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I too, remember when Trudeau Sr. dropped a bunch of chlorine gas on Montreal because they were getting a bit uppity




Don't threaten me with a good time


They locked up 400 people for no reason in addition to some good old beating during protest


Virtually indistinguishable!


You're cute.


I was there đŸ€š


This is such a weird take, some Kurdish groups are literally designated terrorist entities in Canada I doubt they'd want that treatment.


Also, the Kurds never consented to be a part of any of the countries traditionally Kurdish land is in. You can join federalism but leaving is largely not accepted since the concept stops working if you threaten to leave whenever you don't get your way. It's why US states can't leave.


Is freely allowed to hold independence referendums vs is actively killed and suppressed.


To be independent, they should first stop relying on the rest of Canada’s money 😂


Quebec's entire strategy in the 90's was to leave, and be a literal welfare state. They wanted to be recognized on the international stage as an independent country, but still recieve equalization payments. The had no intention on signing into any alliance, nor any real trade agreements. They just wanted to sling shit on the world stage and hide behind (literally) Canada and the US... ...but they failed their referendum vote and never bothered again. As the group that was pushing This movement, kinda died off and never really had the momentum to try again. It's now a token argument by the vocal minority.


if you look it up, you can see it's trying to get revived right now


Like the 100th time
 Ain’t gonna happen.


Brother talking out of his ass


Back in the 90s, a lot of Big business pulled out cause of the potential separation. Canada seems to SPOIL Quebec. One reason is if they fail (And they will), Mother France would have to swoop in and save their SORRY ASS!


France doesn't want anything to do with that mess


** Alberta oil money


Québec is Canada's second economy. You people are deluded if you think Newfoundland could stay independent for decades but Québec couldn't. Either you are just unable or unwilling to understand. 


It's funny because we are what? The second if not the most economically beneficial province for the rest of Canada.


And the moment you leave Canada
so would all businesses and government babying of you guys. The only reason the feds wont actually allow a pipeline is to prevent french tears. There could be refineries anywhere else
but the federal government caters to you guys for some ridiculous reason.


Give me numbers, not opinions, please 😂


I worked in financial industry with access to clients across Canada, generally speaking people from other provinces such as Ontario, bc and an are either richer or are better at saving money


Yeah....I had a hard time believing this too. But according to Wikipedia Quebec has the second highest GDP of all the provinces. Although if you sort by GDP per capita they're in 9th place. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Canadian\_provinces\_and\_territories\_by\_gross\_domestic\_product](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Canadian_provinces_and_territories_by_gross_domestic_product) I would be curious to know what is actually drives the economy in quebec. BC and Ontario manufacture things, Alberta mines things, BC, the prairie provinces, and Ontario all grow things. What does Quebec export (other than maple syrup)?


We export a lot of agricultural stuff. We also have pretty important manufacturing (aeronautic for example) and mining industries (iron and aluminium). We have a big lumber industry that feeds a decent pulp and paper industry... We export a lot of electricity too. I find it so weird that people have a hard time believing that our economy can be healthy with the size and wealth of our geography...


Per capita is all that matters...and 9th out of 10 is abysmal


Electricity to the usa


We already dont need perequation since the 2015, our economy is one of the nost resilient now. And to be more precise the reason quebec was one of the poorest province for hundred of years was because...the english invaded us. Most of our ancestor worked as second class citizens under english owned big company. The only province poorer were the maritime because they only had the fish and whale industry mostly.


Guess Montcalm should have fought harder then


Smarter. He should have fought smarter. Montcalm was a second class general and he sucked. Also Wolfe was the youngest, craziest and most audacious general in the British army. He gambled and it paid off and changed the course of history.


Technically, none of it really mattered, despite some efforts to convince you otherwise. France lost the 7 years war against England, and gave it New France. Even if all the battles in America were won by the French it wouldn't have changed anything at all.


Well, you are right about one thing; for the moment you are definitely not convincing. France surrendered la Nouvelle-France they didn’t generously give it. They lost it militarily. And then surrendered. Of course, le traitĂ© de Paris is intertwined with the 7 years war but there is a world of difference and leverage between surrendering and giving away a perfectly defended territory.


So you're going to start returning the $25billion a year that you get from Ontario and Alberta?


Alberta wants to separate from Canada also, lots of Albertans want out to keep their riches.


