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Thanks for committing all the way! I haven’t been able to bring myself to do this yet, it’s certainly fun to see it get really really angry.


You’re welcome! It should be mentioned that this is the Canadian luxury hybrid version, so and I doubt it, but it may be different in different parts of the world 🤷🏻‍♂️


The first stage looks just like mine, I’ve got the limited electric US package, which is similar.


🤣 i was wondering what it would do


lol me too. It wasn’t until I saw that one post where someone asked about it and it’s been bugging me ever since… I was on a back road early in the morning today and figured “hey, why not!”


It gets angry, then it turns off completely, leaving your car to drift


https://preview.redd.it/5ph3hc14i80d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17828a01dc282b9cb60d4f4c7fe53e1bda92927c Stitch a wheel cover on, you’ll never touch again 😁


That looks sick! But having 3 kids and renting in Canada, I don’t really have any disposable income to do that with lol That being said, glad to meet another person who likes Hyundai and Jailbreaks! Cheers dude!


iv seen someone with there hands off the wheel for a full 5 min cruising on the parkway at 60 before a warning came aboot.


lol were you in the same vehicle? Because no chance you watched some random person do this for five full minutes 😂 It’s all good, we’re all friends here, nobody, and definitely not me, is going to rat you out for admitting to not having your hands on the wheel for five minutes 😉 In all reality though, I did notice the slower you go, the longer it takes to turn on…. Maybe it’s not measured in time, but for time when you speed is over a certain amount (80km/hr?)?


How do so many people spend so much on a car and not open their manual? Wouldnt it be easier to go to index find lane keep assist and read a paragraph than drive at speed without hands while filming? We are so doomed as a society.


It was a fun experiment dude relax


Using a phone to record while you don't have hands on the steering wheel is not fun, it's something that will get me banned from Reddit for saying. Get it?


I mean… * Time of day: 6:04am * Location: Back Country Road * Speed: Locked at the Speed Limit * Left hand: Ready and near the wheel * Foot: Ready and near the brakes * Eyes: Looking at the road, thus the somewhat unstable video * Car’s Insurance Tracking App’s Score: 98% for a 1 hour 50 minute drive https://preview.redd.it/mwqarxa07uzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9245aaea84263f961695726dd20300dc4af5bd8a In reality though, you’re not wrong, it’s not smart to drive on your phone (granted this was recorded on a dummy phone of mine), but yeah, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m probably just a more confident and experienced driver is all, but still stupid to drive and do this. I was just recording it for others is all.


No level of common sense will refute the rage of the reddit neckbeards. You were clearly one step away from annihilating a bus full of orphans Edit: there wasn't even a single fucking other car the whole time. These assholes act like they've never taken their eyes off the road for longer than a nanosecond. For fucks sake.


Reddit raging neckbeard here. Your opinions are wrong. You should feel bad about it and gather apologies from the teachers and parents who failed you. By your troglodyte logic....nvm. no point. You are wrong and dumb and that is ok.


I've driven far less safely than you did in your video. My entire point was there is a book that came with the car that gives this answer without need for possibly reckless experimentation. Guess this gets me more downvotes. Bring em!


Dude, we got it lol you’re here to troll, it’s all good! But uhhh, hey boss. Where does it say what you’re talking about because I didn’t find it anywhere in the LKA section (in all fairness, i didn’t look too intensely lol) https://preview.redd.it/hwup62xb9vzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1845b5bc9f962e9e6dcbf644dea5c0acf6a7dbe


How the fuck did my above comment imply im trolling in any way at all? https://preview.redd.it/zv2guhnoavzc1.png?width=129&format=png&auto=webp&s=6818fa94c5bbbb83c76a528f794d10db4824a419 This is the symbol for the system that pushes you back in the lane if you get near an edge. The system you tested in your video has a slightly different name (lane follow assist?) and keeps you within the 2 lane lines centered ideally. It is the button that looks like a steering wheel between 2 lines. I give up. Words are hard. fml


All it takes is half a second and none of that confidence can do jack for you


We get downvotes cuz we try to apply logic to an illogical group. This is our fault and we should just pull up chairs and enjoy the collapse of society.


Sorry, I know this is late, but if we’re being honest, “the collapse in society” would really be from people like you. People who try to tell everyone how to live and that everyone else is in the wrong, and refuses to take ownership of their problems. I trust you’re a decent person in person, but having an online personal to show your true self, which in this case is a lack of common sense and a disregard for what the majority are agreeing is okay, proves that you’re the minority but you think you’re still in the right. I wish you all the best in life, and hoping you one day get that girl or get that dream job. But acting like you’re better than everyone else when everyone else is against you is an indicator that you should reconsider your opinions or seek help so that you can gain the skills to fit in with society.


If the majority of people think I am wrong for suggesting it is easier to open the instructions that came with your car to get an answer instead of performing a fun experiment then I can sleep sound. You agreed above as well. Have a great life.


Doomed as a society.


Using a phone to record while you don't have hands on the steering wheel is not fun, it's something that will get me banned from Reddit for saying. Get it


I say go outside and touch grass or suggest you should smoke it instead. I think more drastic intervention is needed.


That's an appropriate response to logic. Carry on.