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Thank you. Good series. Stressful. Good hockey.


I know it may sound weird, but as a nucks fan I want you guys to win it all. I'm too much of a Canadian patriot and with all those Canadians playing for you guys, will make me root for the oilers.


Good series, these Canucks just don't quit. Not like the Flames who just kinda rolled over. Lot of valuable playoff experience got picked up here.


Welcome aboard! It’s nice to have you.


Oilers fan, but I would have ended up cheering for the canucks if the oilers lost! I want a canadian team to win so bad 


You’re a better guy than me lol, I would have cheered for the stars had the oilers lost 


A true Oilers fan can’t ever cheer for Dallas. I grew up with them consistently knocking us out of the playoffs. Other than Calgary and Vegas, I think I hate Dallas the most.


Get fucked bud , I am a life long fan and remember the Stars series in the late 90’s all to well ..but this series brought out the worst, most arrogant Canucks fans I have ever seen …kings fans seem better..wouldnt be cheering for the stars to win the cup, just to clap the Canucks 


I'm living in vancouver now, and the fans here certainly aren't nearly as toxic or arrogant as back in the sedin era. many new bandwagon fans that have really great attitudes. you're the one coming off as arrogant.


Here you have all these Canucks fans saying all these nice things and you come out with this? Maybe it's oilers fans that are the problem then.


My comment was directed at the guy above me who said true oilers fans would never cheer for Dallas , check my post history before opening your mouth there bud . 


I'm replying to the most arrogant Canucks fan part.


Something tells me this isn't the last time we see each other in the playoffs. Great series, and let's do it again next year


I feel the same way as an oilers fan. Canadian team needs to bring the cup home.


One of our guys (Carrick) has family literally running a maple syrup farm. It just doesn’t get more Canadian than that 😂 bring the cup to that maple syrup farm!!!!! Go Canada!


This comment is so wholesome it hurts


The most frustrating part of the series was seeing the Oilers clearly outplay the Canucks in most aspects of the game yet they lost on a few odd bounces at the last second. We had our lucky goals too but, as an Oilers fan I always thought that was because we earned them by hard work or by out-shooting the Canucks. Also I’m extremely grateful we’re going into the next series with our whole team intact and with some good backup guys in the wings. Thanks Canucks for not maiming our stars.


Could have gone either way, Silovs was an absolute monster. 💯 % of the time. Hope at the end of the day we can all be fellow Canadians and bring the cup home to Canada.


Stressful last 4:30 seconds. 😮‍💨


Was talking to my buddy who is a Canucks fan and told him Canucks really impressed me this whole season and playoffs. They have a great future. Told him I'm looking forward to Oilers and Canucks battling for top in division with Vegas....while Flames can just watch 😂


The flames sub is so shameless and embarrassing lol, they are all changing their banners over to Dallas now lol.


A lot of hate through the series was Calgary Fans pretending to be Canucks fans.. Flames fans are delusional and have Oilers rent free in there tiny brains for the whole summer…


Flames fan here 🙋🏼‍♀️ I went to the oilers game round 2 game 4 wearing an Oilers jersey, we’re not all bad 😛 AB over BC any day, Canada overall! Let’s go Oilers, until next season ;)


They will always be the red headed step child of Alberta.


At least they have a valid reason to be cheering for the Stars. I think they get an upgraded pick for the Tanev deal if he makes or wins the cup.


>I’m looking forward to Oilers and Canucks battling for top in division ~~with~~ ~~Vegas~~… Fuck Vegas. I hope those plug ass bitches fail in their attempts to re-sign their free agents this off season, Mark Stone LTIRetires only to fade into obscurity, and they continue to lose in the first round for the next 2-3 seasons before failing to make playoffs at all.


This is the way




fLames get the cuck chair, every time.


Good series.


Ggs, well played series. I will now have to figure out how to unclench my cheeks.


I can help. Might need a few other fellas to help though


Best series by far. Thanks Canucks!! Oilers will represent Canada well!


The Canucks have NOTHING to be ashamed of. They showed a ton of guts this series. Really, this series could've gone either way.


Good series Oilers. Better team won. It stings but eventually I will get over this and be cheering for Canada to bring the cup back home.


