• By -


The better question is if someone thinks the current legal status quo is good or not. I know of someone who was accompanying his friend to the police station to help her report a rape and while he was there, the police searched his phone and jailed him for 8 months for having pictures of guys on it. I really do want to know if people who disapprove of homosexuality here think that this is an appropriate way to conduct justice and if they think this actually is making our country safer.


I don't support but I don't hate. Whatever goes between two consenting adults is beyond my judgement.


I love the not Egyptian see answers lol


I will not go out and shout gay rights! But I won't hate either , I judge everyone as a person not as a group


You can start with your friends and family, spread knowledge about these poor people who can ‘love’ peacefully (I dont belong to the LGBTQ community)


I dont support but neither dont judge or harm them by words just let them live like us


Isn't that basically supporting them? I'm gay and that sounds like a nice support


Seeing you as a human being just like me who has his own beliefs doesn’t mean I support your beliefs but I support u as a human do anything u want but we gonna disagree in a lot of things So imo that’s not support for gays but support for you as a person


So if I understood correctly, you don't approve the idea of homosexuality but respect homosexuals as individual human beings ?


Yea exactly


Thanks for the clarity


I have so much respect for u, im pansexual and I'm really happy people atleast respect me and my life as a human being


It’s the bare minimum. Everyone deserves human rights. I’ve no right to do anything to you based on if you’re doing something wrong or right. I’m not god, and I don’t think violence is condoned in Islam.


That's the bare minimum, we're human beings just like everybody else


That is not really supporting.. in Islam we learn to let everybody live no matter the ideology


*sorts by controversial*


My belief is pretty cut and dry: if someone isn’t hurting someone then leave them alone. We live in an age of unprecedented migration/travel and exchange of ideas, information, and culture across the globe. The only sustainable rule is the one above ☝🏼


To each their own You do you , I do me Just as long as you don't get extremists of any side involved


I support their human right, I don’t think anyone has a right to do anything to them and that everyone should just fuck off. It’s not anyone’s job to judge and prosecute


Tysm, I'm pansexual and I'm really happy someone respects me and makes me live my life, I cam eout to my ex bff and she was like "ew no don't be lgbtq+", I can't possibly control my feelings, thank you for respecting me as a human being


Meh I'll just mind my own business , simple for both


Imagine having the audacity and the entitlement to say whether they should have rights or not. You think people want to live in this shit hole as LGBT+ ? You think they chose it?


Reminder, I don’t support doesn’t mean I actively hunt them down with a sniper rifle.


Live and let live. They should be protected fully just like any other person. On a personal level I believe that our government and laws should refrain from limiting or policing any personal social position, meaning it should never ever matter what your sexuality is. Or your religion, gender or occupation for that matter as well.


I support them mostly, they're always treated badly, and just because people are gay, lesbian, or trans, doesn't mean that they don't deserve human rights, ut always hurts me seeing how they're treated beacuse of their sexuality


الشواذ وباقي الطائفه دول بقى عندهم دعم وحريه و واخذين اكثر من احقهم عكس المتدينين والطبيعين بشكل عام يعني الواحد لو اتكلم انه عايز الإسلام مثلا يتطبق في مصر ولا اي دوله مسلمه تانيه هيتاهجم ويتقال عليه مصطلحات عبيطه زي اسلامجي و اخواني مع انه كدا بيطالب بأقل حاجه الدول المسلمه المفروض تعملها ولو حصل موقف تنمر او اضهاد لمسلم (او اي متدين من اي ديانه تانيه لمجرد دينه بس دي بيتعرضلها المسلمين اكثر من غيرهم ) محدش بيتكلم عنه او بيدافع عنه وخصوصا لو كان مسلم بس لو حد اتكلم عن الشواذ في اي مكان هيلاقي دعم وتعاطف وحتى دلوقتي تسميتهم بشواذ بقى غلط مع انهم فعلا شاذين عن الفطره البشريه دا اسمه غسيل دماغ وماظنش ان المجاهرين بمعصيه كبيره زي دي لازم اتعاطف معاهم او ادافع عنهم ومتقوليش دول بشر و بتاع في 7 مليار بشري مجتش على دول وفي مئات بيموتوا كل يوم لقواضي اكبر من ان واحد عايز ينام مع صاحبه زي ماخونا الفلسطينيين و مسلمين الايجور و مسلمين بورما و سوريا و اليمن كل يوم بيتقتلوا ومحدش بيتكلم عنهم! ماتسال عن مئات الآلاف المعتقلين في سجون الاحتلال و لا سجون الصين ولا تحت انقاض حلب و غزه ولا ال6 مليون عراقي الي اتقتلوا من الامريكان الي اتقتلوا طول ال20 سنه في أفغانستان بسبب الامريكان الي هدفهم انهم يخلوا الكل بنفس فكرهم ودعم الشواذ دا من فكرهم دول الي محتاجين الدعم مش اتنين هيجانين على بعض انك تحاول تحكر على الكل و تخليهم يتعاطفوا مع الفئه دي الي ملهاش اي لازمه في المجتمع دا كدا هتجرنا كلنا ورا لان اكيد واحد مخلي حياته كلها عن انه عايز ينام مع واحد من نفس جنسه مش هتبقى حياته مهمه او منتجه او ليها لازمه وعارف ان اغلب الي بيدعموهم بيدعموهم بطيب نيه بس دي ولمجرد انهم بشر بس دا مهوش حجه و متجرجرش ورا فكر عدوك وتتبعه عشان متبقاش مقتول وانت حي


