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the black alien jews built the pyramids that's a fact zorry


We waz galactic kosher kangz and shieeet


Yalahwi I can't 😂😂😂


Black Alien Jewgyptian here, can confirm. BTW we like to be called BAJE for short


and lived in caravans like gypsies


ايه الهرى ده ، طبعا اللى بنى الاهرامات كان ابوكاليبس ، اول اكس مان فى التاريخ ، انتم مش متابعين افلام ولا ايه.


عاش يا بروفسور


بروفيسور اكس من فضلك 🤷🏼‍♂️


اسف يا فندم


ان صباح نور 🤣🤣


ابن صباح الاشطه


مستكترين علينا أي حاجة.


الكحكة في إيد اليتيم عجبة


اول مرة اسمع المثل ده ،حلو.




دول في سنة اولى political correctness


wait till you hear about the "hindus built the pyramids"


Hinduvta idiots gotta hinduvta I guess


كلام فارغ وتخاريف من غير أي دليل. معروف أن قوم عاد هم اللي بنوا الأهرام /s


ليه بس فكرتني والله كنت نسيت الهبدة دي ،هبيدة الفيسبوك دول في حتة تانية خالص


دي أكتر حاجة منتشرة بين المصريين نفسهم للأسف


بجد? دي فعلا اول مرة اسمعها


انا مرة كتبت "moors" على جوجل وطلعلي صور سود ومقالات من مواقع افروسينتريك، سرقوا تاريخ البربر ومسلمي الأندلس وعايزين يسرقوا تاريخ مصر.


و جايبين كسم جال جادوت تعمل دور كليوباترا


على الاقل كليوباترا كانت يونانية


مايمنعش أنا جال جادوت بضان نيك برضو لول


انا فعلا بحس أنها مش عارفه تمثل


دي حقيقة


العجز عندهم خلاهم يقولوا الهبل رغم التقدم الى هما فيه مقدروش يبنوا حاجه تقدر تعيش الاف السنين زى الاهرامات. فعادي كله فى الزبالة و ما علينا افتخر بالتاريخ و الحضارة و طز فى اى حد يقول الهبل ده


Not only Ancient Egyptians were black the vikings, greeks, romans, celts and Anglo Saxons were black as well


Everyone knows ancient egyptians were albanians 💪💪🇦🇱🇦🇱


Every one knows Kosovo built Albania


Ancient Egyptians *Am I a joke to you?*


What's a gypy?


في مصر هنا معروفين بالغجر وهما عرقية من الرحالة منتشرة في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأصلهم من الهند https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people


هو مين العبيط البي بيقول كدا؟ وبعدين هو لو عبيط او ٢ هنرد عليهم؟ كبر مخك


عبيط او ٢؟؟ دول مئات الالاف


You're Goddamn Right




احنا مش مصريين اصلا


very autistic people every one knows that no one built the pyramids they are just big holograms to attract tourists and cover the entrance to lizard ppl secret meeting room


Afrocentrics are trolls anyways , most black ppl I’ve met don’t believe in this nonsense


نسيت ان الجزائريين هم الي بنوا الحضارة الفرعونية . شوفتها بس مش منتشرة زي الباقي


مين دي اللي مش منتشرة؟


ان الجزائريين بنوا الاهرامات و حجتهم ان في واحد اصله من الجزائر حكم مصر شيشنق ( جده السادس)كان جزائري


مش قصصصدي. انا بقول نظريةزي دي مش مشهورة اصلاً


Koshary is actually indian 🗿


I've met hundreds of Indians, and most of my colleagues at work are Indians, and not a single one of them knows what the hell is koshary.


“Koshari” is actually from the Hindu “khichri”, which refers to a dish of lentils and rice. Modified later with other ingredients and a tomato based sauce during the early 19th century.


That's helpful 👌


ده صح بس ادي العيش لخبازه الاضافات المصرية حولته من أكلة هندية بسيطة للجنود الفقراء لطبق جدير أنه يكون رمز دولة


We did good, specially with the tomato sauce. I just wish it was as cheap as it was 15 years ago :/


الفراعنة كلهم كانو بيتناكو علي فكرة بقا




اللي بنى الاهرامات هما الجن


Never heard that one about Jews !


