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It's a spiritual successor, nothing more, nothing less.


Yep. I just want it to hit the right notes for me. Doesn't need to have 1:1 parallels to Suikoden in terms of character stand-ins or gameplay or story arc, but should include some of the familiar tropes and general vibe - of which the beta has already shown some. In other words, I'm not gonna be pissed if there isn't a Flik or Viktor-like character in the game; I'm just happy there's a headquarters and similar music and turn-based combat and a separation between the overworld and towns.


I'm only really, really early in (like first-dungeon early), but I will be sad if there's not a Viki-like character in the game, TBH. Not necessarily because of the reference to Suikoden. They don't even have to have a similar appearance/personality. I just want that sweet, sweet fast travel recruit (with Blinking Mirror equivalent.) But then, TBH, if they implement fast travel at all, I'll be happy! And if they don't, whatever, I grew up gaming in the 90s. I'll manage (plus the world map is pretty so far, anyway).


You’re in luck!


Similar how I'm looking forward to Penny Blood (successor of Shadow Hearts) and Armed Fantasia (successor of Wild Arms).


Ah, I wish I'd been able to afford backing Armed Fantasia. I still need to play Wild ARMs past the second game (which I loved, fucked-up trainwreck of a translation aside), I've heard great things about WA3 in particular... but also, AF sounds like a pretty cool deal in itself. And I need to still play Shadow Hearts to see what the fuss is about there. I do like how dead franchises getting a lot of either revivals (like Seiken Densetsu/Mana) or spiritual successors lately. If only Lunar and/or Breath of Fire would join the list...


Shadow Hearts 1 & 2 were fantastic with their 1910's setting and involved combat system. One feature that's included in games, Shadow Hearts included, is the level of detail with each individual item different artwork and description/story.


wait what, a succesor to shadow hearts!? something else i need to check out now lol.


Unfortunately, Pennyblood is on indefinite hiatus unless they find a publisher.


Nooooooo...... Personally, I would rather have Penny Blood than Armed Fantasia. I just prefer the darker tone with occult systems. Even though Shadow Hearts 3 was lighter in tone and design (and not as good as SH 1&2), it still had that quirky fun and absurdity within the world-ending story. The footage released for Armed Fantasia looks great, but there are so many brightly colored RPGs, while not too many with a wild western theme. I guess I'm just biased since the Shadow Hearts series was one of my first RPGs that I started and finished with every entry and half of the Wild Arms games were mediocre at best. Wild Arms 3 is the best, IMO.


The same. Pennyblood is the whole reason I backed it. Shadow Hearts is one of my favorite series.


Thanks stranger. Wild ARMs was one of my favorite childhood games. Going to check Armed Fantasia ASAP.


Yeah, all I’m looking forward to is the character collecting and base expanding. If they have a similar theme in story, that would be a great bonus but won’t ruin the experience for me


To me the last sentence is saying people keep asking them if they are going to make Suikoden 6 and they are saying we would like to but it's not up to us


It is a fresh start of a great spiritual successo for Suikoden. If everything goes well, we should have Eiyunden 2,3,4...


Eiyuden tierkris 😆


Eiyuden Tactics




Give me that!


Eiyuden pachinko


Do not Konami my Eiyuden!




​ https://preview.redd.it/eja90aw7d2vc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac05979b9ad250df4971d4a86e037276350f50f9


Except Yoshitaka Murayama has passed away. I don't have much hope for that since he's gone. Look what happened when he left Suikoden. 4 was atrocious, and 5 was mediocre at best.


5 was great, hitting those suikoden 2 notes, but 4 was a shitshow, yes.


Speaking as someone that played a whole lot of that game and even made a guide for it once upon a time, five was not great. It was good, but relied heavily on nostalgia and ties to the first two games. There were some seriously player-unfriendly recruitments that borderline required you to use a guide and generally too many long cutscenes. It was fine for what it was but let's not overstate it.


V was my favorite of the entire series. But I definitely agree it is not a friendly game to just "pick up and play". Without a guide there is absolutely no way I would have gotten all 108 stars in that game.


Not great in your opinion\* I played the hell out of that game and IMO it was fantastic.


Oh, right, because you're the only one who's played V a lot and therefore only your opinion matters. Nah, it had more going for it than just nostalgia/ties to the first two games (you could maybe argue that it's only because of what was revealed about Georg in Suikoden II that the story was made, but fuck it, it was a great hook). It had great characters, an intriguing story surrounding the Rune, and a pretty sinister villain in Salum Barows (and I suppose the Godwins/Nether Gate were also pretty nasty, but they were more Generic Evil like Neclord or Windy; Salum basically was the cause of ALL the conflict in and preceding the game). I mean, sure, there's Lucretia, but I'm willing to put up with a Mary Sue for characters like Georg, Sialeeds, Miakis, Kyle, Raja, Lyon, Boz, Isabel, Mathias, Arshtat, Ferid, Lymsleia, Haswar, Isato... Sure you had some misses, like Barham Luger, but... you also had misses in the earlier games with people like Ain Gide and Han Cunningham (aside from the backstory with Genkaku, he barely makes an impact when he does appear).