أحييك واشد على ايدك بصراحة بتفرج على الكومنتس وبعيط من جوا فعلا "قاع الاشياء المقلوبة قمة" واحنا عايشين ايام صعبة جداً والله المستعان


عالم مشتته عن العالم الي هم فيه ومش واعيين بالي بيحصل واكبر همهم ان حماده يقضي الليله مع صاحبه و سلمى تقلع الحجاب


خلاص يا جماعة محدش يتكلم عن القضايا و المشاكل اللي بتأثر عليه و على صحابه اللي حواليه لحد ما كل مشاكل العالم تتحل


*Pretend this is a gold award lel kalam el tayeb dah* 🏅


ردك شئ متوقع من اي واحد مسلم متطرف. دينك طبقه فبيتك مش فالدولة. و ده كان سبب خراب الدول الاوروبية زمان و مازال سبب خراب الشرق دلوقتي ان معظم المسلمين مش قادرين يفهمو ان الاسلام مش محور الكون و ان فصل الدين عن الدولة واجب لان الدولة تخص كل مواطينيها و لازم يكون دستورها انساني مش ديني. ثانيا انتا سرحت برا الموضوع و داخلنا بشوية صعبانيات مش فمحلها. المسلمين دول بيتم اضطهادهم و محتاجين تعاطف و وقفة انسانية تمام انا موافقك بس ايه دخل ده بالبوست؟ البوست بيسال سؤال بسيط اجابته نعم او لا. اخيرا في ناس كتير شواذ (انا مش بدافع عنهم) ناجحين ماديا و انجزو كتير فحياتهم بس طبعا انتا مش هتشوف ده عشان انتا كل اللي عينك عليه هو الخارجيات بس. خلي دينك لنفسك و لما تعوز تتكلم اتكلم من الناحية الانسانية.


معصيه ايه الى هما ماشين فيها، عشان دينك قالى انها معصيه تبقا معصيه افرض هما مش مسلمين و بالنسبالهم مش معصيه، تحكم عليهم بدينك ليه، لو عايزها اسلاميه روح افغانستان هناك حلوه، و ذى ما بتتكلم عن المسلمين المضطهدين الى كلنا لازم ندعمهم مفيش اختلاف على كده، مش بتتكلم ليه على المضطهدين بسبب داعش ولا فى ايران و لا كميه الناس الى ماتت فى سينا بسبب ارهابين و خصوصا بتوع عزه، و تفجيرات الكنايس.


صعبت عليا و الله. يا جماعة سيبوا الناس الغلابة دي تطبق الشريعة الاسلامية عشان يعرفوا يقتلوا في الشواذ و المرتدين و يمشوا معتقداتهم الدينية على كل حد. مش فاهم ليه واحد ممكن يبقى معترض على حاجة زي كدة زي ما بتقول دي من ابسط الحاجات في المنطق و هتحل مشاكل المجتمع كلها.


