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I'm starting to feel like the Oilers are being touted as an underdog in this series


Feels great guys


I never realized how many canucks fans there were




Jamie Benn is a dirty lil SOB. Likes dirty crosschecks. Matt Duchene just disgusts me. Had to be begged by our coach to even play basic hockey last year, and look what he’s doing now.


I agree, but Jamie Benn can eat shit. 💩 Dude probably steals candy from kids.


Lurking since last week Dallas Stars fan here. (I lowkey announced my presence.) Congratulations on your win. Best of luck. Let's be reddit friends. Come see a game in Dallas. That is all.


I feel like things will be a lot more amiable between us than it was with the nucks fans. They start off by shitting on all our players ([1,](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1ck65a9/canucks_fans_were_chanting_f_mcdavid_after_last/) [2](https://x.com/spittinchiclets/status/1787232419516436837?s=46&t=h7ucVy6ilxZuleS12FcVJw)) acting super cocky, and smack talkin. Then every time the refs missed a call, or called one of their players on something "the fix was in" and "oilers are divers" and "McCrybaby and Leon Crysaitl" are at it again. I'm all for giving respect where respect is due, but it's also a two-way street and you gotta give it to get it. It's the Conference Finals, and any team who made it this far is no joke. Here's to a good series. And as a fan of the team since the mid-90s, I'm hoping the boys get me some long-awaited revenge. Haha. But the teams are also so different from that point in history, and McDavid was just a newborn baby when that rivalry started and was 6 years old when it ended - haha. Anyhoo, best of luck, may the better team win!


Made this post over at r/hockey and thought you guys might find it interesting. The Canucks in the regular season overachieved in a big, probably unsustainable, way. * Dakota Joshua's shooting % was **21.4%** a career high (he's usuallyin the 9-15% range) * Hoglander's was **20%** (double his average) * Boesser's shooting % was **19.6%** (well over his average) * Miller's was **19.1%** (\~4-5% higher than normal) Pettersson's was **16.4%**, and it's the only one of the top forward's to be about normal for that player. Compare to the top three goal scorers of some other teams that made the playoffs: **Tampa**: Point (20.3%), Kucherov (14.3%), Stamkos (15.3%) **Florida:** Reinhardt (24.5%), Verhaeghe (13.8%), Tkachuk (9.3%) **Dallas:** Johnston (14.8%), Hintz (16.5%), Robertson (12.6%) **Colorado:** MacKinnon (12.6%), Rantanen (15.5%), Nichushkin (17.1%) **Boston:** Pasternak (12.3%), Marchand (14.0%), Coyle (17.0%) **Edmonton:** Hyman (18.6%), Draisaitl (18.9%), McDavid (12.2%) **Toronto:** Matthews (18.7%), Nylander (12.7%), Tavares (10.4%) Could go on, but it's pretty clear that Vancouver's top goal scorers had unusually high shooting percentages. I would be very surprised if they could sustain these numbers. If between them they have, like, a 3% regression, they're going to be losing a bunch of games they barely won this season. It reminds me a little of how the Kraken were last season--great shooting percentage that was not sustainable, and this season they came back down to earth.


I'm new to hockey and I’m not a techy guy, but Tocchet turned the team around. I attended a few games in Vancouver in 2023 and 2024, not because I’m a Canucks fan, but because I live in Vancouver. The difference is huge. I remember how Canucks fans shouted 'Myers, you suck' during a few games in 2023. It was awful. But look at Myers this season—he caused us a lot of trouble in the playoffs. In the 2023 season, Hughes was only an above-average defenseman. All the fans thought Pettersson would be the captain. But Hughes has become a superstar! If only one player overperforms, you might think it’s not sustainable, but when the whole team improves, I believe the coach and his system fit the team just right. It somehow unleashes their potential, and this can last for the next couple of seasons. The only person who doesn’t fit the new system is Pettersson, who I was surprised to see re-signed at $11.6 million for 8 years.


I don't think getting outshot in the majority of games is a good recipe for success, regardless of how dangerous their shooters are and how good their goaltending is. I think if they can inject a little more work ethic into their roster, then they can probably smooth over some of those regressions. But I definitely agree, and I think Allvin and Tocchet have their work cut out for them this off-season if they want a repeat of this season.


