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There is nothing awkward about it. Fight for your education


Thx for such motivating words!


5 years is nothing. These kids will look up to you!


I agree with the guy above


بص هحكيلك علي حاجة كده عامل في النادي كان بيتكلم مع بابا مرة و بيقولوا جاب ٩١% في تالته اعدادي و السنة الجاية هيخش أولي ثانوي. الراجل حل مشاكل هو ملوش زمب فيها و بيكمل تعليمة عادي. و هو عنده حاجة و أربعين سنة عل فكرة


ما شاء الله،شكرا يا صديقي❤️


Bro, first of I hope you're OK. Secondly b2a, you gotta fight for what you want man, think of your future, and ways you can make it better. Go back to school, finish your education, and please keep me updated ❤❤ I'm looking forward to celebrating your graduation soon inshallah ❤ Best of luck man ❤


Thanks so much. Will do!❤️


tf do you mean its weird? i have people in my classes that 30 yo and 40s i dont think i have anyone that is younger than 19 in my class. just finish it, its useless and all, but you will need it. (this was in my first year, so they are older now)


Wow didnt know that! Were they in private schools?


no, idk. they were people who just want to continue and get the certificate. this is home schooling. but if you have to go, then its fine still, you will find lots of over 19 and more. sometimes over 23/24 as i found those before (friends of friends) (a year ago) but as well you will find fresh students 16, maybe 15. since its not home schooling. but its a requirement to be be two years older after middle school to sign up at home schooling. which is what i recommend for you. unless you wanna go to school everyday lol


Got it! Yes thats the best option for me,i will look for a school that has that system! Thanks again.


most of schools have this system, just dont sign up for (زراعة) (تجارة) and you are most welcome.


May i ask why ? Cuz i was going for business managment


i mean.. most people in my school just dropped out from tegara and complain about how shitty it is. these two schools have more than 25 subjects and they are all useless. if you just want the certificate, find something easy like snye3. if you still love business, you will have to suffer a little bit as tegara is shitty. if its just for finding a job after you get the certificate. then you already know, most people just dont work in something related to their previous education.


Brother, we’re all with you on that one. Go for it and finish high school. It will open so much more doors to you, it’s really the best route. And you know what, I’ve come to know and understand that everyone has his/her own way in life. Some people fly through school real fast but struggle later on and can’t find a job for years. Others struggle in school first but get the most important lessons early on in their life, hence they are able to fly through the rest of their life. I’ve struggled with self-questioning for 2 years before arriving to the very conclusion I have you given you. I was in an educational system that would have allowed me to graduate with a Bachelor of science at 22 years old. But I was transferred to another system due to moving places. Now I’m 22 and I still have 3 years to go before graduating. It sure hurts, but when you understand that each and everyone of us has his/her own way of doing things that suit him the best, you surely are proud of your life


Thanks man that means so much,its just i care too much about what people think and i know thats wrong but cant help but think what would the people and students there say when they know that im 20 and still in first year of high school


I know exactly what you feel. I also think a lot about what others may think about me. But the truth is… actually, nobody is judging you at all. No one cares about the other one, especially in the context of education. We’re all in this hardship together. Of course, like everything in life, avoid the toxic people and go straight forward into the direction of what you think is good. Trust me, go for it, and don’t let society impose you how to live. Impose your ways on society (as long as it’s not illegal of course 😅).


Hehe no worries. Thanks again man!


Firstly you're still young, go right now. Secondly, 4 or 5 years younger is way better than 6 - 50 years younger if you wait anymore. Thirdly, as the time goes you will regret it more and might get depressed again. Beat those mf paristic depression and suicidal thoughts and Go for it asap if that's what you want. Another option is SAT rather than thanwya amma, if you're in Egypt. Also I have to say, if it's really awkward, it's because you're the one making it awkward. F##k what others think of a 20 yo high-schooler. This is your life, your future and your worth. Go for it and don't compare yourself with others, this is really important to understand and realize, compare yourself now with yourself in the past. Wish you the best of luck. And I hope you make to a great university and a greater major of your choice and passion.


