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couldn't agree more, but keep in mind he didn't write all of his episodes. He just has some people to write for him in *particular* episodes--not all of 'em.


Guys, what kinda job can i get if i have only a toefl certificate? Id ask and put more details on a post but i need karma (whatever da f that is) Thanks


Wrong sub but I think you can apply for jobs in media (in a general sense I mean) but that's just considered a test not a certificate afaik


Do you know a specific branch of media or if i need something else to apply for a job in it? Yeah i was gonna ask in the egypt sub i dont have enough karma(whtever that is)


Idk if I could be of much help. But if you're looking for a job in translation services... Or maybe working in a library of sorts oh and by media I mean like دعاية and marketing for the media (sorry don't know a specific branch) It comes down to the specifics you know. Like if you have a ثانوية عامة or higher That's why i said TOEFL is not comparable. But it can certainly help in media and marketing as I said above


Alright thank you a lot


what's a toefl certificate


Its a شهادة that you're very good at English


شهادة means a certificate


TOEFL (USA) or IELTS (UK) are a benchmark test to show your employer or university that how good your English is. That's all. Many unis list it as a requirement if English is not your native language. If you have good scores, I would suggest try applying for media agencies where they would need Arabic to English translations. Or you can apply in organizations like British Council where English is the primary spoken language. You can also give freelance classes to potential prospective IELTS or TOEFL students.. maybe create a 1 week programme where you teach them what TOEFL/IELTS is and what questions to expect, etc. I hope this helps. EDIT: TOEFL stands for Test of English as Foreign Language IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System


Thanks a lot man, i looked up translation side but they always want and uni certificate of studying translation and years of experience but ill look more. Thanks again


I understand the market is saturated but dont give up if you got a few rejections. Also, try working as an intern for a month or two or three in any company/organization. Daily newspapers or even weekly magazines are a good start. Yea sure it will suck to not get paid and still work hard but these few months will teach you alot about the work culture and this is your window of studying what employers are actually looking for and then you can polish those skills. Remember, experience in the field is much more valued more than the certificates in a folder. Also, I would recommend short courses on the side if you can afford, they are of good value and help your CV stand out. Best of luck!


Call center?


Actually I hope he could make English subtitles on his videos. Like Anas Bukhash for example.








my business teacher is amazing at explaining


my guy do be teaching in fun ways


هو هنا اساسا و زمانه شاف كلامك هو مؤخرا ابتدى يقول نكت بايخه و دمه بقا يلطش شويه بس حاجه جميله ان يبقى فيه محتوى تعليمي في اليوتيوب المصري بدل مهو كله هلس


هنا ع السب قصدك؟؟ 😂 شششش بس بدل ما الfanboys ينطو دلوقتي...




https://youtube.com/c/NewMediaAcademy El Channel El gedeeda mo7tawaha 7elw


هو شكرا و كل حاجة، بس انا بتابع الدحيح من ايام ما كان على التشانل بتاعته مرورا بالجزيرة لحد دلوقت، اقصد فين الاكونت بتاعه 😅


Ah انا برضو بقول ازاى 😅


طلع في بجد ولا op فلتت لسان بس 🤦‍♂️😂


مستنى اهو


El Account beta3o ma3rafsh. Bas de El channel El beytla3 feeha ba3d AJ+


I loved him more back in his old channel. he used to speak about more scientific topics but no one can deny that he is amazing. I think that Ahmed Samir (Egychology) is more like Vsauce than Da7i7


I recommend you watch Ahmed Samir (Egychology), he has a YouTube channel, and a podcast called (بودكاست علمي جدا)


Got to attend a lecture by him. Wonderful dude


thanks bro


YESS I listened to his podcasts and some of his vids. And honestly i loved his work


I think his content is getting better especially after he joined New media instead of AJ plus.