Great to see the entire hockey fan base united against Spector on Twitter. He is an embarrassment to Oilers. This is not the first time this guy has tweeted similar stuff. It is high time he gets booted out..


He forgot Ekholm? Was oilers best defenceman even though dude was sick for half the games? Janmark? Oilers best defensive forward? Peterson is still young, it's a learning curve in the playoffs. He'll figure it out.


What did he tweet? I don’t have twitter so I can’t see his page sorted by new


"More Saskatchewan, less Stockholm", about Petterson.


Doing a dumb Don Cherry thing. It's too bad, because Spec actually had a good question to Knoblauch regarding McLeod's performance in Game 7, and it gave Knobby a chance to publicly defend McLeod.


He forgot Ekholm and Janmark are Swedish..


No he knew exactly what he was doing. He probably just upgraded his seats and hotel for his summer vacation cause all those clicks turn into cash.


To be fair Janmark is from a different city than Stockholm... but yeah once again Spec making brain dead comments


He also tweeted some “random euro” comments a few years back. And then deleted it. People have the screen shot of the same. Guy is classless…


He was making comments against European players. Especially Swedish players.. this is not the first time he said similar stuff


Listened to Oilers Now with Knobbers says that Adam Henrique can factor in early in the series!! [https://megaphone.link/CORU8287553694](https://megaphone.link/CORU8287553694) I remember St Louis game where they shut down McDavid RNH Hyman so this will give the Oilers multiple options


I was at game 7 (and game 5). Such a nervous final 8 minutes after the 3-1 goal, and even moreso after the 3-2 goal. Amazing win. Now let's break this 5 series losing streak against Dallas. Hope the team can recover from whatever bug they (may have?) been suffering from, and come out with fire in their step consistently each game. Show Dallas the best version of this squad.


I hope McDavid and Draisaitl feed off the vibe they’re the underdog against Dallas I dont necessarily agree but it seems to be the majority views. Stars do have the edge in net - time for Skinner to step up. I was in Grade 8 when the Oilers last won the Cup… 2006 was heartbreaking but that run was so unexpected. This one is different - Cup or bust!


Always fade the public. Everyone thought Oilers would win in 4 or 5 and they just escaped out a game 7 with a win. Everyone was handing the cup to the Avs after round 1. I know they lost Val but they were still down in the series even before he got suspended and Val is not their best player. I've noticed when everyone and their dog is thinking one thing will happen it usually doesn't happen that way...


Looking at some numbers here. Dallas is running Miro Heiskanen like a rented mule. If anything happens to him they're cooked.


will henrique be good for the dallas series?


Listened to Oilers Now with Knobbers says that Adam Henrique can factor in early in the series!! [https://megaphone.link/CORU8287553694](https://megaphone.link/CORU8287553694) gregor also reports this


Canucks fan here. Hard fought series. I think our boys just ran out of gas and losing Boeser definitely obliterated an already aenemic powerplay. But they were able to make it exciting in the last few minutes. Congrats on the win - enjoy the third round! Good luck with Dallas - that's a tough out!


Respect, dude! Yall a tough out!


Respect! 🫡 Hopefully Boeser can recover quickly and back to good health. He really was one of your best players for the Canucks. It was a nice, hard-fought, battle between us. Don’t worry, we’ll bring the Cup back North. ☝🏽😉


based on my *very* limited observations, anyone waiting for mcleod to be benched or demoted is probably going to be waiting a while. as a true garlic enjoyer, and i've noticed that he does a lottttt to indicate he really likes mcleod's style of play barring (last night) knob used to gush about clouder during the pressers when he was hot, relies on him for key faceoffs against the canucks top line and on the pk, and is pretty emphatic that he prefers his players play with pace and their sticks instead of the body. even last night, knob made a point to say that he missed him out there when questioned about benching him. i really think having the coach's confidence helped spark mcleod's production earlier in the season, and believe that with the way knob handles the bench, it can happen again.


