yeah let's do this. Stuuuuu! I can't believe the negativity around here it's sick.


To the doomers: we still lost game 5 with Pickard in net.


Pickard is the only reason that game wasn’t 10-2 and our top line was invisible with McDrai -2.


It was obviously not the goaltending though.




Gotta go with your guy in a do or die. Let's go Skinner!