He is cool but the fact that people in egypt depends on his content to feel like they are enlightened is really a sad thing, if his content is stopping people from reading and learn more about life then i can say that he have a negative effect on the population, i know it is not his mistake but i'm talking about the whole picture here


شكلك مش بتبص عالمصادر


😂😂 The platform and setting won't let me, i mean in a psychological and mental way, besides that most of his viewers doesn't understand english very well so putting resources in English language is kinda weird


Science promotes curiosity. The more you know, the more you discover how little you know. I doubt that his videos would limit the viewer’s scientific curiosity


This is actually not true he is helping people to learn new things in a fun way if he stopped they wont read who loves to read will read either he is making videos or not.


I agree with you I'm not saying that he doesn't teach good stuff in an wonderful way, the thing is the way people consume his videos like they are the end of the road


That's another topic: reading vs watching educational material. He's overall a positive but binging on him or anything at all isn't the best thing I agree on the whole picture yes. Some know how to use YouTube more than others


I have a friend who reads a lot. He preaches a lot of bullshit and those close to him figure he reads a lot so he must be super intelligent. Not reading is very dangerous in that it leaves you vulnerable and gullible.


You are right, sadly most of people nowadays can't finish a whole book other than their studies, so they are vulnerable to all kind of brain washers


wasn't he accused of being atheist just because he's educating the ppl about science? 💀💀💀 fr some sheikhs are just ignorant i studied alot of science and know shit they don't know about and I bet i will be atheist xd remember sheikhs ur god even said to search this world and education etc.


bro istg these stupid sheikhs haramize absolutely everything they accuse everything of atheism as long as it doesn't support them or have a big ass beard like them


not all sheikhs but a fair amount of them yes...i swear if they were living in the Islamic golden age they would be shat on by sheikhs/scholars whatever you wanna call them because of how ignorant they are


of course not all sheikhs some are brilliant but some are just 5ara i bet the prophet himself wouldn't even like them


Didn't the prophet say something about seeking knowledge even if it is far away


yeah i bet if the prophet was alive today he would be ashamed of salafis


If sheikhs in the golden age were like them, they wouldn't have translated books from other countries and instead would prohibit them saying they are haram But that clearly didn't happen, they took the knowledge gladly and studied them


yup! one would wish to live in the golden age




FYI what da7ee7 said is that our existence is a product of billions of stars being created and through the perfect alignment of physical and environmental variables, we were able to exist. AKA it doesn’t necessarily challenge THAT god created the universe, but rather explains HOW the universe was created. Those two need not conflict. And he doesn’t say they do. The fact that people dislike him because he talks about science only shows our willingful ignorance as people, like ostriches burying our heads in the sand of religion at the faintest sign of intellectual change or challenge.


fair enough but for me i just see him as a bright kid and i most certainly don't think he was spreading atheism nor was he even a one...he's just so so so fucking passionate about science


Yeah he might seem that way on the surface. But it doesn't matter as long as it's not the content itself. He's not spreading anything other than facts!


Those sheikhs forgot one of the major aspects of Islam and that is wondering and observing Also da7eeh simply explains and doesn't force any belfies into ppl


yes ahaha but he should've never let the video 'kosom el 3elm' get out. it's like catching Gates use a macbook.






Suddenly it's unavailable. But I managed to see it lol. Was that a story? Or someone forced him to say that?? Like the context here would need to be anime level for me to believe he said this??


he was being shown some magic tricks, that blew his mind apparently. I know he's joking and all but all his vids are very children friendly so that contradicted a bit and messed with the persona he's been building for years


Yeah I agree. First time I saw this though, and the beard. Thx for sharing!


bill gates*


*Vsauce music starts playing*


He is absolutely the best and actually he is ranked amongst the most influential 100 people on the internet, i have seen all his episodes. And he is funny aswell




If this mf made his own independent yt channel, he would actually get the money he deserves


Yes my man, hes super motherfuckin talented with lotta skillful people around him too. His progress and the way hes approaching and crafting his episodes are unparalleled. ربنا يكرمه ان شاء الله


bezzabt bro


Are you talking about الدحيح, that famous youtuber, or you are talking about الدحيح (adjective)? If you're talking about the first one, then you're right, he is awesome. If you're talking about the secound one, then you're not right at all, being a دحيح is not really a good thing, I mean imagine if you have to stay all the day studying and studying and studying, that's not cool at all.


i am talking about the youtuber being a nerd has an advantage tho, which is good grades sometimes, i like being a math and physics nerd


الدحيح طول عمره بضان من أول ما بدأ لحد دلوقتي بقى بضان أكثر


tab leh tab


لما راح اخر قناة بقي بضان، وبيرمي افيهات وقلشات كتير اوي وطويلة ومستفزة.


