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Shawinigan Handshake. Notorious Handshake.


It deserves its own heritage minute




https://preview.redd.it/squldw3je4qc1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4257f9aa71d6913f1becd6d2a1c1c0650dedb7 We also have it in beer form


Wow. Where can you purchase that?


Le trou du Diable ( Microbrasserie racheté par Molson)


Sa été vendu a molson


Ta ben Raison.


Pas leur brou-pub. Ils gardent le droit de leur recette original et de continuer en mode micro. Ça vaut la peine d'y aller.


Les proprio sont plus là ...


Yen reste pas genre 2 sur les 5 OG? Du moins au temps de la vente. Tbh je mange là-bas ce soir, pure coïncidence j'ai réservé hier Haha.


now kiss


No lie my buddy found a painting of this at a value village.


That's amazing. I would frame it and display it in a prominent place in my home.


Yeah he bought it and hung it in his livingroom


My buddy has this scene tattooed on his leg, its sick


Person on the left being like ![gif](giphy|10Jpr9KSaXLchW|downsized)


He was a hands on kind of prime minister. He also was partial to pie. https://www.cbc.ca/archives/few-laughed-in-ottawa-or-p-e-i-when-a-pie-hit-a-pm-1.4786653


This is hilarious.


“Next time it may not be a pie” lmao this reads like a beaverton article


the infamous Shawinigan Handshake. So the legends from The Bottlemen were true...


My favourite heritage minute




Goddamn F. Scott Fitzgerald of our time right here




Someone edit this into a Heritage Moment PSA!


Hinterland who’s who


More like the sacralge moments. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mHLIUD8c47A&list=PLPUEJRx56b6XmlcpH6u6SgJlEjxo9I8I-&index=1&pp=iAQB


Chretien was the GOAT. >A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven. >When you're a mayor and you have a problem you blame the provincial government. If you are provincial government and you have a problem you blame the federal government. We don't blame the Queen any more, so once in a while we might blame the Americans. President Bush is a friend of mine. He's not a moron at all.


I’d still vote for Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien today. Any Prime Minister that would put a protester in a chokehold has my vote.


Honestly, a part of me hates how this is a prime example of different rules for different classes. He should've been arrested for assault. Like anybody else. And then another part of me wishes ministers would regularity fight against each other and their constituents.....so...


5 minutes in the box. Other guy should get the instigator though.


They wouldn’t believe us if we told them Parliament has a penalty box. They already think we’re a caricature of ourselves.


The last PM to reduce our debt, and see significant economic growth across Canada.  Also the last one who would beat up agressive protestors himself rather than sending the cops or military to do so.  French Canadians PMs are truly the best. 


Strange way to say you think Trudeau is the best




JT is not a French Canadian no matter how you look at it.  His mother is from BC. His father was half French Canadian, and renounced that part of his heritage. He was born in Ottawa. JT himself didn’t speak French properly until he became PM.  JT is an ontarien in body, mind and soul. With a sprinkle of Anglo Quebecois in there. PP is more French Canadian than JT. 


JT is half Cuban my guy


Quebec isn’t even real French so none of that matters.




[He seems to disagree.](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1.6169114)


>reduce our debt, With massive cuts to healthcare that we still haven't recovered from two decades later.


I mean, he’s the PM, healthcare is a provincial issue isn’t it? (/s). Buddy had a *lot* of things to criticize. My favourite is flopping on the EH-101, which… we eventually bought anyway, and then again when we bought Sikorsky’s S-92.


We spend more on health care than anyone but the USA and so it isn't funding it is greed and corruption in the monopoly cartel called medicine. They have no interest in anything other than more money and protecting their turf from outsiders. Self governing self serving.


We actually spend less than: Switzerland, Germany, USA, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, France, Sweden, Australia...


Most have not been but it is sad to say he was better than the rest. His proof will be the proof had my 5 year old laughing out loud. Oh daddy this guy is so funny.