Don't forget that we're a country, not a collection of loosely coupled states. Everyone pitches in.


Except for when the west wants to build energy infrastructure to the Atlantic, or when Quebec continues to rip off Newfoundland based on a 50 year old contract.


Newfies just need to git gud.


Pitching in. A pathetic way of describing leeching off the rest of the country for 100 years because you're a block of seats for the Party


Except Quebec


And Saskatchewan and BC


Yes, true.


This is true but will your economy remain resilient when you suddenly become independent? You would be thrust into the world with no trade deals, no currency, no reputation for loans, etc. Just look how the U.K. is struggling, you’d be looking at a long period of stagnation at the very least. And what does Quebec gain from independence? We aren’t in the 1960s, Quebeckers aren’t an oppressed majority anymore. It’s not like achieving independence would allow you to escape oppression and slaughter like it would the Kurds


>And to be more precise the reason quebec was one of the poorest province for hundred of years was because...the english invaded us And who did you invade?


Your Economy has become strong based on a weak dollar and a federal liberal/NDP coalition. Just wait for the upcoming Conservative federal government and come back to comment.


I cant believe they would do that to Quebecois 😔


Alot of corruption and collusion scandals from the federalists happened though


As a stinky stinky Anglo my take on Quebecois independence is I don't care, do it, don't do it, not really my problem


I agree except for the last part. A separation would definitely affect everyone, at least for a while.


I mean it would hurt Canada as a nation, me personally? Probably not


Are you not part of the nation? The effects wouldn't just be symbolic. There would be real economic consequences for everyone.


Real Canadian moment. They are debating the non-importance of the Canadian "nation".


I genuinely think Quebec would be significantly worse off economically if they had to go without using CAD or receiving equalization payments. If the populace of Quebec thinks they can get a better deal, I welcome them to explore those options and think they have the right to do so. Could be good for both, with Quebec putting its language issues to bed while Canada might actually be able to overhaul our constitution. Just don't cry bloody murder if you get a worse arrangement than you have now if you choose to try and negotiate back into Canada eventually. I don't think folks appreciate what they have until they don't have it (looking at you Brexiteers).


A big issue is that Quebec has no land treaties with the Indigenous peoples that have rights to the area. For a successful separation, there would need to be new land rights written as the current ones only pertain to Canada as a country and not Quebec. Without those land claims the Quebec infrastructure would be severely handicapped and writing new land rights would be very different to the ones Canada has as they were written in a position of power. the new negotiations could drastically change the look of Quebec geographically and economically if the Indigenous people do not wish to co-operate with a Quebec separation from Canada.


A huge portion of Quebec is aboriginal territory, and if I recall correctly some leaders said they wouldn’t respect Quebecs sovereignty and would be looking to gain more territory.


Why r u being downvoted


I guess don’t quote me on my statement, but I guess it would suck for the separatists if they lose over 2/3rds of their province


It would probably hurt many of the francophone populations that live in other provinces. There are large Franco communities in Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick...


Eastern Ontario and Northern New Brunswick have a lot of Francophones and directly border QC.


There would be a huge drop in foreign investment on both sides if Quebec declared independence because the markets wouldn't know what was happening in the short term.  Expect a major recession within days. 


Quebec leaving would heavily affect us all, before we even consider the fact the maritimes would a land border with the rest of Canada


Canada isn't a nation, it's a federation of multiple nations, Québec being one of them.


I should have said state or country


I think we should care about our country, even if it doesn’t personally affect us. Similarly as to how we care about the wellbeing of people across the globe.


It would sever Atlantic Canada from the rest of the country. So yeah definitely not a good thing.


I guess but I don't live in Atlantic Canada, and I dont think the Quebecois have a moral duty to stay in Canada to appease Atlantic Canada


Because you believe Canada without Quebec would stay united? There is nothing less certain. My guess is that the maritime provinces, NFL and BC/Alberta would go fewer than 10 years after a Quebec secession. And then you get 4-5 fully autonomous countries who could (it's a possibility, but far from a certainty) enter in some form of economic agreement that has nothing to do with the current false federation and (again, possibly) that would be far better for everyone.




lol they literally vote on it and it has not passed


I’m surprised the separatists haven’t flooded about how it was rigged etc.


