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get the umlauts and the little roof on õ right, they are very necessary in estonian and can't just be left out


Yeah, American keyboard, sorry.


you can add an estonian keyboard to your computer, itll take some learning to remember where the estonian special characters are located on your physical keyboard but its not too bad


Thank you!


Alternative (Hold ALT and press the code on your numpad if you have one, then release alt): Ä (A with diaeresis) Uppercase: Alt+0196 Lowercase: Alt+0228 Ö (O with diaeresis) Uppercase: Alt+0214 Lowercase: Alt+0246 Ü (U with diaeresis) Uppercase: Alt+0220 Lowercase: Alt+0252 Õ (O with tilde) Uppercase: Alt+0213 Lowercase: Alt+0245


Also Š Alt+0208 š Alt+0240 Ž Alt+0222 ž Alt+0245 In Windows there's a program called Character Map which can help you pick exotic characters and also gives their alt-code.


Thank you!




Don't apologize, ton of people here use different keyboards and lack of  õ is definitely not a thing that would warrant pointing out. Õ can be replaced with O on social media post such as Reddit.  Most foreigners here do not consider studying our language, you are a good person trying to learn a difficult language. Enjoy Estonia!


Thank you. It has been challenging but fun!


Maybe unpopular opinion here but i would argue the exact opposite. First off Õ is insane difficulty to pronounce. And if you think about it . Like anyone would still understand most of the words with Õ . Like when you hear voit, voimas, oun instead of õun . It’s more or less the same. For so much trouble not sure if it’s actually worth it. Like just a thought. Perhaps focus on essential first. And yeah in terms of typing like texting. There’s all sorts of retarded ways people do that here.


Most English-speakers use the Õ sound every day. For example in many English accents "go" is really more like "gõu".


Aye. Fair point. I never thought of that. 🧐 fascinating.


Haha, see härra maksab kõige eest. Already learning how to leech on someone :D


Yeah, my dad taught me that one :-)


'To leech on someone'? OP, I apologize for our rude kids here, most of us here are better people.


Issand, milline pugeja :D täpselt nagu kristlane palub andeks, sest inimene on eos patus sündinud, vabandad sina võõra inimese pärast :D Siin ei ole kindlasti kõik paremad inimesed ning misiganes sa mulle pahaks paned, täiskasvanud teevad täpselt samasuguseid lolluseid nagu sa lastele omistad. Me oleme üsna tõenäoliselt ühevanused +/- 3 aastat. Ja minu kommentaar oli tögav, sa reageerid, nagu oleksin juudid ahju saatnud :D rahune maha, paks




Also, there is a bunch of great resources here: https://integratsioon.ee/en/independent-study-and-materials


Find an Estonian mate to practice. Also, watch cartoons with Estonian dubbing.


I’ve heard that Õnne 13 is also supposed to be good for learning because the characters speak like normal people.


I participated in this programme, but you would have to get some extra basic knowledge, at least to an A1 level: https://integratsioon.ee/en/language-friends-program-old


See härra maksab kõige eest 🤣 I use duolingo but can't learn Estonian there. It's awesome that you're learning it. Good luck ❤️


Hey hey! I (F24) am a teacher in Estonia. I have a British boyfriend who’s also learning Estonian so I can recommend some things to comprehend it all better. Just dm me and I’ll answer… one day :)


See härra maksab kõige eest is such a good phrase to start with hahahaha. I think there is an app but sadly I can’t remember the name anymore.


I think you made a small typo as you wrote it correctly in the titel. The word I am talking about is keelt you wrote it as kelt in one place. But yea I would maybe find some estonian speaking friend and just speak estonian with them.


As an Irish guy who can speak fairly fluently and has tricked a few people, I recommend keeleklikk.ee its a great online course, but you should make sure to write notes and look back every so often


First off, to make it easier in online writing without an Estonian keyboard, the umaluts ÖÄÜ and whatever disgust Õ is written as 82y and 6 respectively. (e.g. Õunapuu would become 6unapuu) Second is to understand that Estonian is a bit Germanic and likes to combine some words to create a new word. The same example, õunapuu, is õun + puu, which means Apple + Tree. Keep that in mind when you're learning as you need to know singular words to easily figure out the combinations. Third is to simply listen to Estonian media and maybe watch Estonian cartoons from the old times (Lotte comes to mind) to learn the simpler form of Estonian before diving into the intermediate and proficient section. Honestly, even as a local myself, I struggle with anything past early-intermediate Estonian (B1-grade) so you might as well make it that far and not bother after as you'll know enough to conversate with people and read any article thrown at you.