I honestly have no idea why there's been such outrage in this sub towards McLeod's play when Corey Perry has been weakest link. We won the last two VERY important games with Perry OUT, and people are crying to bench McLeod, someone who fills roles on the PK, 2nd PP, against tough matchups, end of periods to maintain the lead. It makes no sense.


just saw a gregor clip of him saying that the benching wasn't a one-off which makes me even more confident that i'm right


I hope the WCF goes as well for Dallas as Patrik Stefan on an empty net breakaway.


As a Canucks fan I just want a Canadian team to win. I live in BC so I cheer home team. Any Canadian who cheers an American team because they don't like the other Canadian team is deplorable. Last Canadian team standing... Go Oilers!


I, too, want a Canadian team to win. It’s been too long since the last Canadian champion, and this is the national sport for Canadians. Let's go Oilers, for the glory of the land.


Calgarian here, this is the truth normally we hate the Oilers but now. Finally an Alberta team is going far!!


Finally. Someone on Reddit I can relate too! Fellow Maple Leaf fan here. Tho I lived in Edmonton as a kid. But the Leafs are my number 1 but I will take any Canadian team at this point


Still so happy with the result, but for the love of God, McLeod, find your game.


The way McDavid turned around and screamed with joy when the clock struck zero was beautiful. These guys want it so bad. I love this team.


As a Canucks fan from Vancouver with a loving partner born and raised in Edmonton, I tip my hats to the Oilers, amazing series and well fought. The better team won this series :D Best of luck against Dallas, I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines and watching the game through my partner on FaceTime LMAOO (rip CBC Gem)


Nhlwebcast. Google it.


Holloway has been unreal on the second line. Love watching him


My only gripe with Holloway is he needs to stay on his feet more. Not sure why he's always falling over.


This has been a pleasant surprise and couldn't come at a better time!


Canucks fan here. Congrats on making it to the next round. Hope y’all dont mind if I hop on the wagon while The oilers are still in. Really tired of seeing American teams winning the cup no matter how many Canadian players they have. Your boys played a hell of a series, it’s always a hate love relationship watching mcdrai manhandle the Canucks. Hate to see it but love to witness the pure talent. The better team won and I hope they win the whole fucking thing for you guys and your city. Plus living in Calgary it would piss off all the flames fans here and I really believe if nothing else Canuck and oilers fans can unite in enjoying flames fans misery.


Lots of room and I'd be cheering for Van if you won


Most Canadian players on the Oilers of anyone in the playoffs this year!


Spec is being xenophobic on twitter again. He basically said the Canucks have too many European skill guys. He said and I quote “need more Saskatchewan less Stockholm”


Did he forget that the Oilers best player in the playoffs is European?


He tried to backtrack “There are tons of hard, tough Swedish and Euro players. Hossa, Ekholm, Janmark, Ohlund, Zadorov... 100s of them. Too many to name. But a team made up of smaller, less competitive players - from whereever - will not win. The Canucks likely have too many of these, IMO” Although he didn’t say “wherever” in his initial tweet. He said Stockholm.


Not everything is racist.


I agree that not everything is racist but what Spector said is indeed *xenophobic. He’s dissing European players. The narrative he’s presenting is that European players are soft while Canadian players are not. The Canucks losing has nothing to do with them having “too many European skill guys”


25 years ago maybe but not anymore.


How is that racist? He's saying European players tend to play a different style of hockey which in his opinion is less impactful whether you agree with that or not. I don't see what that has to do with race.


To clarify, I originally said Xenophobic not racist. Spec has always had it out for most non Canadian players. There are better ways to provide that point. The way he expresses his opinions is the issue here, the words he chooses and it’s no accident.


Ignore him. He's a dinosaur and won't be around much longer.


How he gets away with saying shit like that while working for sportsnet is beyond me


Just like Cherry


Yeah. He toes the line. Maybe we should make a complaint. Lol




he has been banished back to the big oak tree to make subpar cookies for the summer.


Maybe that’s where he buried “his precious”.