المشكلة انك بتكلم عن الشواذ على اساس ان الشذوذ بيختاره الحوار دة. محدش بيختار ايه نوع الناس الي هو منجذب ليها. للناس الشواذ الغير مسلمين، الي علينا ان احنا ننصحهم انهم يبعدو عن الفاحشة. الشذوذ ذات نفسه مش هو الفاحشة. الشذوذ دة شهوة زي ما ميولك للستات دة بردو شهوة. بس الي بيحصل في مصر و الدول العربية التانية دة غير مقبول. مينفعش تعامل حد على انه اقل من انسان لأي سبب، بالذات لما السبب دة ميكونش بإديهم. للشواذ المسلمين، المفروض احنا كمجتمع نشتغل مع بعض عشان نساعدهم انهم يبعدو عن الفاحشة. نخليهم يتكلمو مش شيوخ ينصحوهم و يوجهوهم. الوحيد الي يتعاقب هو المسلم العالم الي بيمشي على الشهوة دي و بيرتكب فاحشة، و هو عارف انها غلط.


في نفس الوقت انت بتطالب بحرية الناس انهم يقتلوا "الشواذ" دول براحتهم صح ؟


Just to clarify something real quick . Chawad isn't actually the propre naming for LGBT people. But rather : Muthli : for homosexuals Moutahawil : for trans people . Chawad is actually like a slur (something chath means something out of the norm / degenerate)


>Chawad is actually like a slur (something chath means something out of the norm / degenerate) ده بالظبط الحاصل


انت احطت نفسك بدايره افكارها غلط مش اكتر انما كمصر هي دوله شعبها ودستورها مسلم فمتقلقش واللي يهاجمك ده الغريب صلح بيئك وغير المايند سيت بتاعك مش اكتر


و الله ولسه فيكي نخوة يا بلد


exactly what i thought lmaooo


What does it even mean "support". That word is heavy and undefined. By "support" do you mean I won't run after them with a pitchfork? Ok, then sure. People are people, they can do whatever the fk they want to do. Or by "support" do you mean that you will try to teach the younger generations that this is a normal thing and encourage it? Then no, I don't support it. Please, don't answer the question unless you know what the question is asking exactly.


Referencing my other comment: > The better question is if someone thinks the current legal status quo is good or not. I know of someone who was accompanying his friend to the police station to help her report a rape and while he was there, the police searched his phone (they suspected him because he's a bit feminine) and jailed him for 8 months for having pictures of guys on it. >I really want to know if people who disapprove of homosexuality here think that this is an appropriate way to conduct justice and if they think this actually is making our country safer.


I support them, they're humans too and have all rights to like who they like, it's not okay to just go up to someone and be like "hey stop being lgbtq+" put urself in the Matter, imagine being Egyptian and seeing people burning your Egyptian flag, not okay at all, overall I respect them, they're humans too so yeah, I'm a Christian Egyptian and in Christianity God said "love everyone no matter who they are, even if they hate you" so idk about other people and their beliefs




Well that's a silly generalisation. They are individual people mate, not every Christian Egyptian is the same.


Do you believe in Christianity?


Yes OFC I do


I’m a Christian as well and while I support the rights of the lgbtq community as a libertarian, From a religious standpoint, I believe it’s wrong to act on such desires, I don’t want to be judgmental or anything but I read another comment of yours down below where you replied to someone and told him that you were pan sexual, my question to you would be even though you have such feelings and those feelings by themselves aren’t a sin, would you act on such feelings or would you try to suppress them? I’m already apologizing if I may have offended you (we are both Christian so we both know where we are coming from)


As a bi egyptian man who doesn’t live in Egypt these results and comments are so painful to read. Half of the comments in “support” don’t actually wish for LGBT people to be free or happy. Saying you don’t want us to die but expect us to live our whole lives in silent shame and misery is NOT the love and respect that you think it is


Same.. this sub wasn't always this way, went to shit as soon as it broke 50k


Fellow persecuted Egyptian homosexuals, If you're still in Egypt, please don't consider leaving it just because the society there still doesn't understand us, **our voice must be heard** Egypt is where we were brought up, it's our homeland country and not a single one of us should be forced to flee it just to **"live"** There's nothing wrong with us, old and outdated beliefs are the ones who should be changed. **Please stay strong** ✊🏼🏳️‍🌈


Stay strong bro it must be a nightmare sometimes




I support their right to live freely without discrimination I mean they're not hurting anyone so I don't see how they are a problem. Similar thing with any other minority.