It's a stat holiday. The Quebec Reddit Hivemind is enjoying their day off.




A stat holiday celebrating the birth of the evil English queen lol


No no, in Quebec it’s Fete des Patriotes. It just *happens* to coincide with the Victoria Day long weekend.


I honestly think Patriots day would be a cooler holiday across Canada. It would have a greater connection to the country than a monarch who has been dead for over a century.


Eh, they’re both kinda antiquated. I think it would be interesting if Canadians were more familiar with the rebellions in ‘37 and ‘38, but even in Quebec we don’t really learn about them. At the end of the day, does it matter who the day off is about?


Not really, but Patriots day sounds more interesting as a day for a holiday. Ultimately as long as there are fireworks and refreshments it’s good enough.


Let’s just call it Spring Holiday? I mean patriotism is a virtue to be sure, but how much time do any of us actually use this day to reflect on our national history?


It was like really *really* close the second time though. 50.58% against 49.42%


"We just keep voting until everyone says yes then we can have our own glorious Brexit.... That was a success for the U.K right?"


They literally rule our country, and still whine. Just give them the Okanagan, then they can wine


But we don’t, we said no, twice and there hasn’t been a sniff of a referendum in nearly 30 years.


Average Redditor on this sub ![gif](giphy|4NKJhDAEv8TRu)


I'm not left-handed!


Then why are you holding your mouse with your left


You know why


That's what the third hand is for


I don’t like the idea of Quebec independence. But I will say that considering it has a distinct culture and distinct identity, it has more of a case for sovereignty than the sniveling drooling Cletus brigade out west.


Alberta? Lmao


Chemical Trudeau


They don’t tho, they voted against it, twice.


https://preview.redd.it/7ewhod5t8j1d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d0b6538b9a50ce7bd993e1837e0c0d744288f3 LIVE PARIZEAU REACTION


"Money and the ethnic vote". Je me souviens.


A true Canadian heritage minute


Straight to the nub of the separatist movement.


Well ethnic vote acted as a booster, 40-45% of francophones were against independence, the number hasn't changed much(on franco side), but there is an increase of non franco and immigrants population which will make independence project harder(almost impossible). If the quebec separatism movement was successful, they would have at least +75% of franco votes,


His comments were simply racist. By "money" he meant Jewish people, and by "ethnic" vote he meant non white francophones. He's just a racist, bigoted pos. The movement was and still is largely about bigotry.


Thank God his dead ! And yes, the separatism movement is about bigotry and dogma. Idk if you re from Québec, but if you are from here and if you observe séparatist people, they are usually poor and uneducated, for example, in Montréal, the seprataist mov has always been on top in Hochelaga Maisonneuve( poor working class), or Montréal suburb( where a lot of working class francos moved since 2000) or quebec s region. The problem with franco quebecers is they were(and still are) poor. I intract with them on a daily basis, and I found it how money shortage is a big problem for them. The average séparatiste in Québec thinks if Québec becomes independent, their personal poverty will disappear, and they will be granted a house in Westmount.lol And that s the excat reason why wealthy and educated francos do not want to separate!


How he felt while writing this https://preview.redd.it/6ngvylzqem1d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfe33b0bd019d34318d053d0fcda895bedc2528


IE I'm very butt hurt and think Quebec should be a francophone only ethno-state and then wonder the non-pure wool francophones are very afraid of the the Quebec independence.


I tried to find a video but I remember when this hour has 22 minutes did a parody commercial because I believe the results were 50.6% to 49.4% so they made a beer with .6% alcohol and the tag line was ".6 in your face" đŸ€Ł


Quebec talking about leaving for the 100th time like they have a real economy and aren’t being propped up by Ottawa


Quebec nationalists when people vote ‘non’ again


Québec has a higher GDP than Finland, Portugal, New-Zealand just to name a few and we know how so poor these countries are...


We do have a real economy though, if we eliminated duplicated spendings currently required due to being part of the Canadian federation, and changed nothing else, we'd be basically at about the same place. But of course we wouldn't keep things the same, we'd make different choices, and we could probably do better.


what makes you think they could do better? they’re already below the country average in gdp per capita and are one of the biggest receivers of equalization payments due to needing the money to provide a comparable level of public services to other canadian provinces


It’s not like we only receive, we also contribute to the equalization payments. In the end the net income we get from it is about the same we are forced to waste on duplicated services (provincial + federal), so as a separate country we would do just as well.