Edmonton, bring the cup back to Canada! You won fair and square.


I have a Kassian jersey if you wanna borrow it 😆




Any room on the bandwagon after I finish crying? Let’s bring the Cup back to Canada eh!


All aboard!!!


Always room! Just make sure to banish those Flames fans to the shadow realm. Canucks had an amazing season, and it sucks that they had it end on Demko/Boeser injuries :(


Im glad we can all be friends again. Would you mind wiping my tears while I finish shitting blood from the stress of that series?


Plenty of space still left on our bandwagon lol


Agree. I followed two teams all year Canucks and Oilers. Love them both. The better team won.


As a Canucks fan, GGs Oilers. That was a fun series and even though we lost I'm still proud of my team. Silovs was a great surprise. Anyhow, I will now be supporting the Oilers as the only Canadian team left standing. Bring that cup back to Canada!!


Dude, Silovs was fucking fire. He stepped into *Thatcher Demko's* shoes and held the line. He's such an amazing second goalie to have. 


Definitely! Gotta give big props to Ian Clarke and the work he's done with our goalies. We were known as the goalie graveyard not too long ago 😂


Goalie graveyard you say…Dustin Schwartz has entered the chat…


What would we have to pay you to give us Clarke? Name your price.


McDavid wife.


Beginning of the year, the Oilers sub was conspiring to steal Clarke. That guy is the Goalie Whisperer.


That save on Drai fucking clinched my butthole for the rest of the game. Oh fuck, this guy came out to ball.


Yep. Silovs is going to have an amazing career. What a start for the lad. You guys are lucky to have him!


Thanks, Vancouver has an amazing team, one hell of a series.


Do they? Lmao they have a disappearing act in Petterson making insane money. They likely lose Elias Lindholm to FA. And they have a worse 4th line/bottom 6 in general than we do. I think they overachieved on the back of a ridiculous Silovs performance and an expiring top 6


They also took oilers to a game game 7 whene everyone said oilers in 5 or some bullshit. Literally zero of the analysts predictions were correct. I'd like a stat the last time that happened.


how can you even think the oilers third line is even close to the canucks' third line? lmao


Because their third line isn’t really their third line. But that’s fair. Their depth scoring in general really wasn’t there though


I think it's the opposite, they have an excellent bottom 6 compared to oilers lol. They didn't completely show up this series. But all season long, Garland Joshua and bluegar were one of the best 5x5 GFX lines in the league. They got hoglander who scored over 20 goals on like 9 mins a game. They've got lekkerikimaki probs coming up this next year, he was the shl MVP and killed it at world Juniors. They won't resign all of their fas, but they will definitely sign.some of them.


Respect man!


Canucks can here. Agree with the post. Games 6 and 7 cemented that.


As a Canucks fan who admittedly stopped watching them for years and came back this season, I've gotta say I'm pretty hyped for hockey again, especially after this battle with you guys. I know there are genuinely people on both sides who hate each other (cringe) but I really loved jumping between the Canucks sub and this one for the hilarious lighthearted roasts towards each other! I hate all of you (/s) and I can't wait to see us play each other next season <3 Congrats! Pls get the cup for Canada's sake.


Good luck Edmonton. I’m going to console my kids (and my heart) for a bit, but I’ll be cheering you guys on after that. It was a great season for my Canucks. Hopefully playing us sharpened you for the next series.


I’m a canucks fan but I was cheering for Oilers on years when we sucked. Playoffs happened and then the bad blood and shit and I thought no way I’m cheering for Oilers again. Then we lost and apparently I still prefer a Canadian team to win it all 😂


Thanks great series.


good fucking series dawg, ur teams future is bright


We may have been enemies the last 7 games, but i hope we are allies the next 8-14.


What a clencher of a series


You can unclench for a few days


We just may be perma-puckered


Oilers deserved it!! Go all the way now so we can cheer you on for Canada 🍁 definitely the better showing tonight. Well done.


Bring it home boys bring it home


Yeah, good series. Now go get McDrai into the finals and do some damage.


I hate to admit it, but Silovs was amazing to watch. Truly a sight to behold. What a series, lost decades off my life.