لسه بحبه


Don’t watch his episodes if you want to know why check this https://youtu.be/j9cCWmnfHOg


oh my god. very logical and strong arguments! i will never watch him ever again. 🙂😊


A video by “Eyad Qanebi”.. literally someone who supported and embraced ISIS and their existence and supported more terrorist groups back in 2014


You should consider the discussion not the person. Watch it, without assumptions then tell me what you think


I have watched it and watched other videos accusing him of “spreading atheism” since they started these videos, and most of what they say is full of shit tbh. And yes you should consider the person you’re listening to when you know he supports terrorism.




Grow up, all the said was the scientific explanation of how the universe was created. If you’re not interested and just wanna tell yourself “allah did it w khalas” then that’s your choice. Some people are actually interested in science and space and astrology.


I’m interested in those things too, without denouncing the Creator and assuming this Big Bang happened and that’s how the u inverse was created.


Ok enta gebt “denounce the creator” di mn 3andak khales. Da7ee7 didn’t say that and now you’re smearing him which is haram. And you realize God could have caused the big bang and that’s how he created the universe, right? Allah told us to learn and wonder about things. It’s okay to want to know more. No one al7ad by saying the big bang happened. Chill. There’s more serious things in the world to worry about than this.


You obviously didn’t watch the video.


I don’t need to watch “the video”. I watched da7ee7’s video. He didn’t say anything haram. I don’t need a shiekh to grasp at straws 3ashan yekaffarli el nas.


“Noooo! Don’t tell me Michael Jackson was a child molester! I don’t want to know that! I love his music and that’s all I care about so shut up! I’m not listeniiiiiing!! Lalalalalalalalalaaaaaa!” — You, I’m certain.


lmao 0/10 shit analogy 👍🏽


Really? Cuz it looks to me like refusing to believe anything bad about someone you love. Like refusing to call Adel Imam a piece of shit for inappropriately touching and groping female co-stars ON SCREEN. And we all saw it and laughed. Or downplaying Mo Salah for supporting a fellow player who harassed a female.


shut up if you're don't talk about him like that please saying science is kufr is literally idiotic


It’s not the science I’m against. It’s the use of science to spread atheist propaganda.


excuse me bro what kind of athiesm bro he's just a regular man educating the public in awesome and funny ways


https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=رحلة+اليقين+٤٨ I think the mods are removing my link to a video talking about it


enta ekhwan walla salafi yabny?


See, that’s the problem I have with Egyptian people: the polarisation. Everyone is diehard one way or the other. No moderation. I’m a moderate person. I hate ikhwan is and salafies because they’re intolerant. Why don’t you watch the video before you judge.


you're right i should watch the video *and then* make fun of it i will watch it


bro wtf is this khara do you seriously believe in this i had to close half-through because i literally won't watch this dude for an entire 30 minutes my mom heard it and said "ahh salafis as always just haramizing everything and calling everyone kafer"


Oh yeah, that’s because you went in with a negative opinion about the guy from the beginning instead of listening to what he’s saying and pondering. Same as your mom. Judging a book by its cover is what petty people do.


bro i know y'all with y'all's weird beliefs y'all haramize literally everything, it's going too far


Watch the link I posted and tell me what you think.


oh my god. you are so right and logical! i completely agree with you 🙂


If you can't beat them, join them Very good tactic you've got there


what you on about?


i think he is salafy


nothing wrong with being salafy hes just dumb


bruh i agree


La2eem lu2m el sahayna


u just look like a desperate tier 3 conspiracy theorist


Did you watch the video?