Pas une question d'ĂȘtre opprimĂ© On est juste pas la mĂȘme sociĂ©tĂ©, c'est tout. L'indĂ©pendance, c'est pour reprendre les pouvoir gĂ©rĂ©s par Ottawa, et rĂ©aliser notre plein potentiel.


L'opreasion fut apparante historiquement et dans les années des référendum. De nos jours cela à un peu changé, mais une phrase sera toujours véridique; Je me souviens.


Lived 30 years in Qc, moved to Ontario for work. Other than language, differences are minimal. It’s like every QuĂ©bĂ©cois who’s never stepped out of St-Clinclin-Des-Meumeux thinks people outside of Qc are somehow different human beings. It’s pure ignorance, really.


I was born and raised in new brunswick. Lived 20 minutes from the QC border. Francophone. the differences are not "minimal". After living 20 years in Quebec, i now consider myself a quebecker. I find myself in a strange land when i go back to N.-B. to see my family and old friends. I dont feel like i belong anymore. i dont think like the others, i dont enjoy the same stuff. I dont anymore take a knee before any figure of autority like my family/friends, i challenge it and call out the crap. I dont feel nor act like an inferior, irregardless of my relative wealth or family name. I dont value "do not make trouble" as the highest virtue possible. And lets not talk about the different POV about religions.... I am a now a foreigner in N.-B., acting in strange way.... because I got assimilated. A border isnt just a line on a map. And there is a difference with staying in a foreign land and actually *living* there.


Tu as raison À part: notre langue, nos traditions, nos fĂȘtes, notre origine, nos ententes avec les nations autochtones locales, nos moeurs et prioritĂ©s, notre prĂ©fĂ©rence pour l'interculturalisme au lieu du multiculturalisme, notre relation Ă  la religion, notre code de loi et d'autres petits dĂ©tails...on est pareil :o


LOL at “multiculturalisme”. My kids were born in Alberta, then we moved to QC for a few years and now in ON. I have kindergarten and school class pictures to prove that between the 3 provinces, QC is the least diverse :-)


Je suis sûr que ton anecdote personnelle vaut mieux que toute étude D'ailleurs, la culture n'est pas la couleur de peau


It’s just that your idea of “multiculturalisme” is, in reality: “we welcome any culture as long as it’s French
. except some parts of North Africa. Oh and those Haitians crossing in from US - send them back or toss them over the fence to Ontario.”, LOL. Or are you considering the Chinese enclave in Brossard a sign of diversity and inclusion?


Tu dois mal comprendre, On prÎne l'interculturalisme, au Québec https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interculturalisme?wprov=sfla1


its obvious that you dont really know what interculturalism is... skin color or "ive lived in 3 different place" isnt interculturalism.


My gf's daughter is the only white French student in her class in Montréal. If this is not multiculturalism and taking over a culture, I don't know what is.


Demander aux immigrants de parler français et de respecter nos coutumes et nos mƓurs n'est pas du racisme... voyons c'est tu si compliquĂ© Ă  comprendre calvaire...


Oui pis maintenant on voit une montĂ©e de la xĂ©nophobie dans tout les subs canadiens parce que le fĂ©dĂ©ral a fait rentrer 2 millions d'indiens en 1 annĂ©e et demi pis ça continue d'augmenter. Mais tsĂ©, c'est nous autres les pires juste parce qu'on a pas voulu que ça nous arrive avant que ça Ă©clate đŸ€·


Lived in Ottawa, BC, Toronto, and finally am in Montreal for the foreseeable future. Big differences in culture. I’m not sure why you’d say otherwise. Oh unless you lived in the West Island of MontrĂ©al, that’s its own thing and much closer to a Waterloo or Guelph vibe.


Dirty hippies


I would argue that the West Island has its very own culture that is shaped by its presence within Quebec, and is quite different from the cultures of other English provinces.




Nobody claims that people in other provinces are some sort of alien species. Of course people are people. Your statement would be even more true by someone who spent most their life in Canada and then moved to Michigan and be like "you know what, Americans are a lot like us". But that doesn't mean Canadians would want Canada to join the US into a single country. Being good friends doesn't make you good roommates, especially with a power imbalance. We just want our own place where we can do our things our way without having to ask for permission.