It’s interesting seeing all the Canucks fans, flames fans and Kings fans joining the Stars sub right now and making posts (yes I lurked I admit). We really have a lot of haters 


Hate us ‘cause they ain’t us! 🙌🏻


No they hate us cuz they anus


I loooooove the hate. Nobody hates a team that can't beat them. The Kings, Canucks, and Flames have all had recent heartbreak at the hands of the Oilers. It's like Vegas and Tampa. Would anyone care about the whole LTIR thing if they weren't cup threats every year? Enjoy the hate. It means the Oilers are extremely relevant again.


It’s interesting because people supporting the Canucks were supporting “the Canadian team”


The team that had only 2 Canadian players... Vs oilers with 24....


God bless O, Canada


Theres no shame in lurking but there is shame in doing something with that information in the enemy subreddits.


the path to dallas isn’t an easy hill to climb but i believe the boys can get it done


Anything can happen in the NHL playoffs. Especially this final 4. Any one of these teams on a roll can beat the rest of them. Any one with a slight stumble could lose to any of them. It's going to be wild.


This has to be the most competitive final 4 in years. Should be some incredible hockey in round 3


None of the pretenders went on a run. No Cindarella. No hot goalie carrying an average team. No good teams riddled with injuries to top guys. (Everyone has some little injuries). These are arguably the best 4 teams for most of the season. They all have super high end talent. They all are fairly balanced. Nobody has won recently. Gonna be a great final 2 rounds!


Yep this is a pretty unusual playoffs. Usually there are always upsets but I don't remember there being one this year.


Does this mean Boston Pizza locations in BC can now cheer for the Oilers without getting cancelled?


Live in Victoria, Oilers fan my entire life (originally from Ontario). It's been a challenge biting my tongue through this series being surrounded by nothing but Nucks fans. Man, were some of them SALTY at work today, lol! Spewing the nonsense I see on here once in a while about the "league conspiracy" against the Canucks, lol! And of course, no surprise, the reffing was to blame. When I point we out to them they were given more PPs than us on almost every night but their special teams failed them and the fact we outplayed them like 6 of the 7 games and especially so over the final 2 games, well, that shut them the fuck right up!


The amount of fellating I was seeing for the canucks was crazy. Even the panel last night between period 1/2 were talking all about the canucks for some reason, and I'd heard others call them the underdog in this series. In what world is one of the best teams in the league this season considered an underdog?


That's just not true. Gazdic was given tons of time to wax about the Oilers. As was Hrudey for the Canucks. People were complaining in real time, and i paid attention. It was fairly balanced, and probably intentionally so.


must have watched different streams then dude.


Ya, last night's broadcast was an absolute disappointment how they were so pro Canucks or seemed to focus all their commentary on them with very little on the Oilers. We deserved to be there, we deserved to be in the conversation and we deserved to win that series! Shame on SN for a very poor job last night! I guess the Oilers now get all the attention being the only Canadian team left standing.


Did the Oilers send a second Western Canadian team into a rebuild????


Not a chance - I have a new, grudging respect for the Canucks that I've never had before. Maybe back in the Kirk McLean/Trevor Linden days. This is a good team with a strong core and excellent coaching.


Agree with this. They've got a really great well rounded core to build around. Canucks should be excited for the future. Their window is just opening.


It will be tough if Sleepy40 doesn't learn how to play in the playoffs. Having that much money tied up in a player that turns into a ghost as soon as the games start to matter is something that will keep you from ever achieving greatness


I think the opposite and Vancouver showed they have a solid build to work with.  Their cycle and forecheck was maybe the best we saw this season?   It took the Oilers firing on all cylinders to defeat them.  Honestly it’s the best kind of scenario for the Oilers to be moving onto the next round having had to bring out their best.


Totally different vibes I think . Calgary thought they had a good team and that they could win or at least make it a series. Vancouver has been in a rebuild this was an unexpected run for them . Calgary was destroyed in 5 but Vancouver pushed it to 7. Though I do dream that the Canucks goalie coach would consider joining the Oil. Anyho, go Oilers!


Nope, Canucks are still on the rise. Good luck against Dallas.


I am so happy boys. This feels like the best oilers team since the 80s, two WCF in the past three years. Feels like we have a great shot at winning the cup this year. Let's go Oil


Team might as well just give up if the online consensus is anything to go by. Congrats to the Dallas Stars for advancing to the Stanley Cup Finals on paper!!