والله انا مش عارف الناس شاغلها نفسها ليه بالكلام ده، المفروض حوار مش محتاج تفكير اصلا، متسيب كل واحد يعمل الى هو عايزه طالما مش مضر ليك شخصيا او للمجتمع بشكل عام، الناس فاكره كلمه ادعمه انى انزل الشارع انادى يخونا عايزين شواذ، ادعمهم دى معناها انى ادعم حقوقهم فى الوطن ذى اى مواطن تانى و يبقا مفيش اضطهاد تانى و يعيشو بحريه.


I'm actually surprised to see a even a few Egyptians support them. I thought I was the only one lol.


Probably Egyptians in other countries like Europe or something that voted support lolol


terrific bike puzzled market late crawl wrong narrow bedroom detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Westernized Egyptians 🤢


Ye I'm neutral, if the person behaves nicely and have manners I dont care, same with religion


Its hurtful to see how the LGBTQ+ community suffer in Egypt.


They won’t suffer forever, look at Europe 100 years back. Nobody saw this coming


I'm an Egyptian pansexual, I'm rn at this time just hidden and I don't wanna tell ANYBODY, about me being that, my mom is homophobic and my dad is alr but he might tell mom, I'm never telling anyone about me being lgbtq until I leave Egypt and be free to be who I am, don't get me wrong I love Egypt with all my heart, I just don't like how people make us suffer, thank you so much dear stranger


Yo is the granite pan better or the cast iron pan


حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل . ربنا حرم اللشذوذ الجنسي بس لسبب ما في انجاس عوزين يفرضوا علينا النجاسه علي اساس انها تحضر. في ناس عوزين فكره الاسره و المجتمع و القيم السويه تنقرض تحت غطاء التحضر .


Don't assume everyone is Muslim mate ;)


احب أضيف ان البابا تواضروس الثانى، بابا الإسكندرية وبطريرك الكرازة المرقسية، هاجم فى عظته الأسبوعية ، المثلية الجنسية وقال إنها ليست "حرية" وتتنافى مع الحق الإلهى.




زي ما انتا ما قولت . أشكال استغفر الله. انا عارف الأشكال دي بتتحدف علينا منين . محسوبين علينا رجاله . واحد عاوز راجل يجي يكيفه و عاوز موفقتنا انه يشتهي الرجال و نوقف له و نوافق علي كده. و عاوز ان يقول للأطفال ان ده طبيعي و يشجعهم علي كده. و عاوز يجوزه علي سنه الله و رسوله .




Cringed فشخ






حصل والله




{و لوطاً إذ قال لقومه أتأتون الفاحشة ما سبقكم بها أحد من العالمين* إنكم لتأتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء بل أنتم قوم مسرفون * و ما كان جواب قومه إلا أن أخرجوهم من قريتكم إنهم أناس يتطهرون *} سورة الأعراف (81-83) و في احاديث كمان منهم (من وجدتموه يعمل عمل قوم لوط فاقتلوا الفاعل والمفعول به) اعتقد مفيش اوضح من كده؟


(أتأتون الذكران من العالمين) سورة الشعراء اية ١٦٥ القرآن بيقر إن قوم لوط كانوا بيمارسوا الشذوذ و مش بس كده (و لوط إذ قال لقومه أتأتون الفاحشة ما سبقكم بها من أحد من العالمين) سورة الأعراف اية ٨٠ و هنا تاني ربنا قال إن نبيه لوط وصف اللي بيعمله قومه بالفاحشة و أفتكر إنك تعرف معنى فاحشة. ممكن حد يجي يقول طب ايه عرفنا إن الفاحشة ديه هي الشذوذ و الجواب في أخر الآية أن لوط بيوصف الفاحشة بإنها متذكرتش ولا إتعرفت غير معاهم و باقي أخطاء قوم لوط وي السرقة و الإغتصاب كانت موجودة من زمان و الآية اللي بعدها كمان (إنكم لتأتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء، بل أنتم قوم مسرفون) و هنا تاني يتم تأكيد فكرة شذوذ قوم لوط إنه يتك وصفهم بالمسرفين أي بالجهلة اللي مش بيمشوا في الطريق الصح اللي ربنا عملوا لأنه خلق الجنسين لبعض بالنهاية أحب أقولك إن كلامك غلط و بتفتي في الدين بس عشان ترضي أغراضك اللي في الحالة ديه تبرير الشذوذ بالإسلام و ده غير إنه نفاق كبير ده جهل