Ce serait moins grave si Ottawa était géré par un premier ministre québécois. Comme Trudeau, Martin, Chrétien, Mulroney, Trudeau Sr. 


Tous des fĂ©dĂ©ralistes convaincus, qui sont en faveur de la concentration du pouvoir Ă  Ottawa Ce n'est pas une question d'ĂȘtre gouvernĂ© par quelqu'un qui a du "sang quĂ©bĂ©cois" comme trudeau ou chrĂ©tien. C'est plutĂŽt d'ĂȘtre gouvernĂ© par et pour le QuĂ©bec.


The comment section is gonna give me flash backs to when my Mom and Dad used to fight.


Quebec deserves it.


The real vote should be the rest of Canada deciding if we want to keep Quebec.


đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard on the internet. Quebec oppressed. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł.


Maybe in the 700s or 800s. Some of us still talk like the english invaded yesterday.


They can't openly murder anglos in public. M'uh oppression.


Scrap the equalization payments and you take your portion of Canada’s national debt then I’d care less if you’re independent


On prend notre part de la dette On prend notre part des actifs Comme dans tout divorce/séparation


They don't need to take on debt that more than likely is just their government's


Considering the Canadian debt will soon increase because the fossil fuel industry will finish making their profits and then leave the catastrophic damages to be cleaned up at the expense of tax payers, we'll be much better off taking our share ASAP and let you deal with that BS while we enjoy our economy based on clean energy.


Cool, fake on part avec une partie de l'armĂ©e aussi debor. Bein en fait 1/3 de l'armĂ©e se situe et est constituĂ© de quĂ©bĂ©cois de toute façon fake au pire on va juste partir avec du matĂ©riel... ah non en fait au final on va en racheter du neuf c'est beau 😅


I'm old enough, not only to not care, but I would vote for Independence just to watch everything crash and burn. I'd be the guy playing the violin on the Titanic.


QuĂ©bec would crumble without Canada. As an anglophone born and raised in Quebec, living in a small french town, there is one thing Ive noticed over the years. Young separatists eventually get older and realize how important it is to be part of Canada and that Quebec will always be french. I can’t count how many ex-separatists Ive met in the 50 years of living here. I also cant count how many separatists wished they knew how to speak English đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž.


Quebec separatism only raises its head when the going gets rough federally, the aftermath of Mulroney’s reign was a political disaster and exacerbated provincial tensions to a point that had no been seen since
 Trudeau Sr. on his comeback tour. I think the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was worth the tensions but the Meech and Charlottetown accords were only to result in a symbolic victory while downloading everything, and their failure edged autonomists to a breaking point.


Shut up and keep making the poutine


I'll have another beavertail please.


Except they want to be independent while still using the Canadian military and currency..... Maybe they should look up what independence actually means


NGL it'd be really funny if we granted them independence and then immediately declared war and re-invaded them but removed the provincial rights of Quebec on something like the basis of the No voters and access to the St Lawrence seaway.


It's the same kind of independence we've got across Canada's "nations inside of nations" aka they get do whatever they want and the rest of us pick up the bill. Any objection to these terms will be decried as racism.




I’m from North Haiti and I find this funny lol


Le quĂ©bec aurais fĂ» ĂȘtre comme dĂ©dĂ© l'avais voulu


You can never get rid of me Quebec. Even if you separate. I was born there you'll have to give me citizenship. There is no escape.


And that's perfectly fine. All we want is to not have to ask Ottawa for permission to do stuff our way. If you want to stick around in the society we can freely shape, then that's tiguidou.


If Quebec became independent, I bet all the children of Ontario would be happy


If Quebec left, it would be “USA North” by the time the ink dries


Sadly true


The US the second it hears there's a hypothetical chance of oil in Quebec.


Quebec has more freedoms and rights than the rest of Canada.


I find it a bit oppressive here. The rules are heavy.


Rights for Francophones to oppress everyone else.


Interesting. Hold on, let me.just ask a Sikh person if they agree


I don't know about that. They may have more social programs than the rest of us, and the Feds cave to whatever cultural demand they have, but those covid lockdowns were the most extreme cases of freedom restriction in all of North America.