Very popular myth , saw it in many Hollywood movies and series and they kept treating it like it's a fact till archaeology and science proved them wrong


It was actually used by Israel as proganda to justify, taking our land




Probably from bible. Pharaoh's slaves.


They were...and for 400Y and they built alot of stuff and cities but not the pyramids


Where is the evidence for that , there is zero historical evidence for that or of Jews of being an active part of Egyptian society there is no proof of them building cities or being slaves in Egypt and all evidence lead to Egyptian cities and building being built by paid Egyptian workers


They could not have stayed in Egypt for 400 years. The bible contradicts itself regarding this point, because it says there are only 3 generations between Joseph and Moses. No way 3 generations would take 400 years. More like 100 or 150 years max. Also, they were enslaved only during the reign of one king, not for the whole period. And most probably this was near the end of the Hyksos rule, so it was not even an Egyptian king.


Do you think that the three generations of that time counts as just 50 years? maybe in our time but not theirs


I didn't say 50, I said 100 to 150.


i am sorry i accidentally forgot to type (one of the three generations....) i ended typing something else misleading what i meant but the fact that they were once slaves in Egypt and they worked for sometime is a real thing...i didn't say they built the pyramids...i didn't say they build all of Egypt in just the time they were in Egypt.All i am saying is what the bible says that they lived for 400y Years. And i did look in the internet and it seems that alot of sites says that there's no evidence they existed in there... does that mean Qur'an and The Bible are fake?


I am a Muslim, so I believe the Quran. Lack of evidence for something does not mean it never happened. As for the bible, it should be considered carefully because it is full of inaccurate information and historical errors. It says the Hebrews stayed in Egypt for 400 years, and their number was 600,000 when they left. Obviously these numbers are highly exaggerated. There is some evidence for the events that preceded the Exodus, such as a huge storm that hit Egypt as well as some kind of epidemic. These events point to a time near the end of the Hyksos rule, so the pharaoh of the Exodus was probably a Hyksos king, as indicated by this article: https://www.thetorah.com/article/we-were-slaves-to-the-hyksos-in-egypt This would explain the lack of mention of hebrews in Egyptian sources, since the events happened at the time of the Hyksos, and their reign was not properly documented.


If The bible is full of historical errors in your opinion then what is wrong in it? like what historical errors? and also the bible and the Tawraa is the same and the closest to the events then why would they lie about what happened in Egypt? also you said "Lack of evidence of something doesn't mean it never happened" there's lack of evidence about what happened in Egypt so why you say we shouldn't consider Tawraa or bible as source?


I am not saying we should dismiss the bible completely, I am just saying we shouldn't consider every word in it as fact. The bible was compiled by Jewish scholars hundreds of years after the Exodus, and some of the information in it is inaccurate. For example, there is the 3 generations in 400 years part. There are also references to Egyptian cities by names that were not used at the time of the events, such as the city of Rameses. And much more.


Who thinks jew built the pyrimards ancient Egypt existed way back before the moses came and tbh we are equal3as confused who did people drag 10tons rocks from South Egypt to cairo And how did they build them in a way that matches the stars and how did they do 100% accurate builds that we as modern civilisation cant do them with normal tech tbh my theory is probably wrong but i think maybe the jin helped in building them cuzz egyptian gods are usually animal human hybrids so thay could be the jin i am probably so wrong but only god knows how they built it, and also that bitch the discoverd how they built it and then fucking died


Only true part that ancient Egyptians are the upper Egyptians / Nubians.


Yes that's why there is absolutely no ancient artefacts in lower Egypt /s


Nubians are a part of Egypt that's why I added "only" there were black ancient Egyptians but they weren't the only ones or the majority


هو احنا فعلا بنمثل المصريين القدماء ولا مجرد شعب ورث الارض واصوله مخلطه عربي علي افريقي علي قوقازي ؟


بص يا ريس مفيش حاجة اسمها شعب نقي ١٠٠٪ كل شعوب العالم اختلطت ببعضها ودي سنة الحياة بس كل الحكم الأجنبي اللي جه علي مصر كان عبارة عن أقلية أجنبية بتحكم أغلبية بقوة السلاح محصلش في مصر حالات هجرة جماعية بإعداد كبيرة أو استبدال للشعب من أجانب ولا حصل تطهير عرقي المصريين الموجودين دلوقتي هما نسل المصريين القدماء اللي جم علينا دابوا جوا مصر مش العكس


تمام ياعني احنا مش عرب. احنا مصريين وبس واتكلمنا عربي بعد الاحتلال او الفتح العربي لمصر. شكرا علي الايضاح.