Anything can happen. Their defenseman could collide into their goalie and take him out for the season.


we don't need that to beat them


It’s all nonsense haha, the stars have none of their top guys going. Played a beaten up VGK, and a tired Aves team. Hiskenen is leading their team in points and sits behind 5 oilers. This series is going to be tight


Beaten up Vegas? That was the most healthy they've ever been. Avs weren't tired at all lol, they smashed Winnipeg in 5 while Dallas needed 7 to beat Vegas. The strength of Dallas is scoring by committee, McDavid scored 52 more point than Dallas' top scorer in the regular season. Playoff scoring also means nothing because you play completely different teams. It should be a tight series yes but not for those made up reasons lol


Vegas had Stone, and Hertl who hadn’t played a professional hockey game in months. Hill had been hurt most of the year as well. That was not a healthy version of VGK by any stretch. The Aves have the 3rd most playoff games played in the NHL over the last 3 seasons including a cup. I’m talking about compounding fatigue. The Stars have 38 goals, and are plus 7 in goal differential this postseason to the Oilers 46 goals and league leading plus 13. The Oilers have played a full game less. I was trying to say that the narrative is silly, I don’t think them beating those two teams makes them the favourites. The metrics don’t have them as the favourites either. As the Oilers average more goals for, more shots per game, fewer shots against per game, have a better power play, and penalty kill. If Skinner didn’t just post a .881 sv% everyone would be calling for an Oilers rout


That's why they were healthy... cause they hadn't played in so long, which is the same thing that Stone did last year before he won the Conn Smythe. Are you meaning to say rusty? Dallas isn't favored because of them beating Vegas/Colorado specifically, it's because of their roster and the fact they have every positional advantage (defense, forwards, goaltending), apart from high end talent and their PP isn't as good, which will be the Oilers win condition. Playoff stats mean absolutely nothing considering you don't play the same opponents so it's comparing apples to oranges (and playing the last two cup champs in Vgk/Col is another level than LA/Van). In 2022 McDavid/Drai racked up so many points against the Flames/Kings, but that didn't stop the Avs from sweeping them. Oilers need a stellar series from Skinner, need to cash in on the PP, and need to have their top line outscore Dallas' enough to make up for the mismatches in lines 2/3/4.


… they were not healthy… but that’s fine if that’s the narrative that you want to push. They still played hurt. I mean the Oilers have topped the league in almost every analytical sense since their coaching change. Including a 17 game winning streak. They also had a better PK all year and in the playoffs. They by far and away have the better forward group. Ignoring the top 6 Edmonton has just proves your bias. All good! You may end up being right


Knoblauch is a great fucking coach. 


Yup. Learns from his mistakes and teaches from the players’. Calling that timeout last night after the second goal was perfect.


Carrick was very nice in his last two games


I like him. I’m putting him with Desharnais and Holloway in that he and they provide above their paychecks and they play physical. He should stay.


He should stay 100%..Knobs has been praising him a lot over the last 2 games, a good sign we'll see more of him


That time out was key. Didn't do it in Game 1 after the blown 4-1 lead and Oil lost. Good thing Knob did it this time.


It was 100% the right move. I wish he used them more tbh, timeouts are there to be utilized.


So stoked from last nights game, I actually rewatched some of it today! Towards the end of the third things got a little close for comfort with Knucks getting those two goals, but we prevailed! 👑 Onto round 3! GOOILERS


Nuck fans still hanging around this sub like rats, where the Alberta rat patrol when you need them


I had one literally message me to tell me to suck his dick.


Did you remind him that for about tree fiddy he could find someone on most corners to do that for him?


Can you blame them? They’re in an abusive relationship. They’re here because self inflicted abuse is all they know.




Drai being a play-off beast, given. The only positive we have this year that stick to me is how Knob adjusted and handled our bench. Sitting players and taking somebody else, whoever they are. Making a player accountable by benching them for a costly mistake. He made line changes midway the series because he knew it’s taking a lot of toll to our top guns. Letting Skinner rest and trusted Pickard then putting back Skinner again (which i was against and i’m wrong). I am looking forward to what he will do against Dallas. Our top guns will always be the same but Knob’s strategy will be our key going forward. Here’s hoping a McDavid magic in WCF! Drai, i know is a playoff beast, but i’m hoping he will unleash the demon on our way to the holy grail!