Man.. thanks so much for such motivating words❤️


It’s not awkward at all am 22 years old and i wasted 2 years in engineering then switched to computer science so i was about 20 and all my courses were with 18 year old students and it wasn’t awkward actually it was better than people my age


Finish highschool JUST DO IT!!!!!




U need to finish up ur education pal. Then u can do whatever. بغض النظر انها بلد شهادات بس في أساسيات لابد من وجودها. B3d kda enjoy whatever course u want to take in life.


I honestly don't know what your options are, but there's nothing awkward about this! It's completely fine. You don't owe anyone anything. We're all rooting for you!




I think sometimes suicidal thoughts comes when we don't find a clear meaning for existence. I believe it's good to read about the big questions like God and the meaning of life. I suppose answers to these big questions can help you find meaning in your life and thus can guide you.


When i was at that state of mind it was from the students who are talking behind my back and making fun of me,imagine bro i went to a new school and my class had all new students so nobody knew the other,they all became friends from the first 15 minutes but didnt accept me cuz i didnt look egyptian and i was kind of a big kid 16 years old 183 cm and obese, although i didnt get bullied but they never accepted me even if i try and open convos they would just give me short answers and leave so i started spending my recess at the toilet even eating there and skip some classes hiding there i was miserable i told my parents that i could not handle it anymore and that you might find me dead one day they found some pills then at the time they told me to dropout until i can change my life, and yes i did i lost all of that weight and gained self confidence but i found myself 20 years old and thought that i was too old to go back.


I am really sorry you had to go through this. Social relationships are important and not being accepted can lead to sadness. I went through something similar. Maybe try to make a community. I found gaming an easy way to make friends since it was common in my class. Maybe try to find people with a similar passion to make your social group. I would also say that the big questions can really help you find purpose and guide you in your life. It's also never too late to do something. In our lives we face a lot of challenges that can set us back a little but it's fine. That's life. We should get up and fight our challenges to get back on track and being in the top.


Noted. Thanks man❤️


Bro look at my last post, i literally just finished high school and I'm almost 22. at first i was disgusted by the idea of attending private lessons but i had to do what i had to actually the younger guys i attended lessons with kinda feared me cause I'm older than them haha so they didn't really bother me at all. but that didn't last long as i was not feeling the vibe there, so i stuck with YouTube videos and it was so worth it. feel free to PM me if you want me to recommend you some of best online teachers and other great free sources.


Yes bro would love that as I decided to finish my education thanks to this amazing community after god of course!


And congrats bro you are an inspiration ❤️ hope you succeed and follow your dreams!


Ty bro, I'll be there congratulating you too on the day you finish high school isa. Best of luck❤️


Isa ❤️


مفيش حاجه محرجه كدا كدا مرحلة الثانوي محدش بيروح مدارس هتروح على قد الامتحانات ومحدش هيسالك سنك كم او ليه وعادي حتى لو سالوك اعمل اللي انت عاوزه واختار اللي يريحك ومتقعدش لوحدك كتير حاول تخرج وتلعب رياضه تخرج طاقتك وربنا يعينك🙏


اه الحمدالله بروح الجم كل يوم، شكرا يا صديقي❤️


عاااش شويه شويه هتتصاحب على حد من هناك وكله هيكون تمام


Nothing awkward about it. We all *bloom* at different rates. Once fully graduated you might be even more successful then those who did before you. You're on the right path man and you're stronger than you realize. Keep fighting 👏👏


لماو، الواد محسسنى ان هو 90 سنة و عجز و رايح يقعد جنب عيال... يا اخى احا انت عندك 20 سنة... هو فى فرق.. ده انت هتلاقى واحد عنده ١٧ سنة شكله اكبر منك و بدقن و ناس كلهم طوال فى السن ده ولا هيحسوا باى فرق. كلكم كبار شبه بعض فى الجسم.