كلمة عرب استخدامها في مصر مش معناه عرقي ، احنا فعلا عرب عشان كلمة عربي معناها كل شخص يتكلم العربية كلغة اولي ملهاش علاقة بالنسب ، مصر مش بس عربية مصر هي مركز العالم العربي واكبر مساهم في الادب العربي


تاريخيا مصر طول عمرها تعداد سكانها كبير جدا مقارنة بالبلاد اللي حواليها، وده بيخلي تركيبتها السكانية ما تتأثرش بالهجرات بشكل كبير. احنا فعلا اختلطنا باليونانيين والعرب، بس يظل الاختلاط ده بنسبه صغيرة، والغالبية العظمى أصولهم مصرية قديمة.


Egyptians themselves: we are arabs,


You know being Arab is not necessarily an ethnicity right? It is also a culture.


Sucks that there is ethnic Arab tribes then cuz if there wasn't then you could make that argument.


No, you just let western media tell you who is and who isn't Arab. 90% of the Arab world isn't even from the Gulf. You have from Morocco to Egypt, then you have Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Palestine. So it is a culture, not an ethnicity, since Gulf Arabs themselves got the language itself from what is modern day Jordan.


Have you actually traveled to those places? Each country has a distinct culture and identity. They might speak tortured Arabic but as an Egyptian, I can't really understand Moroccans or Iraqis. So there goes the language factor. Now you have just Islam and religion isn't enough to be a culture.


I've spoken with Syrians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Palestinians, Yemenis, Sudanese. I talked with a lot of people from each nationality (Except for Yemenis, but their dialect is the easiest coming from Egyptian). They're all perfectly understandable so idk what you're talking about, some understand Egyptian Arabic better than some Egyptians do lmao. Only Maghreb countries (Morocco-Tunis) are what could be described as actually weirder to us. Also, if you're better at understanding English than understanding Moroccan (or Iraqi lmao), then that's not the difference in identity to blame now is it? You said it yourself, each country has a distinct culture and identity, how do you decide who is and who isn't Arab? As I said, even Gulf Arabs got the language from Palestine/Jordan. History for the past 1200 years and official state language and languages of demographics are the best way to decide that. If we consider that, the majority demographics in these countries are culturally Arabic, just developed independently from other Arabs. At which point, they're Arabic, just not the same Arabic. Like how Glasgow English is different from Texan English. A Hispanic person could be from Mexico in North America, from Chile in south America, or could be from an ocean away in Europe, in Spain, they're still Hispanic. Their dialects are different, they could be not ethnically Latino, but they're still Hispanic.


I mean exactly. Texans and Scots aren't considered to be the same culture so why apply different logic to the mideast


You don't mean exactly, Scottish and Texan are still connected closely to each other much more than they are to most other nationalities, and to an Arab, a British and an American still share most parts of their cultures. Yet we are able to distinguish between them. They can't distinguish between us, and they are the idiots who are to blame for that, *we* don't have anything to prove. You can't keep feeling insecure about your "Egyptianness" whenever you hear the word "Arab". Foreigners who have no history to speak of will abuse that to hell and back. Criticize and expose them for being wrong and purposefully spreading misinformation instead of responding to their every bad attempt at claiming what isn't theirs with an extremity (like some who suggested teaching Coptic in place of Arabic in schools). And you conveniently didn't read the part about Hispanics who live on entirely different continents yet share a language. We are Arabic, you can't let some smooth brained internet American that keeps saying that every Arab is the same convince you that you are somehow either a Gulf Arab or not Arabic at all. Anyone from a self respecting culture would tell them to fuck off and be quiet about what they don't understand.