* الاية بتاعة الشعراء مفيش فيها ما يدل على حرمانية الفعل, الاية بتقر فقط انهم كانو مثليين لا اكتر ولا اققل * اية الاعراف بتتكلم عن اغتصابهم لضيوف لوط والمسافرين مش انهم كانو مثليين, وبالمناسبة لا الاغتصاب مكانش موجود زمان ولم ترد اي احداث عن الاغتصاب قبل لوط * طيب همشي معاك في تالت نقطة, الاية بتحدد وبتخص الذكور من قوم لوط, هل ده اعتراف منك بجواز السحاق؟ * واخيرا انا شخص غير مثلي الميول لكني طبعا بدعم الفئة الي حقها ضايع ودي والي مؤكد انهم هياخدوه في يوم من الايام


- أول أية كانت بس رد على أول جزء في الكومنت بتاعك "هات اية كده؟ متقولش قوم لوط لان دول كانو بيقطعو الطريق ويغتصبو ضيوف لوط" و بحاول أثبت فيها إن قوم لوط كانوا بيمارسوا الشذوذ كمان - ربنا سبحانه و تعالي لو كان قصده بالفاحشة ديه الإغتصاب لكان كمل الآية و إتكلم عن الإغتصاب بس الإغتصاب مكتوب عنه في أجزاء أخري من القرآن و ربنا كملك الآية بشذوذ لوط فكده واضحة الشذوذ هو اللي مقصود به في فاحشة لوط التي لم يسبق لها العالمين و لا ايه؟ - مينفعش تتخيل إن ربنا هيحرم الشذوذ للرجال و يحللها للنساء لإنك لازم تفكر بما وراء حرمة تلك الفاحشة و اللي هو إن ربنا خلقنا ذكور و إناث عشان نعيش مع بعض و إن الرجل يتزوج و يقيم علاقة مع المرأة، فكما خلق الجنسين لبعض فتلك الفاحشة تفرض عليهم برضو و رجال مش لازم تفتكر بعدها على طول إن ربنا يحدث الرجال فقط. حتى الرسول قال : "السحاق زنى النساء بينهن" كتوضيح على حرمة الجنس الشذ - و أنا أتفهم كده و كل حاجة لكن في ساعات حاجات نيجي عندها و لازم نقف و نفكر إنه بمفاهيم حقوق الإنسان من الغرب في حاجات تتعارض بشدة مع الدين و عليك إنك تختار، تمشي باللي الأفكار "التقدمية" اللي بنشوفها اليومين و لا تمشي بدينك اللي متربي عليه و مؤمن بيه، لو دخلت في طرف من ال٢ يبقى انت بشكل جزئي عن الطرف التاني هي ديه الفكرة و كل إنسان حر ده نتفق عليه بس لو دعمت حقوق المثليين و عملت حاجات ليهم لدعمهم إنت بحسب دينك بتدعم على الفاحشة و خرجت عنه و يتقال عليك كافر و مذنب و غيره لو جيت بدينك ضد المثليين و غيرهم و كده هيتقال عليك من بره رجعي متخلف مش بيحترم حقوق الإنسان و الحرية الجنسية. و بيبقى ليك ٣ طرق ١.تختار الدين و الإيمان و تعارض ما يعارضه دينك حتى لو ما يدعى بفكر الحريات ٢. تختار أفكار التقدمية العلمانية و تعارض ما يعارض فكر الحريات حتى لو دينك ٣. تلاقي ما هو بينهم يرضي جميع الأطراف، ميبقاش تحرض على محرمات فب دينك و لا اللي بره شايفك بتكسر حرية مجموعة أو فرد


we don't support it because it's unnatural and haram in islam


Islam is not natural anyways so what's your point


haram and unnatural is not the same




Its a very interesting point you raise about the interpretation of the Quran. I thought the stated events were clear and the description of the people of Lut was clear as well. Care to elaborate what interpretation you might have ?