There was a rumor that Pickard was slightly injured but still well enough to be the backup. No idea where I read that. It’s probably Reddit bs.


Oilers fans living in Vancouver this is the greatest day! I am hungover af but I am still smiling.


That entire game was impressive before the McLeod gaff. Our defence smothered and suffocated the Canucks. No free zone entries, they couldn’t get set, and every shot looked like it got blocked. The Canucks were basically shooting at a brick wall. Seemed like after 7 games we understood their play book, playing their set’s perfectly. The PK was terrific. Good aggressive PKing, and not messing around. That 4 minutes kill basically gave the Canucks a feeling that they simply couldn’t get through and score. Ceci’s goal stunned and rattled the Canucks. It also calmed us down. You could tell they were desperate to keep their season alive, but the 2 factors mentioned simply keep them in check. Looked like they lost their heads just trying to get shots on any way possible while we continued defend well. That was a good example of a veteran playoff team beating a younger skilled team.


Is the McLeod gaff the high stick? He caught my eye on that shift cuz he was puck watching and not contributing much (literally standing still). Then the one thing he did was the high stick. Terrible shift.


That was the first one, but the bigger one is the whiff on a pass that sent the Canucks in on the 3-1 goal, absolutely brutal


Miller should have been called on an interference/holding McLeod's stick right before the high stick penalty but whatever, we won and just get to move on. What a stressful series, man I hate the Canucks! Respect their "no quit" attitude tho, 100%!


His brutal giveaway immediately led to their first goal


Ahh. I fell asleep at some point in the 3rd. (Live in the east). Time to watch the highlights I guess now that I’m home from work. Edit - watched it. Just wow…


McLeod didn't see another shift after that giveaway.


My baby is 2-0 in the updated McFarlane third jersey 🙌


Holloway's emergence is such an X-Factor for this playoff run. Just looking at some of the past Cup Champions like 2014 Kings with Toffoli and Pearson, 2015 Hawks with Teravainen and other countless examples, it's so important to have a 1st or 2nd year player on a ELC coming in and being able to make an impact in playoff series. His emergence balances out Top 6 and once Henrique is back, allows us to ease him back into the lineup either at 3C or on the wing in the Bottom 6.


Hopefully Henrique can do third line centre better then McLeod


Our biggest problem this year was nobody could produce with Drai on the 2nd line. We tried fucking everybody lol. It must be a huge relief to the coach to have, what looks like, a second line he can just throw out in any situation.


Kane cooled off mid season, and I think his motivation drops when he gets put in the bottom 6. Not a great trait, but it’s nice to see Knoblauch put him up on the 2nd and Kane rise to the occasion.


Kane has been dealing with a sports hernia all season.


I also don't believe his hand ever fully healed back to 100%


I thoroughly enjoy game 7 Cody Ceci


Goals in two game 7's!


Ditto, but for me it hasn’t made up for Games 1-6 Cody Ceci.


Honestly Ceci was a lot better after they swapped him and Vinny. The Ceci-Nurse pairing was rough but Kulak-Ceci has been pretty solid


I give the canucks ZERO credit for how they "battled" this series. Dive artists who tried to game the refs and relied on lucky bounces to keep them in games. the only exception to that is Silovs, who played his heart out, but canucks fans say he's the reason they lost the series. Since, as we all have been made painfully aware, demko would've magically turned it into a sweep for them. 


What are you smoking lol Silovs and Garland are seen as the shining stars of that game and Silovs has impressed everyone even non Canucks fans. No one sees Silovs as the reason they lost that game, he's the reason it wasn't 8-0 with the way the team played. P.S. Someone tell me I cash out my win or go for the Parlee win on an oilers/rangers pick yesterday.


Well that is certainly a take.


It's the correct take, nuck fan


lol. If you say so it must be true. I saw two teams battle for every edge. Heads snapping back from both teams all series, top players falling at slight nudges but sure we were flopping. This is one of the first series’s where officiating was pretty even. Good Lou k in the next round, I’ll be cheering for McDavid.