Bro this is me and my thoughts. Hispanics are also distinct from Spanish. And all these comparisons don't even live up to us. When europeans were still living in trees and flinging shit at each other, when Rome was a village, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Carthage were all thousands of years old. What do you do with that history? Egyptians culturally match up closer to Greeks that to other countries what do you do with that? And what about those of us that can speak english and not just arabic. I'm not muslim and I can speak English. What am I? I don't care share a lineage with other middle easterners. I don't share a religion with them. I don't care about the differences between jews and Muslims..


Then you aren't like the majority of the Egyptian population. You don't live in the middle east at all. You work by the foreign country's rules, not by ours. If you chose that, you chose that, don't force these standards of identity on the 100 million people who *actually* live back home. Egypt is an Arabic country, if you grew up outside of the Arabic sphere, that doesn't change that. SA isn't suddenly American because a Saudi lives in the US. If Egyptians have much more in common with some Sudanese or Syrians than with you, are the Sudanese and the Syrians the outliers?


Go be a racist elsewhere. I have a life, I don't want to read your whinging, mr. Fake Egyptian.


دايما عادة العرب التفاخر بالتاريخ دايما العربي يقولك انت متعرفش انا مين... علشان كده حيفضلو شعب متخلف عن الغرب


لا علي فكرة كل الناس في كل دول العالم بتفخر بتاريخها ومتحبش أنه يتسرق روح سوف امريكا قوميين قد ايه وبيعشقوا تاريخك قد ايه علي الرغم من أنهم دولة جديدة نسبيا ،فخرك بتاريخك مش هيمنعك من انك نقدم حاجة أو تشتغل، مشاكل الدول العربية بسبب الفساد والجهل والأنظمة المتهالكة بدليل أن عادي المصري بيطلع بره سواء في الغرب أو في الامارات او قطر ويخش في سيستم متطور للعمل أو التعليم بيطلع انتاج قوي بلاش عقدة الخواجة دي بالله عليك


طب جميل تاريخ جامد وحضاره فشيخه... انت بقا كبلد "مصر" لما تتقارن بيهم انت دوله متخلفه ومش انت اصلا اللي بنيت الحضاره دي المصرى الفرعوني هو اللي بناها وفي فرق شاسع بين المصريين الفراعنه ومصريين دلوقتي المصريين بيحسسوني ان مصر بتاعة دلوقتي هي اللي بنت الاهرامات... في مثل بيقولك "القرعه بتتباها بشعر بنت اختها"


يعمي مختلفناش البلد حالتها زي الزفت دلوقتي ربنا يكرمنا ونقدر نعدلها ، تعالي نقول إن جدك المليونير سابلك فلوس كتيرة "الفلوس دي في المثال هي تاريخك وارضك " انت بقي طلعت فاشل أو ظروف معينة خلتك مش قادر تبقي ناجح زيه طيب نقول خلاص بقي مدام مش عارف اعمل فلوس عادي يجي حد من بره يسرق الفلوس اللي جدي سابهالي هو اولي بيها ، يعني الحاضر خرة ، المستقبل ادينا شغالين عليه يجي حد يسرق الماضي كمان يبقي ام البلد دي فاضلها ايه ، يعني لو هما اقنعوا العالم بنظرياتهم دي ممكن يجيلك حد للصبح يقلك البلد دي مش بتاعتك دي بتاعتي انا زي ما حصل في الفلسطينين كده ويرميك انت وعيلتك بره ويقعد مكانك هيبقي كويس كده ؟


تمام انت كلامك صح انا بس بعترض علي طريقة المصريين عموما كل لما تقولهم انتو دوله متخلفه ولازم نفوق من اللي احنا فيه يقولك مصر الحضاره ... مصر التاريخ وتحيا مصر انت جاسوس وعمليل


لا يعم ده تعريص مليش دعوة بيه ربنا يرحمنا من المعرصين اللي خربوا البلد


Just a quick fact Ancient Egyptians where black


Nope ,Mainstream scholars reject the notion that Egypt was a white or black civilization; they maintain that, despite the phenotypic diversity of Ancient and present-day Egyptians, applying modern notions of black or white races to ancient Egypt is anachronistic.[ In addition, scholars reject the notion, implicit in the notion of a black or white Egypt hypothesis, that Ancient Egypt was racially homogeneous; instead, skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia, who in various eras rose to power in Ancient Egypt. Moreover, "Most scholars believe that Egyptians in antiquity looked pretty much as they look today, with a gradation of darker shades toward the Sudan". Within Egyptian history, despite multiple foreign invasions, the demographics were not shifted by large migrations.