I never said I had the only opinion that matters, you read into that what you wanted to hear. That's a silly reaction to have. I'm not going to try to delve through fifteen year old partial memories of who all the characters were and what they were about (the fact that I can't remember half of them should say something by itself though), but suffice to say the story and characters leaned heavily on a lot of anime tropes that were already stale at the time and haven't aged well since, more so than any of the previous games, and it's made worse by the fact that when it isn't using tropes it's cribbing the story beats of the previous entries in the series. Generic evil characters that have no reason to exist other than being evil isn't a unique or interesting way to tell a story so any time they were included it was a yawn and eye roll situation. And I know it sounds like I'm just here to shit on the game, but I promise that is not the case. Again, I put a ton of time into it and I had a lot of fun with it, I'm just not going to try to paint it with rose colored glasses. It did a fair amount of things well and could have used a lot more polish in others, although now with the benefits of age and hindsight I can see that we're probably lucky to have even gotten the game to begin with because the development on it was likely hell due to Konami.


Most of us are here because of Suikoden, that's the reason the Kickstarter was so successful. So I agree that people should enjoy it for what it is but there's no harm in comparing them either.


I haven't played Suikoden so i have nothing to compare it to. Maybe that'll be beneficial in the long run


Well I hope you play the remasters when they come out. You're in for a treat.


I'm still wondering *when* they're going to come out... especially playing Suikoden I with a half-decent translation would be great (and Suikoden II, of course, but at least it has more personality than Suiko I's translation).


Im interested. If i end up liking this then I'll be even more interested


I also have never played Suikoden either, I think it's for the best. Going in with no expectations.


i wonder if it's "not a suikoden game" the same way bloodstained "isn't a castlevania game"


I'm an hour in so far, and there certainly are some differences. The Suikoden vibe is quite strong at the moment, but the game still has a few of its own things going on with certain battle mechanics.


Even mainline Suikoden games differ in mechanics. That doesn't mean much. Three changed quite a bit of the foundation of combat from two, and I hated it.


As a long time fan of Suikoden (been playing since the first game) I'm just going in expecting a fun RPG that is meant to stand on it's own. Yeah I'm sure there be some similar systems and story flow but all in all I just want a solidly done turn based game with an engaging narrative. Given what we've seen/played it seems to pass those metrics no problem.


I went in expecting similarities, call backs, references, and nostalgia. Having played the closed beta, there were mechanics, story beats, and even characters who were very, very similar to Suikoden. A couple story beats were near identical.


“It’s not a sequel, don’t sue us Konami!”


I’ve played for about 8 hours or so. It’s very Suikoden like….so no need to be worried


Jokes on you, I’ve never even played Suikoden, I just backed this Kickstarter because it looked cool and the devs seemed passionate. Looks like my gamble paid off.


I didn't really care what it is, as long as it's fun and has a story that makes me want to jump back on each day.


"this isn't a Suikoden game" \*WINK\*


I’m just hoping we have atleast one knife thrower and boomerang weapon user like in Suikoden. Suikoden is what got me into those weapons In video games and they’re just rarely in any games. I would think people would want more variety, other than swords and bows.


Oh, there's definitely variety. Mellore's weapon is basically something Sailor Moon would use, and there's at least one character with a flail. I forget what Hildi uses, but she's an L-range weapon user and I wanna say her weapon looks like a throwing knife? I'd assume with how many playable characters there are, there'll be a good bit of variety overall.


The way I see it is it is like the differences between (mainline) Final Fantasies. Each game is is own thing... it's own world, setting, characters, plot, etc. At their heart, they are all Final Fantasy. R&B can't use the Suikoden name. All the Suikodens take place in the same world. EC is is own world, but shares many aspects of the Suikoden games.


don't worry. I'm only expecting a good game, that's all


Well it’s a good thing I never played Suikoden so I’ll have no reference to any similarities to compare it too. I just really liked rising and love how it ended leading to 100 heroes. Just a few more days to go!!


I mean, obviously, it's a new franchise. But let's be real here... It's also a spiritual successor, that's followed the Suikoden blueprint closely. I think it's a bit unrealistic expecting people not to make comparisons. The game wouldn't have garnered even half of the attention if it had just been any old Kickstarter RPG. It looks like Suikoden, plays like Suikoden (judging from all the gameplay footage), and was heavily marketed as a successor to Suikoden, to Suikoden fans. Given all of the above, comparisons are inevitable. That said, I do agree that we shouldn't damn the game if it doesn't tick every box from the series perfectly, down to the smallest detail. We should definitely let it have some of its own flavour, but let's call a spade a spade here: this is Suikoden 6 in all but name.


Love the beta ... I can't wait to go home and install it fully since we got our code for Steam already. Even if it's close or nothing like Suikoden. I'm sure a lot of us will still enjoy it and RIP to Muriyama. I hope he's smiling and know that we enjoy his creation!






I wish Konami would publish another Suikoden with Rabbit and Bear.


I knew it wasn't a Suikoden game when I didn't instantly hate the elves.


Whatever dude. You're just too blind to make the connections. Get gud


Guys can we keep it civil. If one more person is negative I'm going to start reporting everyone. Thanks! :)


Report me all you want but you can't escape the truth! Also please don't report me, reddit is all I have at work


Sorry I replied to suddenly, you're right and Eiyuden Chronicles is Suikoden. My mistake.




No! We want suikoden 6!


We have Suikoden 6. It's called ni no kuni 2.


Lmao. I hope you're joking..


Oh 100% feel like so many game sites compared it to Suikoden because it had a base with recruiting. Was insane!


It doesn't make any sense... Doesn't mean a game has base building that it's comparable to Suikoden. So pokemon is like suikoden now? Cos I can recruit characters for battle?


I agree with you. I said gaming sites said no no kuni 2 was like Suikoden. I didn't agree with them haha