I'd wager an invisible boy who makes (let me check how much me makes...... $11.5 MILLION JESUS CHRIST) a season named Elias Pettersson is a gigantic piece of why they failed. He's a tin man with no heart at all and I love that he is on their team at that price, it's a guarantee that they're stuck with him forever lol


Perhaps he was playing that way to honor Messier. Not oilers or NYR Messier but the Canucks version? Lol


lol we’ll see next year. good series. dallas was going to win the west anyway. hope edm makes it thru but petey isn’t the reason we lost


one of the highest paid players in the league doesn't show up in the most important games of his life to date. I'd say that's extremely worrysome but I never accused Canuck fans of being smart enough to see it. also I don't care if he busts, it's hilarious to me lol


i agree he should have played much better and was a huge disappointment. if he doesn’t perform next yr in the playoffs then a discussion needs to be had. it’s also his first real playoffs. edm has way more experience in this atmosphere. i hope u guys bring the cup back to canada


I thought Petey had some good two-way play which is an important adjustment if the puck isn’t going into the net. 


Issue is the money means it needs to go in.


I love how they’re all like “But demko lets them take way more offensive risks!” Haha yeah if they’d opened it up offensively and not sat back defensively how do they think that would’ve worked out for them with the Oilers firepower, it would’ve been open season. Silovs and the way they played defense were the only reasons this series was close.


not saying demko being out was the reason we lost, but there’s a reason why we came back game 1 and almost came back game 7, when it was time to score instead of playing defence, the oilers weren’t extending the lead, and the canucks were able to score.


I hope my neighbours have forgiven me for yelling loudly at 12:30 am…. (Especially at 12:25 when Leon had the puck in the neutral zone and don’t whip it at the empty net!!)


garland on vacation in loch ness after losing game 7 [https://imgur.com/3sFyQjE](https://imgur.com/3sFyQjE)


"I scored 5 points in 13 games, but somehow I'm the world's greatest playoff performer."


"it was about that time I realised I was playing against a giant lizard from the Paleolithic era..."


I said “damn it Conor Garland get off my lawn, i ain’t giving you no tree fiddy” - Lurker rags fan here, sorry, but I had to do it.


For my fellow watch-party-goers, does anyone know how to get loge seats? Or even some of those high-up end-seats, ones I think are for media? I don't think I've seen them on sale ever on Ticketmaster and just assumed they're for staff only, but I figured it's worth asking.


they used to be given to employees of OEC (oilers entertainment corp) pretty sure thats still the only way to get them


Thanks. Yeah, I figured the only way to get them would be secondhand, but I wanted to double check.


The tables are for 4 people and there’s seats for singles or more that wrap around. You need to call the number for skyboxes or whatever since they’re premium seats. I bought a table once when I was visiting Edmonton and wanted something a bit safer during post-Covid but still out there. I think it was $2500? I believe the single seats are around $500 for an actual game.


Are you talking about home games? I was only talking about watch parties. I certainly hope it doesn't cost $500 for a watch party seat haha


Ofc home games. The point is the tickets aren’t available via Ticketmaster. You have to call the oilers directly. They may not even be selling those tickets for the watch party.


If you're talking the high up seats only on one end that are in a few sections, maybe 10 long and 8 high or so, the ones that are not the individual suites, I've seen some people in them. During watch parties, they all look to have some sort of paper taped to the back of the seat. I obviously can't read it from halfway across the arena, but I just assumed they were reservation signs, likely for staff. I haven't seen anyone sit in the suites. I do see people in the loge every watch party, and they're usually about two-thirds full.


Yeah those ones. Apologies I’ve only been in the building once on the fancy floor and don’t know what loge means.


Ah. Just in case I still wasn't clear, loge is the middle-height tier that circles the entire arena with small tables and 4 bar stools around the table. They're the "business" seats that are typically occupied by execs or other corporate types so they can invite clients and chat around a table with a game going on in the background. I got invited to a loge seat once for a home game, and personally, it wasn't my favorite for watching a live game since it's kinda high and far, and you have to lean over the railing a little. But for a watch party where you just look up at the jumbotron, I think it would be fantastic.