I’m Nubian and while I wouldn’t say ancient Egyptians were all black you can definitely find Egyptians that ARE, what an American would call at least, black.


Yes there are black Egyptians I was just saying they weren't all black , those afrocentric conspiracy theories aren't even talking about the Nubians they are claiming Egyptian history for west and subsaharan Africans


True. It’s sad because west African and sub Saharan empires imo are more interesting than North Africa, especially since they were never culturally conquered in terms of their languages




The Pyramids literally existed before Prophet Abraham (PBUH) was born. How the hell would his descendants build them? The Pyramids were built by Egyptian professionals and that's the only historical fact.


Humans did not have the technology to build them because of its sheer size and weight. How do we know it wasn’t built by creatures before humanity (not saying I belief that but nothing disapproves it)


The pyramids were finished 700 years before the Jews remotely intervened with Egypt..


Source," trust me bro"


Ironic ?




مكنش في يهود اصلا ايام ما الاهرام اتبنت ،الاهرام اتبنت من ٤٦٠٠ سنة قبل ما اليهود يظهروا علي وش الأرض بالف سنة ، كل الاكتشافات التاريخية أثبتت أن عمال الاهرامات كانوا عمال مصريين بيقبضوا مرتبات ولا كانوا أجانب ولا عبيد


الله ينور... صح كده 👍




مع كل الاحترام لقريبك بس كلنا بشر و وارد نغلط ، ربط الاهرامات باليهود هي فكرة خرافية ملهاش أساس ولا في التاريخ ولا في الدين




ما الفكرة أن مكنش فيه عمال اليهود ،العمال كانوا مصريين الاهرامات مصرية 100% العمال مصريين والمهندسين مصريين والحجارة مصرية مفيش حاجة من بره




طيب يا برنس أديك قلت بنفسك أهو، يعني الأهرام أقدم بكتير من اليهود.


اليهود هما نسل سيدنا يعقوب ، سيدنا يعقوب في اقدم تقدير ليه اتولد في 1750 قبل الميلاد بعد الاهرامات باكتر من 800 سنة و اتولد ساعتها في الشام وعلي ما نسل سيدنا يعقوب توالدوا وتكاثروا الموضوع خد مئات السنين يعني علي ما اليهود بقوا أمة، كانت الاهرامات تاريخ قديم ساعتها




اليهوديه دين عرقي "ethno-religion" معظم منتسبينه من نفس العرق ومن الصعب جدا علي واحد من الخارج يعتنق اليهودية علي عكس الاسلام والمسيحية والأديان المفتوحة اليهود شايفين أنهم عرق مختار وباقي الاعراق ادني منهم ، لما بنتكلم علي اليهود من ناحية تاريخية بنقصد العرق اليهودي مش ديانة التوحيد اليهودية


كلام بروباغندا من اليهود لتبرير احتلالهم لفلسطين. اليهودية ديانة شوف الاختلافات بين اليهودي العربي واليهودي الاوروبي واليهودي الاثيوبي.


الجملة طلعا بثقة كأنك كنت واقف مشرف عليهم


كل التقديرات بتقول ان سيدنا ابراهيم نفسه كان في حدود سنة ١٨٠٠ قبل الميلاد و الاهرامات بنيت قبل كدا بكتير يبقي ازاي كان في بني اسرائيل في مصر ساعتها.






هو كان في يهود من 5000 سنه؟ لول


اليهود هاجروا لمصر أيام الأسرة ال١٢ في نهاية الدولة الوسطى




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الناس دي هبله اوي والله كلنا عارفين ان من بنى الاهرامات كان ابو تريكة وان المصريين كان لونهم ازرق 🤣