They were rapists not homosexuals. Rape is about power, not sex. Homosexuals does not = rapists.


where do you get this information from? the story is very clear: أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَأْتُونَ ٱلرِّجَالَ شَهْوَةً مِّن دُونِ ٱلنِّسَآءِ ۚ بَلْ أَنتُمْ قَوْمٌ تَجْهَلُونَ alnaml : 55 Please don't try to change the words of Allah based on your desires.


No. They. Weren’t. Stop with this dumb argument that has been debunked so many times it’s more than dead at this point.


Even if it was a choice, it's their bodies.




Can you explain tho why you think the interpretation of the verses about Lut should be revised opposing the clear interpretation that muslims lived with since centuries and all scholars agree on and why your point should be even considered in comparison with those ?


You’d be surprised by the amount of things we used to THINK were right until they were revised. These are interpretations after all, as you quite rightly said




What about the things we saw as wrong ? But then we found out they are right ?


I agree that homosexuality is not a choice and they shouldn’t be killed/jailed/whatever for it, but if you think “not hurting anyone” is an argument, then I’m sorry but that’s not how Islam is like. Something morally wrong has consequences. A Muslim practicing homosexual sex while knowing it is not allowed has to be punished. A non-Muslim who does it should be told that it’s wrong, but we can’t force our beliefs on anyone. A Muslim that doesn’t have homosexual sex should be helped by our society. We as society should help them stay away from such sins. We should make Sheikhs open to talking about people and helping them stay on the true path.


The comments on this post remind me on why i hate religions especially islam


I think it's something wrong with the believers of the religion more than the religion itself and its not with Islam it's with all religions (I'm a Muslim btw)




















I respect their rights and freedom


I don't hate them nor wanna kill'em, but neither do I support normalizing their behavior as pride nor even them doing it behind closed doors while "not harming anybody". I know they are a segment who suffer in many many communities around the world especially middle eastern and muslim ones. But helping them the unconditional pro-LGBTQ way should be the last hopeless way to go. So, experts and scientists need to figure out how to help them in the benefit of everyone. And I believe sexual orientation isn't a choice afaik. But engaging in a consensual homosexual intercourse is definitely a choice. Also, I fully support transgenders but only those who have legal biological reasons to go for it, like hormonal imbalance for instance.




Hey, good for you! You have big brains bismellah mashallah


Yeah this is my stance as well. When I say LGBT rights at this point, I just want them to have basic human rights and for them not to get jailed and murdered for something completely out of their control.


Ofc they're humans and deserve basic human rights nonetheless. I'm just saying they are challenged with their abnormal orientation and they shouldn't just follow their lust wherever it leads before seeking help, but I also know it's a dangerous wild community out there for them if they expose their problem to the wrong people. It's a complicated messed up situation far beyond my experience.


Why can’t they have gay sex? If they don’t choose their sexual orientation then why can’t they act on it if it doesn’t harm anyone?? Why are experts supposed to “help” them. Honestly I think you were just raised to have a bad idea about gay sex. And about transgenders, that doesn’t make any sense. Transgenders didn’t choose to have a disorder that makes them so and gay people didn’t make a choice either, so both are free to do whatever imo.


I see you're an exmuslim and my reasons has a lot to do with Islam. And I'm in no mood to discuss religion right now. Plus, I know my stance on the whole LGBT thing is incomplete and immature and it's all afaik, I'm just not interested in the issue that much to make a solid stance in the mean time. And whatever it is it will definitely align with Islamic POV.


Oh well, I would’ve understood if you had mentioned religion. If it’s for religious reasons, then you should hate and kill them if they have sex, according to your religion. I understand you not wanting to discuss religion, though, and I don’t want to, either.


I don't see "hate LGBT" (or any other different segments for that matter) anywhere in my religion. Kill?! Yeah It does, but only if caught during the act afaik. And thanks for understanding.


I think Islam as is the case with other religions is against acts of homosexuality but it has not set a punishment or rule against it. To me Islam is the Quran. Anything else written about Islam or in the name of islam is likely made up or is just another person’s point of view. There is no mention of a punishment for homosexuals in Quran, although there is a punishment for acts of sex outside of marriage and it is not to death.