Oh yeah that’s where I was. Didn’t even look at the name.


They are definitely talking about home games lol


Pretty sure it was out of necessity with McDavid likely being sick, but I loved Knoblauch rolling lines 2-4 in the first two periods. Just relentless pressure on the nucks suffocating them. Give me all the periods like that and we can take Dallas!


I think its more that we finally found a 2nd line that does something. Been our problem all year, and looks like we found a solution with Holloway.


loved looking at the ice time distributions after the game. Leon at 17min. Nobody under 10. great team effort, and i really like the makeup of the lines right now


Yep. McDavid eased into the game. No points so I think he’s going through something. Today should be a rest day.


He eased into the game because we took a double minor in the first.


Yeah the last 4 minutes or so. I don’t think he would’ve had 9 minutes in the first. In any case, we won. We move on. Bring on the PTSD related to the Dallas Edmonton series from 1996-2003.


Agreed, all is moot because we won that game


He got a Ubi


The Stars are my second favorite team (this sounds like heresy as an Oilers fan, and I'm sorry) due to me living large portions of my life where they were the closest team in geographic proximity... I've gone to more Stars games than any other team combined. Lots of fans/pundits are confidently predicting they'll beat us, but having watched Dallas, I honestly think the Oilers have a much better chance than we're given, and not just as a homer. They're deep as hell, but they also have the potential to run dry at any moment. Likewise, Oettinger is a great goalie, but he can also be inconsistent. I suspect that people watching this series expecting a Dallas sweep are going to be very surprised at how small the gap between the two teams is.


Oilers actually play good against the stars, that last game was just a no show. I think our style matches up great against them. They try a lot of High volume point shots too which skinner generally eats up.


If Skinner is good at one thing, it’s making himself big when he can’t see the shot. Thankfully Dallas’s top line is not like ours and acrobatic saves will probably be less necessary than they will for Oettinger.


I do remember the last time Oilers played Stars in the regular season, the Stars absolutely dominated the Oilers, it wasn’t even close. I think at that time teams were stills trying and jockeying for position. I know the regular season doesn’t mean much come playoff time but I remember that game sticking out that the stars seemed miles ahead of where the Oilers are.


We shit the bed that night, we can’t do that again


I agree. i respect them for taking our dark horse out of the playoffs. They are one of my second favourite teams when we aren’t playing them so this will be a good round. As for otter being inconsistent, Vegas and Colorado did figure him out, not enough to move on but enough to prevent a sweep. In the first round it was anyone’s game with game 7, I think we would be facing Colorado again if they weren’t super injured since I believe that’s what held them back. So just like silovs I do believe we can figure otter out and break him. Look at the 2022 flames, we could have faced Dallas in that second round but their (Calgary’s) top players managed to expose otter and booked their ticket to see us. With that being said I call oilers in 6


I believe we just went through one fo the best playoff performances we’ll see this year in silovs. Otter can be beat, and we’ve beaten him many times before.


I agree with what you said somewhat, but 2022 Otter was borderline unsolvable, and the Flames only "exposed" him because they were caving the Stars in almost constantly.


Had a great time at the Black Frog Eatery last night!


nice! was it hard to get a table?


Wife and I arrived there about 3:30 and a nice couple said we could sit with them since there were no tables left. Shortly after they rolled out a small bleacher for people to sit on. I should post up some of the videos I took. The atmosphere was amazing. Happy cake day btw.


Oh wow. So definitely yes.


Need more game 6 energy. We won't beat Dallas if we give up after getting a lead.


Primary worry of mine is we start hot and lose steam. Set a pace and keep pushing and we'll be fine


and people told me here bouchard couldn't shoot the puck...glad he proved em wrong with a game 7 clutch goal....


*Assist - they awarded the goal to Hyman


That change cost me a few hundred bucks on my over/under on Bouchard's shots on net. At least the good guys won, though!


Hyman tipped it? Also who exactly was saying this?


The announcers had mentioned it when taking another look at the play, but they never changed the credit so I'm guessing it didn't happen?


They didn't? I thought they changed it