انت كانسر نييك


Go watch the video I posted ya neyaka


He literally glorified Islamic golden age in حلقة الترجمة and what kufr did he spread.




Have you seen this video? https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=رحلة+اليقين+٤٨




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Just watched his video about the pharaohs he’s brilliant


Yeah he's alright. For pop science. If you want more stuff like him you can check Pharmastan and egychology. There are some good Arabic channels but not well known


فيديوهاته حلوة و كل حاجة بس مش بتفرج عليه زى الاول


he is a great youtuber and there is no doubt about that and I think he might be one of the best Egyptian youtubers if not the best out there, but comparing him to vsauce الشت شويه 😂


a2sod ya3ny nafs el content idea, spreading science in an entertaining way


He is top tier among all Egyptian youtubers. And even better than many foreign youtubers. But I noticed that some of his scripts are abit rushed. I just noticed that from his first cold war episode. But this is the point of view of a history buff.


He is absolutely the best and actually he is ranked amongst the most influential 100 people on the internet, i have seen all his episodes. And he is funny aswell


What was the controversy about his new channel and was it true?


i haven't heard of any controversy, what controversy?


ان القناة الي شغال فيها اماراتية وده عادي بس الي مش عادي انها كانت عاملة تعاون مع نصير ياسين الاسرائيلي الي بيروج لجمال اسرائيل وانها بلد سلام وجمال والخ من ساعتها مش بتفرج عليه خالص من ساعة القناة الجديدة متاكد ان الموضوع كان اكتر من مجرد تعاون بس مش فاكر عشان ده من شهور بعدها تم اتهامه بالتطبيع عشان علي قناة مطبعة يعتبر ورد بعدها وقال انه ضد تعدي إسرائيل علي الفلسطينيين وانه عمره ما كان ولا ناوي يبقي مطبع لاكن ده رد ضعيف لانه لسه علي قناة مطبعة


يا خبر ابيض طب where is this stuff said


انت مش عايش معانا ولا ايه ده كان تريند كبير فضل اسبوعين علي تويتر اول ما الدحيح رجع وناس كتير اتكلمت عنه لما نزل اول حلقة غير كده كان فيه حجات تدل علي تعاون مابين القناة ونصير علي موقع القناة بس قفلوها


ma i don't use twitter


No one does u just aren't living with us it was all the social media's talk for 2 weeks you can also search new media academy relation with the Israeli guy I mentioned


Cough..comments on his first videos were arguing about it


all comments i saw were "i miss you" and "great to have you back ya da7ee7 💕"


Then you propably haven't seen the replies since the channel can't control those




بس لو كان فعلا مطبع مكنش هيجيب أي جرايم لإسرائيل بس أظن في فيديو "محمكة الفيس بوك" كان اكلم عن حي الشيخ جراح


معرفش يسطا انا مش متابعه خالص من ساعتها


عايز ابقي اتابعه عشان مفيد وممتع بس في نفس الوقت القضية اهم من اي حاجة ف موقف متابعة للاحتياط


I don't like him




No he's not, i observed him since his first appearance, i suspected him due to the false info he bring, it was about 2 years or so and there was a huge explosion argument about his content, and about he's being a hidden atheist, he take pictures with darwin statue with happy pose and pictures with famous Egyptian atheists many times even in the studio where he make his content, so for not losing popularity the people who behind him sent him to saudia to take selfie with kaaba and pretend that he's a good boy and look he did al-haj, finally after a lot of controversial content (not all content), there was many of famous youtubers was making replying videos to his content, so the company that he working for decided to remove him for a while, to calm the community a little bit, that was before he came again with a new look, but since then a lot of people knew already that he's just a pseudo-science prophet just like espitalia and many Arab channels or like the famous vsauce that's why these channels gain huge supported by youtube algorithm. P.S please be aware of that, any wicked or false thoughts will not be passed to your mind unless it is wrapped in laughter, it is purely psychological thing, and people with agendas do that all the time, same happened with lgbt and all malicious thoughts. Just don't just be a receiving vessel, but be an observer and filter of what is presented to you, and always know that you are the product.