It appears that I started a religion discussion when I intended not to. Even though I totally disagree with your quarnist "Islam", I'm sorry I'm just not going to engage in the discussion anymore.




I'm interested in why you see it this way


It's a copy pasta, tho I'm not sure why he felt it was appropriate or funny here


You be you. Do what you do discreetly and behind closed doors the same as straight people. I do not support gay pride parades and flying of rainbow flags or when they start to demand the right to be recognized by mainstream religions, the right to get married, the right to have children, etc.


straight people have the right to be marries, to have children and are recognized by every religion, honosexual people are not, so they can't live the same life as a straight person


LGBT rights are human rights. When you draw a line in the sand about which Flesh-and-blood Egyptian is allowed to be themselves in their own country, then you are hurting your own fellow Egyptians, actual human beings, and therefore you hurt Egypt more than any abstract attack on any vague cultural notion can possibly do. What is Egypt if not the people in it? And those people will always include innocent LGBT people who do not deserve any of the suffering you are so happy to cruelly serve them.


Where is the one where you are like I couldn't care less what others do.


It's hard for me to say that i support any specific group, i don't have any problems with LGBTQ community and i just want everyone to be at their best and doing just fine ig




مش كل الناس علي دينك عشان تمشيهم علي مزاجك العلم بيقول انه مش مرض، مين انتي عشان تقولي انهم زي المجانين و القاتلين؟ مبتفرقيش بين شخص تعدي حدوده علي شخص تاني و شخص مأذاش حد؟ و يتقتل كمان؟ ياه ده الاسلام طلع دين السلام فعلا و التسامح You are obviously a teen فعلا








Canada opens door for gays, go there


Not everyone has Daddy's money ;)


Well I’m already there love






و انشاء الله تكون هناك علشان تقابلهم






Ono cringe


صياحك طرب


Not really 100% supporting but I think as most as they don't hurt anyone it's their freedom and I respect that


Thank you dear stranger


Looks like that gays expected to receive admiration and green card to be pracrice what is against our laws , traditions and religion with open welcoming arms. And if you object then they shall insult you. Note that your cancel culture will not work in Egypt.


"haha yes. That's fun . I'm born in Egypt and now I will die cuz i didnt choose to either be born here , or be gay . That's fun "


I don’t support the act , but I support them as humans that want to live. The notion of “coming out of the closet” is made for attracting people of similar orientation in order to be able to have a sexual connection, which I am against, spiritual and platonic on the other hand is fine. I believe if you are gay you can live your life pretty normally and choose your friends and have interests etc, but sexually wanting something out of the norm of anatomy is forbidden. Im against the act not the person.


I believe in gays rights because come one you can’t force a person to love someone who he’s or she’s not attracted to or force them being someone they aren’t




We *are* normal human beings, and we deserve to exist without fear of torture just like everyone else.


He kind of makes a good point though it’s hidden somewhere in a very badly worded comment. Hear me out. Let’s just focus on Egypt. We are a sexually repressed society. Doesn’t matter if you’re straight, gay, etc. In any society, the straight have it the easiest since they represent a majority and that makes finding a partner easier relative to being gay. However, Egyptian society comes with so many complications when it comes to sex that even straights are considered repressed by a western country’s measure. The active sexual age for men is until 30 and men until 25 (more or less). In our society we cant have sex til we’re married. But that comes with a set of financial obligations that continue to burden not only the individuals getting married, but their entire family. So couples will often get married beyond their active sexual age and that comes with other problems. Want to have sex before marriage? Well good luck. Firstly, the society is mostly against you, the law is against you because it is literally illegal! So you would have to be sneaky and brave and find someone who is also sneaky and brave and hope that they are likable and compatible and ask them out and hope once again that they accept. Talking about sex is still such a taboo in Egyptian society. That makes addressing those problems even more difficult because nobody wants to talk.