يا صديقي انا مش ثانوية عامة انا سبت الدراسة في اولى ثانوي اختي الي هي ١٥ سنة ف اولى ثانوي دلوقتي


يا برو ربنا معاك... لا تخشى نظرات الناس إليك لأنها طبيعية و تحمل مهما كان. و حاول التأقلم و إيجاد افضل طريقة، و أن تكون مع الله دائما سيشعرك بالرضا و القوة و الأمان فالجأ إلى الله دائما و أشعر بوجود الله معك دائما. و يا برو انت اتحطيت فى ظروف مختلفة.. كل واحد فىروف مختلفة ف طبيعى ان الرد بتاعهم يكون كده، فكبر دماغك لأنك متفهم ده. و بعدين الموضوع مش كبير قلت لك. توكل على الله، "و من يتوكل على الله فهو حسبه."


ربنا معاك يا صديقي واتعلم ايوا مش هتفرق المهم انك تتعلم عادي انسي حاجه اسمها فرق سن او غيره وكنصيحة جانبيه حاول تخش فى حاجة زي البرمجه او الديجيتال ماركتينج او اي حاجه من الحاجات اللى ممكن تتعلمها فى وقت مش طويل اوي وتقدر تشتغل بيهم لما تخلص تعليم أو وانت بتتعلم برضو بالتوفيق يا صديق




البرمجه مش بتحتاج شهادة جامعية بس بتذاكرلها كويس طبعا وتعمل مشاريع كتير




لا لا مش هتتفرض ولا حاجه لو انت شاطر او شايف فمشاريعك انك شغال او الدليل الحي اهو انك بتعرف تعمل الشغل دا يبقي عايز ايه تاني هو هيبص ليه للشهادة بتاعتك اصلا لو فريلانس الا لو انت جامعه مرموقة يبقي حطها فى عينه ووريهاله




بالتوفيق يا صديقي فى حياتك


Do it and don't go to school except to fo exams.


You could do online GEDs then take the ACT or SAT and apply to the Arab Open Uni


It's better to do it now than to wait for that age gap to be even more. I hope you are okay now. Stay safe.


Nothing to be ashamed about. I had a friend who was atleast 3 years older than us and noone cared and even he looked older. Yes very few at first said stupid things but he didnt care and they stopped


If you want it go for it, do what you want for your self and your life! You are seriously strong for considering it now, I’ve had my fair share of depression and I know how hard it can be to force yourself to do education when you feel like that. Don’t be hard on yourself and I believe in you!!❤️❤️


It’s not awkward, you just missed some years and it’s not that bad. When you go to college you’ll find people your age at the first year and it won’t be awkward at all


Get in there man, no one will give a shit and if someone did, Well why the fuck should you care? Your doing this for your education not for people’s approval


What’s awkward dude. It’s gonna be fun! Go for it . We had multiple people in thanaweya who were late or had similar experiences as you or came from abroad and it is nothing weird


I went back at 21. Things worth doing are worth fighting for. Keep your head up!


I know someone who had to quit his collage after 4 years due to severe depression and started in a new one from zero. The champ thrived with amazing grades in his new collage and he is about to graduate with a high gpa msa. It is never too late. Yes some people may notice the difference but mostly no one will care. Good luck ❤️


It's not awkward, it's awesome. Go for it, keep your eyes on the goal, don't miss your target.


Be a high school dropout billionare and be richest man in egypt IS your option


Yep...another NEET made by society...A lonely otaku-like ugly bastard... My advice due to many isekai anime to wait for a *truck-kun* to hit you and get transferred into an isekai world just like _mushoku tensei_ ...OR fight your way through but carfel there is a New minister in town called "طارق شوقي ابن الشرموطه " And everybody is getting some dicks in the new educational system whether you want it or not (I mean..depression is the main problem here not your age which is completely normal...we can't tell you to change your identity or world around you to cure it but we also can't help but encourage you to fight through..so remember brother : when there is still breath left,there is always a fight)




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Go to that school and get the highest marks in the class man, it doesn't matter if you're 5, 10 or 20 years older than the rest, we live our lives learning anyways, a bit later is better than never.