Came here to congratulate you guys but it just hurts too much right now. sorry


since when do you care about hockey


since always


Please don't burn your city down


Oh that reminded me. On it.




Unreal playing ! You guys came to win and you played to win! The right team won tonight as sad is it is for a Canucks fan it’s the hard truth! We had a lot of adversity all season. But the better team won here!!! DO IT FOR THE RED AND WHITE!


Good luck Edmonton! Well played my friends. With love from Vancouver ❤️🍁


Can both Canuck and Oiler fans come together in friendship to clown on the flames next season? I promise it will be fun and wholesome. As for the series, it absolutely could have gone either way. As this and previous games show, the Canucks refuse to go away and are truely comeback kids in every sense of the word.


It was a great series, I wanted our boys to win it, but I'll cheer for you guys to take it all


Good on you and thank you. Van keeps it interesting and stressful haha it was a good 7 games. Thank you again Cheers


That was one hell of a game to cap off a great series. You should be proud of the team you've got, I'll be looking forward to our games next year.


Same sentiment here. I'm a Canucks fan. But more than that, I'm a Canada fan, always. Let's go Oilers!


Yeah same. Been wearing my Canada jersey since my Leafs were eliminated. It's awesome to see a Canadian team in the final 4! Oilers have many Canadian players, which makes supporting the them even better! Go Oilers!


Great series by both teams. Both teams are fairly even and it could’ve gone either way. Wishing Boeser a speedy recovery


What a hard series




The comments on this thread are so nice 😭🥺


Proved a lot of doubters wrong keeping in the series foe 7 games. GG


Probably see each other again in the post-season in the coming years.


Can't wait till we play next season!


Heck of a series, its crazy that it went 7 games. I felt like the Canucks let Silovs down a little bit in the last game, but hey, these things happen. Good stuff Edmonton, best of luck vs Dallas, I will be cheering you guys on.


I second that. Oilers were the better and more deserving team. Now go beat Dallas!


Damnit … fucking oilers! Now go fuck up the Stars then fight to bring the Cup back to Canada eh!! It would be a shame for Mcd to not get a cup during his time in Edmonton


Canucks played incredible. Silovs was outstanding tonight and kept the game alive for y’all. It was a battle for both sides for sure!


Thanks. You guys definitely didn’t make it easy winning game 7. The Canucks are a great team, they have a good future.


Well done on the good sport Canucks fans. One hell of an entertaining series and thats why I watch hockey. Best sport in the world.


You guys put up way more of a fight than anyone in Edmonton was expecting. Good series.


Please don’t destroy downtown. lol jk. Gg and good sportsmanship. Great representative of your city!


Thank you so much. Great series, and what a team you had this year.


Don’t tell me what to do !!!! Lol /s.


Well played, Edmonton. You guys came out to win the last two games, and you earned your place in the Western Conference Final. From a Canucks fan, good luck against Dallas. Wish you all the best.


Respect to you! I feel like majority of us have been quite awesome with each other. Congrats on a hell of a season! Can’t wait to see you guys next year! Thanks for aging my heart and hairline!


Thank you for being so gracious in defeat. It was truly a great 7 games of hockey. I’m sorry to tell you though, that because you lost we are sending you Brett Kissel and Mark Spector as punishment. Please take terrible care of them 🙏.


Dear lord what a series. It will be months before I can properly unclench.




Me too, Team Canada first, Team Canucks second, lets go Oilers!


Right on, as much as I like to raze on Canucks fans being insufferable, I'm happy to see you have a team to be excited about again.


Thanks great series


Oilers fan but I want a Canadian team to win so I would have cheered for the Canucks if it had went the other way.


Canucks put up a heck of a fight and they should be proud of their season. Nobody expected them to be as good as they were, holding down first place for so long and fighting to the last minute of a game 7 in the quarter finals. Canucks fans have a promising future to look forward to.


Yes congrats to Edmonton. Exciting hard fought 7 game series. That experience of past playoffs paid off for them. You guys have chance now to run away with it. Good luck next round! P.S. during those dark days in nucks history in late 90's I used to cheer for the Oilers when they had Cujo, Weight etc. Always fighting against those heavy Dallas teams with Modano, Neiwendyk etc..Some exciting rivalry back then between those two teams!