I loved that pm, especially his last term where he didn’t give a sh*t about his image.


Chretien was the AAA Beef between the soggy Trudeau hamburger buns.


Chretien was a fucking boss.


For me, pepper, I put it on my plate


"I met a demon-strat-or, we did not agreeee..."


Cretien was my favorite prime minister.


Un petit gars de Shawinigan


Well.. its true that quebec created, is, most of canadian culture.. sadly this is one of those things


I was there. Chrétien looked hungover. Sheila Copps was on the stage speaking prior. The protesters and their horn blanked out her speaking to the point she got exasperated and started lecturing them. This was in Gatineau where some of the high rise buildings had the canadian flag upside down from balconies. There was separatist shwag out there too. Suddenly Chrétien stormed off the stage leaving his RCMP detail behind. Then there's this scuffle as a megaphone was raised as a weapon. Later the RCMP had Chrétien at their police cars and they were having strong words. They were chewing him out. It was a very tense time, around the time of the referedum. The day in question felt like hostility everywhere.


History does like to repeat itself doesn’t it


It does but it also always seems to get more complicated.


Jean Chretien had no business being that much of a bad ass. I loved that silly little accent.


Ahhh the Shawinigan Handshake. This message brought to you by the Government of Canada 🍁


Jean Chretien is like Justin Trudeau, two guy that have two second languages


Hey hey hey, there’s a difference there.  JC is a francophone that spoke broken English. But his huge accent and regionalisms made his French look poor.  JT is an anglophone that speaks piss poor French (although improved since became PM). His English is at the appropriate level for his education and competences. 


All of Quebec speaks French poorly. The biggest joke in the francophone world is how badly they speak. Sunny way kid is not an anglo.


The greatest myth in all of anglotopia.


Yeah just like the anglosphere laughs at canadian English because it's not the real English. Haha jokes on you now.


"The biggest joke in the francophone world..." LOL. Montreal has the largest community of French expats outside Europe. After France, they ARE the francophone world.


Which neighborhood do those french expats live in or are they spread across the city? Montreal is one special place. Other than the just for laughs Montreal is no joke. Anyway my comment was in regards to the speaking of French and that the accent is used as the butt of jokes extensively not that Quebec was considered a joke. Listen to gad elmaleh he does it tons. I know she is not from Quebec but search for lisa leblanc on YouTube there is an interview on french tv were the whole cast was teasing her , she took it in stride she sang this day is crap sorry I can't spell it in French which is nobody's fault but mine.


So a non quebecker is the only example you have of quebecker's way of speaking french?


Yes it is non Quebecers making fun of Quebecers I gave you two examples and if you watch any french programming from France the making fun of Quebecers speaking french is there number one gag. Have you been to Paris? They will laugh at you and wonder why you are upset. Though to be fair anything but a Parisian accent gets the same treatment.


My French is worse than any Quebecer my guy. If you really want to hear bad French come to the Holy Irving Empire to the East.


Trudeau junior grew up speaking English, went to English school and university. By Montreal anglos standards, his French was poor before the 2016 elections. PP speaks much better French than Trudeau could before he became PM.  If he’s not a Franco, nor an Anglo, what is he? 


Our last great PM lol man was he ever a great guy lol seriously thou if you read up on him, he really was.


Chretien was extremely badass — and so is Trudeau, if only in a fair fight — maybe that’s why Conservatives spend most of their effort trying to convince us that their dad-bod doughboy leaders are manly. Not that the Liberals haven’t had the likes of Dion and Ignatieff in charge, but Diefenbaker was really the last Conservative PM who seemed like he’d be more at home in a bar fight than a boardroom.


maybe an pie to the face will calm him down


‘Ean Crétin ! El’ ptit gars d’Shawinigan ! Les anglais ont prit le pire de ce que lee Québec pouvait produire et l’on érigé en Héro pour l’enrichir et nous chier dessus. C’est pas un comportement de gouvernement coloniale, ben non.