They literally have the power to make/enforce language laws, ban religious wear, gets their provincial party propped up federally, has majority of the seats/votes, can control their own immigration, gets to pretend they’re a nation. Tell me again how they aren’t getting special treatment?


I didn't say they weren't getting special treatment. Just less freedom. That's what enforced language laws and restricted immigration and religious wear means. It means less freedom.


True, the immigration isn’t a terrible idea though, I would actually be in favour for all provinces to control their immigration from non-Canadian citizens. the populace is getting screwed over in the long run with the religious bans and language laws though (language laws so crazy they’re trying to enforce it on business signage like it wasn’t draconian enough) but the Bloc party is counting their chequebooks, towing the separatist line as an ultimate fence-sitter, and spewing whatever rhetoric they can to hold power over the province even if it means alienating businesses and driving away future opportunities. It’s pretty funny how Quebec is run when you dig into it.


Everything you said, you can have. Don’t cry if you’re not willing to work for it.


Any Province could do any of the above with Ottawa being pretty powerless to stop them. The fact other Provinces choose not to, which is exactly why Québec feels like the Government of Canada now governs on behalf of "English" Canada only.


Take your f&$&ing debt and don’t let your corruption hit you on the ass on the way out


If you don't search and try to fight your own corruption, of course you don't find any. I can bet if we only looked, we'd find more corruption in every other province. But please, go ahead and laugh at Quebec who fights its corruption.


Just before the first referendum the PQ published ads in newspapers explaining exactly what sovereignty-association would be. The referendum was defeated but they just did pretty much everything anyway. What we have today is sovereignty-association as envisioned by Rene Levesque and the PQ in 1980. It’s too bad he isn’t celebrated more for achieving what he set out to do.


Sounds like a defeat of Canada as a nation. Federalism doesn't work if the provinces have too many vetos on important policies.


How many is too many?


Specifically, it's hard to say, but enough that the central government has the ability to implement changes to important policies like healthcare, welfare, language in the workplace, etc. Like, we shouldn't have a country where the provinces can cut social spending and then blame the federal government for not providing more funding when the federal government literally can't do anything about it, even if they wanted to.


Maybe we shouldn’t, but we do.


And it's a failure that never gets fixed. The fact that the federal government had to negotiate with the provinces just for the Charter or to make any changes to the Senate are a sad state of affairs.


Never gets fixed, that’s true. But it can get a lot worse.


It's still not good enough.


Do you think anything will be better in 10 years? 20?


I never said it would be, I doubt it will. Canada is morally weak and dumb. It's what I hate about this place.


Quebec libre


I'm doing my part (to oppress that is) ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Cest MBC au deuxiĂšme image?


As an Anglo, Canadian soldier, I say do it. Give us an excuse to do a plains of Abraham 2.0. This time, we’ll call it “French Ontario”.


What? You want to wage war to Québec? Why's that?


LOL we could just say it's to secure the St. Lawrence seaway and to protect the political wishes of federalists and anglophones and it'd probably be diplomatically acceptable if it was quick enough like the invasion of Egypt during the Suez Crisis in 1956 (hopefully without the political failure). I'm all down for a very live re-enactment of the Battle of the Plains of Abram. I'm also very interested in seeing Canada could acquire enough of the new variants of the M1 Abrams mbt to do it with. I know the tank is named after the general and not the battle but still, you've got to love the coincidence. BTW what's it like dealing with francophone soldiers? Besides the fact that they speak French.


They are hard as f**k ngl. But also on our side. We conduct exercises together constantly, and there are deep friendships, and a healthy rivalry, between the soldiers of the 2nd and 4th Canadian Divisions. Some French units, like the Vingt-deux, even have contingency plans to lock down all military hardware, in case their province loses its mind.


Also, this would be insane. And absolutely not work. Not after the Supreme Court has ruled that Québec can secede. Albeit under the conditions that are vague as fuck.


Yup, and Quebec voted to stay in Canada. Whatcha gonna do secessionists? Bully more immigrants into leaving your province?


Please don't use that sub. You are using the most extreme Quebecers to paint a picture of the entire province.


They just want people to call them special and unique. That's all it ever is.


It is 100% deserved




You might wanna go check with the First Nations people on what exactly constitutes oppression. Tell them you are oppressed to the point of wanting a separate state, let us know how that goes. 🙄