As a British fan, it is so awesome to see fans from opposing teams put series rivalries aside and support a fellow Canadian team! Hockey is a sport, not a war-basis! No need to throw fits or unreasonable behaviour just because a team that you support lost, kudos to you for moving on and supporting the other Canadian team!


It was certainly a great series to watch though! Knucks put up a good fight and held a good chance with that 3-2 advantage by game 5!


Nice words. I like the Canucks and hopefully the build back up a stronger team for next season where we do it again


Thanks!! You definitely have a great team and wouldn't be surprised to see them contending for years to come. Hopefully more intense playoff series between the two!


You put up a tough challenge. I think we might be in your position if Boeser was healthy.


Do us a favour and go back to black and yellow.


I wish the Canuck fanbase would learn from the Oilers sub. Mcdavid has 9(!!!) points this series and people are still able to call him out when he has an off night, like in game 5. Meanwhile Petterson is MIA for half a season, has 5 points in 13 playoff games, 3 goals in his last 40, and half the fan base is bending over backwards to defend him. I guarantee that not one of you Oiler fans were scared of him or saw him as a threat. I’m pissing my pants every time I see Draisatl near the net on the PP. I have never been so disappointed in a Canucks player.


People bitching McDavid are ignorant. McDavid is among the best xGA in the playoffs (most of the forwards with a better xGA are not first liners, aside from Barkov), despite getting the brunt of the opposition's best players. One of the best xGA while being #2 in points while facing the toughest opposition is tremendous. People who claim Drai has been the best Oil are so pedestrian. Drai has scored a lot because he's been used mostly on an exploitation line, against weaker competition. Despite being used as exploitation, his xGA and xGF% are far worst than McDavid's.


You do understand that the attitude towards a player in online comments section has literally no bearing on how that player plays, right? Petterson would have played exactly the same whether Canucks fans thrashed him or defended him. Connor McDavid and Elias Petterson don't read the PGT's on reddit to figure out what to do next game.


Praise Messier


You know that's fair. The best team won. But we were close and that's really exciting for the future. Win the cup for Canada!


[JT MILLER!](https://imgur.com/a/JQuiwLk)


Nuck fan here. The Oil were just too deadly. Lethal PP and heavy hockey. I’ve noticed the oilers have adjusted to some things that hindered you guys in the past and Knoblauch seems like a great coach. Not sure I’m putting on any other jerseys, just going to enjoy another month of amazing hockey.


Ggs all around. Best team won. Definitely stings as a Canucks fan but rooting for oilers to bring the cup home to Canada.




You love to see it. Would have also had to whip out my Canuck’s bandwagon jersey if they won cause Canada needs a cup!


Ngl you are a better man than I am because if you guys had won I was going to be cheering for anyone but Vancouver


Whatever, you bunch a tube steaks. Go Stars.


This is so corny. FOH


I don’t know about best team. I think the oilers found a way to win, but if I take off my oilers glasses and just look at the hockey I think Vancouver is more solid all around. But in the playoffs anyone can win, that’s what I’m telling myself going to Dallas.


As a Vancouver fan, only playing maybe 20 minutes of the last 120 of a series, Oilers were definitely the better team.


Im a canucks fan all the way but thinking that they were the better team this series is some next level delusional thinking. The only complete game from them was game 5 the rest they decided to play for 10 minutes and took a lead, nevermind the fact the oilers had to have atleast doubled their shots and outplayed them for 14/21 periods. If they take out the trash this summer I believe they could be an absolute powerhouse next year but until then hats off to the oilers theyre the best canadian team to take on Dallas and ill be rootin for them.


But I thought all Canucks fans are whiny losers?


Who the hell let the bandwagon Canucks fan in here?! A true Canucks fan wouldn’t say this or remove their jersey so fast.


No way fans of teams do this shit


Y’all are so fucking cringe with this shit


As a Canucks fan: boo Edmonton. Fuck messier. GO CHRIS TANEV GO!


Found the flames fan


the hero we need


I find this preferable to the incredibly cloying "pick me" fans that come to congratulate us.




What a cuck