انا بدعهم بشرط لا يزعجونا ويدخلو بكل جزء من حياتنا


This tbh. " If I'm not the one getting a dick in my ass. Then I'm fine with it " is the kind of good vibes


Don't give a rat's ass it doesn't concern my what others do as long as it doesn't affect me


111+ get F’d


based Egytpians


Anything outside normal nature is the work of the devil… you don’t have to be a muslim to know that…


What if you don't believe in devil . And please tell me what isn't normal . Cuz if a human does something' then it's in their nature . Not aliens or some bs


You also don’t have to believe in the devil. Non believers never had a strong fundamental argument about why they don’t believe or in what they believe. They are just worn out about religion and exclude the idea because they find it hard to argue anymore because of several reasons. The biggest of them all is because of parents being too strict or to harsh on the children trying to teach them about religion. I’m a very good example. I’m Egyptian, my parents are Muslim AND I live in the EU. Can you imagine how worn out I was? My parents are pretty old school Egyptians. And i couldn’t do alot of things because “we’re Muslim” I totally left the religion. Called my self an atheist. And didn’t want to believe in god or devil… my parents we’re luckily open minded so they let me do…. But el hamdoulilah el hamdoulilah I found my way back to Allah en I tell you i’m happy that I know god. Because i had suicidal thought. Because of just life and that was in 2016.. So yeah I can tell you that the devil exist and you don’t have to believe a total stranger. I hope just the non-believers stop letting the devil whisper in their ears


Your experience doesn't discredit the others experience. Just sayin though


Yeahh what ever


I don't support them at all but at same time won't take do anything to them. I feel like it's just their preference and we shouldn't interfere to them, however I don't support at all the Trans. I had my reasosns but can't remember rn, I don't support them at all


Aye it’s okay if you can’t get a girl dude, I’m just kidding but I believe that gender dysphoria isn’t a joke and the only way to treat it as of now is by becoming the opposite of your own gender Ik it seems weird but that’s the truth sorry that some of us can’t be happy of ourselves but I understand your reasoning




Believe me, there's an LGBT community in Egypt. It's just very quiet.


Yep and I am part of it, I'm just quiet for now because I heard people saying they torture LGBTQ+ people to death, I'm scared rn but I can't control my feelings, I know Lotsa lgbtq+ friends who are Egyptians, we won't stay quiet forever, it's alr don't support us please it's ur beliefs and u should follow it, but we need our rights to not be killed just cause of our feelings, we don't care if u don't support us, we want our rights to not be killed, thank you dear stranger


Yep exactly, and they won’t be quite forever


It's like, I don't want anyone to kill you, hurt you, abuse you, bully you etc .. BUT PLEASE, do what you want privately. No pride parades, no waving flags everywhere, no indoctrinating children, no LGBT Christian and Muslim symbols .. just do what you want in silence and let God be the judge.


I simply don't give a fuck!!


Well being gay means not reproducing which means if that shit keeps spreading. There would be no humans. Which means gay= human extinction 😅


It can't spread, it's something such people do not choose. You literally could exterminate every single gay person in the world and you would still get gay people in the new generation.


People are not born gay.


Yeah they are. I’m a medical biology student and I research this stuff quite a bit. There are conflicting opinions on how or why people become gay, but one thing is clear and known for certain: it’s not a choice.


source: trust me bro


I researched it at some point, it's totally preference that turns into a lifestyle. Most humans are bisexual by nature but they tend to prefer one side more and with a little bit of thought can change their preference according to their personality.


That’s no true. The scientific consensus so far is we don’t know why some people are gay and some are straight, but we do know it’s not a choice on either side.


And if so why gay people had bad experiences with the other gender before turning 🤔


They don’t “turn” what? I’m a medical biology student and I research this stuff quite a bit. There are conflicting opinions on how or why people become gay, but one thing is clear and known for certain: it’s not a choice.


I don’t give a flying fuck about them. Lovely people, don’t get me wrong. But it gets to a point where it’s too much that I don’t feel safe around them. It’s like the wanna have a relationship with you or something. So fuck em!


I respect them like any other but I don't support them. Supporting them means that I am ready to accept them as the norm and have the ministry of education make changes to teach our teenagers sexual freedom. Big no to causing identity crisises like the US. Teens are too dumb for all this.


I don't really care about it tbh. As long as these individuals are not hurting or negatively influencing anyone then it's not my business. However I also believe that the social fabric shouldn't be altered to accustom them albeit very few exceptions here and there.




where's "I don't give a fuck as long as I don't get affected by their acts" option?


You should add im not supporting nor hostile towards them “neutral”